(Boursier.com) – The US stock market continued and extended its rebound on Friday, following the lead of other world places, while many central banks have signaled their willingness to do more to support their economies and fight against the risks of deflation. Oil prices have soared by more than 8% Friday: two days after falling below $ 27, the price of light crude WTI climbed back above $ 32
At the close, the Dow Jones regained 1.33% to 16,093 points while the S & amp; P 500 closed up 2.03% to 1907 points, and the Nasdaq, rich in technology and biotech values rebounded 2.66 % to 4591 points supported by a rebound in biotech. After two weeks of sharp decline, the three indices managed to return 0.65%, respectively, 1.4% and 2.2% over the past 5 sessions .
Oil judged largely technical rebound after the recent collapse
On the other global places, the EuroStoxx 50 gained 2.7% Friday while the Nikkei soared 5.9% and the Shanghai Composite has advanced more modestly 1.25%.
Oil prices continued to prance, from 48 hours to less than 27 $ to just over $ 32 for WTI crude, without the fundamental situation on the oil market has evolved. Analysts see especially the recent rebound in a wave of profit taking by speculators downward. Given the rise in crude inventories in the US and global overproduction, nobody dares to envisage a sustainable recovery of the black gold.
On Tuesday, the International Agency Energy (IEA) has estimated that the global black gold supply would exceed demand in 2016 for the third consecutive year. The IEA has even held that the world could be “drowned in surplus” production if it is not reduced ..
The ECB, BoJ and China ready do more for growth?
The stock market rebound was supported by the words of Mario Draghi, the ECB president, who said Thursday that the ECB has “no limit “in its actions against deflation. The ECB has not announced a boost to its ultra-accommodative policy, but investors have enjoyed the speech of Mario Draghi, saying that the ECB may have to revise its policy at its next meeting in
Also, in Japan, the business press reported on Friday that the BOJ was considering his turn to discuss new stimulus, which has given wings Japanese investors. The previous day, Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao had also brought some balm to the heart of the markets. Since the Economic Forum in Davos, he assured that Beijing was ready to work on the stock market to ensure that a small number of speculators could not make profits at the expense of normal investors. “
In an interview with the agency ‘Bloomberg’, Li added that markets his country are “not yet ripe” and that the government was prepared to regulate more to avoid excessive volatility.
Oil and biotech back slope, but GE fell after its earnings
As for values, the energy sector rebounded 4.5% (S & amp index; P 500 Energy) while the Nasdaq biotechnology index rebounded 3.2%, although it still falls by 15% since the beginning of the year.
oil majors Chevron and ExxonMobil took over 3% and 3.3% respectively, while Schlumberger jumped 6%.
Among the groups who published their findings, General Electric lost 1.2% despite the announcement of a big profit in the fourth quarter but revenue held back by the plunge in oil prices.
The coffee chain Starbucks rose a small 0.2% despite a sharp rise in net quarterly case, investors are not convinced by the retail sales to International including a slowdown in Asia.
Finally, American Express , which has yet withstood 2015 strong dollar and loads of impairment, plunged 12% closing.

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