Thursday, November 20, 2014

Real estate: developers call on the government to “go … –

Real estate: developers call on the government to "go … –

( – Promise made by the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, last August, measures of stimulus property were to be implemented before the end of the year. But today, some barely have been confirmed regarding the seismic regulations or constraints of implementing a toilet …

A long-term challenge

At a time when developers are concerned that the production of new housing will not even reach the 300 000 units in 2014, the Federation of developers (FPI) therefore calls for action without delay on the lever, the final goal is to reduce construction costs by 10% and therefore housing prices accordingly. The challenge is to build more allowing access to smaller households. It would also indirectly trigger prices today as former households who can not afford the new are transferred to the former …

Spiral depressed

For the President of the REIT, François Payelle, time is crucial since “never reported the production of our country is its people been so low, while the needs are substantial.” “The government has sent a strong signal at the end of August. It is essential that implement without delay all the measures announced. If housing production will continue to decline and will go into a depressive spiral, no one knows the outcome, “warns Francis Payelle.

Months of delay

Half of measures to simplify construction standards would now be pushed back to 2015 or even in the second half next year. A key component of this simplification affects the accessibility of buildings for people with disabilities and most of the 17 measures provided are for example reported in June 2015. There has yet to remove emergency absurd rules such as requiring accessibility standards people in wheelchairs on floors that are not served by an elevator.

Problem on parking

The REIT also points out that the electricity reform will also shift six months. The simplification of standards should allow for example to separate what is bond security of what is just comfort. As for the simplification of fire safety, which should notably allow the use of wood in front or innovative materials, it is postponed to April 2015. The rule also seems to blur a major source of economy, obligations creation parking in tight and well served by public transport areas. Provided in the bill to simplify business life, this has been limited by the Senate residences for students and seniors.

Financial Measures

On measures financial stimulus plan on housing, developers fear inefficient exceptional allowance of 100,000 euros for donations to the descendants of a new home because of the impossibility of donation in cash. Finally, it still lacks some texts to implement the VAT reduced to 5.5% for social home in new priority areas or construction of intermediate housing.

Regarding permits build, the decree on the extension of their period of validity should appear towards the end of the year. And reducing the time for obtaining permits, it will be the first semester 2015 …

  – © 2014


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