Monday, June 8, 2015

Social Security. Update on 2015, branch by branch – Ouest-France

Deficit worsened for the health insurance, retirement and family improvement side, excess reduces side accidents: what forecast expects the Commission on Social Security accounts (CCSS) for the general social security scheme in 2015, branch by industry?

Branch disease

The balance of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) would deteriorate from 600 million in 2015 to $ 7.2 billion euros, worsening of 200 million compared to the objective of the financing of the Social Security Act (LFSS).

The recipes continue to rise (0.3%), but at a pace less than that of the loads (3.3%). These would be carried by the growth of benefits within the scope of the National target for health insurance spending (Ondam) and financial integration of the health branch of the social security scheme for self-employed (RSI).

To compensate for the introduction of the responsibility of the Covenant, which has resulted in higher expenses for the CNAM, the Health Insurance was awarded new recipes, such as the full solidarity levy, a fraction of the Social Contribution Product solidarity societies (CSSS) and a recipe for unsustainable withholding of contributions on the cases of paid leave.

Industrial accidents / occupational diseases

This branch would remain in surplus, up 300 million euros compared to the goal of 2015. But its budget surplus is expected to reduce by 200 million compared to 2014 due to slowing revenue. The charges would increase by 2%. Growth would benefit her moderate.

Branch Family

The deficit of the family branch (CNAF) would be 2 billion euros, an improvement of 700 million compared 2014 and 300 million euros compared to the objective of the financing Act 2015. The implementation of the Pact of responsibility and solidarity profoundly change the structure of charges and net revenue CNAF, the Commission emphasizes with a 7.9% decrease expenses and 7% of the products of the industry.

The charges also slow down due to lower spending of legal services (-0.6%) , driven by low inflation and the cost saving measures implemented.


The deficit would be reduced again to 800 million euros (against 1.2 billion in 2014), an improvement of 700 million compared to the objective of the LFSS for 2015. The percentage distribution of net expenses increased (3.3%) due to the integration of the IHR to the general regime. The mass of pensions evolve at a pace similar to 2014, due in particular to the lack of adjustment of pensions.

But the net proceeds (premiums, contributions, taxes, net transfers …) continue to greatly increase (3.7%).

The rate increases and allow social contribution revenues to grow 3.1%. In addition, tax revenues would increase significantly, the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) enjoying a high proportion of social solidarity contribution of the companies (41.7%) to compensate for the integration of RSI.

However, the transfers received by CNAV decrease by 0.6%, due to a change in the calculation of contribution supported under unemployment for the Old Age Solidarity Fund (FSV) .

Old Age Solidarity Fund

The FSV deficit is expected in turn to 3.6 billion euros, a level close to 2014, but increased sharply compared with the 2015 target of LFSS (-2.9 billion). Net expenses decrease (-2.5%), as are the products (-3.7%) and tax revenues (-5.8%). These trends result in particular from the implementation of the Pact responsibility.


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