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The bet to bring back the general regime of the social Security balance would it be held ? Without waiting for the official presentation of the last draft law of financing social Security (PLFSS) of the quinquennium, scheduled for Friday 23 September, the minister of social affairs and health, Marisol Touraine, decided to announce it-even the good news on Thursday evening. the ” In 2017, the hole in the Secu will be gone “, she assured the Echoes.
With three branches on four balanced (pension, family, accident at work), the general regime of the social Security should present, in 2017, a negative balance of “only” 400 million euros, related to the single deficit of the health branch. the ” For a budget of 500 billion euros, it is the thickness of the stroke “, writes Mme Touraine, who want to make of this quasi-return to the balance weight to the argument of the next election campaign.
” The history of this quinquennium, it is the end of social deficits, she says. in The right had multiplied deductibles and widened the deficit. We will have saved the Safely. “
In fact, by adding the 3.8 billion euros from the solidarity Fund old age (FSV) – the body which pays the pension contributions of unemployed and the minimum old-age pension, the overall deficit is expected to reach even 4.2 billion euros in 2017, which is still the best figure since 2001. The return to equilibrium would be expected for 2019.
Expenditures for health professionals
While the branch for old-age should show in 2017, a surplus of 1.6 billion euros, thanks to the various reforms undertaken since 2010, it is now the health insurance branch, which is a figure of the” sick man ” of Security, according to the expression of the Court of auditors. It should show, in 2017, a deficit of 2.6 billion euros (4.1 billion in 2016, an improvement of $ 1.7 billion, compared to 2015).
Has this situation, will be added expenses recently granted in favour of health professionals. 400 million additional euros for the physicians due to the revaluation of 23 to 25 euros of the consultation fee standard to the 1st may 2017, and 735 million euros for the appreciation of the index point officials in the hospital and the upgrade of their careers.
” as You get closer to balance thanks to the efforts of health professionals, so it is a
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By the end of the year, dentists, liberals, medicare, and additional bodies will also be required to have entered into a new agreement tariff. Then will follow, in 2017, the physiotherapists and the pharmacists… The bill could quickly climb to Safety.
To fund these commitments, the slight increase in the level of the national Objective of health insurance expenditure (Ondam) 1.75 % in 2016, 2.1% in 2017 – or around 650 million euros, margin-plus – announced on Tuesday by the minister of economy and finance, Michel Sapin, will not be sufficient. The government will also need to register in the next PLFSS savings in the amount unprecedented since 2012.
where each year he asked for more or less 3 billion economy ($ 3.4 billion in 2016), it will ask for four in 2017 ! 600 million euros obtained by the “shift to ambulatory care” – the closure of hospital beds –, 800 million of “efficiency savings” required from the hospital facilities (via group purchasing), $ 1.4 billion in savings on drugs and medical devices and $ 1.1 billion for the “appropriateness” of the care – prescribed examinations to better use, supported medical or surgical more effective, etc
also Read : “Safely” : this has been done, what remains to be done
” Shots of a plane “
Next recipe, an increase of the “consumption tax” on tobacco to roll is expected to bring in 120 million euros. A “contribution on the approved suppliers of tobacco” should bring in 130 million euros, a further eur 250 million.
If Marisol Touraine ensures that these results are the fruit of the reforms of ” structure “, several observers of the world of health say, dubious. the ” It is tightening more and more severely the costs of health care that the government has reduced the deficit of the health insurance branch, since 2012, “, analysis Claude Le Pen, health economist at the university of Paris-Dauphine, who judge that ” Marisol Touraine has pursued a policy of shots of a plane “.
A reading which agrees with that made by the Court of auditors, which had called on Tuesday to a reform in the “depth” of health Insurance. ” Approximately 40 % of the deficit is the result of structural causes, independent of the economic situation “, she argued, denouncing the recourse by the government to a ” process accounting questionable “ or ” opportunist “, through the inclusion of a ” exceptional product of CSG [generalized social contribution] in € 700 million “ does not match the recipe with additional health Insurance.
Read also : health Insurance : change of software !

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