Thursday, June 11, 2015

-Hat: an amendment hardens awarding “golden … – Le Figaro

Worn by MP PS Laurent Grandguillaume, and passed the night in committee, the amendment aims to prohibit the redemption of years of service by companies for the benefit of new leaders on their arrival.

The end of polemics on-hat pensions? A deputy PS attack it reveals Les Echos . He filed an amendment to the law that aims to Macron frame the welcome bonus.

The system of cap-pensions in addition to mandatory retirement programs basic or additional (AGIRC and ARRCO). The amount of the monthly pension is set in advance. Retirement-hat, funded by the company, aims to attract executives. It must be validated by the Board of Directors or the Company’s Supervisory Board and is subject to the general meeting of shareholders.

These hat-retirement and “golden hellos” or welcome bonus, are often controversial. Latest, the bonus of € 4 million Olivier Brandicourt for his arrival at the head of Sanofi in April. Retirement-hat almost 300,000 euros a year paid to Philippe Varin, former CEO of PSA, had also caused a stir. The amendment aims Laurent Grandguillaume redemption of years of service.

“This amendment is a real breakthrough in terms of coaching hat-retreats”

“The” golden hellos “are to newly appointed leaders within a company. They consist notably purchase years of service in the context of defined benefit pension plans, “said Laurent Grandguillaume. “Thus, a new leader can benefit his arrival in a company of a seniority acquired 10 or even 15 years as part of the pension-cap regime.” Now, this acquisition could be banned. “This amendment is a real breakthrough in leadership hat pensions.”

Two measures already govern these welcome bonus. MEPs conditioning, in February, the payment of a retirement-hat to the performance of the company and limited the speed of acquisition of these rights to a replacement rate of 3% per year of presence within the company. No objections were felt to the adoption of the amendment. “We have a neutral position on the subject, explains François Soulmagnon, Director General of the AFEP (French Association of private companies). The proposal does not affect many people. “


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