ATHENS, June 4 (Reuters) – Alexis Tsipras spoke by phone Thursday night with Angela Merkel and François Hollande, after a day that saw Athens announce the postponement of a repayment to the IMF frond on background of Greek parliamentarians to the demands of international creditors.
The Greek Prime Minister, the German chancellor and the French president attempted to reconcile their positions during a conference call, said a Greek government official .
Alexis Tsipras has announced to his ministers that he could not accept the “extreme proposals” which were submitted to it on Wednesday in Brussels by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, continued the official said.
The head of government, who will inform the Greek Parliament of the progress of negotiations Friday at 15:00 GMT, stressed that creditors must understand that the Greek people have suffered enough and must “stop playing at his expense,” said he said.
The proposals of the EU and the IMF, which asked Alexis Tsipras committing to reduce pension costs, to reform the labor market and pursue a privatization program, have sparked an outcry among the ranks of Syriza, the party of Prime Minister because they cross the “red lines” drawn by Athens for the negotiations.
A new meeting planned on Friday night talks in Brussels was canceled for lack of Greek against-offer, officials said the euro zone.
The creditors fear that a third extension plan aid is necessary, they added, after the announcement by Athens of the grouping in a single installment payable on June 30 four repayments due this month the IMF – 1.6 billion euros in total.
This is the first time since the start of the debt crisis five years ago that the Greek government does not honor a maturity of 240 billion euros were lent him .
(Renee Maltezou; Tangi Salaün for the French service, edited by Veronique Tison)

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