Friday, June 24, 2016

The timing and terms of the output of the United Kingdom of the European Union – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

  • What do the European treaties?

the divorce procedure with Britain that Brussels must engage exists in the European treaties. it was added to the Lisbon ratified in 2009

His Article 50 called “clause withdrawal “, states that ” any member State may decide, in accordance with its constitutional rules, to withdraw from the Union. “ Never, so far no country has used.

  • who will take the first step?

it is the British government which will trigger the proceedings and ask the activation of Article 50 to the European Council (the meeting of States).

It may take time but the ideal for the main European leaders, would it happen at the summit on 28 and 29 June in the Belgian capital. . To minimize the period of uncertainty

The European Council will decide who represents the interests of twenty-seven in the negotiation of divorce: a task force within the Commission or

  • the UK he will come out immediately to the European Union?

Before the divorce is officially recorded, the UK will remain a member of the Union. His ministers should be able to participate in government meetings, except when such meetings will concern the terms of separation.

The British MEPs will continue to serve in Strasbourg. And the British commissioner, Jonathan Hill, could theoretically keep his job.

  • The UK he will chair, as expected, the Union for six months, second quarter 2017?

No one imagines that London wants to take on this role.

  • When will the divorce procedure can it be curly?

the parties will, again under Article 50, two years to agree and break ties. Some hope a curly discussion less than a year. Impossible, say other sources.

Specifically, thousands of common legislation must be détricotées. The UK will cancel

EU regulations, immediately applicable in the member countries, and replace them with other texts, national, to avoid a legal vacuum.

Britain will also develop national regulatory agencies since it will no longer be subject to the decisions of the thirty executive agencies on behalf of the Commission.

Twenty-Eight will also negotiate the terms of the end of the British contribution to the EU budget (12.9 billion euros in 2015) and disbursement of European funds in London (5.8 billion).

  • What will it of some 1,500 European officials of British nationality?

The Community institutions could dismiss on the grounds that one must be a member of any EU country to enjoy this status. However, their unions hope we will agree that those who want to stay can.

  • How the future relationship between the United Kingdom and Europe will it be redefined?

After the divorce, the urgency for the United Kingdom, now considered a “third country” no longer having access to the domestic market, will establish a new relationship with the EU.

“the service companies, British industry will lose their privileged access to the internal market. They will pay the full tariff. European banks will lose their passport to install and operate throughout the EU, “ says lawyer Jean-Claude Piris.

London he will opt for a simple free trade agreement -trade or an association agreement, mixed with a commercial component and political cooperation, on how those signed with Switzerland and Norway in particular? These negotiations could last for years.

If it still wants to get dozens of agreements signed between the EU and Asian countries, Latin America or Africa, the United Kingdom will renegotiate all.

leaders want to engage very soon the negotiations. Others advocate a softer negotiation, to preserve their relationship – including commercial -. The United Kingdom

Finally, the bloc will attempt to reassure the collective security of the continent. It will support the idea that “unity is strength” … even without London.


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