Born in pain, this device is limited for now to the capital, as he was originally to involve 28 areas “strained”. In March, the Ministry had announced a publication in May for implementation in July. A prefectural order will then be taken “by the end of June,” Will was added to set the benchmark rent for each of the 14 price levels specified by the Centre rents the Paris area (OLAP).
“basic rent” reviewed annually and only for new contracts and renewals. Each of the 80 districts of Paris, the subdivisions of districts will be assigned a “basic rent” and a rent ceiling, 20% higher. Rents vary according to the type and age of housing. A new decree must be taken every year to review the data, which will apply only to new leases and lease renewals.
An extensive system to other cities. Several cities in France, including Lille, Strasbourg or Grenoble, had expressed interest in framing rents as originally envisaged the “Alur” law, but Manuel Valls, taking office as prime minister, wished to limit the experience in Paris.
Lille, however, could embark on the same path as his observatory rents also received approval last month. It will then return him to say when it believes it has enough reliable information to define a reference rent. The law provides that the prefect will then have the obligation to take an enforcement decree. This process could lead late in the year.
& gt; & gt; Video: Alur Act Lille and other cities want to experiment rent regulation
& gt; & gt; Video: rent control will be experimentally applied to Paris

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