on the eve of the presentation of its draft social Security budget for 2017, the minister of social affairs, Marisol Touraine, has a quasi-return to the balance of the general system of social Security in 2017, she announced in an interview with Echoes to be published on Friday 23 September.
The next year, the general scheme (sickness, pension, family, accident at work) ” which had 17.4 billion deficit in 2011 will be 400 million in the balance “, said the minister, adding that this five year period shall begin to sound, ” the end of social deficits “.
In 2016, the deficit of the social Security (general scheme and solidarity funds old age) should already have a strong reduce, to 7.1 billion euros, its lowest level since 2002, according to the summary of the report of the accounts committee, seen by Agence France-Presse (AFP). This year, the deficit had reached 4.8 billion euros.
” increasing revenues faster than expenses “
The deficit of the one general scheme (sickness, employment injury, retirement, and family) would be divided in half compared with 2015 to reach € 3.4 billion as a result of increased revenues.
All branches of the regime are expected to reduce their deficit. The health Insurance is projected to be 4.1 billion euros (an
Still in a slight deficit in 2015, the branch retirement would be in excess of 1.1 billion euros, for the first time since 2004. However, by adding the old age solidarity fund, which pays retirement contributions of the unemployed and the minimum old-age pension, the balance will remain strongly in deficit ( 2.7 billion euros) due to the situation degraded. The family branch is improved relative to that in 2015 to reach a negative balance of 1 billion euros. The balance of the accidents at work remained stable at eur 700 million.
Read also : results of social Security will be “significantly better” in 2016, ” says Touraine
” Process accounting questionable “
However, according to the Court of accounts, the results are spectacular, in particular the health insurance branch, be explained by a ” process accounting questionable “ or ” opportunist “.
The integration of ” outstanding product of the CSG (generalized social contribution) of € 700 million “ does not match any additional revenue from the medicare and is ” likely to distort significantly the appreciation of the reality of the recovery of this latest “, had pointed to the first president of the Court of auditors, Didier Migaud, on Tuesday, in presenting the annual report.

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