Monday, May 23, 2016

Labour and wages law: RATP, the CGT called for an indefinite strike on June 2 – Le Parisien

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| Update:

the CGT first union at the RATP, called agents in the Paris transport authority for an indefinite strike from June 2 to request the reopening of annual wage negotiations and withdrawal from the labor bill, did on Monday with the union.

as in March, the union binds the challenge of El Khomri project to own claims to the company: the “legitimate needs of agents” are not satisfied “or (by) the draft labor law (…) or by one-time increase through categorical measures and / or individual, “said the CGT in its notice dated 20 May, posted on his Facebook account. “Management, supported by the government persists in not increase the value of statutory point, the only guarantee of a general measure on all wages,” complained Hammache Bertrand, deputy central delegate.

in a more explicit leaflet signed its Bus section, the union demands “300 euros increase” and “the rejection of the labor law.” “The dialogue of the government, the 49-3. The dialog management, the statement of decision. The response of the agents is the strike. It blocks all! “He wrote.

 The CGT deplores the gel, for the second consecutive year, the value of this point for calculating the salaries of agents (excluding bonuses) despite “record profits” (437 million, +47%).

At the annual wage negotiations, which took place on March 11, RATP refused a general wage increase. However, she signed with the UNSA and the CFE-CGC agreement on various enhancement measures (profit sharing, low wages and a bonus).

Meanwhile, UNSA second union, lifted the notice that it had filed for the period of Euro football from 10 June to 11 July, after, he said in a statement, obtained a “significant increase” in “premium holiday for drivers.”

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Work Act and Wages: to RATP, the CGT called for an indefinite strike on June 2

the CGT first union at the RATP, called agents in the Paris transport authority for an indefinite strike from June 2 to ask the reopening of annual wage negotiations and withdrawal from the labor bill, …

2016-05-23 15:13:00

2016 law work, wages, RATP, CGT, called a


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