Greek Prime Minister called on Brussels to “withdraw its proposal absurd.” While considering that an agreement with the creditors of Greece was more imminent than ever.
The unexpected announcement by the Greek government on Thursday night of grouping in one payment on 30 June, the four payments due to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), for a total of 1.6 billion euros, has not reassured the markets, as evidenced by the plunge flying high Friday of the Athens Stock Exchange (- 4.9%). A first tranche of EUR 300 million should have been paid on Friday. Greece has asked the IMF to defer payment using a device provided by the institution’s regulations but had been used only once, thirty years ago.
” A feeling of uncertainty resurface and it is feared that the Greeks will begin to withdraw their money from banks. “
On Thursday make history because this is the first time that Greece defaults on its debts since his placement under the supervision of the IMF and budget of the EU, stressed Antonis Kakousis columnist of the weekly To Vima . “This sudden announcement has raised concerns, both in the country and abroad, on a possible bankruptcy could happen if the Prime Minister admit that negotiations with creditors are deadlocked. Inevitably, a sense of uncertainty resurface and it is feared that the Greeks will begin to withdraw their money from banks, “he said. Public opinion seems, in fact, more and more concerned and challenges the method used by Alexis Tsipras in the negotiations. If 74% of Greeks, according to a survey by the Institute Alco, want the country remains in the euro, a majority (50%) believe that the Prime Minister must yield to the demands of creditors.
The far left wing of the ruling party Syriza welcomed the snub Alexis Tsipras at the IMF. Thus MP Stathis Kouvelakis believes that the Prime Minister “has responded to the offensive unacceptable proposals of creditors.” “The situation is politically untenable, it is impossible to repay the IMF, while the state coffers are empty, ‘he justifies. Creditors always demand more austerity without making concessions. They would like Syriza commit political suicide in front of the cameras of the world. “
Coming back from dinner Wednesday evening with Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, Alexis Tsipras has chosen to store the side of his left wing, even at the risk of rupture in the negotiations. “An exit from the euro zone is technically, economically and politically manageable” wants to believe the influential Kouvelakis MP, also an economics professor at King’s College London.
Given its parliament Friday Alexis Tsipras played the resistance. He urged creditors to “remove the absurd proposition” in Brussels on budget surplus and taxes. He also insisted that the agreement contains a clause “on debt sustainability.” While believing that “we are closer than ever to an agreement.”

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