Saturday, May 21, 2016

The state plays the liar’s poker with EDF – DNA – Latest News from Alsace

 The closure of the Fessenheim plant is now  promised for 2018 but should & # XEA; be in  & # xe9; luctable d & # XE8; s this year  & # xe9; es archives Photo DNA.

the closure of the Fessenheim plant is now promised for 2018 but should be inevitable as early as this year. Photo archives DNA

” An alms “chokes the CGT union of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (see elsewhere). “It is still too ‘antinuclear argue Alsatian.

This is most likely a basis for negotiation with a first bluff. In a confidential letter but unveiled yesterday by our colleagues of Le Monde and addressed to Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of EDF, Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment and Energy, provides for 80 to 100 million maximum euros to compensate the operator of the early closure of Fessenheim. This is far less than the minimum 2 billion expected according to some sources by the energy company, and above the 4 billion advanced in the report of Deputies Marc Goua and Hervé Mariton published in September 2014 to assess the cost of stopping the Central prematurely. The estimate of parliamentarians had also at the time was considered “crazy” by the minister rather saw it as an attempt to undermine the promise of Francois Hollande.

A loss? “What harm? “

Opponents of Fessenheim believe it is not necessary to compensate EDF which, exploiting nuclear energy in a central” old and located on a seismic fault, above the largest aquifer in Europe “among other risks, puts millions of people at risk.

But the state has no choice. Nothing prevents EDF to seek compensation if the state requires it to close one or another of its engines as confirmed by the Constitutional Council in August last year in its opinion on the energy transition law.

But suppose that says repair damage, reminds Ségolène Royal substance. In the absence of declared will of the other German and Swiss shareholders (32.5% share) to be compensated, EDF can not anyway claim redress that two thirds of the loss. Which would also not nearly as “indisputable” that Jean-Bernard Levy hinted at his hearing on April 27 before the Senate. Although EDF authorization to operate the reactor No. 1 until 2021 and the No. 2 reactor until 2022. But the Alsatian central turns 40 in 2017 and “it is far from meeting the criteria of ASN for over 40 years, “says André Hatz, spokesman for Stop Fessenheim.

Falling electricity prices

in the absence of certainty on decisions the nuclear safety authority, EDF could claim a shortfall beyond the next year inspections.

will there also a shortfall? The compensation position there would be “neutral.” Without invoking a constant questioning of antinuclear associations on the actual profitability of the Fessenheim plant (see below), the Minister of Energy refers to the fall in wholesale electricity prices in the European market, considered sustainable by the experts. A decline in prices is much less revenue for the electrician and a threat to the operating balance. . At that point the station will earn more money

In excerpts of the letter to Jean-Bernard Levy and reproduced by the newspaper Le Monde, we read: “The closure will allow the company to save operating costs are in the order of € 300 million [per year]. If it had been an extension, the plant would also mobilized a holding investment in operational conditions assessed at 190 million euros per year, which will thus be saved. “

For the only reclassification

80 to 100 million euros proposed compensation would therefore be vested in the redeployment of employees of the plant. The aim is to avoid dismissal, said the letter.

The modesty of the sum on the table by Ségolène Royal announced after negotiations entrusted to Jean-Michel Malerba, Interministerial Delegate for closure of the Fessenheim plant and conversion of the site. The press time, the timetable for a formal closure request of EDF before the end of June and a decree canceling the authorization to operate (which would make the process irreversible cessation) by the end of the year. Fortunately the standoff engaged face to face. Department talks about contacts “regular and constructive” with EDF, which passed the stunning effect, evokes his side “a work in progress with the negotiator”

Read also page 3


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