Sunday, May 8, 2016

Greece ” almost reached ” its reform objectives – Le Figaro

Greece has “almost reached” the objectives of the reforms desired by its creditors and Monday’s Eurogroup will conduct “initial discussions” on a possible development of the country’s debt, according to the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

“We are currently in the first review of the program (the aid plan for Greece, ed) and objectives are almost achieved,” said Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview to be published Sunday in German newspapers of Funke Mediengruppe. Creditors had done this “review” which is used to evaluate the progress of reforms in Greece against international loan to the country in the summer of 2015, prior to any discussion on Greek debt. But after months of discussions, these reforms have not yet received the necessary good report, mainly because of differences between the European Union (EU) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). A Eurogroup, which brings together the 19 finance ministers of the euro area is expected in Brussels on Monday. It must again consider this review of Greek reforms.

At this meeting, the ministers “will also conduct initial discussions on how we can make long-term debt sustainability Greece “said Jean-Claude Juncker. He recalled, however, that an outright debt reduction is not in the agenda. Statements that are in line with those of the Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos. This Saturday called his peers in the eurozone to approve the reforms undertaken by his country and abandon the 3.6 billion euros of additional measures demanded by creditors to confirm their evaluation.


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