Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Occupation: Medef address a clean bill to the government – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Prime Minister presented 18 measures that partially meet the demands of entrepreneurs. But he incurred the wrath of the unions and the left.

“There is a real fear to hire in France.” Pierre Gattaz , President of MEDEF, had set the scene on the eve of Manuel Valls advertisements to support employment of small businesses. An appointment that he described as “crucial”. The creation of a compulsory scheme employment tribunals with a ceiling or easing the use of CSD were all priorities for him. The least one can say is that it was heard by the head of government. At the heart of what he called a “Small Business Act French”, the Prime Minister presented an 18 action plan to build a “job opportunities” around the small and micro businesses at a time when the curve Unemployment continues to soar.

In a statement, the vice president of MEDEF, Thibault Lanxade, hailed “a government that acts and offers significant steps to make life easier for SMEs (.. ). The measures announced today take over part of what we had proposed and are going in the right direction. ” Medef, who said he wanted “greater employment flexibility,” said “the decision to renew twice a CSD.” The government, upstream, announced that there would be no creation of new employment contract. This choice will allow employers the opportunity to make greater use of fixed-term contracts (CDD) knowing that almost 85% of new recruits are now realized in this form.

The main employers’ organization is still required to denounce a “lack of consistency” in government action and has notably targeted the numerous amendments adopted in the framework of the law on social dialogue. In an interview with Echos on Monday night, Pierre Gattaz denounced “sterile debates and few decisions. There is a time when you have attérir, with a leader who decides and acts. ”

The reaction of trade unions, meanwhile, was not long in coming. The new decisions in favor of employment for small companies just announced, Force Ouvrière expressed “its regret that the Government did not accept the proposals” as the creation of a single window for SMEs’ access Facilier -TPE state aid. The union also criticized the decision “to cap redundancy pay” by a government that “pushes a little further up the employers’ slider to its liberal policy of inspiration.”

Even before the details of the ads government, CFDT had also said he disagreed with the idea of ​​a compulsory scheme. She confirmed in a statement “challenge the cap damages” and believes that the scale is “a contradiction in relation to the desired improvement” and a “regression to the employees.”

While the measures are not unanimously in socialist ranks, Manuel Valls called before the National Assembly a “pragmatic debate.” According to the Prime Minister, “the only disagreement” would be in a “divergence of approach” while the economic recovery remains fragile. However, he claimed to be a winner “on two fronts: one does not question the CDI, the thresholds (social), the duration of action of employees, but it shows the flexibility we want.”


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