Thursday, June 30, 2016

Painfulness: Pierre Gattaz calls for civil disobedience – The World

Pierre Gattaz in 2014.

Medef has taken another step in its hostility to the account of the hardship prevention staff (often referred acronym C3P). Wednesday, June 29, the president of the employers’ movement, Pierre Gattaz, claimed not to know “how to” to comply with new obligations related to this device, whose entry into force is scheduled for 1 st of July. “So we do [them] not apply” , he said.

A virtual call to civil disobedience condemned the government and several union leaders. This position proves once again that the Medef has chosen, for several weeks, to get tough against the executive. It also seeks some sort of moratorium on the implementation of a reform opposed from the start by employers’ unions.

A few hours after the statements of Mr. Gattaz, Medef said the back of his mind in a particularly virulent statement: “the Government, writes, has chosen to continue his flight forward political and dogmatic bracing himself on a device akin to a technocratic monster developed firm away from ground realities. “

These criticisms are added to those of the CGPME, which launched it a few days ago, a communication campaign lambasting the measures imposed on companies from 1 st July for hardship. The president of this organization, François Asselin, will, however, far less than its counterpart Medef. It merely regrettable that the law is “to unenforceable” , in the words he used Wednesday on BFM TV. He also believes that the government does not listen to his repeated warnings about the difficulty to find operational solutions for the bosses are “in the nails” .

Government appreciated very slightly out of the “boss of bosses”. “We can not (…) not overcome the laws of the Republic” , thundered Manuel Valls. Even reactions to the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, and his colleague in charge of Social Affairs Marisol Touraine: Medef is not above the rule of law, they said in substance

“gas factory”

A view shared by the unions. Hervé Garnier (CFDT) said that the Medef “took thirty months to prepare. They discredit themselves by being so dogmatic . ” “It denotes the state of mind of employers today who feels omnipotent, chains Philippe Pihet (FO). A regulation, not self-service. “ For Eric Aubin (CGT), the question arises of whether to impose ” financial penalties “ to employers in breach of the legislation.

Medef, it is ensured that the position displayed Wednesday by Mr. Gattaz “nothing new” . “We repeat that the measures on the arduous nature are inapplicable since the beginning” says a spokesman. He does not act, he added, to urge companies not to comply, but to get “deferring the date of application” , “at least” be known until the recommendations of three experts.

the Prime Minister had

given an assessment mission and tracking Pierre-Louis Bras (President of Board of retirement guidance), Jean-François Pilliard (former vice president of Medef) and Gaby Bonnand (CFDT, former president of Unédic). They could deliver a first set of reflections, either in July or in September.

Since the law of January 2014 reforming pensions, companies must identify their employees who are exposed to at least one of the ten factors risk provided herein. Under pressure from employers, who saw a “gas factory” impossible to turn, the government agreed to partially defer the implementation of the reform.

Read also: Pensions: system accounts are improving a little faster than expected

Four of the ten risk factors entered into force in 2015. This has enabled some 500 000 people to open a C3P and start earning rights, says one in the entourage of M me Touraine. The other six factors that play from the 1 st July pose formidable problems, according to the employers’ organizations, because they are difficult to measure. “It would put a camera behind every employee” , says an employer source, to determine, for example, the number of heavy loads handled or time spent working in high temperatures.

Aware of the difficulties, the Government had invited the branches to develop “benchmarks” , a kind of guide to enable entrepreneurs to apply the device. A number of them have engaged in this exercise – including the building, yet very critical, since industry representatives have asked a professional body (OPPBTP) floor on the subject


“Companies delivered to themselves”

But, for now, a single repository has been approved by the administration and was the subject of an agreement branch: it concerns the drinks wholesaler-distributors. According to a source close to the matter, “twenty to twenty-five branches have done this work to build a repository” , but they have not filed. In some cases because the result was not entirely successful. But others make the retention “for political reasons” , complete another source. In other words, they do not want to come forward and go for good students even as employers off to war again against the C3P.

“If no repository is published to many companies are going to be delivered to themselves and will find it difficult to report exposed positions “ says a permanent within an employers’ organization. A former figure in the industry is concerned that the enforcement of the law occurs “disparately” , large groups managing to comply smoothly or almost, but not SMEs.

at this point, there is no danger in delay. Companies are only required from the 1 st July to initiate the review of the employees affected by the second wave of risk factors. The 1 st in January 2017, they will have to report. But according to a former employer responsible – also very critical of the terms of the C3P – the statements of Mr Gattaz are “dangerous” , as they may “to the game extreme “.


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