Saturday, September 24, 2016

Safely: not quite the end of the hole… – Le Figaro

The press of Saturday, nuance strongly to the announcement by the government of the adjustment of accounts of social Security in 2017, recalling that “this is not quite the end” of the famous “hole” of the Security.

For the first time in sixteen years, the deficit in 2017 of the general scheme (sickness, pensions, family, employment injuries) will be reduced to 400 million euros, against 3.4 billion in 2016, announced Friday the minister of Health, Marisol Touraine. Between irony and concern for decryption, the tone of the articles shows that the media is not a dupe of the government and its “skin communication”, to borrow the expression of Jean-Louis Hervois in The Charente libre.

“a Pity that it is not more often in the pre-election period. We would have each day a great new of the outgoing government,” gauss Jean-Michel was Used in The Midi libre. “This is the legendary hole of social Security is about to be filled. Clogged. Erased two times and three movements, after ultimate +settings+ of the budget.”

In The Mountain, Bernard Stephan note that”a governmental declaration that announces the end of the hole Safely, in 2017, in the aftermath of the presidential election, is bound to be suspected”.
In fact, The Parisian recalls that the minister has talked about “the general scheme” and a “+forgotten+ in his count, the old age solidarity fund” and its projected deficit of 3.8 billion euros.
Even more skeptical, The Figaro says, “how the government embellishes the accounts of social Security”: “a result obtained thanks to the reform, Woerth on pensions, but also tricks to get rid of accountants, tax increases and savings announced but yet to be achieved”. “In short, this is not quite the end of the hole”, concludes the Release.

‘Result trompe l’oeil’

”first the

French, or by placing doubly-hand to the pocket, either by abandoning for some to seek treatment, have led to this result trompe l’oeil”, insists Bruno Dive in its editorial of the South-West. In the Voice of The North, Matthieu Verrier notes that “the finicky Court of auditors recommends more efforts and the growth forecast on which basis the ministry are optimistic.” Conclusion: “the true end of the hole can be determined only by the end of 2017, after the presidential election”.

Certainly, “François Hollande will leave a much better situation than the one he inherited (more than $ 20 billion deficit in 2011),” admits Philippe Marcacci in The Is a republican. But, “from there to see the sick healed ! There is a world. Likewise, for a minister of Health, this is to confuse short period of remission to a complete healing”.

see ALSO :
” THE SCAN-ECO – How the historical “hole” of the Safely has finally fallen
” How to Touraine wants to reduce the hole of social Security
” FOGARO VOX – Hole Security : not Madame Touraine, nothing is settled yet !


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