“We miss you! We need you. Come back, Mr. Strauss-Kahn.” There are many, those on the street, in restaurants, at the Stade de France and Roland Garros were calling kindly Dominique Strauss-Kahn before his acquittal, to wish to play a role, he speaks mostly: “we need to hear you, the rest are so spoiled …”. But the former IMF chief, who has missed his presidential destiny, does not have any illusions, “many do not come to me, and remain at a distance.” Therefore no question for him to claim Stars play tomorrow on the political scene, even though polls show that the French might wish to return. “Impossible” He acknowledges having made too many personal mistakes. But work on the economic policy of France and of Europe, be called upon by our leaders as he is abroad, it does not visibly displeased him. His eye shines …
Everything changes when he speaks
The eyes of those who see the lights coming too. “Strauss” leaves no one indifferent. Conversations down a tone, and even more when he enters a room. It approaches him, it surrounds. It scrutinizes. Is questioned. Loving it. The appeal of the character who feels suffers no doubt, and that almost no loose his partner’s hand or eyes. Admittedly, it also repels. Some move away, turn away who do not want to forget the raw brutality of some of his escapades. But everything changes when he opens his mouth, and tells the world economy.
It is embedded by the brio, the vista. He plays with borders, currencies, banks, gaps, blockages, the mighty of the land he still familiar terms. The crisis with him, crises rather seem both more severe and easier to deal with. He still has under the foot and head in his world map, even if the travel beginning to tire him. The assistance, nostalgic, oscillates between “what a pity that you have not been waiting for you” and “but you have come back, Mr. Strauss-Kahn, on TV and in power”. On the small screen, big audience, it would not be impossible. However, in power …
The late policy hedonists
A right and left are not believed to returning from vauvert devil. For politicians, the man came out of the force field, and if he came back, “all its depravities, you is it asserts, would come back in force.” In this country in search of course but also moral economic recovery, we do not entrust the defense of the Authority and the restriction of freedoms to a libertine! D.S.K. feels too suffers in departmental vestries. Even worse among socialists who gathered in Poitiers, did not have a word, not a thought for him. D.S.K.? Discharged from the sup frames of socialist power. Even Strauss-khaniens yesterday you repeated: “It is finished”. His time is over. While it retains some alacrity to 66 spring, “but the time is too hard for a sensualist, and the political world has changed too much for him to move in with his Social Democratic agility old”. The ancient worshipers are always the most cruel.
Can we be so sure that this unusual character is “finished”? Look Alain Juppe, who was among the most hated men in France: 69 autumns, he seems to have bathed in the water of Youth of Father Soury, and regained the favor of public opinion. True, after a long period of Canadian snow crossing, then a course of Bordeaux and government policy fighter who otherwise encrusted in the landscape. It is also true that no reproached the same violations of “good behavior”, or failing to be virtuous that time more than ever swarms of wild friends of virtue.

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