The government renounces narrow the geographic scope of appreciation of redundancies and overtax the CSD work bill submitted to 49.3, but does not retain the ultimate ‘compromise’ on business agreements, a -t said Tuesday in the entourage of Manuel Valls.
of the redundancies, the executive waives introducing a national standard on the perimeter of appreciation of the difficulties of a group and “returns the current law “, which retains an appreciation worldwide, did we said. Regarding the overtaxation of CSD, via a proposed government amendment, “it refers to the social partners,” the source said.
On Article 2 of the text, which allows to be company agreements less favorable than the branch agreements on working time (time and overtime pay), the Government will not consider the ultimate ‘compromise’ proposed Monday by the rapporteur Christophe Sirugue to try to reach an agreement with the Socialist deputies opposed the text. “As slingers refused, considering it is no longer justified,” according to Manuel Valls near.
No veto branches
By engaging the responsibility of his government, the Prime Minister had however assured that the text “strengthens [would] the role of the branches.” The text does provide a “right” of branches, but no “veto” as had been envisaged by Christophe Sirugue, said Matignon. The text should therefore remain in the establishment of joint commissions (employers, employees) to draw up an annual report of company agreements, while Mr. Sirugue was willing Monday night to go further by requiring branches ” an a priori opinion “on these agreements.
the amendments accepted by the executive are in addition to several major corrections to the bill since its launch. Faced with criticism of the CFDT, particularly given the government late March to introduce a mandatory scheme of compensation for unfair dismissal to the Labour Court. Manuel Valls said Tuesday that the government would retain 469 of the 5000 amendments to the text to “take to their account the work of the committee and the rapporteur” Christophe Sirugue to whom he paid tribute.
Read CSD also why the modulation of employer contributions was a good idea

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