Former Health Minister Claude Evin sounding the alarm in Le Parisien of Monday, June 8 The cause of his concern: a small amendment passed unnoticed in the draft Macron law to distinguish between information and advertising on wine and is considered Monday in the Assembly. “This amendment -which seems technically de facto liberate the possibility of advertising in favor of alcohol, and virtually limitless,” laments the former minister predicted “the end of the Evin law, passed these twenty -five years “
Amendment . (Read: additional article after Article 62 bis, ed) worn Senator Republicans party (ex-UMP) – and former winemaker – Gérard César seeks to challenge the text “became legal uncertainty and thus complexity.” Senator Elizabeth Rhone Lamure (Republicans) also argued during the examination of the text in the Senate, that “any mention of wine in a journalistic content, cultural, artistic, entertainment or wine tourism can be ordered now.” The amendment “clarifies the boundaries between what is a share of the advertising and the other of journalistic information and wine-tourism, artistic and cultural creation, defining what advertising,” she added in May, after stressing that the amendment was co-signed by senators from all benches. What Claude Evin replies:
An association (for example) that will attack a alcohol advertising before the courts will, for successful, both prove that the person promoting ( even indirect or subtle) of the product there is an interest, but also that this “communication operation” is “likely to be perceived as a promotional act by an average consumer.” Nevermind the fact that this last sentence does not mean anything. In fact, meet these criteria will be impossible! So, the courts will focus on the fact whether it was or not an advertisement, but failed to settle surely, forgetting the real debate: the product itself

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