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The radio is a medium usual … but change can there be a fee. This is the lesson to be drawn from the results of radio audience for the period from September to November, published by Médiamétrie, Wednesday, Nov. 19. This “wave back” is the most important of the year because it gives a first indication of the changes made to the exit gate of the summer.
In this game, the renewal was beneficial to France Inter. “We got up on the right foot” , smiled the CEO of Radio France, Mathieu Gallet. General public radio out of a 2013-2014 year of continuous decline and considered its grid “Out” . Newly appointed director of the new antennas, Frederick Schlesinger, one programs, Emmanuel Perreau, and Inter boss, Laurence Bloch, largely renewed the casting: Charline Vanhoenacker Lea Salame and promoted in the morning; Augustine and Nagi Trapenard headliners environments morning; Nicolas Demorand return in the early evening … So instead of paying choice, as France Inter back to 10% of total audience, up 0.1 points in September 2013.
Bury the demons
Inter is the only general to rise year on year. Always leader, RTL has nevertheless declined by 0.4 points to 11.5%. But Bayard Street station can be proud of to compete with NRJ cumulative audience, while the largely dominant audience share (11.6% against 6.7%) – a criterion that it continues crush the competition. “I am 100% satisfied with this autumn” , Christopher Baldelli informed his boss.
The most symbolic change decided by RTL, namely the replacement of the Philippe Bouvard history of “Big heads ” by Laurent Ruquier was taking a risk pay. With 2 million viewers for the issuance of the afternoon, he even wins Ruquier 132,000 listeners compared to the hearing of its predecessor, according to RTL. . What bury the demons of replacement aborted by Christophe Dechavanne Mr. Bouvard in 2000
The former home of Mr. Ruquier, Europe 1, also fell, to 9% of total audience (- 0 2 points over one year). The successor to Laurent Ruquier afternoon, Cyril
Decline General
Europe 1 highlights the progression of his morning, which began its second season under the leadership of Thomas Sotto and earns 193,000 listeners year on year, driven by good scores trio of Nicolas Canteloup – Jean Pierre Elkabbach – Natacha Polony between 8:00 and 9:00. The two leaders are those morning Patrick Cohen on France Inter and rival RTL, where Yves Calvi happened this year – but both fall. Yves Calvi is listened to by 3,446,446 listeners between 7:00 and 9:00 – a low point for RTL – when Mr. Cohen brings 3,354,446 listeners and Thomas Sotto 3082000
Meanwhile, RMC. no longer increasing, with 7.8% of total audience and 6.9% audience share – even if the station is gaining audience in the evening through football as Europe 1 and RTL have abandoned. Its director, Franck Lanoux, highlights the fact that RMC is not present throughout the country.
Stagnation also for France Bleu, at the end of a good season. LAN Radio France recorded 7.4% of total audience, down 0.3 points compared to 2013.
The decline is much more pronounced for NRJ, coming out of a season record. At 11.5% of total audience, the music loses 0.8 points compared to the fall of 2013, nearly 500,000 listeners. “It does not explain” reacts the Executive Director of the NRJ Group, Maryam Salehi, who is hiding behind a “random statistical” and “cyclical” . Its rival Twitter knows it, a reverse path to + 0.4 and 6.9%.
France Info still under construction
As for thematic radios, France Info remains troubled, with 7.8% of total audience, down 0.4 points. But public radio rolling news boasts a “new dynamic” by pointing a gain of 147,000 listeners compared to the wave of April-June. Above all, it boasts of its digital growth indicators: visits to the site, number of followers on social networking etc
“France Info rebuilds and traces its path, it will draw lessons. End of Season “ says Mathieu Gallet. France Culture, in turn, reached 2.2% of total audience – equaling his record. A premium on continuity embodied by Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, director of single antenna maintained its position by Mr. Gallet on arrival
Last lesson of this wave. The decline in its radio whole. The French were less likely to listen to the fall 2013 with 42,690 million listeners over 13 years. Cumulative audience, radio recorded her worst result since 2002 (- 0.8) – a downward trend that is repeated for several waves and becomes significant

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