Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem announces increase of teacher salaries in 2017 – Liberation

Ladies and gentlemen faculty and staff of National Education, the Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem is on RMC and BFM TV Tuesday morning to bring the good news: the revaluation of careers 820,000 agents, promised long , will take place … As of 1 January 2017, months before the end of the five-year period so.

“This enhancement will help restore France above the average of countries OECD and even reaching the best countries for treatment late career “, welcomed the Minister of Education during the presentation of its reform at a press conference Monday afternoon.

All levels of the teaching profession in the first as the second degree, the public and the private, will be upgraded by 2020, announced the Ministry. At cruising speed, it will represent an annual fiscal effort of one billion euros (about 60 billion that represents the annual salary of 820,000 agents). An average increase of 1,200 euros per year per teacher … The load increase will be gradual, spread over three years, from 2017 to 2020. “And if the majority changes in May 2017, he happen to this commitment? “, asks a journalist at the press conference. Response from the Minister: “Nearly half (500 million) will be included in the finance bill for 2017. For the rest, I wish a lot of courage to whoever wants to challenge this PPCR (careers , careers and salaries). “

As of 2020, a certified teacher who held a full career, earn 23,000 euros more throughout his career, says the Ministry. Another example is dug into the press kit: in 2019, a trainee teacher in the first year will receive 1400 euros gross more than today. What make the career more attractive? This is one of the objectives.

Reform evaluation

There’s another one. Financial careers revaluation is accompanied by a reform of teacher evaluation to make “a political tool of human resources” . And better “enhance agents taking responsibility, or those teaching in primary education.”

For now, this assessment reform is most similar to a cloze , big unknown. Only the outlines are stopped. The current system – the inspector who moved to the back of the classroom teacher to assess – in its last months. Instead, the ministry announced “a different logic” and “four appointments throughout career to objectify the professional value” .

the first “appointment” will speak at the seventh year of exercise: 30% of the teachers ‘engaged’ can then benefit from accelerating their career a year. Rebelote after thirteen years, again with the possibility for 30% of the battalion to win a year of progress.

The third “go” around twenty year career, must allow changing grade, and access to “Senior”, previously available only to a few and now become the “classic” route. Finally, and this will be the last of the “appointment”, a third grade is created – but will be activated as of September 2017 (after the presidential therefore). Called “exceptional class”, it will be available in late career to the most deserving, starting with school principals in primary education, who will see their treatment a leap of 1,000 euros gross in September. Eventually, “the exceptional class will reach 10% of the total workforce of the body.” Based on what criteria? This is part of the questions that have no answers at this point

Other. What exactly these will include “appointment” that punctuate the career? What exactly is the role of school leaders in teacher evaluation? Are the inspectors, who already say drowning in missions, will also have the time to “accompany” the teachers in their teaching practices? Najat Vallaud-Belkacem has an appointment Wednesday with the social partners to discuss .

Marie Thornton


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