Thursday, March 3, 2016

Labor law: one in two French want change – The Point

Nearly one in two French (48%) think the government must significantly alter the bill on the reform of the Labour Code and one in three (33%) that it must fully withdraw this , according to a survey released Thursday Elabe. Only 18% of respondents consider that the government “must not retreat” and submit the bill in the state in the National Assembly. If 54% of left supporters believe that the text should be reviewed in depth, it is also the case of 51% of those on the right and the center, according to the survey for Les Echos Radio classic and the Institute Montaigne. Relatives of the Left Front (58%) and those of the Front National (56%) are most likely to want the outright withdrawal of the bill.

Among the key measures of the text, respondents want priority that the government amend the provisions on “the facilitation of dismissals for economic reasons” (43%). Follow those of “capping prud’homales compensation for unfair dismissal” (38%) and “the fixing of working time by an enterprise agreement” (37%) (two possible answers). Survey conducted online March 1 and 2 among 1,001 people aged 18 and over, by the quota method.


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