Some fifty craftsmen taxis conducted an operation against UberPOP drivers, private individuals offering their services at bargain prices in the night Friday and Saturday 13 June in Paris to denounce competition “unfair”. The artisans taxis stopped vehicles UberPOP drivers, and asked their passengers to get off.
Place Denfert-Rochereau, a taxi artisan explained to a customer embarrassed that this popular application on the phone meant to him “casualization” by trade, under the gaze of police discreet. “It For over a year we patient and nothing happens “, is annoyed Mohamed Habib, a taxi driver for twenty years. “UberPOP is undeclared work, illegal work”
Read (edition subscribers). They have become drivers for UberPop
Attack on a taxi driver in Roissy
“We are fed up and tired of unfair competition, ras-le-bol of Uber which is above the laws “, added one of his colleagues, Maryline Richaudeau, ” every day was a blatant activity fall they put themselves in our stations, our routes Due to ongoing tensions “, has she described, referring to the assault of a taxi driver at the airport of Roissy Friday.
UberPOP earned the Uber American group, world leader in linking with transport cars with drivers, many disputes with the courts. The group – valued at $ 50 billion according to the American press – has been sentenced to 100 000 euros fine by the Paris court late 2014 because of UberPOP. The company has appealed.
prefects forbade recent weeks to the service “unfair competition” vis-à-vis the VTC (transport chauffeured cars) and taxi Two professions ulcerated by the development of this activity, illegal according to the government. The Supreme Court considers a priority issue of constitutionality (QPC) on this subject, but has not yet sent to the Constitutional Council.
UberPOP arrives in Nantes, Strasbourg and Marseille
Meanwhile, Uber has continued to develop UberPOP, announcing Monday its introduction in Strasbourg, Nantes and Marseille. On Thursday, a UberPOP driver prosecuted for illegally practicing the activity of taxi operator, was released in Paris, which first aroused the “great satisfaction” the Uber company but scandalized taxis.
The criminal court considered in particular that “the expensive transportation of a person is not sufficient to characterize the taxi operator trading unauthorized parking, which assumes that one is characterized parking or traffic on the public highway in search of customers “. In May, some 150 drivers UberPOP records were underway in Paris. Some have already led to fines of several hundred euros
Read also:. Justice judge a not guilty UberPop driver

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