Thursday, June 30, 2016

Taxes, labor law, the right program, Brexit … the promises and the views of Mr. Holland – The World

  • Decline tax: “A targeted measure for the middle class”

“I told last spring that an additional tax cut for households was possible, if we had room for maneuver (…) I stay in the same position: if, despite the “Brexit”, growth was 1.7% in 2017, tax measure, which could not exceed € 2 billion, would be in addition to the relief provided since 2014, which have already affected 12 million of taxpayers’ , says the head of state the business daily, adding that he had for “preference” a “targeted measure for the middle class” .

Read also: Bercy shower hopes of tax cuts by 2017

  • No suppression of CS3 in 2017 and bonus for hiring for SMEs

the social solidarity contribution societies (C3S) will ultimately not completely abolished in 2017 in favor of a particular “recovery” of competitiveness employment tax credit (CICE). This possibility, which had not yet been arbitrated for next year, expects EUR 5 billion of responsibility pact will eventually be enshrined “to raising the CICE – to be increased to at least 7% of the payroll (6% today) – and the decline in corporate tax for SMEs’ , says the head of state. It states that, on the corporate tax, “the rate drops for SMEs’ ad ” a measure of relief “ for artisans who CICE not benefit.

François Hollande has announced the extension “on the set of 2017″ of the premium for hiring and for SMEs mechanism of excessive dampening investment. “This is a success for the benefit of employment and companies’ , was it bliss.

” There is a good recovery in France and an early reversal of the unemployment curve. It is an indisputable fact. Our growth will exceed 1.6% this year, which will allow us to create at least 200,000 jobs, “ said the head of state to Echos.

  • Brexit: “the decision of the United Kingdom should be implemented”

on the question the output of the European Union of the United Kingdom, Francois Hollande believes that “the shock was all the greater that he had not really been anticipated.” He judges the choice of the British people “irrevocable”. “Democracy is not a poker game. There will be negotiation with the United Kingdom as part of the separation provided for in Article 50 of the Treaties. “

” The UK again becoming a third country, the European financial passport will disappear, as will be the end of the commercial passport and the European passport for short , says the head of state . We must adapt our policies, including tax, to make the Paris financial center more attractive. “

  • Referendum on Europe: those who ask are ” apprentice sorcerers “

Asked about those who claim, in France, a referendum on Europe, the President finds that “democratic appointment” on the subject will take place at the next presidential in 2017. “Why organize such an uproar and such a

confrontation, if not to leave the European Union? Lies, simplifications, exaggerations and even violence that was observed during the referendum campaign in the UK are thus insufficient to these sorcerers’ apprentices? “ he asks. “In 2017 this debate should be taken. And the British experience will be an example or rather against-example “, he adds

  • Work Act. A new appeal to the Article 49.3 is not excluded

Despite the renewed dialogue between Manuel Valls and unions, substantive differences remain and no solution to the conflict on the labor law are emerging . The CGT and FO decide Thursday of continuing the protest and the assumption of a new 49.3 caught on. Article 2 “will be maintained in its current form” , said the head of state to Voices , preventing deputies. “I hope that a majority can be found. Otherwise, it will again resorted to Article 49.3, “ of the Constitution, which allows to adopt a text without a vote, as was the case at first reading.

” I have not missed any of my principles. (…) This law will allow to give to unionism means he never had in our country. (…) The design I progress, it is not to freeze the acquired but to give additional rights and freedoms to employees. “

  • Presidential 2017: the economic programs of the right” maladjusted “

The head of the State considers that the economic programs of the candidates for the primary right for the 2017 presidential election “are only the reproduction and more brutal programs already presented on the occasion of sometimes remote voting” . “They seem especially inappropriate to the situation of our country and highly dangerous for our social model” says François Hollande, who said do “no” difference to level between candidates for the primary. “There are many inconsistencies and little justice. The programs of candidates for the primary is over spending in all areas and less taxes in all others. “

  • Presidential US:” The Trump of election would be dangerous “

For the head of State, the election of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, in the Atlantic the November presidential “would be dangerous.” “His slogans differ little from those of the extreme right in Europe and France: fear of the migratory wave, stigmatization of Islam, questioning of representative democracy, denouncing elites – even as Donald Trump, for his fortune, is the incarnation of the most obvious. ” “The best service that can make the Democrats is to elect Hillary Clinton” , he said.


Airbus and Safran unsheathe (finally) their anti-gun SpaceX –

We almost expected, but the result is finally here. Eighteen months after the legal establishment of the company, Airbus and Safran have finally finalized, Thursday, June 30 on the sidelines of Cospace (government-industry consultation committee in space), the launch of their new joint venture dedicated to space launchers, Airbus Safran Launchers (ASL). The operation, for which Safran will pay 750 million euros to reach a 50-50 balance in the capital, gave birth to a new European champion of EUR 2.3 billion in revenues and 8,400 employees, which has the difficult task of developing Ariane 6 for a first flight late 2020. the objective is clear: meet the Californian SpaceX lightning offensive, which has reshuffled the cards market with a Falcon 9 launch vehicle offered $ 62 million, against about 200 million to Ariane 5 (which launches two satellites at a time).

the creation of ASL she will be sufficient to counter the company Elon Musk? Failing to be sufficient, it was necessary. Before the operation, responsibilities and industrial loads were distributed between multiple actors: there was a prime contractor for Ariane 5 (Airbus Defence and Space), a manufacturer of rocket engines (Safran), a trading company responsible for selling launches (Arianespace), all under the supervision of the space agencies (CNES and ESA, in particular).

Divide production costs by two

in the new configuration ASL will design 70% of the added value of Ariadne, and hold a majority stake in Arianespace. ASL is well aligned with the integrated model that made the success of its American competitor. “At SpaceX, everything is on a site, likes to tell Jean-Yves Le Gall, head of CNES. On the ground floor, the production, with a lino floor. On the first floor, the design office with carpeted floors. in the second, commercial services, with wooden floors. ” Certainly, ASL will never be as effective as a start-up that the integrated model is inherent in the strategy, but the progress is noticeable.

The delivery to the square of the European space industry is, anyway, that the first stage of the rocket. The real question now is to develop a truly competitive Ariane 6, which means to keep the promises of reducing production costs. ASL, it does not provide exact figures,

committed to price 70 million to launch light version of Ariane 6, called Ariane 62, and 90 million for the heavy version, called Ariane 64. These figures imply a halving of costs compared to those of Ariane 5. Arianespace boss Stéphane Israel is confident: “in terms of production costs, we are exactly where we should be,” de jure -t it.

scale Effects on engines

ASL will particularly be able to rely on the technical choices made for Ariane 6. According to his version, the rocket will incorporate two four engines powder, the P120, which will be shared with those of small European launcher Vega-C. ASL will therefore be able to play on the effects of scale: the group will produce 35 solid motors per year, against 14-16 for the current Ariane 5. Again, the European group is based SpaceX, which produces 10 Merlin engines Falcon 9 launch vehicle (9 to the first floor and one in the second). But on this subject also, ASL can not hope to be as effective as the US rival, which produces 200 engines a year

ASL will also face a traditional handicap of the European space industry. Absence wholesale captive institutional market. Unlike American actors like SpaceX or ULA, who can count on many government launches (spy satellites, GPS …), Ariane 5 has to settle for a two institutional launches per year or no some years, limit its ability to play the scale effect and reduce costs. “We have in front of us actors with a huge domestic market closed to foreign groups, who can practice much higher prices by exporting,” says Stéphane Israel.

To “Buy European Act “?

the industry therefore calls for a kind of” Buy European Act “space, a European preference for Ariane and Vega 6 whose contours remain to be defined. Such a project would also be a response to Washington’s policy on the matter: only pitchers with more than 51% of the value added is “made in America” ​​can launch US government satellites



Standard & Poor’s lowers rating of the European Union after the vote on the Brexit – The World

After the UK, is the European Union which has seen its rating from Standard & amp agency; Poor’s (S & amp; P). Degraded, Thursday, June 30, following the vote of the British for their output of Twenty-Eight

The notes issued by the rating agencies, types of credit certificates, dictate the conditions under which companies or in this case the country can borrow on the financial markets. The higher the score, the lower the interest rates demanded by creditors amounted

In this case, S & amp;. P has downgraded by one notch from AA + to AA, note the long-term debt of the European Union, for its decision by consecutive uncertainties referendum on Brexit. In a statement, she said:

“After the decision of the British voters to leave the EU after the June 23 referendum, we reassessed our analysis on cohesion within the EU, we consider today as neutral rather than positive in scoring. “

Read also: the forum of the ECB, the central bankers are worried about the effects of” Brexit “

class=" heading "> “increased uncertainty”

the prospect of the new rating is stable, which means that the agency believes that further deterioration will not be necessary in the medium term. In its statement it said:

“We believe that now the revenue forecast, long-term planning and adjustments to the EU’s main financial mechanisms amortization will be subject to greater uncertainty. “

Since the announcement of the referendum results, the three major rating agencies downgraded their rating or their outlook for the debt of the United Kingdom.

Read also: What if Edinburgh became the major European financial center in place of the City?


Singapore starts the Autolib – Le Figaro

After starting the Autolib in Paris, the French group Bolloré will install an electric car sharing system in the city of Singapore.

the Bolloré group, which developed Autolib in Paris, was chosen by the city state of Singapore to set up an electric car-sharing service. This contract was under discussion for many months. The French company said it had won “following a competition which brought together 13 international players in the forefront.”

The contract is important. It covers a fleet of 1,000 electric vehicles, 2,000 charging stations and infrastructure necessary to the functioning of a car-sharing service. The implementation will start from 2017. In size, it is the second largest car-sharing that will develop the Breton group service behind that of Paris, which now has more than 3,500 vehicles five years after launch.

Bolloré benefits from its ability to offer a comprehensive, since the production of electric cars, the terminals and

IT developments to manage the car-sharing service itself but also management recharging vehicles.

This agreement is interesting to Bolloré in terms of image. Singapore is particularly advanced in all areas related to new modes of mobility. Winning such a contract represents a great showcase for the car-sharing service developed by the French group. Bolloré will install a center of innovation in the Asian city, dedicated to the development of new electricity storage technologies and electric mobility.

Bolloré continues to win contracts constituting excellent vectors communication. Paris already was. The choice of the city of Indianapolis was also symbolic: the temple of motorsport in the United States, since that is where stands the legendary race of the Indianapolis 500.


Painfulness: Pierre Gattaz calls for civil disobedience – The World

Pierre Gattaz in 2014.

Medef has taken another step in its hostility to the account of the hardship prevention staff (often referred acronym C3P). Wednesday, June 29, the president of the employers’ movement, Pierre Gattaz, claimed not to know “how to” to comply with new obligations related to this device, whose entry into force is scheduled for 1 st of July. “So we do [them] not apply” , he said.

A virtual call to civil disobedience condemned the government and several union leaders. This position proves once again that the Medef has chosen, for several weeks, to get tough against the executive. It also seeks some sort of moratorium on the implementation of a reform opposed from the start by employers’ unions.

A few hours after the statements of Mr. Gattaz, Medef said the back of his mind in a particularly virulent statement: “the Government, writes, has chosen to continue his flight forward political and dogmatic bracing himself on a device akin to a technocratic monster developed firm away from ground realities. “

These criticisms are added to those of the CGPME, which launched it a few days ago, a communication campaign lambasting the measures imposed on companies from 1 st July for hardship. The president of this organization, François Asselin, will, however, far less than its counterpart Medef. It merely regrettable that the law is “to unenforceable” , in the words he used Wednesday on BFM TV. He also believes that the government does not listen to his repeated warnings about the difficulty to find operational solutions for the bosses are “in the nails” .

Government appreciated very slightly out of the “boss of bosses”. “We can not (…) not overcome the laws of the Republic” , thundered Manuel Valls. Even reactions to the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, and his colleague in charge of Social Affairs Marisol Touraine: Medef is not above the rule of law, they said in substance

“gas factory”

A view shared by the unions. Hervé Garnier (CFDT) said that the Medef “took thirty months to prepare. They discredit themselves by being so dogmatic . ” “It denotes the state of mind of employers today who feels omnipotent, chains Philippe Pihet (FO). A regulation, not self-service. “ For Eric Aubin (CGT), the question arises of whether to impose ” financial penalties “ to employers in breach of the legislation.

Medef, it is ensured that the position displayed Wednesday by Mr. Gattaz “nothing new” . “We repeat that the measures on the arduous nature are inapplicable since the beginning” says a spokesman. He does not act, he added, to urge companies not to comply, but to get “deferring the date of application” , “at least” be known until the recommendations of three experts.

the Prime Minister had

given an assessment mission and tracking Pierre-Louis Bras (President of Board of retirement guidance), Jean-François Pilliard (former vice president of Medef) and Gaby Bonnand (CFDT, former president of Unédic). They could deliver a first set of reflections, either in July or in September.

Since the law of January 2014 reforming pensions, companies must identify their employees who are exposed to at least one of the ten factors risk provided herein. Under pressure from employers, who saw a “gas factory” impossible to turn, the government agreed to partially defer the implementation of the reform.

Read also: Pensions: system accounts are improving a little faster than expected

Four of the ten risk factors entered into force in 2015. This has enabled some 500 000 people to open a C3P and start earning rights, says one in the entourage of M me Touraine. The other six factors that play from the 1 st July pose formidable problems, according to the employers’ organizations, because they are difficult to measure. “It would put a camera behind every employee” , says an employer source, to determine, for example, the number of heavy loads handled or time spent working in high temperatures.

Aware of the difficulties, the Government had invited the branches to develop “benchmarks” , a kind of guide to enable entrepreneurs to apply the device. A number of them have engaged in this exercise – including the building, yet very critical, since industry representatives have asked a professional body (OPPBTP) floor on the subject


“Companies delivered to themselves”

But, for now, a single repository has been approved by the administration and was the subject of an agreement branch: it concerns the drinks wholesaler-distributors. According to a source close to the matter, “twenty to twenty-five branches have done this work to build a repository” , but they have not filed. In some cases because the result was not entirely successful. But others make the retention “for political reasons” , complete another source. In other words, they do not want to come forward and go for good students even as employers off to war again against the C3P.

“If no repository is published to many companies are going to be delivered to themselves and will find it difficult to report exposed positions “ says a permanent within an employers’ organization. A former figure in the industry is concerned that the enforcement of the law occurs “disparately” , large groups managing to comply smoothly or almost, but not SMEs.

at this point, there is no danger in delay. Companies are only required from the 1 st July to initiate the review of the employees affected by the second wave of risk factors. The 1 st in January 2017, they will have to report. But according to a former employer responsible – also very critical of the terms of the C3P – the statements of Mr Gattaz are “dangerous” , as they may “to the game extreme “.


Labor law: François Hollande he respected its “principles”? – The world

President Francois Hollande in Brussels,  June 28

Hollande comes Wednesday, June 29 at a perilous tightrope in an interview with Voices : show firmness labor law while trying to smooth things over with his opponents, chief among them trade unionists of the CGT. Asked by the business daily on the dispute, the head of state defended himself for betraying the left:

This that he said

“on labor law, I have not missed any of my principles. “

This is fuzzy

The formula being vague, one can only guess what François Hollande refers

1. Social dialogue

He had placed at the heart of his campaign, making even one of the highlights of his famous anaphora of the debate between the two towers:

“I, President of the Republic, I will ensure that the social partners could be considered – both professional organizations and trade unions – and we can regularly have discussions to see what succession law, which matter for negotiation. “

The unions believe that the president has failed in its obligations by committing too abruptly reform of the labor code, without taking enough time for consultation. Beyond the substance of the law, it is this method that they criticize the government

If things in the order is taken, here’s what happened.:

  1. the Prime Minister Manuel Valls command in April 2015 a report on the reform of the labor code official Jean-Denis Combrexelle.

  2. this makes its report on September 9 that meets rather reformist unions (CFDT, CFTC, CFE-CGC) and the MEDEF.

  3. the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, launched an initial consultation with the social partners, who provide their proposals in mid-October.

  4. the Minister presents the first tracks of its reform on

November 4th. Unions remain cautious pending the detailed arrangements. The government promises a new consultation before presenting his final bill.

  • On 17 February 2016, Mrs El Khomri revealed in the press its preliminary draft law, which goes much further than what the unions expected in several areas. It appears automatically exclude a new agreement with them, saying lends itself to use the procedure of 49.3 if parliamentarians refused to vote on. Unions (including the reformists, traditionally favorable) believe that the government cut their grass underfoot. Part of the left up to the plate against the project.

  • On February 29, the government rejects the official presentation fortnight text to begin a new consultation with unions.

  • Manuel Valls presents the “corrected” version of the law to unions on March 14, largely fueled proposals of the CFDT. The real bill is on the table cabinet ten days. The trade union front then divide between reformist unions, which feel they have been listened to, and the protesters, who organize the mobilization in the streets.

  • Despite the sling, the government does not move until June 29, when Myriam El Khomri announces minor shifts on the text.

  • Depending on the perspective, we can consider the government …

    • (a) has given its place in the dialogue.
    • (b) missed its start but was well caught.
    • (c) has ignored the opinion of trade unions.

    2. The Labour Code principles

    On the merits, the labor law that contradict the principles previously worn by François Hollande, especially during his campaign? We can consider that to rehiérarchiser instead of company agreements, branch agreements and the law is in line with the “I president, I will ensure that [...] we can have regular discussions about what belongs to the law, which matter for negotiation. “

    however, it is undeniable that the Socialist candidate had never specifically announced its intentions regard to the labor code in 2012 – that many criticize him today left



    tax cuts in 2017: François Hollande has said to Echoes? – Boursorama

    Francois Hollande (pictured June 27 on the steps of the Elysee) is clearly positioned as a candidate by drawing the economic record of his five years in Les Echos on Thursday. (AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN)

    François Hollande (pictured June 27 on the steps of the Elysee) is clearly positioned as a candidate by drawing up the economic balance of his term in Les Echos this Thursday. (AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN)

    “First, there is indeed a recovery in France and an early reversal of the unemployment curve, it is an indisputable fact” says President of the Republic, in a formula less hesitant than his “feeling better” earlier this year, many mocked, even in his camp. After his speech at the Theatre du Rond-Point on 3 May, this interview seems to enact the second stage of the now more than likely into a campaign chairman at the lowest in the polls: Very tough talk against the right proactive on economic conditions, new tax breaks, open criticism of Donald Trump, message of reconciliation vis-à-vis the CGT …

    Particularly optimistic for the French economy, the fate of the government reserve two years on the macroeconomic forecasts to announce 1.6% growth in 2016 and 1.7% in 2017, but related accident Brexit, twice against 1.5% so far provided by Bercy.


    in 2016, the state’s chief hope it “will create at least 200,000 jobs” and for 2017, it draws the outlines of the new tax cut that he had called his wishes early May. It can not “exceed 2 billion euros” and preferably “focused on the middle class.”

    As few for a head of state, Mr Hollande is also engaged in a very strong critic of the future candidate Republican US presidential Donald Trump. A victory of the latter “would complicate relations between Europe and the United States” and “yes” to joining the White House would be dangerous, he considers.

    François Hollande the European who has multiplied in recent days the meetings with his counterparts and the European Council to draw the consequences of

    the British choice to leave the European Union, is very firm vis-à-vis of the City, to “customize our rules including tax to make the Paris financial center more attractive.”

    take this opportunity to end the debate on the organization of a similar referendum France, opened by him by “apprentice sorcerers” because “the appointment of democratic Europe will be held at the next presidential”.

    “MANY inconsistency AND SOME JUSTICE” RIGHT

    The right is not spared. He sees his projects “a lot of inconsistency and some justice.” “The programs of candidates for the primary is over spending in all areas and less taxes in all others,” he laughs by honing his campaign arguments.

    “It’s about other subjects that is the difference, mainly on Europe and on national identity but for the rest, it is, so to speak, a mutual fund bad investment “, asserts the head of state could face again that it has eliminated in 2012, former President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    But Mr Hollande is also for his left, rejecting the treason trial that made him many allies in 2012.

    “the betrayal would have been to leave the country in the state where I found it. I ‘m will explain to the French as much as necessary, “said the head of state, who unlike Arnaud Montebourg and especially Jean-Luc Mélenchon not imagine” not solve the problems of a French sixth Republic “. Appeasement also on the Labour Law, “the law will allow to give to unionism means he never had in our country,” he promises, recalling that he will not let on Article 2 (inversion the hierarchy of norms) and it will be used, if necessary, 49-3 last reading in the Assembly.

    and true to its convening role, it calms the vis- a-vis a CGT directly implicated in mid-June by Manuel Valls after very significant violence in Paris: “it is not responsible for the violence, she even suffered”

    Among the new tax measures for employment, Hollande also cites strengthening the CICE, extending the premium employment in SMEs and the maintenance of the corporate tax, the C3S.


    painfulness account Why Medef crying wolf – Liberation

    Bosses, do not respect the law! It is, somehow, the message sent Wednesday by Pierre Gattaz, number 1 of the Medef, to its members. The purpose of the announced crime: the obligations to the account of the hardship prevention staff (C3P) which will not be applied by companies, assures the president of the employers’ organization. And while six new criteria come into force on 1 st of July. “We do not know how to do,” laments Gattaz to justify his new attack against the C3P. A device that business has continued to fight since it was announced in 2013 as part of the pension reform.

    What are we talking about?

    introduced by the law of 20 January 2014, the C3P is a symbolic measure of the reform of the 2013 pensions to “compensate” lengthening of the contribution period. His goal: to enable employees exercising strenuous tasks, earn points to get a start in early retirement, work part-time without loss of pay or training to access or not less exposed positions the painfulness. Potentially, 3 million people are affected, according to the Government which identified ten criteria to define what the hardship. Four in force since 2015: night work, repetitive work, alternating schedules or hyperbaric (submarine). And six others, taking effect from 1 st July: awkward postures, manual handling of loads, chemical, mechanical vibrations, extreme temperatures and noise

    Thus, according to the rules. C3P and the thresholds set by decree, a security guard working at least one hour between midnight and 5 am at the rate of 120 nights per year minimum will be considered exposed to hardship. Same thing for the chain worker who performs repetitive work “characterized by the repetition of the same gesture at a high frequency and stress rate” . Paid employers to calculate the exposure of their employees. When it exceeds, for one or more risk factors, the thresholds laid down, the employer must report the pension funds. He must also pay two contributions to fund the device: one “basic”, payable by all employers, the other so-called “additional” calculated as the rate of exposure of all its employees.

    Why employers do not want to apply it?

    Pierre Gattaz, the C3P, he calls “gas factory” is simply “too complicated”, “inapplicable”. Hence his announcement as a threat: “We will not be ready the 1 st of July.” Same speech of François Asselin, the number 1 CGPME who criticizes “absurdity” device . While adding:

    “Measuring a painful posture, its intensity, its duration, it is very complicated, especially in a small company where you versatility.”

    Hence the request of all employer organizations, denouncing “new requirements” to postpone the entry into force of the new criteria. Especially since, according to UPA, the FNSEA and the CGPME, application of C3P could be sources of “litigation” and “tensions” in between employees .? enterprises

    a gas plant, really

    Not at all, says the

    Government, with figures: in 2016, 26,000 companies have played the game of declaration for 500,000 employees as of 2015. Evidence that “works” . According to a survey, 88% of industrial enterprises and construction covered by at least a factor reported applying the device, but half felt that it was “difficult” . Also, remember Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs, “ simplification measures have been taken, which pass through the branches repositories.”

    In fact, Rebsamen law in the summer of 2015, supplemented by the decrees of 31 December 2015 amended the rules on C3P including the establishment of branch standards which companies must be able to refer to assess the exposure of their employees. Problem: apart from the sector “beverages”, no other branch has presented repository, and as they work to reach agreement on the subject since July 2015. Ministry of Labour, however we ensure that “things are going well for several sectors such as water companies, recycling, construction, chemistry or clean” . Ten branches have thrown in the towel, however. “In good faith” , they would be come to the conclusion that “could not do” , assures Gattaz, while employers accused of simply dragging its feet.

    is the threat serious?

    n is not the first time that business is addressing the hardship. If the first four criteria were adopted on 1 st January 2015, had to wait a year for the other six are placed on the paper. Facing the frond employer, the government pushed to later adoption. But this time, the tone of the government seems to harden. “The chamber can not choose the laws that apply” , countered Touraine, noting that “democracy is judgment [was] not the gates” of management. Even Prime Minister’s speech: “We can not ask the state embodies authority, that the laws of the Republic shall apply, and oneself overcome the laws of the Republic. The hardship, it is a great step forward. “

    To calm things down, small alterations, however, were adopted by the last decree published on June 20. “If a company sets up individual or collective protective equipment, exposure to chemical risk may be exercised” , for example, said an official of the Ministry of Labour. Moreover, in practice, companies will have to make their statements early 2017 and will change until September 2017, or 2019 if the change is in favor of the employee. The threat of Medef has time to be lifted by then … I bet that once negotiations on the Labour Law completed, management changes a little tone on the subject.

    Amandine Cailhol


    Tax law job growth: Holland, more than ever in the countryside multiplies the ads –

    François Hollande, more than ever in the field, attack the right and give pledges to the left in particular confirming a new tax cut in 2017 for the middle class in a river interview with Voices of Thursday, June 30 After his speech at the Theatre du Rond-Point on 3 May, this interview seems to enact the second stage of the now more than likely into a campaign chairman at the lowest in the polls: Very tough talk against the right proactive on economic conditions, new tax breaks, open criticism of Donald Trump, message of reconciliation vis-à-vis the CGT …

    “first, there is indeed a recovery in France and early reversal of the unemployment curve, it is an indisputable fact, “said the head of state, in a formula less hesitant than his” feeling better “earlier this year, many scoffed, including his camp.

    Particularly optimistic for the French economy, the fate of the government reserve for two years on the macroeconomic forecasts to announce 1.6% growth in 2016 and 1.7% in 2017, except Brexit related accident, twice against 1.5% so far provided by Bercy.

    Create 200,000 jobs

    in 2016, the head of State hopes that this ” will create at least 200,000 jobs “and for 2017, it draws the outlines of the new tax cut he had called his wishes early May. It will “exceed 2 billion euros” and preferably “focused on the middle class.”

    As few for a head of state, Francois Hollande is also engaged in a very critical strong future candidate Republican US presidential Donald Trump. A victory of the latter “would complicate relations between Europe and the United States” and “yes” to joining the White House would be dangerous, he considers.

    François Hollande l ‘European who has multiplied in recent days the meetings with his counterparts and the European Council to draw the consequences of the British choice to leave the European Union, is very firm vis-à-vis the City, to “customize our rules are including tax to make the Paris financial center more attractive. “

    right,” a lot of inconsistency and some justice “

    take this

    opportunity to end the debate on the organization of a similar referendum in France, opened by him by “apprentice sorcerers” because “the appointment of democratic Europe will be held at the next presidential”.

    right is not spared. He sees his projects “a lot of inconsistency and some justice.” “The programs of candidates for the primary is over spending in all areas and less taxes in all others,” he laughs by honing his campaign arguments.

    ” it’s about other subjects that is the difference, mainly on Europe and on national identity but for the rest, it is, so to speak, a mutual fund bad investment “, asserts the head State could face again that it has eliminated in 2012, former President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    But Hollande is also addressed to his left, rejecting the treason trial that he are number of allies in 2012.

    “the betrayal would have been to leave the country in the state where I found it. I will explain to the French as much as necessary” says the head of state, who unlike Arnaud Montebourg and especially Jean-Luc Mélenchon not imagine “not solve the problems of a French sixth Republic”.

    a again 49-3 if necessary

    also Calming the Labour law, “the law will allow to give to unionism means he never had in our country,” he promises, noting that it not let go of Article 2 (inversion of the hierarchy of norms) and it will be used, if necessary, 49-3 last reading in the Assembly.

    and true to its role gatherer, it calms vis-à-vis a game CGT directly implicated in mid-June by Manuel Valls after very significant violence in Paris: “it is not responsible for the violence, it was even victim. “

    (With AFP)


    Holland in “Les Echos”: a president campaign – The Point

    In a long interview published in Les Echos , this Thursday, June 30, François Hollande was not content to spill out on the United Kingdom to the European Union. .. the draft outline of what could be the programmatic platform for his presidential campaign in the coming months. Verbatim

    On the Brexit.

    “The shock was all the greater that he had not really anticipated, including by British leaders who had initiated the referendum. “

    ” The Union is not an irreversible process and the British vote back to basics. What Europe do we want? And with who ? “

    ” The respect due to the British justification to proceed with the separation. Any other reaction would suggest that, whenever a referendum gives a result that is not appropriate, it is necessary to hastily arrange a second. “

    ” The choice is irrevocable. “

    ” (The) rise of populism in Europe has stopped growing for a decade. Europe must look at this reality in the face. “

    ” The Brexit be especially unfavorable impact for the UK and it is through a possible recession in the UK there may be a risk to the euro area. “

    On Europe:

    ” At the European Council, I asked that Europe focuses on security, border control outdoor, fight against terrorism, the defense of our continent, as citizens first want to be protected. We also need to build a powerful Europe around growth, investment and employment which youth should be the first beneficiary. “

    ” We (must) do away with distortions of competition, beginning with the corporate tax. (It should be) then create a budget eurozone for investments in strategic sectors (digital, energy transition …). “

    ” The euro area can only be an addition of rules and disciplines, it must be common policies for the preparation of the future. “

    ” The 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in March will be the opportunity to illustrate the unity of Europeans around this new

    impulse. “

    On the Franco-German couple:

    ” In the euro area, I want to engage especially with Germany a social and fiscal harmonization. “

    ” Angela Merkel is aware that a new impetus is needed. She is very attached to the Franco-German couple. It has been proven in recent years on the resolution of the banking crisis on Greece, the Ukraine and even on refugees. “

    On the reform of the Labour Code and events:

    ” The law will be passed and promulgated on time. (If necessary), he again resorted to Article 49.3. “

    ” Article 2 will be maintained. “

    ” It is not acceptable that radical break and come systematically distort the movements in which they are trying to introduce. “

    Campaign Promises?

    ” I told last spring that further tax cuts on households was possible. (…) I stay in the same position: if, despite the Brexit, growth (is) of 1.7%, this tax measure, which could not exceed € 2 billion, would be added to relief granted since 2014. “

    ” in order to beef up the recovery generated by job creation, I decided, with the Prime Minister, to devote the remaining 5 billion for recovery of the tax credit for competitiveness and employment. “

    ” I decided to extend (the premium for hiring in SMEs) throughout the year 2017. “

    ” (The issue of institutional reform) will inevitably be present in the presidential campaign. We live in Europe and the US a crisis of democracy, precisely where she was born. Political representation must be diversified, non-overlapping in time introduced, citizens must be involved in decisions that affect them. “


    Wednesday, June 29, 2016

    For Holland, a tax cut of $ 2 billion in 2017 is “possible” – Le Figaro

    In an interview with newspaper Les Echos , the president wants lower tax household income next year. It expects growth of 1.7% in 2017.

    Taxes, labor law, Europe:. In an interview with the newspaper Les Echos, François Hollande returned to a news loaded in France and abroad. Summary.

    ● Tax cuts

    In May, François Hollande promised “a gesture of household side” through lower taxes in 2017. The President of the Republic confirmed that will, while making some limitations. “If (…) growth was 1.7% in 2017, this tax measure, which could not exceed € 2 billion, would be in addition to the relief provided since 2014, which have now already affected 12 million taxpayers, “he said. The President Hollande would like the measure concerns the middle classes

    ● The labor law

    No surprise. François Hollande remains in the line held by Manuel Valls and Myriam El Khomri on labor law. Article 2 of the Labour Act “will be maintained in its current form” and the government will again resort to 49-3 as necessary to the Assembly. “I hope that a majority can be found,” said the president. He also believes that the CGT is “not responsible for the violence” thugs in the event. “She was even the victim.”

    ● The Brexit

    François Hollande seems to consider the Brexit as an opportunity for France. “The UK again becoming a third country, the European financial passport will disappear, as will be the end of the commercial passport European passport short while,” he says. “We must adapt our policies, including tax, to make the Paris financial center more attractive.” President of the Republic precludes any idea of ​​a similar referendum in France. “It is obviously not to be wary of the people. But the democratic appointment on Europe, it will take place in France in the next presidential “slice there.

    ● Growth and unemployment

    ” There has a recovery in France and an early reversal of the

    unemployment curve. It is an indisputable fact, “says François Hollande. According to the President of the Republic, French growth will exceed 1.6% this year, “which will allow us to create at least 200,000 jobs.”

    ● CICE and bonus for hiring SMEs

    the social solidarity contribution societies (C3S) finally not be totally abolished in 2017 in favor of a “recovery” of competitiveness employment tax credit (CICE). François Hollande has announced the extension “on the whole of the year 2017″ premium hiring for SMEs and excessive dampening mechanism of investments.

    ● Donald Trump

    for François Hollande, the entrance of Donald Trump at the White House would be dangerous. “His slogans differ little from those of the extreme right in Europe and France: fear of the migratory wave, stigmatization of Islam, questioning of representative democracy, denouncing elites,” says President of the Republic. “Even as Donald Trump, for his fortune is the most obvious incarnation”

    ● Presidential Election

    The projects candidates for primary right are “eminently dangerous for our social model “and there is” a lot of inconsistency and some justice. ” There is “no” distinction between Alain Juppé programs, Nicolas Sarkozy and others. “The difference” is “primarily on Europe and on national identity. But for the rest, it is, so to speak, a mutual fund bad investment “slice Francois Hollande.

    ● Notre-Dame-des-Landes

    After yes vote in the referendum for the construction of the airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, François Hollande has announced that work would commit “soon” and that “the ZAD will be evacuated.”

    (with AFP)


    Corned beef: three companies, Charal, convicted of deception – Liberation

    The corned beef manufacturer Covi was sentenced Wednesday to 187,500 euro fine for deception, for using it ten years ago the meat unfit for consumption, and Charal Arcadia and suppliers were sentenced to 80,000 and 50,000 euro fine for complicity.

    the 31st chamber of the Paris court has convicted Covi, whose headquarters is located in Bressuire (Deux-Sèvres), the maximum penalty to material time.

    Its CEO Patrice Bourigault has meanwhile been sentenced to six months suspended prison sentence and 10,000 euro fine.

    Between late 2006 and late 2007, five checks had revealed that 85 tons of meat had serious defects. In total, 996,000 cans of corned beef had been recalled.

    Four suppliers were indicted, but two of them, and Soviba Defial, having more legal existence, following a merger for the first and a transfer of assets for the second, those companies could not be referred to the court.

    after court information, justice had held that the mere deception because it was clear that if the experts have established “the presence of toxic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) in some boxes, they could not determine” that they “were toxin producers in sufficient quantities to pose a risk to human health”, said the court in its decision

    -. Meat “slightly green” –

    However, felt the judges, it is well established that the meat in question were unfit for consumption, as evidenced by “the presence of slightly green abscess or meatloaf color + +” found by the veterinary services.

    the mobile deception was “simply from the hearings Covi staff, concern for competitiveness of the company by lowering the cost price, which seemed to be at the heart of concerns” its CEO Patrice Bourigault, notes the court.

    About Charal, the court stressed that the company “knew perfectly well that Covi only produced canned for human consumption and if Covi bought meat corrupt, it was not to send them to rendering, or to feed the animals. ” By selling such meat, Charal breached its “duty first” to “guarantee the quality and safety of products” on the market.

    According to investigators, Charal sold between 2004 and 2006 some 222 tons of the meat, for 245,126 euros, where they are sent to rendering would have cost 27,845 euros.

    the company said in a statement that “the materials provided by Charal (… ) were all destroyed as a precaution and have therefore not been commercialized. ” “Charal take knowledge more thoroughly the decision” and “will be determined after the analysis of follow-up,” she said.

    As an additional penalty, the court further sentenced the defendants to pay the publication of the judgment in the magazine Que Choisir, once the decision became final.

    They were also ordered to pay 5,000 euros in damages to the Confederation of consumption, housing and living environment (CLCV) under the injury caused to the collective interest of consumers.

    Approached by AFP at the end of the deliberations, the defendants’ lawyers have no wish to comment.



    Holland: “There are many recovery and an early reversal of the unemployment curve” – ​​Liberation

    President Francois Hollande, more than ever in the field, attack the right and give pledges to the left in particular confirming a new tax cut in 2017 for the middle class in a river interview with Echos published Thursday. After his speech at the Theatre du Rond-Point on 3 May, this interview seems to enact the second stage of the now more than likely into a campaign chairman at the lowest in the polls: Very tough talk against the right proactive on economic conditions, new tax breaks, open criticism of Donald Trump, message of reconciliation vis-à-vis the CGT …

    “first, there is a good recovery France and the beginning of a reversal of the unemployment curve, it is an indisputable fact, “ says the head of state, in a formula less hesitant than his ” I feel better “ the beginning of the year, much mocked, even in his camp. Particularly optimistic for the French economy, the fate of the government reserve for two years on the macroeconomic forecasts to announce 1.6% growth in 2016 and 1.7% in 2017, but related accident Brexit, twice against 1 5% so far provided by Bercy.

    A new tax cut

    in 2016, the head of state hope it “will create the least 200 000 jobs “ and 2017, he drew the outlines of the new tax cut he had called his wishes early May. It will “exceed 2 billion euros” and preferably “targeted on the middle class.”

    As few for head of state, Francois Hollande is also engaged in a very strong critic of the future candidate Republican US presidential Donald Trump. A victory of it “complicate relations between Europe and the United States” and “yes” entry in the White House would be dangerous, judgment he said.

    François Hollande the European who has multiplied in recent days the meetings with his counterparts and the European Council to draw the consequences of the British choice to leave the European Union, is very firm with -a-vis the City, wishing “adapt our rules including tax to make the Paris financial center more attractive.”

    right, “a lot of inconsistency and little justice “

    take this opportunity to end the debate on the organization of a similar referendum in France, according to open it by

    apprentice sorcerers “ for “Democratic visit Europe will take place at the next presidential.” The right is not spared. He sees his projects “a lot of inconsistency and some justice.” “The programs of candidates for the primary is over spending in all areas and less taxes in all the other” he mocks by honing his campaign arguments.

    “it’s about other subjects that is the difference, mainly on Europe and on national identity but for the rest, it is, so to speak, a mutual fund bad investment “ asserts the head of state could face again that it has eliminated in 2012, former President Nicolas Sarkozy. But Hollande is also addressed to his left, rejecting the treason trial that made him many allies in 2012.

    A faithful govern its unifying role

    “the betrayal would have been to leave the country in the state where I found it. I will explain to the French as much as necessary, “ says the head of state, who unlike Arnaud Montebourg and especially Jean-Luc Mélenchon imagines ” not solve the problems of French a sixth Republic “

    also Calming the Labour law. ” this law will allow to give to unionism means he never had in our country ” he promises, recalling that he will not let on Article 2 (inversion of the hierarchy of norms) and it will be used, if necessary, to 49.3 for the final reading in the Assembly . And true to its convening role, it calms vis-à-vis a game CGT directly implicated in mid-June by Manuel Valls after very significant violence in Paris: “it is not responsible violence, it was even victim “



    Deficits: the Court of Auditors pin, Holland quips – The Obs

    The Court of Auditors doubts the ability of France to keep its budgetary commitment next year. In its report released Wednesday, June 29, we read:

    “The goal of reducing to 2.7%, the deficit in 2017, on the basis of decisions known aujourd ay, a high risk of not being achieved. “

    There will be enough revenue yet! According to the magistrates of the High Council of public finances, the government’s economic forecasts are realistic, and government revenue should be at the meeting, provided that the Brexit has no significant recessionary impact.

    But there will not be enough savings. The Court found that the government does not provide enough budget cuts for France to follow the path of return to equilibrium plotted in the stability program it submitted to Brussels in April. What’s going on?

    New expenses

    In recent years, the government had yet almost better than advertised. The Finance Ministry had exceeded its targets in 2014 (4% against 4.4% expected) and in 2015 (3.6% against 3.6% expected). But new expenses were incurred. Didier Migaud, first president of the Court of Auditors says:

    “These overruns are primarily related to announcements of new measures and sub-budgétisations (…) This increase is mainly due to the. emergency plan for employment, aid to farmers and ranchers and rising for the Ministry of Defence. “

    Taxes, premiums … Holland plays Santa to a year presidential

    the thawing index point of the civil service, which are indexed salaries of civil servants, as these expenses affect the budget plan for 2017. the Court of

    Auditors list in addition a series of litigation or recapitalization of public enterprises, which together could be costly.

    “the analysis of the Court on the extent of savings in spending deserve to be nuanced” wrote Bercy at the end of the same report. Or: “We do not share the remaining encryption savings in the plan to save 50 billion euros proposed in the report.”

    The witticism of François Holland

    the alert of the Court of Auditors has not escaped Francois Hollande, who quipped on the intellectual functioning of the institution of the rue Cambon, which is itself derived, even if any party “fast enough” as he said. Wednesday, June 29, in the midst of crisis management Brexit, he said:

    “The Court of Auditors doubt essence is its function The Court of doubt accounts, so it is..”

    He showed a certain serenity about keeping commitments of France:

    “If the growth was that we think we can estimate today at 1 7% next year, and if we continue our efforts to control spending and we were extremely vigilant on the execution of our budget, we should achieve this result. “

    and remember, philosophically, that in 2015 the Court had already doubted the ability of France to fulfill its objectives. Public deficits had yet revealed lower than what was announced.


    labor law: the government’s proposals to end the crisis – The World

    Myriam El Khomri, Minister of Labour,  employment, vocational training and social  dialogue at the Ministry of Labour in Paris on 30  April 2016.

    in an interview with” World “ Myriam El Khomri indicates that the objective is “no reach an agreement at any cost” . “This is not to deny disagreements, but to go as far as possible to dispel fears” , she says, developing the points on which the government intends to make a opening act

    • new amendments with Christophe Sirugue, the rapporteur of the text . “for the sake of clarification, where the law does not provide the primacy of the company agreement, we hope that within each branch, employers and
    trade unions to define the topics on which an enterprise agreement can not derogate from the branch agreement ” says Ms. El Khomri. The government wants to add in the law “two areas where the company can not do worse than the industry” : gender equality women in the workplace and the hardship

    <. li> Involve social partners in the rewriting of the Labour code : the government wants to introduce an amendment that will combine the High Council for social dialogue in the redesign of the Labour code

  • . Avoid a 49.3: “the use of 49.3 is provided by the Constitution: it is not a forced passage. But we believe that the amendments proposed by the government meet the expectations expressed by the slingers during the debate in the Assembly “, says the Minister.
  • Read the full interview (in subscribers view): Myriam El Khomri “the 49.3 is not a forced passage”


    Danone and Michel et Augustin soon associates – Le Figaro

    Danone and shareholders of Michel and Augustin entered into exclusive negotiations for the acquisition by Danone of a minority stake of around 40%.

    The target is a company French founded in 2004, designs and sells biscuits, dairy products, ice cream and premium drinks.

    It has an annual turnover of about € 40 million, with growth rates of around 30% to 40% according to one of its founders.

    the stake will be done through Danone Manifesto Ventures, an investment structure and incubation of Danone in New York and will be fully operational in autumn 2016.

    A guarantee of independence according to the founders of Michel and Augustin, although it is already clear that Danone conduct a gradual rise in capital

    Our recommendation for DANONE. SAVE

    the announced transaction remains marginal at the Danone group, as evidenced by the low upward variation of the title in a bull market

    significantly. However, it makes sense for Michel et Augustin is a beautiful area of ​​the successes of the past 10 years. Industrial and commercial strength of Danone could take off the case. The risks are low for Danone and significant growth potential. The action showed its defensive qualities in recent weeks in a highly volatile market, guard it carefully

    Course to date advice. € 61.58

    Target price: 7 € 0 representing a potential 13.7%

    investor profile: all age

    investment horizon: 12 months

    The editorial recommends you:


    Deficit: the Court of Auditors pin to government forecasts – Le Figaro

    GRAPHICS – The Sages do not believe that the deficit of France will reach 2.7% of GDP in 2017, arguing that the stability program presented in April does not have “the necessary reforms.” New spending (employment, farmers, civil servants, etc.) are singled out.

    As Brussels there two months, the Court of Auditors does not believe in the goal of France to bring its public deficit to 2.7% of GDP in 2017. however, it is more optimistic for 2016 which it considers the 3.3% deficit target (against 3.6% in 2015) “attainable” and “modest”, “although significant risks to the state spending,” note the Sages in their annual report on the situation and outlook for public finances.

    Concernant revenue, government projections appear generally strong, since they are based on a macroeconomic scenario considered realistic by the High Council of public finances in its opinion on the stability program last April. But this diagnosis, finalized on June 22, must now be interpreted subject to the possible consequences of the “Brexit” decided by the British on June 24, although the government and economists seem to rule out an impact on 2016 growth.

    While “respect the deficit target requires (…) a very strict management of expenses and leaves no room

    for new decisions leading to spending increases,” the Court of Auditors refers to stage a risk of exceeding between 3.2 and 6.4 billion euros. According to her, respecting the state’s spending target and already seems already compromised and “might become impossible to ascertain if additional expenditures were to be decided by the end of the year.”

    Main sources of skid: new spending decided and announced since the beginning of the year (plan for employment, aid to farmers, increase in compensation of employees etc.), up to almost 2 5 billion and “sub-recurring budgétisations” of around 2 billion euros. “The many announcements of new public expenditure, which are neither funded nor pledged by sustainable economies pose a risk on French public finances in 2016 but even more in subsequent years.”

    These announced measures, combined with the planned increase in military spending, “will push spending on the rise, up about 0.3 percent of GDP in 2017″. Since the parallel government set a target of control very ambitious spending, while the policies implemented in recent years are hardly promising medium-term savings, the Court found that “in 2017, the objective of deficit is a high risk of not being achieved. “


    New animal abuse images in two French slaughterhouses – Boursorama

    A calf bled to Mercantour slaughterhouse. He will try to get up for a full two minutes, half-decapitated head in a blood bin.

    A calf bled to Mercantour slaughterhouse. He will try to get up for a full two minutes, half-decapitated head in a blood bin.

    This is a list that just keeps growing. For the fourth time in eight months, the L214 Association unveils new case of animal abuse in slaughterhouses. Two establishments are this time targeted: those of Pezenas, in Hérault, and the seasons, in Puget-Théniers in the Alpes-Maritimes. Filmed with a hidden camera between November and late May, unsustainable videos, which Le Monde had access exclusive show of grave abuses and clear violations perpetrated on cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, during conventional slaughter and rituals. L214 was to file a complaint, Wednesday, June 29, before the high court of Beziers and Nice for abuse and cruelty.

    As the footage shot in Ales, in Vigan (Gard) and Mauleon -Licharre (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), which had sparked outrage we see many animals badly stunned regain consciousness during bleeding or suspension to the chain. In the Mercantour slaughter a calf, clinging to the rail by the hind leg, trying to get up for a full two minutes, half-decapitated head in a blood bin. Later, a sheep trying to escape, the throat open and mindfully

    But the new video – shot on twelve days – show other violence. Pézenas, horses are pulled by a winch into the box to slaughter a sheep gets stabbed in the eye before being slaughtered …

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    Ikea recalls 36 million dressers following the death of several children – Le Monde

    An Ikea store in France in February 2012.

    World number of Ikea furniture announced Tuesday, June 28 it reminded the United States and Canada, all convenient range Malm following the deaths of children crushed when they have changed. Nearly 36 million furniture are affected: about 29 million in the US and 6.6 million in Canada, according to figures confirmed by US and Canadian authorities and the group. The recalled chests measure about 60 centimeters in height for children and 75 cm models for adult models.

    Ikea was informed in March of the death of a young child, after five between 2003 and 2014 , the United States in all cases. “None of these chests was fixed to the wall, according to the information we have,” , while the application manual, stressed the spokesman for Ikea. According to her, “Ikea dressers meet

    stability requirements in all markets where they are sold.”

    According to US authorities, the recalled models are unstable when they don ‘ were not attached to the wall, “posing a major shift of risk (…) which can lead to death or injury of children” says the US agency for consumer safety ( Consumer Product Safety Commission).

    Campaign set dressers to the wall

    on Monday night, the US media had relayed the testimony of the mother of a dead boy after presumably tried to climb on one of the dressers. In the summer of 2015, Ikea had already launched in the US and Canada a campaign to encourage owners of Malm convenient to fix the wall. But an executive of Ikea told NBC that it was not enough. “Please, remove them from your room” , told the TV station Lars Peterson, president of Ikea US.

    The range Malm represents more than half of Ikea dressers sold worldwide in the last thirteen years, 78 million of 147 million.


    Tuesday, June 28, 2016

    fixing engines: first bill to 15 billion for Volkswagen in the US – The Point

    The German manufacturer Volkswagen agreed to pay about $ 15 billion in the US in the hope of resolving the dispute related to the scandal of his rigged engines, which reduced sales and dented its reputation.

    Released Tuesday, the compromise negotiated for months in pain with US authorities must still be approved by the court but gives an initial idea of ​​the amount of the invoice to be paid by the German auto giant .

    “this partial compromise marks an important first step leading Volkswagen to account for what has been a breach of its legal obligations and public trust,” said one of the officials of the department US Justice (DoJ), Sally Yates, evoking the offenses “most egregious” to US environmental standards.

    under the plan, which does not completely end the group’s legal hassles the United States, the owners of some 480,000 rigged cars in the United States will have the opportunity to redeem their vehicles or repair the expense of the German manufacturer.

    in both cases, each of them will also receive cash payments of up to $ 10,000.

    the value of the cars retained as part of the repurchase transaction will be the one dating back to last September, before this sensational scandal erupted in the United States through an NGO, before spreading to the rest of the world.

    The bill of the compensation component will amount to a total of 10.033 billion dollars.

    it will add $ 2.7 billion Volkswagen will pay for “full address” the impact of exhaust emissions of its cars in the United States.

    Separately, the group reached an agreement for $ 603 million with 44 US states and the District of Columbia, which includes federal capital Washington, and Puerto Rico.

    According to US authorities, rigged Volkswagen engines emit up to 40 times more polluting gases that the standards allowed.

    “the compromise announced today restores protections for clean air that Volkswagen has violated so blatantly, “said the boss of the Federal agency of environmental protection Gina McCarthy, during a press conference.

    The giant with 12 brands (Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche …) has also committed to contribute up to $ 2 billion a car promotion fund “green” zero emissions.

    This compromise, one of the most important for a company after the $ 246 billion

    reached in 1998 by the tobacco industry and agree to over twenty billion BP after the oil spill 2010, must be subject to the approval of the US court on July 26, said a spokesman for VW

    -. First step –

    in a statement, German group is committed to meet its commitments and considered that this agreement marked an “important first step”.

    “We know that we still have much work to do to regain the trust of the American public “however, the group recognized the boss Matthias Müller.

    the analyst Jessica Caldwell nods and believes that VW” still has a long way to go to repair its reputation. “

    the President of the Association of European consumers (BEUC), Monique Goyens, was her outrage that the German manufacturer “refuses to pay compensation in Europe and is willing to pay in the United States.” It therefore called on the authorities of the Old Continent to “protect consumers”.

    Volkswagen’s legal troubles are not finished whatever happens in the US where the group is within the scope of a criminal investigation and has yet to meet the faking engines on about 100,000 vehicles three liters of displacement that are not included in the current compromise.

    the group, which recognized rigging 11 million of diesel cars in the world, is also facing a cascade of lawsuits and surveys on the globe, especially in Europe.

    the scandal has cost Volkswagen in 2015 its first net loss for over twenty years and has resulted in the fall of 20% of its sales business in the first quarter.

    in 2015, the automaker posted a turnover of over 210 billion euros and spent huge reserves (16.2 billion euros) to deal with scandal .

    VW remains neck and neck with Toyota instead of world number one in terms of sales.

    jt / lo / chr / arz / abk


    isinJP3633400001TOYOTA MOTOR

    isinUS37045V1008GENERAL MOTORS

    28 / 06/2016 9:08:12 p.m. – Washington, June 28, 2016 (AFP) – AFP © 2016


    US: Volkswagen goes to checkout and pay $ 14.7 billion – The Point

    The German manufacturer Volkswagen agreed to pay nearly $ 15 billion in the US in the hope of resolving the dispute related to the scandal of his rigged engines, which reduced sales and dented its reputation. Released Tuesday, the compromise negotiated for months in pain with US authorities must still be approved by the court but gives an initial idea of ​​the amount of the invoice to be paid by the German juggernaut.

    “this partial compromise marks an important first step leading Volkswagen to account for what has been a breach of its legal obligations and public trust,” said one of the officials of the US Department of Justice, Sally Yates, referring one of the violations “most egregious” of US environmental standards.

    under the plan that does not completely abrogate the legal hassle of the group in the United States, the owners of some 480 000 rigged cars America will have the opportunity to redeem their vehicles or have them repaired at the expense of the German manufacturer. In both cases, each of them will also receive cash payments of up to $ 10 000.

    40 times more polluting gases that the standards allowed

    the value of the cars retained as part of the repurchase transaction will be the one dating back to last September, before this major scandal erupted in the United States through an NGO before spreading to the rest of the world. The invoice of compensation component will amount to a total of 10.033 billion dollars, according to the compromise. This will be supplemented by $ 2.7 billion Volkswagen will pay for “full address” the impact of exhaust emissions of its cars in the United States.

    According to US authorities, fixing engines Volkswagen emit up to 40 times more polluting gases that the standards allowed. “The compromise announced today restores protections for clean air that Volkswagen has violated so blatantly,” said the boss of the Federal Agency for Environmental Protection, Gina

    McCarthy, during a press conference .

    The giant with 12 brands (Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche …) has also committed to contribute up to $ 2 billion to a fund promoting “green” cars with zero emissions . This compromise must be subject to the approval of the US court on July 26, said a VW spokesman in the United States.

    “Regaining the confidence of the American public”

    in a statement, the German group is committed to meet its commitments and considered that this agreement marked an “important first step”. “We know that we still have much work to do to regain the trust of the American public,” however, recognized the group’s boss, Matthias Müller, said in the statement.

    The legal troubles of Volkswagen are, whatever happens, not finished in the US, where the group is within the scope of a criminal investigation and has yet to meet the faking engines about 100 000 vehicles 3 liters of displacement that are not included in the current compromise.

    the group, which recognized rigging 11 million of diesel cars in the world, is also facing a cascade of lawsuits and investigations on the globe, particularly in Europe . The scandal has cost Volkswagen in 2015 its first net loss for over twenty years and has resulted in the fall of 20% of its turnover in the first quarter. In 2015, the automaker posted a turnover of over 210 billion euros and spent colossal reserves (16.2 billion euros) to deal with the financial consequences of the scandal diesel. German juggernaut remains neck and neck with Toyota instead of world number one in terms of sales. This duo is followed closely by General Motors.
