Sunday, June 19, 2016

Restaurants: health controls displayed with a smiley – Why doctor?

A smile wider or narrower depending on the outcome of the health check. As of July 1, food establishments must display their rating with a smiley face.

A Smiley at the restaurant entrance. Here’s how the results of health checks will be displayed in food establishments. From 1 st July, the entire industry will be required to state with this pictogram the opinion of the Directorate General of Food. A measure that has angered the restorers side.

4 blue smileys

The aim of this decree is clearly announced in the future law Agriculture: it is indeed “to transparency” health checks in schools throughout the food chain – from the restaurant to the canteen via the industrial chains and slaughterhouses

. for this, a classification into 4 levels is implemented with the same blue smiley. It corresponds to the results of the examination conducted by the inspectors. At the top of the scale, very satisfactory controls at the bottom of this, those who require urgent corrections. Each of these grades, the pictogram is more or less smiling

consumer side, this increased transparency is good news -. Especially as the conclusions of the inspections will be available on the ministries of sites Agriculture and Consumer.

A check every 10 years

Food professionals, they have expressed their reservations. The Union of crafts and hospitality industries (Umih) denounces a measure that may stigmatize the profession and added that hygiene is an essential prerequisite in this sector. The union also sees a dim view of the publication of Internet controls. This data can be resumed by online review sites, he says, while the restaurant may have initiated the necessary corrective measures.

The discontent comes as perhaps the results of the experimentation conducted since July 2015 in Paris and Avignon (Vaucluse). In the capital, 34% obtained a certificate “very satisfactory” and 54% “satisfactory”. 8% received the injunction to improve their hygiene.

But for the Ministries of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, tests are undoubtedly positive. Now the entire territory will be affected by these small smileys at the entrance of the institutions. Better not fail the next review to their managers: on average, a check occurs every 10 years in the provinces, against every 3 years in Paris



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