Monday, November 24, 2014

Do we really freeze wages? –

Do we really freeze wages? –

Close, too close? The Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron and his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, commissioned a joint report to boost growth on both sides of the Rhine. Surprise: it would argue for a wage freeze in France for a period of three years, on the model of Germany, champion of its kind in Europe. Macron he will copy his colleague Gabriel? Partially unveiled by the magazine Der Spiegel, this text, prepared by Jean Pisani-Ferry and Henrik Enderlein, two economists from the left, will be presented on Thursday. In the absence of a gel, the government should advocate wage moderation.

A tool that is indeed seen as a good adjustment variable costs for businesses. According to the report of the 2014 OECD Employment Outlook, it has been used by many European countries. The German experience, in fact, allowed a gain of 10 points of unit labor costs since 2008, coupled with increased productivity. Last September, a note from France Strategy, chaired by Jean Pisani-Ferry, defended a “wage restraint necessary in the services sector” , including those used by the industry.

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In mid-November, a report by The Suggestion Box, think tank close to the UMP, noted that bosses have their share of responsibility in the degradation of margin, which fell one point per year since 2008 in France. Because the share of wages in value added has increased at the same time as social

security contributions. “This wage, disconnected from corporate health, can not be attributed to the State (social contributions) or the minimum wage, as does the MEDEF, relèveLa Suggestion Box . Wage policy freely decided by companies also bears a heavy responsibility “.

According to a 2010-2011 study, 70% of companies with more than 10 employees have not lowered their remuneration policy since the beginning of the crisis. Worse, some may use part of the IECC and responsibility pact (41 billion euros in total) to increase remuneration. They would be interested 26% in industry and 41% in services, according to a study by the INSEE. These devices competitiveness, which take the form of payroll tax relief on low and medium wages, then fail (…)

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