Sunday, August 17, 2014

Valls staying the course of reforms and challenges the left of the PS –

Valls staying the course of reforms and challenges the left of the PS –

Manuel Valls warned the left wing of his majority he was “no way” to change economic policy, saying the stagnation of growth required the government to stay the course of reforms “take time . “

The French Prime Minister launched the Sunday newspaper with a pike” slingers “of the Socialist Party who urge to revise their choices facing the avalanche of bad economic news and mistrust of opinion.

“Yes, the policy that the president has decided to implement takes time to produce results,” he told the weekly.

“But there’s no way to change it. Pact responsibility and its 41 billion drop in labor costs will actually come out now,” he added, holding the 50 billion euros of savings.

Manuel Valls blames “some left who gossip irresponsible”, a critical coupled with a gesture of defiance as he chose to speak next Wednesday, the day of the first cabinet meeting after the summer break, the summer before business leaders gathered at the University of MEDEF.

This symbolic gesture is likely to be poorly perceived by the left wing of the PS before the summer school principal of the majority party in La Rochelle, the Prime Minister will conclude with a speech on Sunday, the day after a meeting of the “rebellious” calling for a political demand.


Manuel Valls, there is no alternative to the current policy of reducing labor costs to boost competitiveness companies after the announcement of a zero growth of the French economy in the second quarter of this year as the first, compromising the objective of bringing the deficit below 3% in 2015.

“If we do not support the companies for their own competitiveness, then the country will never recover,” he said in the JDD, where he promises to “tell the truth to the French” on the situation of a country “living beyond its means.”

This message is based on that of MEDEF, which said on Thursday, following the release of poor growth figures, more than ever “urgent need to restore competitiveness and confidence “deepening structural reforms.

According to an Ifop poll for the Journal du Dimanche, only 18% of the French trust the government to reduce public deficits, 16% hardly believe it will boost growth and 85% do not think it will lower unemployment.

For the former finance minister Pierre Moscovici, who’s next Commissioner of France, Manuel Valls yet due want to carry out structural reforms.

“Cape traced by the president is right,” he said in the JDD. “The French economy is robust and is the fifth in the world. We lack the spark.”

The return will be marked by a series of appointments that should illustrate this commitment and meaningful negotiations with European partners in France, mainly Germany, a policy to boost growth.

In the entourage of Manuel Valls, one in particular evokes social workers thresholds above which businesses are imposed social obligations, a reform rejected by the unions and the Socialist Party, but on which negotiations will open in September under the auspices of the government.


Reform of regulated professions by Minister of Economy Arnaud Montebourg plans to make € 6 billion in purchasing power to the French, and to encourage the construction of housing measures, which not restart, are also planned.

To demonstrate that the government does not care and business, the council of ministers back next Wednesday should consider a “tax act” in favor of classes averages to compensate for censorship by the Constitutional Council, the decline in decreasing employee contributions for employees paid between 1 and 1.3 minimum wage.

This, at a total cost of 2.5 billion euros, was one of the key elements introduced by the government to households in exchange for some 41 billion drop charges and promised tax businesses by 2017.

Labour Minister, François Rebsamen will gather on September 10 the labor organizations of the 50 main branches to take stock of the counterparties to declines in recruitment of samples given to companies that are slow to emerge.

Manuel Valls install meanwhile officially the monitoring committee of the labor-management responsibility pact Hollande will hold a press conference during the week of September 15 to explain their choices.

The executive must also convince its European partners to conduct a policy to stimulate growth, with a first meeting at the European Council in Brussels on 30 August.

Manuel Valls preparing a tour of European capitals in September, beginning with Angela Merkel in September to get that deficit reduction can be done in France at a pace that does not stifle a fledgling business.

It will show that France has made the effort to get a new time, a query which could be facilitated by the stagnation of the economy in the euro zone, including Germany, where GDP fell by 0.2% in the second quarter.

(Yves Clarisse)


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