Saturday, March 12, 2016

Labor law: the reformers call for a rewrite, not a withdrawal –

The secretary general of the CFDT Laurent Berger posted yesterday its “determination” to achieve a rebalancing Labour Bill, at a rally to the call of the so-called reformist unions Republic Square in Paris. “If the government does not hear us, we are ready to show our determination (…) and we will have no qualms to mobilize in the streets,” said the leader. “If we are not heard, we will use all means to bend the government,” he said, without excluding joint mobilization with the opponents of the text more radical who request the withdrawal and provide a new demonstration on March 31st. “We will discuss it internally.” “This text is a gift to employers. It is the old hobby of employers, facilitate dismissals, “added Carole Cloudy, President of the CFE-CGC. “Yes, we will study the demonstration of 31 March, if we are not heard.” The “reformist” (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, UNSA and Fage (students)) called for action in a hundred cities yesterday to pressure the government. This must arbitrate Monday on this highly controversial bill.

To rewrite

They want a rewrite of the text, “totally unbalanced”, according to Laurent Berger, including the most controversial points (ceiling prud’homales allowances, redundancy). But these organizations do not ask for the withdrawal, unlike trade unions and students have mobilized more than 220,000 people Wednesday, according to the police, to 500,000, according to organizers. “The withdrawal would be the removal of the CPA (personal business account) for which we are fighting for several decades and more collective bargaining in the company,” said Laurent Berger. By early afternoon, several hundred activists in orange or blue vests (CFDT, CFTC) for some, gathered in Paris under a spring sun and music. “It is not an event but a gathering to explain what is wrong with the law,” said the president of the Fage Alexandre Leroy. Gatherings of this type or the distribution of leaflets and explanations “teaching” were also organized in the provinces. They were 300 in Rennes, a few dozen to Lille or Bordeaux, a score in Marseille to proceed with the distribution of leaflets and talk with passersby. Friday, after a week of intense consultations, Manuel Valls promised “a dynamic compromise and ambitious”, correcting what must be. He will reveal this compromise Monday to the social partners and students. Seven unions of employees and youth (FO, CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF, Fidl, UNL) planned a new day of strikes and demonstrations on 31 March, and a fashion show for young people Thursday.

SMS Pierre Gattaz …

No amiable, President of MEDEF when he strums on his smartphone. We learned from the website of Les Echos that Pierre Gattaz sent incendiary sms Carole Covered, chair frames of the CFE-CGC. “The attitude of the CFE-CGC is incomprehensible and harmful, you have already planted the MDS law, you’re not going to plant the MEK law” (Mek for Myriam El Khomri), would he have written, accompanied by the threat: “We will support you in your fight for more frames if you plant MEK law”



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