On the night of Friday to Saturday, about fifty taxis arrested UberPop drivers and asked their passengers to get off. The unions, who call themselves “overwhelmed by their base,” meet Wednesday.
Having proven in Marseille, the method is applied to Paris. On the night of Friday to Saturday, fifty artisans taxis stopped the cars driven by drivers and UberPop asked their passengers to get off. “We are fed up and tired of unfair competition, ras-le-bol Uber which is above the law,” told AFP Maryline Richaudeau, Parisian taxi driver. “Every day was a blatant activity fall they put themselves in our stations, on our ways Due to ongoing tensions,” said she described. According to her, a taxi driver was assaulted Friday at Roissy airport. Place Denfert-Rochereau, a taxi artisan explained to a customer embarrassed that this popular application meant to him the “casualization” of his trade, under the gaze of police discreet. “It’s been over a year since we patient and nothing happens”, was annoyed Mohamed Habib, a taxi driver for twenty years. “UberPOP is moonlighting, illegal employment”.
UberPop, which allows an individual to improvise taxi with his personal vehicle, crystallized discontent. In recent weeks, the prefects have banned the service for “unfair competition” vis-à-vis the VTC (transport of cars with driver) and taxis, both professions ulcerated by the development of this activity, illegal according to the government. The Supreme Court considers a priority issue of constitutionality (QPC) on this subject, but has not yet sent to the Constitutional Council.
Faced with this spontaneous movement, taxi unions say they are “overwhelmed by their base.” “Since the time we told the government that our base mud” irritated the elect of the National Federation of Taxi artisans (FNDT) Didier Hogrel. The union supports the type of action that was conducted last night, “as long as no violence is committed.” He explains: “The drivers are on edge, it is a signal that the government needs to hear.”
For this week, several events have put the fire to the powder. Monday, Uber announced the introduction of UberPop in Strasbourg, Nantes and Marseille. Three days later, a driver UberPop prosecuted for illegally practicing the activity of taxi operator, was released in Paris. A first in France, if the decision was upheld on appeal. The same day, the media adviser of the Secretary of State for Transport, Gregory Kopp, announced his hiring at Uber as communications officer. “It was very badly perceived by the taxi drivers” notes Pascal Wilder, representative of the National Federation of Independent Taxis (FNTI). “They see former members of the government from working for Uber. For them, it is clearly an illegal interest “.
“The illegal practice of taxi profession is one year in prison and 15,000 euros fine. If someone was finally taking the total, it would calm maybe others. “
Inter taxis will meet Wednesday to decide a national action plan. “It is insulted every day,” says Pascal Wilder. “They tell us’ unions are useless’, ‘the ministers are complicit and affect of bribes … There urgency to get things moving quickly because there is now the basis to move without we. “The modes of action remain to be defined, but they could now focus on the drivers of VTC. “Snails operations are against-productive, they make us more unpopular than anything else,” said Didier Hogrel. It is therefore possible that the taxi drivers renew these operations of “control” of UberPop drivers, coupled with the descent of the client. “We will renew these bailiff control transactions to record offenses,” says Didier Hogrel. But union representatives, the anger of taxi drivers do not become calm as the UberPop drivers continue to exercise “with impunity”. “The police is doing its job, but not justice,” said Pascal Wilder. “The illegal practice of taxi profession is year in prison and 15,000 euros fine. If someone was finally taking the total, it might calm others. “

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