Saturday, March 19, 2016

Elysée Polls: Ipsos indicted – Le Parisien

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the institute Ipsos opinion polls was indicted Thursday for concealment of favoritism in the polls survey the Elysee during the five year term of Nicolas Sarkozy. (AFP.)

the institute Ipsos opinion polls was indicted Thursday for concealment of favoritism in the investigation of the Elysée polls during the five year term of Nicolas Sarkozy. Three other institutes Opinionway, Ifop and TNS-Sofres had been placed in recent weeks as the intermediate status of assisted witness, which allows them at this stage to hope to escape a referral process.

Triggered by a complaint from the Association Anticor after a scathing report of the Court of Auditors in 2009, the survey covers several aspects, including on contracts awarded without calls for offers between the Elysee and various institutes.

in this context, Ipsos, led by adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy Pierre Giacometti until early 2008, is regarded by investigators as “the institute par excellence the Elysee, in volume and value, as invoiced 1,491,570 euros HT between May 2007 and October 2009, 92% of the total amount “ordered polls, according to a source close to the case. Current Ipsos officials did not comment.

Giacometti and Bush asked the nullity of their indictment

Elysée side, the judge instruction indicted for favoritism its former general secretary, Claude Guéant, the former director of cabinet Emmanuelle Mignon and two former advisers Vaulpré Julien and Jean-Michel Goudard.

the survey also bears on the contracts between the Elysee and the Giacometti-Peron company after the departure of Pierre Giacometti, Ipsos and with Law (Publifact, Publiopinion) of the influential adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, Patrick Buisson.

the agreement signed in 2007 by Patrick Buisson with the Elysée included a share of paid council 10,000 euros per month and granted the other Publifact to “the conduct of surveys” at its discretion and with institutes of their choice.

in the end, investigators found traces of 235 surveys purchased by the firm of Patrick Buisson and resold to the presidency between 2007 and 2009, with a profit of approximately 1.4 million euros, or between 65% and 70%. The judge was indicted for receiving stolen favoritism but also the diversion of public funds. Some of resold polls had already been reported in the press. According to the survey, the Elysee has paid about 7.5 million euros in surveys and advice during the five year period from 2007 to 2012.

Pierre Giacometti and Patrick Buisson requested the nullity of their implementation review. The investigating chamber of the Appeal Court of Paris will particularly address the requirement to go through the bidding for the presidency of the Republic in policy advice. A question the result of the case depends in part




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various Facts

Elysée Polls : Ipsos indicted

the institute Ipsos opinion polls was indicted Thursday for concealment of favoritism in the investigation of the Elysée polls during the five year term of Nicolas Sarkozy. Three other institutes Opinionway, Ifop and TNS-Sofres had been …

2016-03-19 3:05:00 p.m.

News Facts various, various Facts, National, 2016, surveys,, elysée, institute Ipsos, placed


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