Monday, June 27, 2016

Navigo increase of 3 euros on 1 August – Le Figaro

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the State and the Ile-de-France to solve the problem of the financing package Navigo single price. This will increase to 73 euros as of August 1, an increase of 4.2%.

The pricing of Navigo will be revised rise. “A limited increase of 3 euros,” according to the Ile-de-France and that, as of 1 August. Either a Navigo pass 73 euros. Last week, Valérie Pécresse, President of the Ile-de-France region had threatened in the absence of agreement to finance the Navigo passes single price, to increase the rate to 80 or 85 euros.

The transition from 70 to 73 euros is the result of a protocol that have signed the State and the Paris region in order to allocate “additional resources” to ensure “a sustainable financing system Ile transport “. The means that will “spread among users of public transportation via the tariff lever, users of Ile roads via the regional modulation TICPE, and finally employers with more than 11 employees via an increase in the Transport Tax” says Matignon in a communiquéPour which is rising Transport Tax and TICPE, the amounts have not yet been specified.

Pointing the non-funding of the total cost of € 450 million of Navigo passes single price finger, Valérie Pécresse, President of the Ile-de-France region, managed to get an agreement. “I will do everything to avoid putting the

deficit to users,” she had said on Monday. Only the increase in transport tax of 0.13% in zones 1 and 2 for companies with more than ten employees had helped to reduce somewhat the deficit to the tune of 150 million euros. But the Prime Minister himself had recognized a “financial impasse of € 300 million” a year in the Union crates transport in Ile-de-France, according to the president of the Ile-de-France region.

According to Stephane Beaudet, Vice President in charge of transport in the region, this price increase Pass’Navigo is “a normal increase of the ticket, as she held annually” and serve in particular to “the renovation and renewal of rolling stock,” he told AFP. In other words, it is primarily the taxes on businesses and fuels that should fill the gap.

This agreement comes as Manuel Valls had committed there are four months to find a solution for the financing of Pass’Navigo. “The Navigo Pass the establishment single fare is a step forward for Ile users,” stated Matignon and the region, ensuring that they wished to “preserve, while ensuring a sustainable settlement of the financial needs of transport in Ile de-France “.


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