Tuesday, May 10, 2016

labor law: seven unions called the strike and demonstrations on 17 and 19 May – Le Figaro

Seven unions opposed the bill work, including the CGT and FO have called their organizations to “build” two new days of strikes and demonstrations on 17 and 19 May, they announced Tuesday in a statement at the end of an Inter. The CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, the UNEF, the UNL and Fidl will also send a letter “to the President of the Republic to be received quickly.”

They “call their organizations to build two new days of strikes and demonstrations Tuesday, May 17 and Thursday 19 May next.” In addition, they “do not rule any type of initiatives for the coming weeks, including a national demonstration” against the project that places too much to companies, according to them. Among the most contentious issues in the text, include the clause granting primacy to enterprise agreements for the organization of working time and makes possible the organization of referendums. “While wage earners, young people, the private es employment, retirees mobilized for more than two months for the withdrawal from the labor bill and obtaining new rights, while public opinion remains overwhelmingly opposed to this text, the government decided to force it using the 49.3. Unacceptable! “, say they are.

they” invite their structures to hold general meetings with the wage earners for discuss the modalities of shares, the strike and its renewal “. A new meeting of trade unions will be held early next week to decide on new mobilizations. These seven organizations already prévoyent a new national day of strikes and demonstrations Thursday, May 12 This will be the fifth national and unitary mobilization action against the bill at the invitation of the Inter after the 9 and 31 March and 9 and 28 April. Other action days were organized solely by youth organizations and traditional parades 1-May were focused against the bill. The last national mobilization organized by the unions on May 3, had collected several thousand employees, unions and young people, much less than in previous. The most important event, which occurred on 31 March, brought together 390,000 people according to police, 1.2 million according to the organizers.


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