Thursday, April 30, 2015

Espionage accusation Airbus will file a complaint against X – Le Figaro

The European aerospace group that calls itself “worried” press allegations that the German intelligence would have spied, will “request information” in Berlin.

The European aerospace group Airbus announced Thursday that he would file a complaint against X for espionage and had” requested information “in Berlin, according to press accusations that German intelligence (BND) would have spied for the US NSA.

By ensuring “not wanting to participate in speculation about the charges,” a spokesman told AFP in a email Airbus was “worried because there were concrete suspicions of industrial espionage” that the group had “requested information from the federal government,” German and he would “now file a complaint against X for suspicions of industrial espionage “.

The daily Bild had said Monday, on the basis of the 2008 and 2010 documents, that German intelligence service (BND) had

tried to spy for EADS 2005 (now Airbus) and Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters) on behalf of the US Agency NSA.

These revelations, which were added Wednesday to political espionage aimed in particular the Presidency of the French Republic and the European Commission, embarrass the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has always been a victim of its allies.

The Chancery was aware since 2008, under the first mandate Merkel, such practices involving corporations such as Airbus, but did not react to avoid offending Washington and jeopardize cooperation in the fight against terrorism, said Bild .


Qatar vigorously weapon in a tense regional context – Les Echos

INSIGHT – Doha accelerates its weapons program since the Arab Spring

It was during a stopover in. Doha Monday, properly programmed on top of the path of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), Francois Hollande to sign the contract with the emir export Gust. This is the first time a foreign leader is invited to a summit of the GCC (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait), says one at the Elysee Palace, an honor illustrating the “ reputation for reliability of Paris ” militarily. A reputation tarnished by not breaking the Mistral contract with Russia in view of the three contracts Rafale exports in Egypt, India and Qatar today.

It is no coincidence that the Rafale is purchased by these three countries on the eastern edge of a region close hotter than ever. Qatar enjoys even the dubious privilege of being the first lodges or actor wars can spread to the entire region (Yemen, Iraq and Syria) on background of rivalry between Riyadh and Tehran, and even less than three hours plane of the majority of current conflicts (Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan-South). Only wars in Ukraine and Nigeria do not resonate in Doha.

head Trio

Because of this growing tension, the emirate accelerates its weapons program since Arab Spring in which

he was involved financially and politically for the camp of the Muslim Brotherhood, angering its Saudi neighbor. Doha has signed for $ 11 billion of purchases missiles and helicopters in the US in July and $ 23 billion in March 2014 for air tankers to Airbus and US Apache helicopters.

It is for this small emirate of 2.3 million inhabitants, of which only 13% of Qatari citizenship compensate its demographic inferiority (it aligns as 12,000 soldiers) by weapons art. Qatar is in the top three countries with the highest military expenditure as a proportion of GNP, about 10% (against 1.5% only five years ago), five times more than European countries. With gas revenues of the ranking second in the world for GDP per capita, Qatar may invest $ 500 million a week.

It usually buys US since Washington, which has of a base in the country, is the protector of the oil monarchies. This does not prevent Qatar, like most other importers, not put all your eggs in one basket. “ They are keen to have two feet, one American and the other French” says a local diplomat.


At Renault, the state imposes its law – The World

There was the traditional sling unionists of the CGT and Sud, posted at the entrance to the hall of the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, forcefully flags and leaflets denouncing the remuneration of the CEO Carlos Ghosn. There was dissatisfaction, just as usual, small shareholders claiming the microphone to demand the distribution of bonus shares.

But the real opposition at the General Assembly (GA) of which Renault s was held Thursday, April 30, was unprecedented. And not more than the other two, it has been successful. It was that of Mr. Ghosn and the majority of its board of directors, which had filed a resolution to counter the Florange law.

Macron is this félicte “good news”

Not a chance. The law, which grants double voting rights to all shareholders present in the capital for over two years, was finally endorsed. The AG has expressed an opinion at 60.53% for the famous Resolution 12 which would have allowed to keep the “one share, one vote” if she had obtained the two-thirds vote.

Read also: What is the double voting rights that the state wants to defend at Renault?

The state was assured it would be. Until then shareholder to 15% of the diamond manufacturer, he had boosted its stake to 19.7% (and 23% of voting rights) on April 8, with the sole aim of neutralizing anti-Florange.

On the road to Rome, Emmanuel Macron, the economy minister, has also welcomed the outcome. “This is good news [...] because it is consistent with the will of ours to defend a long-term capitalism, which values ​​and promotes the shareholders who are permanently installed. [It is] important that the State [...] is accorded these double voting rights for participation that is hers and in this case the 15% it holds sustainably “ the minister said.

Renault boss plays appeasement

Way to drive the point home, following a war of nerves that lasted three weeks between the government and the Renault management. On April 16, a week after the rise of the state capital, the automaker’s board had reaffirmed its commitment to the single voting rights. 23, its partner Nissan, also a shareholder to 15% of Renault (without voting rights attached to cross-ownership issues), was aligned with that position.

This could lead to a replica in good standing of the two groups before the State shareholder, while the Alliance – the joint structure created after the takeover and rescue of Nissan in 1999 – involves a delicate balance between the interests of those of French and Japanese. “The principle of cross-shareholdings [Renault-Nissan] based on a relationship of trust within the Alliance. The introduction of double voting rights will accentuate the imbalance between Nissan, which has zero

voting rights, and the state “ regretted Philippe Lagayette Renault reference director at the AGM.

Mr. Ghosn however seemed to appease, referring to a “convergence on the fund [between the state and direction] to make Renault a successful business.”

From a distance, Mr. Macron has also taken care to recall, as it had done after the rise of the state capital, that “The additional share which was purchased by the State to ensure that a blocking minority would be constituted at the general meeting will be sold “.

The score of over 60% collected by anti-Florange however, shows that part was tightened. Moreover, the high turnout at the AGM (over 72% of shareholders, against 64% the previous year) indicate a mobilization likely dictated by the desire to respond in love at state power.

Ghosn’s remuneration voted

Individual shareholders present Thursday remained, in fact, dubious in substance but especially in the manner of imposing the law Florange Renault. “There is a big question mark, there is a lack of information. One wonders which of the two [the State or Ghosn] we conned “quips Serge, a former employee of the manufacturer now retired, and a shareholder for 15 years. “When you see the state can be as bad manager, we have the right to be worried” Daniel said for his part, also retired from the former board.

Other wind sling during the GA: the vote on the compensation of Mr. Ghosn. The latter, due to the good results of the manufacturer, facially tripled to 7.2 million euros (counting performance shares) under the Advisory since 2014. Last year, the vote on the subject (“ say on pay “) has collected on Thursday that 58% of votes for. A scrawny score for AG, where resolutions passed at least 90% are the exception, and especially lower than last year, when Mr. Ghosn had obtained 64% of votes – by making the red lantern CAC 40 .

It should be said that the salary of the CEO crystallize critical and are traditionally rejected by the State …, a follower of wage restraint in companies of which he is a shareholder. The reaction of Marc Ladreit Lacharrière, president of Fimalac and Renault’s director chairing the Governance Committee, has done little to douse the discontent. “There is no lesson” the worst score on the say on pay in 2014, he has dealt in response to a question on the subject .

Read also: Why Renault and the State opposed


In April, the euro zone out of correctness of deflation – L’Express

This is great news for the European Central Bank, the quantitative easing policy seems finally bear fruit. Inflation was zero in April (0.0%) in the monetary union, according to a first estimate of the European office of Eurostat statistics. She had gone into negative territory in December to -0.2%, and had not left since. The price drop was even increased in January (-0.6%) before returning to 0.3% in February and -0.1% in March.

A “first success” for the ECB

To counter the risk of deflation, marked by a sustained fall in prices and wages that weighs on the recovery economic, the ECB began in early March a comprehensive program that provides for the acquisition of more than 1,000 billion euros of public and private debt securities by September 2016. In a report released Thursday, the Frankfurt institution emphasizes satisfaction that “inflation expectations in the long term eurozone occasions”, and believes that this can be considered a first success of his action.

The medium-term objective of the Central Bank is to maintain inflation close to, but below 2%.

unemployment weighs heavily on prices

“We are still far away,” said Christian Schulz, an economist at Berenberg, for whom stability in prices in April “does not yet constitute a sign of easing

of deflationary pressures. The unemployment rate in the euro zone is in effect unchanged in March, at 11.3%.” At this rate it would take 14 years to return to . level before the crisis “

But unemployment and inflation are closely related: high unemployment encourages employers to maintain pressure on wages and, more generally, is synonymous with limited purchasing power for .. It households which in turn weighs on consumption and prices

Underlying inflation does not take off

Another sign bleak: underlying inflation, which does not take into account the most volatile prices such as energy and food, is “stable at the low 0.6%.” The services sector in particular, with inflation at 0.9%, reached a “historic low” notes the analyst.

“In summary, it is a relief that the deflationary episode was shorter than was feared. But she could return if oil prices and raw materials leave downward, “he concludes.


Renault: the State imposes the double voting rights in the Assembly … – Le Parisien

April 30, 2015, 5:58 p.m. | Updated: April 30, 2015, 6:31 p.m.

CEO Renault, dismissing the device of double voting, did not comment on the statement of the vote, merely take note.

The Annual General Meeting of business, attended by hundreds of shareholders, took a special significance this year in view of this showdown between the government of Manuel Valls and Carlos Ghosn. At the root of this dispute: the “Florange law” in March 2014, intended to fight against speculation and promote a stable shareholder, wanted by the government. The text provides that all shareholders, including the state, is automatically assigned a double voting right at the end of a period of two years of continuous holding of securities.

Only the assembly General could prevent the implementation of these provisions, via a vote on a resolution by a majority of two thirds. However, such a resolution was introduced by Renault in order for Thursday, the 12th. It stipulated that Renault would apply in future

general meetings the “one share, one vote”. To push the government released a secret weapon: raise its share capital from 15 to 19.74% via a share buyback for a set amount in between 814 and 1,232,000 euros. The State thus approached this very AG 23.2% of exercisable voting rights. He was assured of a blocking minority of one third of the votes cast.

This maneuver was little appreciated by Carlos Ghosn, who convened an emergency Renault’s Board of Directors on April 16 . It was separated on a statement of support for the 12th resolution. Nissan, Renault’s partner, had also supported this position after a meeting of his staff

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The French manufacturer Vallourec tubes will remove 2,000 positions – The World

The seamless tube manufacturer Vallourec announced Tuesday plans to cut 2,000 jobs worldwide.

The seamless tube manufacturer Vallourec announced Tuesday, April 28 plans to cut 2,000 jobs worldwide. Nearly 1,500 jobs are affected in Europe, including 600 in Germany and just under 600 in France. The group also wants to find a buyer for its majority French Saint-Saulve steel mill.

The French company published the same day a net loss of 76 million euros in the 1 st quarter, revenues decreased by 17.2% to 1.05 billion euros. “Vallourec currently operates in a very difficult market environment marked by major cuts in investment in exploration and production” its customers, said the CEO, Philippe Crouzet, said in a statement.

Reducing production capacities

The first quarter 2015 was “severely affected” by falling sales in its core business , oil and gas, related to the decline in crude oil prices and by an unfavorable economic environment in Brazil, according to Mr. Crouzet. At constant exchange rates, Group sales plunged 24.2%, while the oil and gas division (which accounts for nearly 70% of total) of 29.4% over the quarter. However, the group maintained its objective to achieve a positive cash flow available for 2015.

In this context, Vallourec announced new

cost-cutting measures within its plan of Valens economies launched in 2014. The objective is to reduce by one third the tubes production capacities in Europe, from 1.3 million tonnes in 2014 to 900 000 tonnes in 2017.

” The state will pay attention “

The economy minister, Emmanuel Macron, said Wednesday that ” The state will pay attention to that there is no departure forced or site closures in France. ” “Vallourec will also propose accompanying measures to provide solutions to each of the employees concerned” said the minister, who meet in the coming days the North elected.

“The state will be vigilant on the quality of social dialogue and, in this regard, the choice of management to initiate a dialogue on the project before launch the information and consultation procedure in the month of September deserves support. “

North UDI Senator, Létard has meanwhile denounced an ad ” inadmissible and unacceptable as is “ and called “the organization without delay of a round table the minister of the economy, the management of Vallourec and elected officials concerned” . The President of Valenciennes Métropole also “required the direction of Vallourec as this is explained on its precise intentions regarding the sale of the steel mill in Saint-Saulve, which should not result in cuts of job “.


The specter of deflation recedes into the euro area – Boursorama

After a long decline in 4 months prices, the euro area is officially out of deflation in April. Good news for the ECB, but several factors – including unemployment. – Could leave the prices down

For the first time since November, prices have not fallen in the euro area.

For the first time since November, prices have not fallen in the euro area (illustration). (AFP / File /)

According to a first estimate of Eurostat, inflation was zero in April (0.0%) in the euro area. She had gone into negative territory in December (-0.2%), had pronounced in January (-0.6%) before returning to 0.3% in February and -0.1% in March. This is good news for the ECB to counter deflation risks, marked by a sustained fall in prices and wages that weighs on the economic recovery it began in early March a large quantitative easing program, or “QE”, which provides for the acquisition of more than 1,000 billion euros of public and private debt securities by September 2016.

In a report released Thursday, the Frankfurt institution emphasizes satisfaction that “inflation expectations in the long term eurozone occasions” and considers that this may be considered a first success of his action. The medium-term objective of the Central Bank is to maintain inflation close to, but below 2%.

“We are still far away,” said Christian Schulz, an economist at Berenberg, who price stability observed in April “does not yet constitute a sign of easing of deflationary pressures, as we recall the unemployment data for March, reflecting a desperately slow decline.” The unemployment rate in the euro zone is in effect unchanged in March, at 11.3%, although the number of unemployed dropped by 36,000 compared to February. It is “the most modest decline since

November,” said Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight. Christian Schulz noted for his part that “at this rate, it would take 14 years to return to the level before the crisis”

But unemployment and inflation are linked. High unemployment encourages employers to maintain the pressure on wages and, more generally, is synonymous with limited purchasing power for households. Which in turn weighs on consumption and prices. At current rates, the fall in unemployment is “much too slow to weigh on earnings in the foreseeable future,” summarizes Jonathan Loynes, of Capital Economics

Another sign bleak. Underlying inflation which does not take into account the most volatile prices such as energy and food, is “stable at the low 0.6%.” The services sector in particular, with inflation at 0.9%, reached a “historic low” notes the analyst. “In short, it is a relief that the deflationary episode was shorter than was feared. But she could return if prices of oil and raw materials leave down,” conclut- it.

The ECB must not relax its efforts, so say economists. “The main message from the ECB for now is that it does not intend to end prematurely to its quantitative easing program activity despite signs of improvement,” according to Howard Archer, which provides for accelerated growth to 0.5% in the first quarter against 0.3% in the fourth quarter 2014.

The President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, is exposed to “questions more and more on the need or not to continue the program of quantitative easing in the second half, “anticipates Teunis Brosens, ING. But the central bank, scalded by several unsuccessful attempts in recent years “should be cautious” before considering to reduce the liquidity tap, he predicted.


Qatar will acquire 24 Rafale – Le Figaro

The Elysee has confirmed this new order. After Egypt in February, India in April, Qatar buys 24 aircraft. Francois Hollande will travel to Doha on May 4 to sign the contract.

Qatar will acquire 24 Rafale, has just confirmed on Thursday that the Elysée states that Francois Hollande will travel to Doha on May 4 to attend the signing of contracts. Francois Hollande “met yesterday (Wednesday) with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Emir of Qatar. The latter confirmed his desire to see his country acquire 24 Rafale combat aircraft, “says the Elysee in a statement. “With this new export success, the Rafale confirms its qualities, proven in the French Air Force and Navy,” writes the Elysee.

This contract will third won by Dassault * abroad after the sale of 36 Rafale to India, announced on 10 April, and that of 24 others in Egypt in February. It is “also for the authorities who have pledged for three years, a great satisfaction in serving our industry,” according to the Presidency of the Republic.

Built in collaboration with Dassault, which supervises 60% of the value of the aircraft, the electronics specialist Thales (22%) and the engine manufacturer Snecma (Safran group, 18%) that provides the M-88 engine generation, the Rafale is designed to be the plane French to fight until 2040.

Francois Hollande said that the sale of 24 Rafale

aircraft in Qatar was “a pride for the country” but also “good news also confirms that the recovery of the French economy “. “This is the third commercial success for the Rafale,” said Francois Hollande during a trip to Brest, accompanied by Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.

“This is a success “for Dassault and subcontracting companies” happens none “but also” for the government and French diplomacy (…) It is a pride for the country, “stressed the head of state. “For years, there have been doubts about the Rafale. Maybe was there also a desire to move too fast. We took the necessary time, the indispensable application, and ensures that businesses can offer prices that could determine the choices of the countries concerned, “said Mr. Holland.

” All of these devices, 24 (Egypt), 36 (India), 24 (Qatar) more options, it is almost 100 Rafale which may be delivered in the coming years to countries that have trusted us. That’s a lot of work, a lot of jobs. That’s a lot of benefits for the regions concerned. This is good news also confirms that the recovery of the French economy “, also said the head of state.

* The Dassault owns the Le Figaro


Qatar will buy 24 Rafale – Les Echos

After Egypt and India, it was the turn of Qatar to control the fighter jet from Dassault.

After Egypt and India, it is now the turn of Qatar to acquire the Rafale. Thursday morning, the Elysee Palace confirmed that Qatar will acquire 24 combat aircraft of the French manufacturer Dassault


In the statement from the Elysee, it is stated that “ President of the Republic met yesterday with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar. The latter confirmed his desire to see his country acquire 24 Rafale combat aircraft “.

Francois Hollande in Doha on May 4th

It is also stated that “ invitation Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, President of the Republic will travel to Doha on May 4 to attend the signing of contracts “. According to AFP, this agreement concludes months of negotiations between the two nations, would – in addition to this firm order for 24 aircraft – an option on an additional 12 Rafale.

According to Europe 1, the contract would amount to 3.5 billion euros. For the record, Dassault has sold 36 gusting to 24 in India and Egypt in

recent weeks, after giving 30 years to convince. And the beautiful series is perhaps not complete. On April 12, Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated that discussions also progressing with the United Arab Emirates.

There is a saying in France that says ” never two without three, “ I believe a lot in this proverb ” , he had said then. He did not think so right.

More than 11 billion euros of Rafale sold within weeks

After turning 30 years to unlock the meter, the Dassault Rafale multiplies sales in recent weeks. In accounting for the acquisitions of Qatar announced Thursday morning, the French manufacturer has sold, firmly, numbering 84. The contract in Egypt amounts to EUR 3 billion, while the deal with India should largely exceed 5 billion. And according to Europe 1, the contract with Qatar would amount, it at $ 3.5 billion. Result, the total amount of such sales should reach between 11.5 and 12 billion “euros.

Les Echos

François Michelin: leave is to die a tire – Liberation

During the forty-three he directed the multinational tire, François Michelin told “only boss after God” of its business. On Wednesday, he was eventually recalled to its creator at the respectable age of 88 years. He had taken the leadership of the French tire manufacturer which he headed in 1959, and remained in control until 2002. The Auvergne patriarch had made the company bequeathed to him by his grandfather Edouard Michelin reference World Auto gum. A family story that began in 1832 as a small factory of agricultural machinery and rubber products created in Clermont-Ferrand in 1889 and taken by Michelin. In 2002, François Michelin had spent the hands of the family business to his son Edward, but he was drowned in 2006, 43 years after the sinking of the fishing vessel off the Ile de Sein, Finistère …

“Rigor”. Tributes have not failed on Wednesday. “Under the leadership of François Michelin, the company has experienced unprecedented growth, driven by its passion for innovation as well as by its requirement of rigor in the quality of service,” said the ‘clermontoise company in a statement. For his part, President François Hollande welcomed “one of the largest French industrial postwar” who was able to “a regional family business one of the largest French groups “. It is, in fact, under the leadership of François Michelin Bibendum that the company has experienced tremendous growth abroad. Especially in the US, thanks to the success of the radial tire in the 60 François Michelin was also known for his taste very thorough discretion. He had earned its nickname of “the secret boss of France” . Only after leaving the helm of the company in 2002, a communication service will be launched at Michelin. François Michelin knew perfectly all the workings of the group.

At 25, after studying mathematics, the orphan who lost his parents early family had integrated factories under a false identity

in order to learn its business “on the job” , including that of workers. His “listening skills and attention” and the “Opportunity to ease his interlocutor” did not fail to impress, as his strong personality driven by an imposing stature.

“Divine Right”. François Michelin was also, of course, the Incarnate paternalism, a Christian Democrat mode. In 1998, Libération dedicated a portrait to the person concerned. Here is what our colleague: “ Champion tire divine right boss and catho shock, François Michelin is the contemporary monks soldiers of the Middle Ages, the inventors of the Industrial Revolution, or master of forges builders factories cities. [...] Michelin, so that would be the original business, pure and unchanged. The industry against finance. The province against Paris. . Paternalism against co-management “ In business, François Michelin has obviously maintained a stormy relationship with the unions, like severe strikes that shook the Auvergne manufacture of tires in 1977. Illustration: after agreements Grenelle in 1968, “Mr. Francis,” as the boss liked to be appointed internally, had left the CNPF, Medef of the time, accusing the employers’ organization making the bed of union representation.

By taking his professional bow there are thirteen, François Michelin had left Clermont in the collective memory the image of a single boss, wearing raincoats and gray suits, who visited its factories in 2 CV Citroen. A man and a car from another era.



Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Fed noted the slowing US economy – The

The US central bank, decided, as expected, do not touch interest rates. The “fed funds”, ie central bank money that the Fed lends to central banks, will always carry a rate of between 0 and 0.25%.

Most importantly, the policy committee Money from the central bank raised the weakness of the US economy this winter, as evidenced by the publication of GDP for the first quarter (+ 0.2% annual rate, is almost zero from one quarter to another). It notes the continued weakness in the use of factors of production, employment rising at a rate that remains moderate.

Because of an economic situation still far from full employment, most economists believe that the Fed will not give up until September its zero interest rate policy.

A confidence in the growth

However, the monetary policy committee of the central bank remains confident in the US economy.
“Although growth in production and employment levels have slowed in the first quarter, the Committee continues to anticipate that the appropriate monetary easing measures, economic activity will accelerate at a moderate pace, with the conditions of the labor market continue heading to the levels the Committee considers consistent with its

dual mandate “(controlling inflation and full employment), the statement of Fed. “The Committee continues to believe that the risks surrounding the outlook for economic activity and the labor market are almost balanced.”

No rate hike before September

When will the rise in interest rates announced in principle for this year?
“The Committee feels it would be appropriate to raise the target for the federal funds rate when he has found new improvements the labor market and will be reasonably confident that inflation returns to its 2% target in the medium term. ” the statement said. Most economists do not expect such a decision before September.
“When the Committee decides to end its accommodative policy, he will observe a balanced approach consistent with its long-term goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2%. ” In other words, the rise in interest rates will be very gradual.



François Michelin has died at the age of 88 – FranceTV info

François Michelin has died at the age of 88 years. He had led the company of the same name for 47 years. He was the grand-son of the founder of the brand. Under his leadership, Michelin became the world’s largest tire. It was a discreet boss who does not often took public speaking.

François Michelin had taken the reins of the family business in 1955. He did leave in 2002. 47-year reign during which the group going from tenth to

first worldwide. His success, he owes it to the invention of the Radial tire, a technological revolution. With unions, relations were often strained but today the homage of employees is unanimous. “François Michelin it was a lot” , says one of them. Man has always cultivated a certain paternalism and owned several services of the city of Clermont-Ferrand.

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Norbert Dentressangle pass under the American flag – Le Point

3.24 billion euros. This is the price paid by the US company XPO Logistics to acquire the red truck Norbert Dentressangle. A purchase that gives birth to a giant global transport and logistics. This is a new revolution in the landscape of road transport and logistics in France, after the liquidation of MoryGlobal late March, with 2,150 redundancies in the key and the announcement of a social plan 500 positions at Gefco mid-April.


The announcement of the acquisition has boosted the Dentressangle as nearly 40%. Norbert Dentressangle has 662 sites and 42,350 employees. The statement said “XPO intends to maintain its current level the number of full-time employees in France, a minimum period of 18 months from the closing of the acquisition.” This cash, which marks the establishment of XPO Logistics in Europe is through the acquisition of the 67% stake held by Norbert Dentressangle, founder of the eponymous group.

XPO Logistics, specializing in transportation and logistics, offering 217.50 euros per share Norbert Dentressangle and will resume the debt of the Lyon business. This price represents a premium of 36.7% in comparison with Tuesday’s closing price on the Paris Bourse. According to the text, “the shareholder value of Norbert Dentressangle (for) all of the shares was 2.17 billion euros. (…) The total value of the transaction is approximately 3.24 billion euros, including net debt of 1.08 billion euros. “

The American group, which is based in Greenwich, Connecticut (Northeast US), was pledged to launch a tender offer at the same price on the remaining shares it does not already own, the statement which confirmed the information obtained close source folder before the United States. XPO assured to have the necessary funding and stressed that “the completion of the transaction is conditioned to obtaining approvals from the authorities in charge of merger control in the United States and Germany.”


French leaders remain in place

In addition to the maintenance of employment for 18 months, XPO s “agrees that” centers European decision Norbert Dentressangle “remain” in France, in Lyon for the headquarters in Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine) for logistics and Beausemblant (Drôme) for transport. “And the French leadership also remains in up since the CEO of Norbert Dentressangle, Hervé Montjotin, will lead the European operations of XPO Logistics. This acquisition allows XPO Logistics to set up in Europe, where it was not present.

XPO Logistics employs his side 10,000 people at 200 sites and claims to have a base of 15,000 customers in various industries ranging from aerospace to the public sector through technology. Last year, the group led by Bradley Jacobs realized a turnover of $ 2.4 billion (+ 235.6% yoy). However, it had a net loss of $ 63.6 million.

Among “the world’s first 10″

Meanwhile, Norbert Dentressangle recorded turnover of 4.7 billion euros and net income up 8% to € 75.9 million in 2014. This exercise had just seen his first foray in the US with the acquisition of Jacobson Group for 560 million euros, which had inflated its debt. The company has also made two-thirds of its revenue outside France in the first quarter 2015.

Mr Jacobs, “the planned acquisition of Norbert Dentressangle will propel XPO among the 10 leading logistics groups in the world. ” The company should reach “a turnover of about $ 8.5 billion once completed public offering, giving us nearly two years ahead of the goals” set out in the road map of company, Jacobs said, quoted in the statement.


François Michelin, iconic former leader of the group, died in … – Le Figaro

DISAPPEARANCE – Clermont The group announced the death to 88 years of “François”, who led the company for 44 years, transforming the family business in world number 1

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The Michelin Group is once again in mourning. Ten years after the accidental death of Edward, now Clermont-Ferrand announced Wednesday the death of his father, Francois Michelin, at the age of 88, without specifying neither the place nor the date. The political world paid him yesterday unanimous tribute. Thus Hollande praised “one of the largest industrial post-war,” Francois Fillon, former Prime Minister paid tribute to the “atypical pattern inspired social and Christian values” praising his qualities as a “builder”.

Indeed, François Michelin inherited an empire that was left to create. He knew from the age of 12, he would lead the company founded by his grandfather and his uncle, in Clermont-Ferrand, whose streets are treated since 1889 in the rubber smell.

Described as “the most secret boss of France”, it certainly cultivated a taste for silence. His legendary discretion strengthened charisma of this man of great stature to the mobile gaze, half-mocking, half-inquisitor, who loved his interlocutors in scrutinizing the marks of interest, astonishment.

“He exuded incredible strength, self-confidence he seemed to draw on its unshakeable Catholic convictions, “recalls a collaborator. A faith pegged to the body which earned “François”, the adjective “divine right boss” from the “Bibs”, these employees of the factory, which for decades have manually manufactured rubber envelopes.

“He exuded incredible strength, self-confidence he seemed to draw on its unshakeable Catholic convictions”

François Michelin imagined, wanted and developed the transition from a quasi-craft and automation. Rarely will a man so confused with the history of his company and the industrial development of the country.

When it moved in 1955 to 29 years behind the director’s office, mathematics license in hand, he already knows very well the house he worked incognito on production lines and has compelled the turn of France outlets with business travelers. The family dubbing will not be a marshal’s baton: Michelin is still at this time that the 10th World tire manufacturer

This is however the arrival of the start of the global conquest signal. When leaving forty-four years later

commands the “yellow and blue house” is the first in the world.

Meanwhile, Clermont-Ferrand, one provincial town to host the headquarters of a company CAC 40, created the car tire, plane, subway, trains (with Micheline) and radial tires, “low consumption” tires, or even indestructible. More than a technician, rather than a manager, François Michelin was a visionary who has accompanied the development of the automotive industry. We sometimes forget, the group controlled Citroën before reselling this manufacturer Peugeot.

The former group executives remember the tight confrontation that accompanied the launch of the tires “X” radial tires, considerably more durable than other gums.

For employees believe that extending their lifespan would hamper the renewal of tires, he replied that on the contrary satisfied customers would come in others. The suite proved him right, as its acquisition strategy in the United States or its perception of globalization. It is by offering Uniroyal Goodrich in the US in 1989, Michelin will prevail first in the world. Twenty years later, some 111,000 employees in 70 locations (18 countries) produced 176 million envelopes …

“It was an enlightened industrialist, a great man who had the rare ability to have an independent thought. “

His personal aura has far exceeded his engineering vision. “It was an enlightened industrialist, a great man who had the rare ability to have an independent thought. He reasoned with himself, it is besides what made his wealth, “recalls Yves Messarovitch, co-author with Ivan Levai, the book And why not? that was co-signed by François Michelin 1998. “He wanted to give evidence to a time when he saw too many things that did not like,” recalls the author.

With the outspoken, sometimes abrupt, of those plot their own furrow, but also sold their mansion to meet the challenges of a social plan, he finally assumed the right to speak. That his opponents will tax paternalistic and reactionary, fustigera CNPF and Grenelle agreements. Character iconoclastic, François Michelin was also comfortable behind the wheel of his break DS, bound for the South family home, luggage on the roof, as the controls of his helicopter.

After Half a century of omnipotence, he gave up his seat in 1999 to his son, Edward. At the handover, the son said soberly: “There are men that mark their time, lasting, Mr. Michelin, my father is of them.” In hindsight, these words sound like modest now the most moving tributes . Four years later, Édouard Michelin tragically died at sea during a fishing

The influence of the family on the Michelin group to which it gave its name fades. From the start, in May 2012, Michel Rollier, 2nd degree cousin of Edward, and decision functions of Jean-Dominique Senard, there are more family members to the group management. A page is turned.


Oil: massive restructuring in the French Vallourec – Les Echos

The specialist for seamless tubes will reduce its workforce by 2,000 positions, including 900 in France.

Vallourec enters hard restructuring. The specialist for seamless tubes for the oil sector will reduce its workforce by 2,000 jobs worldwide (down about 10%) to reduce its cost base by 350 million euros over the period 2015-2016 . Europe is particularly targeted: France will contribute up to 900 positions – on about 5,000 employees – and Germany up to 600 jobs. These announcements are in addition to economic measures already unveiled in February, which provided for the removal of 15% of hours worked in the factories of the group, the equivalent of 1,400 jobs worldwide, including 200 in France.

These measures reflect the impact of the fall in prices per barrel of crude, but also more structural overhaul of the group. “Compared to the last drop of oil prices in 2009, the turnaround is very fast and very deep. But it also happened at a time when the sector is asking questions about its costs and the profitability of its investments “, says CEO of Vallourec, Philippe Crouzet. First quarter revenues fell 17.2% year on year, to 1.05 billion euros and gross operating income was divided by four (53 million euros). The group posted a loss of 76 million euros in the first three months of the year, but maintains its objective of a cash flow positive for the year.

European Overcapacity

The staff reductions planned in France are divided into two parts. The plan calls first the “looking for a majority partner” for her unique

specialty steel products located in Saint-Saulve (Nord) and its 350 employees. “Our needs no longer allow us to load our steelworks’ , justifies Philippe Crouzet. Vallourec, which has invested heavily in recent years in the United States and Brazil, seeking to reduce its European production capacity of 1.3 million tonnes of pipes per year to 900,000 tons. “The development of Vallourec in Brazil has significantly increased its European overcapacity” , criticized the CFDT Metallurgy Wednesday in a statement. The group however will retain its 20% interest in its German steel mill HKM (ThyssenKrupp) of Duisburg-Huckingen. “It works very well and this is the model that we would like to replicate Saint-Saulve» says Philippe Crouzet.

If the positions of St. Saulve intended to be held by a future buyer, 550 jobs will be deleted however in the seven other group sites in France, including at headquarters. “Between the age measures, temporary work and the creation of a shared services center in height from 50 to 80 positions, we aim to have little forced departures on arrival” says Philippe Crouzet. In early April, the group also announced a reorganization into four geographic poles (Europe, North America, South America and Eastern Hemisphere) to “improve the efficiency of its manufacturing operations and accelerate the process of decision. “


Holland provides an extension to the armies – Liberation

It is decided. Following an exceptional Defence Council for deciding to provide additional budgetary resources to the armed François Hollande announced that there would be an extension to allow the defense to complete his income while continuing its indoor and outdoor missions. The amount: 3.8 billion additional euros by 2019 (Defense asked 5 billion). It will cohosh in a programming updated bill, presented by the Cabinet on May 20

So, 18,500 jobs will be saved on the 34,000 cuts planned by the military program law. What “sustain” 7000 military mobilized in France following the attacks in January. An antiterrorist operation renamed “Sentinel”. The question is on what these budgets 3.8 billion will be found as the government has ruled out raising taxes by 2017.

Sliced ​​also the issue of “project companies” . One solution proposed by the Minister of Defence, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to fill a shortfall of 2.3 billion euros in its budget due to the delay of wireless 700 MHz auctions. These new structures would have allowed the army to sell military equipment (multimission frigates and Airbus A400M) and then take the rental immediately and retrieve the cash it needs by next August. In January, Holland had voted for. He even wished that this device is

“implemented this year” . “[These companies] will acquire equipment in more flexible terms, more fluid, resulting in a quick setup means whose forces need” , he explained on 14 January the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle when his vows to the armies.

Three and a half months later, astern. Faced with opposition from Bercy, the head of state was content Wednesday to reassure Le Drian on its cash needs: “In 2015, the Department of Defense appropriations 31.4 billion euros and it will be safe havens of budgetary appropriations, without any use of external resources “, he explained. Either: we drop the solution Le Drian. “This means that the Defense Ministry is sure to be able to have these credits in the year 2015″ , added Holland. The solution chosen is that of the Ministry of Finance, preferring to credit the Armed rather than engaging in a complex mechanism and, according to his tenant, Michel Sapin, presented “some disadvantages” .


François Michelin died – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

François Michelin had led the Michelin Group for over 40 years, bringing the province tire manufacturer to become a world leader.

Finally, François Michelin has spent his whole life to tame death. He’s only 10 years old when her mother disappears. His father died in turn four years later. And then there is also the son, whom he had managed to make his successor at the head of the family business, who accidentally kills in 2006. In his last interview in May 2013 Paris Match François Michelin evoked his report to the dead, death: “Faith leads to the concept of eternal life. There is no loss. Life is changed, it is total, “ he preached for the last time before his rocker definitively on April 29, 2015. One who made Michelin one of the sector’s global leaders died at the age of 88 years.

Born June 15, 1926 in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, the orphaned boy is raised in the religion by his aunt, in Savoie. Faith is one of the two keys to understanding the progress of this pattern both unusual and secret. The other is the company’s gum rubber manufacturing including his grandfather, on his deathbed, entrusted the reins in 1940, while his father has just been killed in a plane crash .

Pending a capacity to take over the family business, his uncle, Robert Puiseux, acted as regent until 1955. Meanwhile, François Michelin, after a degree in mathematics, following an initiatory journey of four years in Clermont workshops. In 1959, he became co-manager, then “only boss after God,” as he likes to remind us regularly. Beginning a papal reigns supreme, long of 43, which will end in May 2002, the statutes of the company were staring an age limit, but not on terms. Governance of another time, like a man from another era.

The revolution of radial

Throughout his François Michelin life has professed a social and political conservatism out of age, which ended up making it unclassifiable and iconoclastic among his peers. Christian, liberal reactionary accents, impregnated personalism, he constantly sought to make sense of things starting from the observation of facts, the better to distance certainties-made or modes.

This high pragmatism to the rank of philosophy, he will apply in his first no boss by multiplying the tire plants radial tire. This revolutionary process is the fruit of the imagination of an obscure engineer Marius Mignol. It browses three times more kilometers with a metal structure. Yet the first reaction in the business was to bury the project. The patent was filed in 1946, but marketing is performed only dropper. Think! If durability of the tire is increased, factories turn less. Some consider that this amounts to shoot themselves in the foot.

François Michelin is the only rationality to overcome this short-sighted thinking that on the contrary, the radial tire is going to take a decisive technological advance the Clermont group. The facts give him reason. In less than four decades, the small provincial tire manufacturer will become the global industry leader in turn standard of France abroad, but also social barometer of the hex-industrialization.

Shock oil and declining

Because if for years, manufacturers will ask and ask again radial, François Michelin does not happen the second oil shock. In the early 1980s, the group has over-invested. As demand falls,

losses are increasing. This is the beginning of a long decline of Clermont numbers, which will pass in the twenty-year period from 30 000 to 15 000 employees. For several months, François Michelin remains prostrate, not seen at the factory, rumors about his health began to run.

In 1982, to save the company, it must resolve to use to public authorities in the form of a loan of 4 billion francs. A real heart-breaking for the one who has always criticized interventionism in all its forms: state, employers and even trade union, which had prompted him to slam the door of the National Council of French Employers, forerunner of the Medef in 1968, after the Grenelle agreements, blaming the boss of bosses of the time, Paul Huvelin, having too dropped on wages and paves the way for union representation.

For the first time its history, in the early 1980s, the Michelin Man, symbol of the group since 1898, so has one knee. This will not be the last. In 1989, Michelin decided to accelerate the US by acquiring Uniroyal Goodrich. This strategic shift is logical since it is the first market in the world where the French group from 10 to 25% market share. But François Michelin negotiates in the worst conditions. This acquisition is done under the pressure of the enemy, the Japanese Bridgestone, Firestone has just overpay. Michelin believes that it must at all costs not to fall behind. But the timing of the redemption of Uniroyal Goodrich is catastrophic.

Merger and restructuring

The crisis is back and Michelin has had to borrow a lot. Once again, the tire manufacturer passes on the verge of bankruptcy and will take years to digest its US acquisition. François Michelin entrusts the task to a young manager of 37 years, he spotted his arrival in the group: Carlos Ghosn, who already has to his credit the recovery of Brazilian operations Michelin in Brazil. Within three years, he managed to successfully merge at the cost of major renovation. Then enters into a trust between the two men as to convince François Michelin to the future boss of Renault Nissan’s mentor his son Edward, he sent to him in the US for its ranges.

Having named this son Edward as the grandfather of Francis, the founder of the group, does not that of the family tradition. The young man was very early to succeed the father, even if he does not want to admit. In fact, in 1996, Carlos Ghosn soon realized he would never become patron of Michelin and Renault joined. So we asked if Edouard François Michelin will actually become the fourth manager from the family, caution snatches this premonitory statement: “If God gives him life. “The loan will be short term. Four years after the accession to the direction of Edouard Michelin, it drowns off the island of Sein during a routine fishing trip. A whole section of what François Michelin has built collapses.

The Last of the Mohicans

The illusion that the destiny of the company remains in the family fold still survives a few years when Michel Rollier, the grand-son of the aunt who raised François Michelin, succeeded in 2006 to Edward.

Although François Michelin still maintains an office at the Carmelites, the seat the company, in Clermont-Ferrand, his whereabouts to retrieve his mail are increasingly spaced. It’s hard to hide a certain disillusionment when he looks at the company to modernize under the thumb of his new boss, Jean-Dominique Senard since 2012. “Michelin is now led by traders’ Had he let go one day. With a certain nostalgia for paternalism and an assumed Taylorism, he defined himself as the last of the Mohicans.

In 1988, when Mr. Michelin offers its employees 20 cents of hour increase, he pretends to be surprised that they take the proposal for a provocation. At every turn, he openly professes his lack of labor law, “Marxist, because based on the class struggle.” Provocation even when management decides staff in 1999 , to label the pay slips with the word “price paid by the customer for your work” . Condemned by justice, Michelin will return to a more conventional pay slip. Shaped epitaph, he dropped in his last interview: “What remains of life is what we learned from men. “


Defence: budget doped nearly 4 billion euros in 2016 in … – The Express

Since the attacks of 7, 8 and 9 January (17 dead), “ France is facing serious threats both inside and outside our territory ” said Wednesday Francois Hollande after a Defence Council bringing together the key political and military leaders.

The Sentinel operation of military patrols undertaken since the beginning of the year with 10,000 men will be “ perpetuated ” with “ 7,000 military ” affected this mission “ sustainably ,” the president added.

The defense budget (31.4 billion euros in 2015) of France, one of the leading military powers in Europe with Great Britain, will benefit from “ 3 , 8 billion (euros) Additional “between 2016 and 2019, also said the president. “ This is an important effort, it is even a considerable effort “, he noted.

This decision runs counter to a general trend of declining defense budgets in the West. .

It was taken “ with the desire to increase growth and employment at the highest level. I made this choice because it is that of France, its protection of its security. The French if they want to have confidence in the future should feel safe anywhere, protected “, argued Francois Hollande.

This increase in the defense budget will focus spending on personnel and equipment the French army needs to adapt to the new challenges posed by the terrorist threat. François Hollande made particular reference to the need to devote more resources to cyber defense, aeronautics and intelligence.

Taking into account the decisions taken on Wednesday, the “ update ” of the 2014-2019 military programming Act, passed in 2013, will be the subject of a draft Law submitted to the government on May 20 before consideration and a vote in Parliament, he also said.

These decisions will result in the cancellation of more than half the job cuts in the armed under the 2014-2019 military programming Act.

– preserved 18,500 jobs –

So, 18,500 positions will be preserved on the 34,000 threatened with removal, said the president.

Earlier this year, the

President had announced the freezing of 7,500 planned job cuts in 2015.

To meet the new demand of François Hollande, the Ministry of Defense wants to convey the land forces tank that can be deployed on the ground 66,000 soldiers to 77,000 today.

Today it is beyond the operational contract both outside and inside and we have to resume the margin ” notes are we at the Department of Defense. “ It is to trim permissions and even the phases of retraining before returning to operations “.

Outside, 9,000 men are currently mobilized in the Sahel, Central Africa and the Gulf. Since the attacks in January, 10,000 soldiers protect sensitive sites in France for an estimated cost of one million euros a day.

The French army (armed Air Force, Army and Navy) has about 215,000 military and civilian personnel.

Francois Hollande has finally drawn a line under the dispute between the ministries of defense and finance a budget hole of € 2.2 billion in the defense budget 2015.

This was betting on windfall revenues of 2.2 billion euros related to the sale of radio frequencies DTT to private operators but has lagged far behind. This option is abandoned, suggested Hollande.

In 2015, the credits of the Ministry of Defence of 31.4 billion euros and it will sanctuarized budget appropriations without any use of external resources ” he has said Wednesday.

The president has ruled out the use of “ project companies “, the legal instruments that have purchased military equipment (aircraft Airbus A400M, multimission frigates) and then rent them to the army.

This solution, proposed by the Defence, was strongly opposed by Finance.


Exchange: Dentressangle jumped nearly 40% – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – The action of the Norbert Dentressangle Group soared nearly 40% Wednesday morning at the Paris Bourse, galvanized by the news of his passing under the American flag with its repurchase by the company XPO Logistics .

At 10:20 (8:20 GMT), the title gained 36.27% to 216.80 euros in a market in equilibrium (0.01%).

total value of this transaction, which will give birth to a global giant transportation and logistics, amounted to EUR 3.24 billion, the companies said in a joint statement Tuesday.

XPO Logistics offers 217.50 per share Norbert Dentressangle and will resume the debt of the Lyon business.

Wednesday the action of the French group thus tended to join the price offered by XPO Logistics.

“The French group is sold at a good price” and this sale comes close “20 years of almost uninterrupted rise in the stock,” said Xavier de Villepion, a seller of HPC activities.

On 28 April 1995, the share had closed at 17.91 euros. In 20 years the work has taken more than 1,000%.

It is “an attractive

takeover offer, supported unanimously by the family shareholding”, which will allow the “constitution a global player in the logistics “, also stressed the broker Gilbert Dupont.

This announcement is a new upheaval in the landscape of road transport and logistics in France, after the liquidation of MoryGlobal late March, with 2,150 redundancies to the key, and the announcement of a social plan for 500 positions at Gefco mid-April.

According to the statement of Norbert Dentressangle and XPO, Dosco s’ is committed to maintaining the number of full-time employees in France for at least 18 months.

This in cash, which marks the establishment of XPO Logistics in Europe is through the acquisition of 67% held by Norbert Dentressangle, founder of the eponymous group.


Road transport: the French Norbert Dentressangle bought by … – The

New upheaval in the world of road transport in France. In March, MoryGlobal had been put into liquidation. Tuesday, April 28, the US carrier XPO Logistics announced the acquisition of the Lyon Norbert Dentressangle.

“The total value of the transaction is approximately EUR 3.24 billion, including a net debt of 1.08 billion euros “, the two groups announced in a joint statement. And “the shareholder value of Norbert Dentressangle (for) all of the shares was 2.17 billion euros.”

The American will benefit from the presence the French in Britain

XPO Logistics will thus enter the European market where it was not present before. He will benefit from the strong presence of Norbert Denssentranglen in France, its largest market (64% of revenue in 2014 French), Great Britain (29% of sales) and Spain (12% of turnover).

With this acquisition XPO Logistics will also strengthen the US, 3rd contributing nation in turnover of Norbert Dentressangle, which has 662 sites and 42,350 employees. The French had also strengthened its presence in China by buying US Jacobson in August 2014.

According to Bradley

Jacobs, XPO Logistics boss said in the statement, “acquisition Norbert Dentressangle will propel XPO the top 10 logistics groups in the world. “

” The decisions bellies remain in France “

In addition, XPO Logistics does not count everything upside down by this acquisition as “European decision Norbert Dentressangle centers will remain in France, in Lyon for the headquarters in Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine) for Logistics and Beausemblant (Drôme) for Transport “.

And the French management team remains in place. The chief executive Norbert Dentressangle, Hervé Montjotin, and will lead the European operations of XPO Logistics.

The American has also committed to maintaining the number of full-time workers in France for at least 18 months.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bancassurance: 248,000 vacancies until 2022 –

of banking and insurance should recruit in the coming years. What is the prognosis just made France Strategy in extensive use survey in 2022. In 2012, the industry employed more than 750,000 people. But in 2022, the number expected to increase to 804,000 people according to a central scenario.

Nearly 200,000 starters to replace

According to the report, so there will be 49,000 net new jobs in the sector. But it will also count on replacing the late career starts because “ in the field of banking and insurance, nearly three out of ten managers and technicians were aged 50 or older in 2010-2012, against just over a quarter in all trades , “notes the document.

So France Strategy expects 199,000 renewals positions over the period. What bring the total recruitments 248,000 positions over 10 years. Ie 3.2% of sector posts will be renewed every year (against 3% in all occupations), and banking and insurance account for 3.1% of all hires in the territory.

Frames frontline

To be part of the elect, it will be better in any case have a good background. They represent only 38% of those currently in office, executives will capture indeed half of the 248,000 vacancies (including 50,000 net new). In this segment, recruitment each year represent 4% of the workforce. This is due in particular to the development of expertise and consulting services, already observed in the past.

The technician positions will in turn driven by the need for new tools development. 65,000 jobs will open in this segment (including 12,000 net new).

However, due to the automation of procedures, banking and insurance recruit fewer

employees. Admittedly 58,000 positions will be available. But they do not cover the 70,000 departures. Clearly, 12,000 employee positions will be destroyed by 2022. As a result, on that date, employees will account for only 31.5% of the workforce against 35% in 2012.

Employment in banking and insurance until 2022 (in thousands)
Source: Strategy-France Dares
Jobs (2012-2022) Dont Of which starts late career Staff in 2022
Employees 58 – 12 70 254
Technicians 65 12 54 210
Frames 124 50 74 339
Total class = “empty” & gt; 248 49 199 804

Paris, April 29, 2015 – Taxis: the press welcome mercilessly the “end of … – The Express

Limit for Agnès Saal at INA “, draws in its inside pages Liberation, never short of good words.

The hunt for bosses of public companies that are not copies made a first victim: Agnès Saal ,” adds Le Figaro.

The president of the INA was “ landed ” “ at the request ” the culture minister Fleur Pellerin after “ blamed for its huge costs taxis , “said Le Parisien. Ms. Saal “ will therefore not survive more than twenty-four hours in the media coverage of the controversy “, his position is “ become untenable “.

There are a safe bet that Agnès Saal now be a small twinge or some nasty sweats, whenever it will pay a taxi getaway. If pay. This is the term. For now, it is out of his pocket that will get the tickets “, squeaks his side Christophe Bonnefoy (Le Journal de la Haute-Marne).” The need to return a certain decency finally had because of his position “, he considers.

Faced with the real rigor imposed on France from below … The French, bitter, yet find once the senior people often cut daily realities “says Yann

Marec (Le Midi Libre). “ It is fortunate that President Agnès Saal is no longer part of the landscape today. The efficient Fleur Pellerin cut off his head. And PAF!

And conclude so murderous a “ good little course by block subway does not hurt Madame Agnès Saal “.

According to Dominique Garraud (La Charente Libre), “ laws on transparency in public life are beginning to produce results, but France is still far short of that should break with past practices nourishing still strongly feel vis-à-vis the State mistrust.

For the editorialist, in this case, it is” surprising that had to wait a denunciation that the government would then seize it has many means of control “.


Taxi fares: the president of the INA expewwed – FranceTV info

Agnès Saal is no longer president of Ina. Tuesday, April 28, she resigned under pressure from the Minister of Culture, Fleur Pellerin. Involved nearly 41 000 taxi rating in ten months, much of it for personal trips and even 6,700 euros races in taxis ordered and carried out by his son. It is in an anonymous letter that was denounced.

Françoise Lamontagne, Steward CGT Ina, “ that is completely contradictory to the whole speech she held since she arrived. A speech focused on the importance of public service, the concept of free, transparency …

Ina is the memory the French Audiovisual, a public

company of 950 employees. Agnès Saal had taken the lead there is a little less than a year after a tour in major French cultural institutions such as the National Library of France or the Centre Pompidou.

For Ina, she had replaced a Mathieu Gallet, party at Radio France, which then broke a record strike. This time, the government did not want the situation gets stuck and quickly pushed out.

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