This is a Pierre Gattaz hurry, but not really decided to settle who presented Tuesday to the press, three weeks after his ultimatum against the Labour Law and negotiations on unemployment insurance. Undecided as in this case, the employers’ organization expects to have hands the final text to tell. “Our only valid criterion is whether this law will create jobs. The first version had this ambition, this is no longer the case,” repeated Pierre Gattaz.
STORIES & gt; & gt; Labor Law: Government takes a step toward the forced passage
Also in the crosshairs of the boss of bosses, “overtaxation of short contracts, union proxying in the SOHO and personal account activity “three pillars Medef intends to shake, even hijack the renegotiation of the UI including a new round is precisely planned Thursday.
“We do not negotiate the same way bearing in mind that the Labour Law is part of the nego on unemployment insurance. If the labor reform is not done, is -what we can negotiate peacefully on unemployment insurance? ” summed Pierre Gattaz, thus establishing a direct link between the need for companies to enter new markets, and therefore have the flexibility and scope to come from the future convention of the unemployed.
“Stop thinking that it solves problems by taxing”
On the merits of the case, Medef does not “do politics “. And denounce the idea of a referendum carried Tuesday by Jean-Claude Mailly, leader of FO. Nevertheless his ultimatum it three weeks ago, which did not fail to react to the highest peak of the state, had all the pressure suddenly. But it has turned a corner in which the organization today is struggling to get out.
If the Medef always demand strong measures to allow companies to recover margins, “essential in order to invest”, it also sets its limits. No way to trade the taxation of salary for a modular framework. No question of giving branches a say in the collective agreements, “not very twenty-first century” under Pierre Gattaz. “The reversal of the hierarchy of norms is to make enterprise-level,” insists the boss. Not elsewhere.
As negotiations between the government and his majority have stalled, the vote on the amendments is suspended, the threat of a forced passage (use 49.3) arises, positions well fixed Medef are also a means to influence the political debate. The ball is now in the government camp who will have to present its own text. To him to choose between the left slalom or downhill straight.

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