A real scandal. An affair of state. According to documents from the National Security Agency (NSA), Tuesday, June 23 disclosed by WikiLeaks and relayed by Mediapart and “Liberation”, the United States spied the last three French presidents and their entourages.
What is in those famous documents classified “Top Secret”, and for those responsible for the NSA and the US intelligence community? Of the five documents published by “Liberation” and “Mediapart”, four are marked with a “G” which is attributed to the “highly sensitive material.” “L’Observateur” highlights the main revelations drawn from these notes:
Holland, Greece and Merkel
“We do not target and we will not be targeting the communications of the President Hollande “says Ned Price on Wednesday, spokesman of the National Security Council.
Yet a note of May 22, 2012 proves otherwise. The NSA reports that during a discussion with the prime minister at the time, Jean-Marc Ayrault, May 18, 2012, a few days after his inauguration as president, Francois Hollande would “accept the holding of secret meetings in Paris to discuss the crisis in the euro zone, especially the consequences of a Greek exit “from it.
” Secret meetings will be held in Paris between officials French and German members of the SPD “, then in opposition to Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to the notes from which Jean-Marc Ayrault would have marked his concern that the latter is informed.
Hollande would also scored his disappointment after his first interview with Angela Merkel: An Interview “purely for show” without “achieving anything substantial.” “Holland is very worried about Greece,” ensures the NSA, which also states that the head of state had met a German chancellor “obsessed with the ‘Fiscal Compact’ and especially by Greece that it has dropped, he said, and will move more. “
Sarkozy, the US and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
In a note dated 30 October 2008 (Mediapart said that he is not possible to “know at this stage if it results from tapping, interception or conversations with US sources”): “President Nicolas Sarkozy considers it its duty to Europe and the world up to the plate and solve the financial crisis. He then said he was only given the French EU Presidency, which can jump into the battle at that time. The President blames many of the current economic problems to mistakes made by the US government, but believes that Washington is following some of his advice. ” She adds: “Sarkozy sees himself as the only one who can solve the global financial crisis.”
On 24 March 2010, another memo describes an “exchange” between the French ambassador to Washington, Pierre Vimont, and the “sherpa” of Nicolas Sarkozy, Jean-David Levitte, about an upcoming meeting between Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama in Washington. According to this, Pierre Vimont would have indicated that the French president “announce his frustration after the retreat of Washington on the proposed bilateral cooperation agreement on intelligence”, and would continue to push for its adoption. According to Pierre Vimont and Jean-David Levitte, the main sticking point is that “the United States intends to continue spying for France.”
In another note of 10 June 2011, Nicolas Sarkozy ” said June 7 his determination to move forward with an initiative to revive direct peace talks in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians. ” According to this note, Nicolas Sarkozy would have thought to include the Quartet’s initiative, while fearing that it recovers to its advantage this initiative and that it is therefore “stillborn”. Nicolas Sarkozy had planned to rally to his initiative the Russian president at the time, Dimitri Medvedev, or another option, to issue an ultimatum to Barack Obama “for the Palestinian state.”
According to a ” NSA confidential document “cited by Mediapart and” written under the Sarkozy presidency, “a list of” French targets “was prepared. “This concerns jumble portable Nicolas Sarkozy staff, the diplomatic advisor Jean-David Levitte, the secretary general of the Elysee Claude Gueant, the spokesman of Foreign Ministry Bernard Valero, the former minister Jean -Pierre Jouyet, Minister of Foreign Trade Pierre Lellouche, a head of the Quai d’Orsay unidentified. ” But Laurence Tubiana, an official at the Foreign Ministry which was charged in 2009 negotiations for the climate conference in Copenhagen.
Chirac and “inappropriate comments” of Douste-Blazy
In a note of December 2006, Jacques Chirac, “said the Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy on December 23 to ensure to ensure that the current UN special envoy for the implementation Resolution 1559 of the Security Council is chosen as the UN Secretary-General. According to a comment included in this note, “Chirac detailed orders can be an answer to the propensity of the foreign minister, widely demonstrated in the past and a source of many presidential scolding, making inappropriate comments or imprecise. “

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