Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Brexit: S & P and Fitch degrade the note of the UK losing its “AAA” – Challenges.fr

The rating agencies Standard and Poor’s and Fitch downgraded Monday the debt rating of the United Kingdom, noting the choice of British voters to see their country exit . European Union

the note of British debt changes from “AAA”, the highest possible, “AA”, two notches below, according to a statement from S & amp; P. The agency cites “uncertainty” has generated the referendum and anticipates “a less predictable political, less stable and less effective” in the coming months.

The new note is with a negative outlook, that is to say, it could be lowered again

the decision by S & amp;. P, one of the three global rating agencies alongside Moody’s and Fitch , “also refers to the risk of deterioration of the conditions of market access” financial UK, says the agency, as well as “constitutional problems” that will arise, when the pro-European Scotland plans to hold a referendum on independence.

Fitch has also lowered the British note by predicting a “sharp slowdown” in growth in the country. The rating of the UK debt passes from AA + to AA with a negative outlook, implying again that

it could be lowered further in the coming months. “ Fitch estimated the uncertainty following the referendum result will cause a short-term sharp slowdown in growth,” the agency said.

Fitch also cites the possibility of a referendum on Scottish independence as a serious risk to the future. By Friday Moody’s lowered its outlook on UK debt increased to “negative”, prelude there also a possible downgrade.

The notes issued by the rating agencies, types of credit certificates, dictate conditions under which companies or countries can borrow on the financial markets. The higher the score, the lower the interest rate demanded by creditors will be.

The British electorate voted, in a referendum, to nearly 52% Thursday to an output of EU.

(With AFP)


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