Thursday, April 23, 2015

The discrete Delphine Ernotte appointed head of France Televisions – The World

Delphine Ernotte alongside the CEO of Orange, Stéphane Richard, on April 15 in Paris.

“At Orange, she knows all the workings of the company and trades. Go to another company is going to be a challenge for her, a leap into the unknown. “ The top part of Orange summarizes the equation will have to solve Delphine Ernotte named, Thursday, April 23, President of France Télévisions, after twenty-six years for the operator.

48, the Deputy Director of Orange France paced all possible functions within the business: financial analysis to R & amp; D, distribution to management functions. Centralienne this engineer training are taught sales, communication, marketing and delicate exercise of social dialogue. She also helped transform the company and learned to deal with the presence of the state.

“This is a real boss who knows how to delegate, listen and decide” describes Alice Holzman, Deputy Director General in charge of the distribution of Canal +, who worked under him at Orange. “Corsican Basque Mi-mi, it has a side that protects mama or smoldering its teams, adds Elie Girard Atos, who worked with her for six years. This is a hard worker, very involved. During the blackout mobile the summer of 2012, she spent all night at the monitoring center in the middle of technicians and impressed everyone. “


At Orange, storms have not failed. M me Ernotte faced with the arrival of a new competitor, Free Mobile, in 2012. Above all, she was confronted, like any group management, the suicide crisis in the operator, following the implementation of the plan “Next”. Propelled the Executive Committee after the departure of Didier Lombard – implicated in this case – the new Executive Director shall admit that these tragedies aroused in her “a mixture of deep guilt and denial” “a

fundamental reappraisal” .

His supporters point out that she then worked at the “appeasement” the social climate. “It is difficult to assess its involvement in the social crisis that rocked the company time Lombard, judge a source at Orange. What is certain is that she has learned to listen, she managed to meet the social contract in a difficult environment in which Orange France was shaken on all sides by the competition. “

In his new home, Delphine knows Ernotte expected in this field. During the campaign, the GSC Media has been associated with the crisis of suicides – a heavy message in the context of social vulnerability experienced by France Télévisions. In its reasoned decision, the CSA has stressed that the new CEO would “build through negotiation and dialogue, a strategic plan to promote confidence in France Télévisions’ .

See also: France Télévisions, the great sick body

The unknown content

For this, it will force its personality that many describe as “cold” or “remote” . “The cold side is a shell, fixes a part of the operator. In fact it has a lot of empathy and I saw it in full agreements do the show when necessary. “

And to advance an explanation: ” She has always been a male environment, it must surely protect both. “ in the universe of male engineers often what Orange, Delphine Ernotte has worked to defend the role of women, imposing fines of 10 euros for sexist remark made by the executive committee.

Another challenge for the new president: his inexperience in content and broadcasting, although Orange also distributes content and the CSA lifts his “perception of audiovisual issues” . His friends talk about his beautiful “theater of passion” – her husband is the actor Marc Ernotte and no shortage of networks in the cultural world – its ability to help France Télévisions to rethink its offers depth is unknown at this stage.


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