Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Driving schools pointed out by the UFC-That Choose The driving schools pointed out by UFC que choisir –

The law Macron is still very far from having resolved the slipping of the driving schools. It is in any case the opinion of the association UFC-que choisir, which has recently published a lengthy study on the subject. The investigation of the UFC has focused on 1.374 institutions, or approximately 12% of the national network. The verdict is without call: the auto-schools are yet too many do not respect the regulation in force and the practice of exorbitant prices. In detail, a driving school in five would not even its tariffs to the outside. “Worse, they are for 51.2% to charge the support to the theoretical examination general (the “code”) at a price higher than an hour of driving”. On this last point, Philippe Colombani, the chairman of the national Union of independent driving rebels: “the UFC should know that the law Macron does not regulate the accompaniment of the practical exam”.

success rate at the examination falsified

More serious, self-schools, it is still possible to distort the reality about their success rate in the exam. It is so vendor to announce that 80% of success in exams when the reality is 10 to 20 points lower! As the regulation does not oblige them to communicate these data and it is very difficult to get the success rate accurate-by institution, “nearly 40% of auto-schools visited have announced to our investigators of the figures over-estimate by more than 10 points in the reality”. Philippe Colombani decries the excesses that he may have in his profession, but demands on the part of the association of consumers that it refers at least to its source and its method of investigation on this specific point of the exam by the institution.

Paris is always more expensive

not surprisingly, the UFC has also confirmed what everyone knew, about the disparity in the fares charged by the driving

schools in the territory. It is not surprising that the price in Paris (2.140 euros) is significantly more expensive than in the Territory of Belfort (1.468 euros), taking account of the charges including the land in the Ile-de-France.”In the North of France, the fierce competition between institutions has led to price wars without end but also of bankruptcy filings in the cascade, leaving 2,000 students on the square”, will again be defending Philippe Colombani.

A solution for the cost overtime

But above all it is the specific case of the famous overtime as the UFC-que choisir wants to weigh in. On average, the French have need 35 hours to successfully pass their licence to practice, or 15 hours more than the basic package of 20 hours that allows you to take the exam. But it is not uncommon to encounter cases with 45 to 50 hours on the meter. The UFC has therefore proposed to create a new status of accompanist to conduct an independent who can offer additional hours at competitive rates. “This would be a good way to finally reduce these hours of driving”, suggests Alain Bazot, president of UFC. “I recognise that there is too much of overtime, but they are, in part, due to the fact that the administration gives us too few slots for the passage to the review,” notes Philippe Colombani for which the proposal of the UFC should be very framed to avoid further slip-ups.


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