- Decline tax: “A targeted measure for the middle class”
“I told last spring that an additional tax cut for households was possible, if we had room for maneuver (…) I stay in the same position: if, despite the “Brexit”, growth was 1.7% in 2017, tax measure, which could not exceed € 2 billion, would be in addition to the relief provided since 2014, which have already affected 12 million of taxpayers’ , says the head of state the business daily, adding that he had for “preference” a “targeted measure for the middle class” .
Read also: Bercy shower hopes of tax cuts by 2017
- No suppression of CS3 in 2017 and bonus for hiring for SMEs
the social solidarity contribution societies (C3S) will ultimately not completely abolished in 2017 in favor of a particular “recovery” of competitiveness employment tax credit (CICE). This possibility, which had not yet been arbitrated for next year, expects EUR 5 billion of responsibility pact will eventually be enshrined “to raising the CICE – to be increased to at least 7% of the payroll (6% today) – and the decline in corporate tax for SMEs’ , says the head of state. It states that, on the corporate tax, “the rate drops for SMEs’ ad ” a measure of relief “ for artisans who CICE not benefit.
François Hollande has announced the extension “on the set of 2017″ of the premium for hiring and for SMEs mechanism of excessive dampening investment. “This is a success for the benefit of employment and companies’ , was it bliss.
” There is a good recovery in France and an early reversal of the unemployment curve. It is an indisputable fact. Our growth will exceed 1.6% this year, which will allow us to create at least 200,000 jobs, “ said the head of state to Echos.
- Brexit: “the decision of the United Kingdom should be implemented”
on the question the output of the European Union of the United Kingdom, Francois Hollande believes that “the shock was all the greater that he had not really been anticipated.” He judges the choice of the British people “irrevocable”. “Democracy is not a poker game. There will be negotiation with the United Kingdom as part of the separation provided for in Article 50 of the Treaties. “
” The UK again becoming a third country, the European financial passport will disappear, as will be the end of the commercial passport and the European passport for short , says the head of state . We must adapt our policies, including tax, to make the Paris financial center more attractive. “
- Referendum on Europe: those who ask are ” apprentice sorcerers “
Asked about those who claim, in France, a referendum on Europe, the President finds that “democratic appointment” on the subject will take place at the next presidential in 2017. “Why organize such an uproar and such a
- Work Act. A new appeal to the Article 49.3 is not excluded
Despite the renewed dialogue between Manuel Valls and unions, substantive differences remain and no solution to the conflict on the labor law are emerging . The CGT and FO decide Thursday of continuing the protest and the assumption of a new 49.3 caught on. Article 2 “will be maintained in its current form” , said the head of state to Voices , preventing deputies. “I hope that a majority can be found. Otherwise, it will again resorted to Article 49.3, “ of the Constitution, which allows to adopt a text without a vote, as was the case at first reading.
” I have not missed any of my principles. (…) This law will allow to give to unionism means he never had in our country. (…) The design I progress, it is not to freeze the acquired but to give additional rights and freedoms to employees. “
- Presidential 2017: the economic programs of the right” maladjusted “
The head of the State considers that the economic programs of the candidates for the primary right for the 2017 presidential election “are only the reproduction and more brutal programs already presented on the occasion of sometimes remote voting” . “They seem especially inappropriate to the situation of our country and highly dangerous for our social model” says François Hollande, who said do “no” difference to level between candidates for the primary. “There are many inconsistencies and little justice. The programs of candidates for the primary is over spending in all areas and less taxes in all others. “
- Presidential US:” The Trump of election would be dangerous “
For the head of State, the election of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, in the Atlantic the November presidential “would be dangerous.” “His slogans differ little from those of the extreme right in Europe and France: fear of the migratory wave, stigmatization of Islam, questioning of representative democracy, denouncing elites – even as Donald Trump, for his fortune, is the incarnation of the most obvious. ” “The best service that can make the Democrats is to elect Hillary Clinton” , he said.