Thursday, January 28, 2016

Abbé Pierre Foundation: 15 million people affected by poor housing –

Increase in number of homeless people, renouncing heating or forced to live among others: many indicators are red, says the review, from operations in the last edition of the national housing survey (Enl) 2013 INSEE, whose main figures had been announced in December. In total, 3.8 million people are ill-housed and 12.1 million people “vulnerable” or “15 million people affected, with varying intensity, for the housing crisis,” said Christophe Robert, delegate General Foundation Abbé Pierre, at a press conference presenting the annual report published Thursday, January 28th.

marking figure, the number of undocumented shelter which jumped 50% between 2001 and 2012. 141.500 people gather in the street to the hotel, under a makeshift shelter or shelter

934 000 people live in “overcrowded accentuated “

In addition, nearly 2.9 million people living in very difficult conditions, 2.1 million have no running water, interior WC, shower, using heating or cooking facilities, or live in a building with a very deteriorated facade. And 934,000 people live “accentuated overcrowding” that is to say they are missing two pieces compared to the standard population (+ 17% between 2006 and 2013).

Christophe Robert , “there is a worsening of inadequate housing that primarily affects the working classes”. The average net cost ratio (rent + charges – housing allowances) of the poorest households and reached 55.9%, more than three times higher than the average (17.5%)

L. extreme poverty bullish

And extreme poverty, that is to say, those earning less than 40% of median income (660 euros per month per consumer unit), which decreased between 1996 and 2002, is bullish.

“Housing is a reflection of inequalities but is also accelerating inequality,” the CEO of the Abbé Pierre.

On the political

side, if the foundation welcomes “some progress” as the energy check to replace in 2018 social tariffs for electricity and gas for low-income households, it notes that some political commitments “were simply disowned.”

So the universal guarantee of rents, a key measure of Alur law passed in 2014 and then abandoned because considered too costly. As for some targets announced as the construction of 500,000 housing units per year, including 150,000 social housing, they “are far from being achieved,” the report said.

The authorities called to act

Abbé Pierre once again calls on the government to act, particularly by building housing, especially social housing accessible to the poorest households. She also asked that the government house the recognized priority households DALO (Right to housing), a leading evictions prevention policy and field evacuation and regulate property markets.

” undertake proactive policies “, urges Christophe Robert. “There are one and a half to five years to finish this government. We must put away all those who are in trouble and you have to hire a real structural policy to stop this process of housing exclusion.”

While nearly 500 deaths of homeless people are counted each year the Abbé Pierre encourages a start: “The sixth world power can not let as many people die on the streets as happens today. “

(With AFP)


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