Thursday, March 31, 2016

IMAGES. Labour law: violence and arrests in margin processions – The Express

Jets shots, tear gas, arrests … The event this Thursday to demand the withdrawal of the Labour Bill, the call of seven trade unions and students has been the scene of numerous incidents and violence. Tour de France.

LIVE & gt; & gt; Relive the day of mobilization against the Labour Law

projectiles against the police in Paris

The Parisian procession with 26 000 demonstrators according to the police, marched in the rain to the Place d’Italie to that of the nation, behind Philippe Martinez (CGT), Bernadette Groison (FSU), Jean-Claude Mailly (FO) and William Martinet (UNEF) . “Labor Code: withdrawal of the Bill El Khomri” proclaimed the banner head.

But clashes broke out on the sidelines processions. Some protesters climbed on cars and immobilized on the roadway. The procession stopped at several occasions and groups of a few dozen people wearing masks threw stones, firecrackers, or sticks to the police. CRS charged repeatedly.

A dozen arrests in Nantes

At Nantes, demonstrators clashed with police who used water cannons. In all, a dozen people were arrested, with the key, as many injured. From the start of the event at 11 am, dozens of young people, the hidden face, threw projectiles (stones, glass bottles …) before the opera, the police replicating with tear gas.

In front of the two leading banners proclaiming “The Artists of Tomorrow-workers say stop” and “Work Act – Insecurity in perpetuity”, many yellow vests, members of the security service schoolboy throwing of: “We stay calm!” and invited to “stay behind the banners” to “avoid breakage.”

IMAGES Work Act. Violence and arrests in  margin processions

REUTERS / Stephane Mahe

But when the procession arrived at the University Hospital where were scheduled catches speech, several hundred young people, sometimes hooded, armed with various projectiles, left the trade union demonstration and headed for the station, particularly guarded by the police. projectiles were then launched by the demonstrators, who

tried to mount the barricades.

the prefecture evoked to 4:30 p.m. “hundreds” of people who wanted to “break, confront the security forces” in the Hospital sector. the CGT estimated the procession at 30,000 while the Prefecture were 12 000 people.

tear Gas in Toulouse

clashes also marred the end of the demonstration against the labor law Toulouse, people throwing projectiles to the police, who responded with tear gas. the event, which attracted 20,000 people, police and 100 000 people according to its organizers, has shaken the quiet from 11 am to the Railway station, then through the city center.

At the end of the event, early afternoon, in the district of Saint-Cyprien, “a group of 100 to 200 individuals”, some hooded, were “hurled projectiles against the security forces, “said Frederic Rose Chief of Staff of the prefect of Haute-Garonne. The police responded with tear gas. Sometimes very closely, as shown in the video below.

Loads of CRS in Rennes

In Rennes, five people were arrested in the courtyard of the day. On the mobilization of the CGT counted 10,000 demonstrators, the Prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine 500. The group of students and students who led the parade went straight to the clash against the security forces blocking access to the very heart of the Breton capital. The jets cans and stones, the security forces responded by firing tear gas. The youth then ebbed.

Around noon, protesters are again taken to the police who were blocking access to the site of the Parliament of Britain they wanted care to spend the night under the operation dubbed “Night standing” provided in twenty cities in France.

scuffles Place Bellecour in Lyon

In Lyon, twenty people were arrested Thursday after the demonstration against the labor law which has seen 12 000 protesters, according to the prefecture, 30,000 according to organizers. The 20 people were arrested for throwing projectiles at the security forces, including Place Bellecour, while nearly 300 youth refused to disperse.

Shortly after 16:30, sporadic clashes took place on the square, demonstrators throwing beer bottles or cans on the CRS, these retaliating by gas jets tear

13 members of the security forces wounded

in all, there have been 233 rallies or marches in Paris and the provinces, grouping 1.2 million protesters , according to the unions and 390 000 people according to police. These parades have led to more a hundred arrests . Thirteen members of the security forces were injured , according to Pierre-Henry Brandet, spokesman of the Interior Ministry.


Labor law: a strong mobilization glazed violence – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Between 270,000 and 1.2 million demonstrators were reported Thursday by the police and by unions to challenge the law Khomri El

the mobilization against the labor law Thursday in calling protesters unions (CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires) and several youth organizations (UNEF, Fidl and UNL) was up compared to 9 March. This is the first success for the unions, particularly the CGT Philippe Martinez who plays very big. The center of Montreuil is always the first French union in private. But she has faced over the last 2012 elections many setbacks, especially around the departure of its former Secretary General, Thierry Lepaon.

“We are building a balance of power the government should move back and forth on the text “

in this context, and while many predict that the reformist line of the CFDT might be necessary when new elections 2017, it is essential for the CGT to regain legitimacy. Dates for new days of action, set at the end of this mobilization, 5 and 9 April, are not accidental. They fall aptly to plump troops organization just before the opening of the 51st congress of the union in Marseille, where Philippe Martinez delivers its mandate in.

The Parisian procession started from Italian place in early afternoon in the pouring rain. At its head, Philippe Martinez (CGT), Bernadette Groison (FSU), Jean-Claude Mailly (FO) and William Martinet (UNEF). As in previous days events, it is the students from the universities of Paris VIII and Paris-I that were most present. According to William Swift, president of the UNEF, “this is an important mobilization with many young people, employees and officials. It opens on March 31 a new sequence in the opposition against the proposed El Khomri law. We are building a strong relationship with the government has to move back and forth on the text. “

” It makes no sense to work more to earn less. Think of it as a left government that

is maneuvering disgusts us even more “

On the signs that dotted the procession read:” Labour Law – Insecurity in perpetuity ” “We do not want to lose our life to win,” “1916: cannon fodder, 2016: flesh bosses” or “the night is for b … not to work.” Samira and Sapphire, schoolgirls in the eighteenth, “it makes no sense to work more to earn less. Think of it as a left government that is maneuvering disgusts us more. “

Alma, also high school in Bondy,” this government is the caviar left. Everything for the rich, not the poor. ” Bernard, an employee at Air France deplores this “obvious will of fire” that cache, according to him, this “unjust law”. “As to work sixty hours a week, no thank you!” Added a conductive RATP, referring to a draft of the bill, which was leaked in the press but has since been abandoned.

This mobilization was also marked by strikes in transport (SNCF, Air France …), the Eiffel tower, at EDF, in the public, the press and dozens of blocks of high schools and universities. The day was also punctuated by violence, with about forty arrests and about twenty wounded policemen.

In the morning, the Paris demonstration of the students – the fourth since early March – was a new electric time. As in previous weeks, police and CRS came under missile throwing. In the procession of a thousand young people, a group of thirty students, sometimes hooded and armed with wooden bars, regularly attacked the police. They also targeted banks, bus shelters and shop windows. There was a twenty inquiries totaling Paris. Same show in Rennes, Grenoble, Nantes, Marseille and Toulouse.

The spokesman of the government, Stéphane Le Foll, called “Everybody quiet” to “not give the opportunity to some break or have violence. ”


trading companies: AMF and the prosecution denounced the rise of scams! –

The French investors were stripped of EUR 4 billion since 2010 by websites fraudulent trading, said the Paris prosecutor’s office. Advertisements for very risky financial products will soon be banned by law Sapin II

( – The online trading scams have proliferated in recent years. According to data collected by the Parquet de Paris, the French investors were stripped of not less than EUR 4 billion since 2010 by Websites fraudulent trading!

On Thursday, the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, participated in a joint press conference of the AMF (Financial Markets Authority), the bank policeman, ACPR, and management of fraud, the DGCCRF to alert a new once investors against these often mounted frauds who manage to deceive many traders apprentices …

many opaque companies registered in Cyprus

on the currency trading market ( Forex) or other complex products (binary options, CFD …), there are three categories of actors. On the one hand, there are often recognized names subsidiaries of large banking groups, regulated and authorized in France.

But also, there are many online brokers that have a license, but whose operation is extremely opaque. Most of these sites are registered in Cyprus, some countries watching on business practices, and are remote-controlled by companies based elsewhere, often in Israel. However, since a European directive implementation in 2007, simply to obtain approval of a single European authority to be able to operate throughout the EU …

Finally, there are many illegal sites that operate without holding any license. The AMF lists them on a blacklist any updates regularly. This black list currently has no fewer than 360 names, which illustrates the extent of the problem.

1,656 complaints from individuals to the AMF in 2015 against 64 in 2010!

study the AMF from October 2014 showed that the speculative trading activity was inherently dangerous for individuals, even if investors were directed to sites operating legally. The study, which focused only on

providers storefront and authorized, showed that their clients have saved 175 million euros against 13 million loss of earnings over 4 years, and 90% of clients were losers.

Thursday, MFA has warned investors against websites based in Cyprus who are pressuring their customers to always invest more, via misleading advertisements with promises of unrealistic returns. Benoit Juvigny, the Secretary General of the AMF, cited the Cypriot company Pegasus Capital, which proposed a booklet of 12% based on binary options, an impossible return to get without taking very large risks.

the AMF has also received complaints about companies “EZTrader” or “24 option”, which also appear as sponsors of aS Monaco Football club and Olympique Lyonnais! In total, Mr. Juvigny recorded 1,656 complaints from individuals last year against this type of companies offering ultra-risky financial products, against only 64 in 2010.

Advertising of risky products soon prohibited by law Sapin II

As for the Paris prosecutor’s office, it is currently processing 50 cases (involving at least 500 identified victims), two of which resulted in the opening of a judicial inquiry. The prosecutor François Molins denounced websites that are “linked to organized crime, with highly structured teams and powerful laundering mechanisms”.

The AMF and the prosecutor welcomed the next banning advertising for riskier financial products. This measure is indeed included in the bill for transparency and modernization of the economy (Law Fir II). This should help to better protect consumers against financial scams.

  – © 2016


Caramel, Krema, Malabar poised to become French? – Point

The famous and indestructible Carambar jokes, he spent several years ago in the bosom of the American Mondelēz, could return shortly under the French flag with the acquisition of ten confectionery brands by the investment company Eurazeo. Eurazeo announced Thursday hold “exclusive discussions” with the US group Mondelēz to redeem a gift basket of more than a dozen iconic names of the European confectionery: Carambar addition, these are brands Poulain, Krema, The Pie Qui Chante and Terry’s, as well as licenses pastilles Vichy, chewing gums Malabar and Suchard Rochers.

under the agreement, a “new group” would be created combining the marks and “five production sites in France,” Blois located in Marcq-en-Baroeul, Saint Genest, in Strasbourg and Vichy. Marcq-en Baroeul, in the North, is the birthplace of Carambar hard caramel sticks to the exclusive recipe, packaged in pink and yellow in Toto jokes since 1954. Although they reached more than age because, the famous sweets remain on top of the legend of “bonbecs” and memories of childhood, as was demonstrated in 2013 their April Fool smoking: at the instigation of a marketing agency, the brand had announced the end of jokes for the benefit of small educational quiz. A press release explaining even carefully designed to support education, “we learn better by eating” …

“Thousands of evidence of love”

the consternation and uproar raised by the announcement, until a petition of 180 employees confectionery Marcq-en-Baroeul on Facebook and sorry comments in most major TV shows, had caught up ‘to its designers. As for Carambar candy, she explained she wanted to “give a boost to its brand” and have received back “thousands of proofs of love” consumer activist for

saving more than achieved Objective jokes … . Is that Carambar, passed successively into the hands of the French group Danone and Cadbury British and American Kraft (which was split in 2012 Mondelēz) belongs whatever his passport to the national heritage through the playground .

the potential transaction amount was not specified by Eurazeo, but according to the business daily Les Echos , this operation would reach $ 250 million . Eurazeo, according to Les Echos would beat several competitors for this recovery, the European investment fund PAI and the German group Katjes, owner of Franco-Belgian confectioner Lutti. Virginie Morgon, Executive Director of Eurazeo, quoted in the press release of the company, stresses the “unique opportunity to revitalize and develop this legendary brand portfolio” and provides with this new group, to be “an attractive platform for other fine brands. “

After the repurchase agreement officially, it must be approved by the French competition authorities and the completion of the transaction will occur later in spring 2017 , said Eurazeo. Eurazeo is a leading listed investment companies in Europe, and manages approximately EUR 5 billion of assets. It is found in very many areas, hotel real estate, fashion and food. She is the controlling shareholder or group of such reference qu’AccorHotels, Desigual, Elis, Europcar, Foncia and Moncler and was long the largest shareholder in Danone.


Alert to scams on the websites of trading –

Four billion. It’s staggering the amount that have lost the French investors since 2010 because of fraud in online trading. The figure was given on Thursday morning, the Paris prosecutor himself, François Molins, who briefly abandoned the fight against terrorism to participate in a joint press conference of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), policeman banks, ACPR, and management of fraud, the DGCCRF. For years the AMF multiplies communication operations to try to prevent the French from being trapped. But for now, the authorities are struggling to curb the phenomenon.

What is it? The affected websites mainly offer two types of investments. Either it is to buy and sell currencies on the Forex, the foreign exchange market. Either they are “binary options” taken on currencies, stocks or other markets: you bet on the evolution of the asset in the short-term (30 minutes or an hour), you win the bet if the bet occurs or lose everything in otherwise pure casino! In both cases, the losses are common and can be huge, much larger than the initial investment.

Harassment and misleading advertising

Some major players in the Forex is regulated in France (Saxo Bank) or the UK (IG Markets, FXCM). But most online brokers are flown covertly from Israel, which has made this industry specialty, and are registered in Cyprus, which is little stingy on business practices. Since an EU Directive implemented in 2007, simply hold the approval of a European authority for the right to offer its services across the continent. Without finally forget the many illegal sites that do not hold accreditation: the blacklist of the AMF has 360

“When you call this kind of site, then you are experiencing a real telephone harassment,. interlocutor appears with a very French name and seeking a transfer from you or worse your credit card number, “said Benoit de Juvigny, the Secretary General of the AMF, which recorded 1,656 complaints from individuals last year , against 64 in 2010. the sites do not hesitate to wield the misleading advertising and to dangle unrealistic returns: thus, the

Cypriot company Pegasus Capital proposed to the Livret a disappointed now paying 0.75%, a “Plan B “12% based on binary options.

” We get to four or five block unauthorized websites per year but it is very difficult to provide evidence to initiate proceedings concedes Benoît de Juvigny . As the sites regulated in Cyprus, we put enormous pressure on our counterpart, the CySEC. We got penalties ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 euros. Unfortunately, it seems that sites pay and continue to function as before. “Among those singled include EZTrader or 24 option … respectively sponsors of AS Monaco and Olympique Lyonnais” Here with that our football clubs combine “plague the number two of the MFA, which counts on the new draft Michel Sapin law to curb advertising on risky financial products.

related Sites to organized crime

even worse, some of these sites are fictional and only meant to attract pigeons: the funds are not even invested in the markets and end up directly in the pockets of crooks “these. sites are linked to organized crime, with highly structured teams and powerful laundering mechanisms “, said Francois Molins. 50 cases, involving at least 500 identified victims are currently treated by the Paris prosecutor, two resulted in the opening of a judicial inquiry.

the prosecutor spoke of an ongoing operation this week in Israel that led to five searches and fifteen interviews or witness statements. This is, in fact, a recently revealed case by the JDD , led by Justice Aude Buresi and on a scam at least 105 million euros. “I want to emphasize the excellent cooperation with the authorities and the Israeli police,” Molins said. An outlet for the less diplomatic, investigators regularly complaining of the lack of enthusiasm of their Israeli counterparts.


The new Alstom confirms its ambitions – The World

Henri Poupart-Lafarge, the new CEO of  Alstom AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE DESMAZES / AFP /  PHILIPPE DESMAZES.

See also: Alstom Transport is expected to embark on the path of growth

Five years crucial to pursue the internationalization of the tram manufacturer, subway and train others. But not only the new CEO plans to diversify the maximum income group, which reached € 5.9 billion in 2015, ceasing to base most of its revenue on hardware alone, to participate in the consolidation expected industry. The future of Alstom in four key points.

The manufacturer achieves more than two thirds of its business in Europe, today too to deal with market fluctuations. To meet this challenge, it must continue its development outside of its natural bases (Europe, USA) and accelerate in Africa, Asia and South America, areas that are currently introducing in urban transport.

the group said in a statement, the “ambition to become in 2020 a number one or two market on every continent” . The manufacturer plans to invest 300 million euros over the next three years in emerging

countries. “This globalization must lead us to grow faster than the market we are targeting average growth of our turnover of 5% per year by 2020″ provides the Echos Henri Poupart Lafarge.

in Europe, specifically in France, the manufacturer will adapt its industrial facilities to meet a currently sluggish demand or declining. “The Reichshoffen site in Alsace will for example lower pace after the summer, and we’re going to separate us from a number of temporary workers. The adaptation is done regularly, and we fight, in parallel, to have visibility “, says the leader.

Most of the value added in the transport is most in the production of trains or metros, but also in the sale of entire systems including signaling, safety and maintenance. Henri Poupart-Lafarge, “this is a growing business, with more recurrent and higher margins. They must represent 60% of our revenue in 2020, against 47% during our 2014-2015. “

In order to guarantee its independence, Alstom will have to improve its operating margin. 5% in 2015, Alstom is 7% in 2020. With this, the group hopes to participate as a predator, not prey to the upcoming consolidation of the rail industry. “It will be ready to seize the opportunities that will inevitably arise due to market mechanical evolution” , ensures Henri Poupart-Lafarge.


Labor law: layoffs of economic facilities in SMEs? – The Express

The CGPME particular accused the El Khomri law to be unfavorable to smaller companies and recently demanded adaptations like to pass the time of challenge to a dismissed employee to two years to six months for SMEs.

Discussions open to Parliament might be more favorable. At least as regards the provisions for redundancy.

A small number of CA quarters of decline.

Main grievance small patterns on Bill Current work: the threshold of four consecutive quarters of decline of sales or orders (unless branch agreement) as justification for economic difficulties of a company listed in the latest Labour Bill. For many opponents, we must review copy and adapt this duration according to company size: longer for big companies and shorter for smaller.

“When a SOHO or SME four consecutive quarters of decline in turnover, dismissal, in general, is made at the helm of a commercial court is a little late “said Jean-Michel Pottier, CGPME before the social Affairs Committee on 30 March.

Good news: Christophe Sirugue, rapporteur of the text is working on this issue. It also considers him this time “too long” for SMEs with fewer than 300 employees, as he told the Les Echos March 31. A position he defends for days; during his speech taken Social Affairs Committee, the member did not hesitate to insist on it and think about adaptations of redundancy. An amendment should soon emerge.

Myriam El Khomri, itself, says “favorable” to the adaptations. “If in the parliamentary debate, there is the proposal to differentiate the number of quarters depending on the

size of the company, I am in favor,” has responded the minister on RMC and BFM TV Thursday, March 31. Remarks already held before the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on Tuesday 29 March.

Other analysis criteria. In committee, said Christophe Sirugue also consider the development of other criteria, including an assessment of the “magnitude” of the revenue declines, again depending on the number of employees. “I am aware that even a drop of 0.2% may be dangerous for some companies,” he pointed to the discussions. A debate that refers directly to the thorny issue of the judge’s discretion in this case point around which many experts argue.

A constitutional problem? These provisions on measures provoke debate. Catherine Lemorton, President of the Social Affairs Committee of the Assembly, considers the project “very embarrassing for the legislature.” How to “find ways of helping SOHO / SME without being struck ante-constitutionality, she advance. We have a real problem.” The Constitutional Council may consider, as he had done for the prudhommal scale of Macron law, that the measure introduces a “breach of equality”. According to Les Echos , the Ministry of Labour claims to have verified that the provision is consistent.


The government faces strikes and protests against the labor law – Le Monde

Blockade of the students before the school  Helene Boucher in Paris March 31, 2016.

the government will have yet to face once, Thursday, March 31, the test of street with the mobilization of all the supporters of the abandonment of the draft Labour code reform Act. The movement looks wide: strike notices were filed at the RATP, SNCF, EDF, Air France, Total, in air traffic control and more generally in the public service, trade, media, ports and docks, casinos … major disruptions are thus expected in transport.

More than 200 parades, demonstrations and rallies are planned across France, according to the count of the CGT. Seven unions are mobilizing the initiative: the trade union federations CGT, Force Ouvrière, FSU and Solidaires, but also several student organizations and students – UNEF, UNL, LDIFs

See the infographic: Unions, employers, parties: visualize who changed his mind on the job law

” obviously, this text does not allow the necessary job creation , generalized insecurity and exacerbate inequalities at work in particular against women and young people “, say seven unions, promising a ” big “ day.

Paris the demonstration will start at 13 pm instead of 30 of Italy towards Nation, with Philippe Martinez (CGT), Bernadette Groison (FSU), Jean-Claude Mailly (FO) and William Martinet (UNEF) in procession head. Environmentalists deputies planned to participate in the day of action, including former Minister Cécile Duflot and Noël Mamère.

Twenty Parisian high

schools are planning to close

More than twenty of Parisian high schools also plan to close Thursday to avoid overflow. Violence and arrests marked the previous day, 24 March, launched by youth organizations and supported by the trade unions

Follow live mobilization in Parisian schools.

activists of the CFDT and CFE-CGC also march to demand the withdrawal “pure and simple” of the project, against the current of the respective power fairly good for rewriting by the government of certain articles.

Probably last major reform of the five-year period, the bill is also one of the most maligned. But the government insists it is not about to withdraw this reform “smart, bold and necessary” , according to Manuel Valls “This bill is precisely to develop the hiring. sustainable employment “, said Wednesday Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, saying ” hear youth concerns’ .

Faced with criticism, even in the ranks of the majority, against a text considered too favorable to the employers and insufficient protection for employees, the government reversed March 14 on select items (cap prud’homales allowances unilateral decisions by the employer). But disagreements remain alive, both the employers side, which calls for a return to the original text, as unions

Read decryption. In detail, what is in the new version of the draft “law work”

at the previous mobilization, March 9, between 200 000 and 450 000 people, according to sources, marched in France. The seven unions that call for demonstrations threaten to organize others to influence the parliamentary debate, which will begin on May 3 in the Chamber. Even rewritten, text that “remains toxic to employee (s) of today and tomorrow” write the opponents of the bill.


And emerging solutions, Alstom reaffirms its strategic priorities for 2020 – L’Usine Nouvelle

 The former French energy champion and refocused on the railway track reaffirms its strategic priorities for 2020: increase its presence in emerging markets and increase the share of systems and services in its turnover.


 No revelation but a confirmation. That of a strategy geared to emerging countries and reducing the share of rolling stock in the group activity. Alstom, now reduced to rail, presented its 2020 investors and financial analysts on March 30.

 The group’s ambition is to “ organic growth of about 5% per year ” in 2020, said a statement from the group. “ The adjusted operating margin [roughly the operating EBIT margin, note] should reach around 7% in 2020 driven by volume, product mix and the impact of operational excellence Equity . “

 Alstom says he especially should realize € 250 million per year in savings in terms of purchasing. The group plans to climb above its margin, now around 5%, but also to counter the global competition that drives prices down.

 To grow faster than the market (growth of 2.8% per year according to the International Union of Railways), Alstom put on an international reinforcement, – emerging in mind – that “ will generate additional

investment 300 million over the next three years “, the statement said.

  Downturn in France

 In France, however, the time is in decline. “ We actually know of uncertainties in load plans, uncertainties differ between sites and the type of product. We are now working to gradually adapt our sites to their load “, explained at newspaper Les Echos , Henri Poupart-Lafarge, CEO of Alstom.

 Another major focus of the strategy of the group reaffirmed on 30 March: Alstom wants to rely less on outright sale of rolling stock, the activity most exposed to competition from new players in the international market. Smaller specialist players like Stadler and especially the Chinese giant CRRC, fusion CSR and CNR. Alstom wants to raise to 60% the share of its turnover derived from the signaling systems and services.

  Moragues Manual


DIRECT – Strikes Law El Khomri: over 600 km of stoppers France – Le Figaro

The lapse hardly buried nationality, the government faces test on Thursday of the street, with a fourth mobilization in less than a month, the organizers promise “big” trade unions, against the labor law deemed “toxic” to the employees.

The movement looks wide: strike notices were filed at the RATP, SNCF, EDF, Air France, Total, in air traffic control and more generally in the public service, trade, media, ports and docks and casinos. Over two parades, demonstrations and rallies are

planned across France, according to the count of the CGT. Follow our live, Le Figaro will make you live this day of action.


Strike against the labor law: already more than 350 km of traffic jams around Paris – Les Echos

The new day of mobilization against the proposed labor law decided Thursday promises throughout the day many disruptions in rail transport (RATP and SNCF) and air. For now however, the situation seemed to be largely in line with forecasts announced by the various public companies and services affected.

However, a direct consequence of this situation, many of the Paris took their precaution and clearly preferred using their car. A little after 7:00, Infotrafic announced about 278 kilometers from plugs in Ile-de-France, more than what is usually found on a Thursday. And the trend “was on the rise,” warned the site.

In the Paris Metro, the latest bulletin live RATP reported 3 reams of 4 on average. In the RER ago 1 second train for the RER A and RER B. However, if for the first interconnection is provided in Nanterre Prefecture station, changing trains is compulsory in North Station, warns RATP. Traffic is almost normal in the bus and tram


normal train traffic SNCF

at the station, traffic is disrupted but also in various ways along the lines. The Thursday morning newsletter evokes a “near normal traffic for TGV except on the northern sector with 1 set of 2 outstanding.” Traffic is also normal for the international TGV. But several international trains have been removed.

About 4 Intercity trains run average of 10. In Ile-de-France, a Transilien two runs on average as the TER region.

In airports, canceled regional


in airports, and while the General Directorate for civil Aviation (DGAC) has asked airlines to reduce their flight schedule Thursday 20% for Paris-Orly airport and a third for Marseille airport, Air France says it will Orly to all its long-haul flights and 80% of domestic and regional flights. The Charles de Gaulle airport is not affected. Its regional subsidiary HOP! canceled several regional flights, especially between Orly and Agen, Perpignan and Montpellier, but also between Marseille and Brest, Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes, Lille and Toulouse.

Ryanair displays 91 cancellations flight today, including 12 in Marseille, 7 in Beauvais, 6 in Nantes, 4 in Carcassonne, Lille and Limoges, 2 in Nimes, Brest, La Rochelle and Perpignan. Are also affected some rotations that borrow hex airspace. No cancellations list for easyJet.

contrast province Location

In the provinces the situation is equally mixed in the early morning. In Lyon, for example, several bus lines are down as well as some trains.

While at Saint Etienne, there is a little more waiting for trams operating anyway.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Flavio Cattaneo, the new strongman Vincent Bolloré Telecom Italia – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

He knows the TV for leading the RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana). He was a member of telecommunications group Telecom Italia board and the insurer Generali, two companies in which Vincent Bolloré is present. Flavio Cattaneo, 59, was appointed Wednesday, March 30, at the head of Telecom Italia, whose Breton tycoon owns 24.9% stake through Vivendi.

Expected for the resignation of Marco Patuono March 21, the appointment of this eclectic leader validates the assumption that Bolloré is interested as to the contents of activities as pipes. According to Italian media, it is in advanced contact with Silvio Berlusconi to integrate pay TV Berlusconi, Mediaset Premium, its empire. It also highlights a priority for Mr. Cattaneo, who arrives crowned the successes achieved by the company to private transport NTV, which he was previously the General Manager. To save and return to profit

According to a statement of Telecom Italia, the new strong man “will be responsible for defining and proposing to the Board and to implement and develop strategic plans, financial and industrial, as well as responsibility organize and ensure the management and development of business in Italy and South America, “. Vivendi would have required Mr. Patuono cuts to EUR 1 billion when it was counting on “only” 600

million euro. A dispute that is the cause of their separation. In 2015 the group lost 72 million euros against a profit of 1.35 billion in 2014.

“He treated artists like soap”

Born June 27, 1963 in Rho, in the province of Milan, Flavio Cattaneo graduated in architecture. Young, he made the disc jockey for a local radio station, Lombardia 91, before honing his managerial teeth in company Fiera di Milano (Milan Fair), it will manage to seek a listing on the Exchange. “He was selling services that clients do not even think they could blame” , a witness says of that time on the daily’s website Il Corriere Della Sera.

1 st April 2003 he accesses RAI commands as the youngest director in the history of public television, where he stayed until August 2005, with a particular focus on accounts. According to a host, “he treated artists as soap and detergent packets” . He is said to be close to the interests of Silvio Berlusconi. He explains that he “learned more in those two years than twenty years spent elsewhere” . Following this mandate, he led until 2014 the Terna joint venture, specializing in the distribution of electricity, with 72,000 kilometers of lines

Personal. Flavio Cattaneo is married since 2011 with actress Sabrina Ferelli, incendiary brunette who plays in the Great Beauty, by Paolo Sorrentino, which won the Oscar for best foreign film in 2014.


Closing Wall Street: the rise continues, thanks to Janet Yellen and employment –

( – Rising US stock markets continued Wednesday after about “dove” of the president of the Fed yesterday, concerning the coming increases in policy rates. The dollar fell, a positive for the US multinational accounts. Oil prices jumped 4% in morning before erasing its gains and finish close to balance …

At the close, the Dow Jones gained 0.47% to 17,717 points, while the broader index S & amp; P 500 finished up 0.44% to 2,064 points and the Nasdaq Composite index, rich in values ​​”techie” and “biotech”, rebounded 0 47% at 4869 points supported in particular by the action Apple , which jumped 2.4% Tuesday, Wednesday and rose further by 1.8%.

European and Asian stock markets also benefited Wednesday about Janet Yellen. The boss of the Fed stressed the central bank’s cautious approach to risks to global growth away the specter of an early recovery rate of “fed funds”. The EuroStoxx 50 index gained 1.3%, while in China, the Shanghai Composite jumped 2.8%.

Before the publication of the employment figures, expected Friday the report of the ADP on private sector said Wednesday that jobs created reached 200,000 in March, against a market consensus of 195,000 and a level of 205,000 a month before.

oil makes a rebound, the dollar continues to reflux

the oil has the yoyo, strongly rebounding more than 4%, taking advantage of the falling dollar (which makes less expensive purchases of raw materials). However, a barrel of crude WTI lost momentum during the session following the release of data showing that the global oversupply is still far from being resolved … At the close, WTI crude oil barrel ended up 0 , 1% to $ 38.32, putting still end 5 consecutive sessions of decline.

According to a survey conducted by the agency ‘Reuters’, the OPEC production, which was supposed stabilize in January, after the Doha agreement of February 16, continued to rise in March, albeit slightly, to 32.47 million bpd in March, against 32.37 million bpd in February. The production of Iran has increased the country heard well enjoy the lifting of Western sanctions in January. In addition, southern Iraq conducted last month of near record exports.

Furthermore, the latest weekly report on US oil inventories, released Wednesday, showed that they had a new once rose to a level not observed at this time of year!

After the cautious statements of Janet Yellen on Tuesday on the pace of the rise in US interest rates, the dollar continued its decline against a basket of international currencies, including the euro. The euro, which had already jumped 0.9% Tuesday against the dollar has further appreciated 0.4% Wednesday to finish above $ 1.13, to $ 1.1334, its highest level since October 2015.

in the bond markets, the yield of T-Bond for 10 years, that had plunged 9

basis points on Tuesday after the speech of Ms. Yellen, took over 2 bps to 1.82 %. Finally, volatility as measured by the VIX Index (also known as the “fear index”), still declined 2%, to finish at 13.54.

The US markets are waiting for two or even a single rate hike in 2016

Tuesday in the US, Janet Yellen hinted that the Fed will not raise its key interest rates at its meeting on 26 and 27 April. It considered in particular that “developments abroad mean that we will certainly have to reach our employment and inflation targets, follow a slightly lower path for the federal funds rate than we anticipated in December. ” In December, the Fed plans to achieve 4 rate hikes this year, but the markets now expect more than two or even one.

So, futures on the rate of “fed funds “show that traders now rule out a rate hike in April, and are also a minority (47%) to expect one rate hike by November 2016 … Meanwhile, the chairman of the Fed Chicago, Charles Evans, said he did “not fear” a climb “for a brief period” of inflation above the 2% target for the Fed. The Fed could well tolerate a temporary surge in inflation, which does not necessarily incentive to accelerate the normalization of policy rates.

As for values, the action Apple a gained 1.7% despite confirmation of a bug in the latest version of its iOS operating system. The problem will be “soon” set promised the firm at the apple.

The title Boeing yielded 1.76%, signing the largest drop in the Dow Jones. The US aerospace group will remove about 4,000 jobs in its commercial aircraft division by the end of the semester to improve profitability and efficiency.

Lululemon jumped 10 7%, the Canadian retailer yoga clothes have announced quarterly results exceeded expectations, thanks to good sales during the holiday season. The American giant of the cruise, Carnival has also benefited (+ 5.5%) performed better than expected during its first fiscal quarter.

Among the pharmaceutical Valeant rebounded by 5%. The Canadian laboratory was confident in its current position of liquidity and cash flow generation capacity for the rest of the year. Thus, the group said well positioned to meet its obligations, despite recent warnings from the SEC, citing a risk of default on the debt.

  – © 2016


Uramin Olivier Fric indicted – Liberation

In the Lauvergeon family, the husband was finally caught by the first justice. Olivier Fric, 56, has been indicted for “insider trading” and “laundering” in the dark Uramin case, the name of this mining company bought 1.8 billion euros in 2007 by Areva, then headed by his wife Anne Lauvergeon. One of the biggest French industrial strikeouts ( Libération February 11).

The disorder role Olivier Fric sidelines of this operation was highlighted by Tracfin, service laundering of Bercy, in a note dated July 31, 2015. the paper reports “atypical flow” around a company registered in the British Virgin islands, Amlon Limited. Between 18 May and 12 June 2007, more than 326,000 Uramin shares were purchased through the account of this company, whose beneficial owners are Olivier Fric and his partner, Frank Hanse. Then, on June 20, just days after the announcement of the takeover of Areva on Uramin, these shares were sold in a single operation, generating a net profit of 299,000 euros for the pair. Part of the loot was then transferred to the account of another company based in Lichtenstein, also belonging to Olivier Fric. “It can reasonably be expected that (he) has disposed of information which did not benefit other players in the stock market,” underlines the Tracfin time, who also wonders on a mounting “suggesting a desire to mask the operation.”

what information available to the husband of Anne Lauvergeon at the time to speculate on Uramin? “The confidentiality rules were very strict at Areva. Wedding Links do not foresee that we share the secrets that are not yours, “ has defended Wednesday Anne Lauvergeon Le Parisien, while loading the associated her husband. It is the latter, she explained, that “managed the funds of their business and decide on investments.” Meanwhile, Olivier Fric himself would be content to enjoy the good pipe his partner. “My client (…) has never been the beneficiary of a management information or the group’s strategy, which is public,” insisted his lawyer, M th Mario Stasi, which has continued Libération for “undermining the presumption of innocence” following our revelations about the case.

Matchmaker. The indictment Olivier Fric comes today strengthen our information. Beyond insider trading

is its role and its relationship with some former officials of Areva which now pose question. Several company employees interviewed by the police in connection with the investigation told Uramin regular interference of the husband of Anne Lauvergeon in the affairs of the company. “My client has never worked for Areva or Areva” again thundered his lawyer. Several elements seem yet prove the contrary, as its role in the construction of a water desalination plant on the site Trekkopje in Namibia. The contract signed by Areva was won in 2008 by the Namibian society UAG, who immediately recruited Olivier Fric as a consultant. A blend of classic genres for one who was accustomed to invite to group headquarters and transmit to his wife resumes for open positions most susceptible. It was he, in particular, who will play matchmaker for Daniel Wouters, Belgian banker in 2006 propelled development director of the Mines Division of Areva. The connection with Olivier Fric was done through an old friend of both men, one Patrick G. Character key to the case, Wouters was at the forefront in the Uramin redemption. The judges suspect today of knowingly withheld crucial information from the State shareholder in the acquisition.

Shrimp. As revealed Libération Daniel Wouters also appears financially linked to former shareholders of Uramin through Swala company involved in gold mining. A society in which Fric himself tried to take shares. Their good business does not end with the Uramin fiasco. A few months after leaving Areva, Wouters appears in another operation alongside Patrick G. and Olivier Fric. This time it comes up between 150 and 200 million euros to develop a farming sector tropical shrimp in temperate countries. The warrant was signed with Matric, a company based in Switzerland and owned by Olivier Fric. Evidence of close links between the husband of Anne Lauvergeon and former promoter Uramin record at Areva.

Emmanuel Fansten


Bouygues-Orange: the state sets conditions – Le Figaro

The discussions for a redemption Bouygues Telecom is continuing, while the deadline of 31 March set by Martin Bouygues approaches.

the meetings of the “last chance” are multiplying. All players are positioned on the bridge to try to complete the acquisition of Bouygues Telecom Orange. They only have a few hours to remove the remaining bottlenecks. Martin Bouygues has promised to close the ban, regardless of the response, on March 31 … unless some additional days are not given to negotiators to finalize contracts. The boards of directors of Bouygues and Orange, expected late in the day on Wednesday, will be crucial.

The situation is evolving hour by hour. The State would have played the grains of sand in an already complicated mechanism. While Orange must give some of Bouygues Telecom or SFR Free assets for competitive reasons, the services of Bercy came challenge the amounts used for valuing Bouygues Telecom and Orange. Finally, discussions are clenched on the premium should be paid for Bouygues repurchase of Orange shares. The dispute would cover 180 million euros, while the total amount of the transaction is $ 10 billion.

All scenarios are possible, including a break. If unsuccessful, the French telecoms landscape would remain unchanged, with four actors. All

were spared this out. Publishing their results in 2015 was for the four French operators the opportunity to demonstrate that it had performed well and could go on, in a market with four. The posture is however more difficult to take for Bouygues Telecom, which work for three months to sell at Orange. It will motivate employees tired of being tossed about for 4 years at the mercy of potential matches.

In case of marriage, operators have already sharpened their arguments. The transition from four to three is good news for the market, this will boost investment in infrastructure, the high fixed and mobile broadband (fiber and 4G). They also say that all, in a market dominated by promotions, commercial aggressiveness of each other will not fall like that. The Competition Authority will have at heart to ensure that this “competitive animation” persists.

Employees of Bouygues Telecom should they be offered positions at Orange, SFR and Free, depending on the assets to be taken over by each other. Some rather among senior leaders would remain in the Bouygues group.


Corruption, lobbies, whistleblowers …: what is provided (or not) Fir – Le Figaro

SCAN THE ECO – Finance Minister present on Wednesday its draft law against corporate corruption. It updates a law dating from 1993 (when there was no Internet), and includes, by the way, some “Macron measures.”

the admonitions are repeated every year: France, 6th world power, is lagging behind in the fight against corruption and transparency in economic life. So the executive starts to catch up: creation of a national agency to fight against international corruption, lobbying supervision, protection of whistleblowers … Finance Minister Michel Sapin this Wednesday in Council Ministers its anti-corruption arsenal under the law called “Tree 2″ ..

note that the device called “plea bargain” appear more (the Council of State retoqué the measure last Thursday). However, some amazing additions contained therein, such as the doubling of sales authorized for auto-entrepreneurs … Nothing to do? Indeed. But parliamentary calendar requires some measurements Macron law came to fit into the Sapin Act 2. The detailed item.

Why it is called “law fir 2 “?

this Act called” tree 2 “comes refresh an anti-corruption law that Michel Sapin itself (then minister in the government of Pierre Beregovoy) had passed. .. in 1993. a law perfectly obsolete as the Internet did not exist (really) again and focused on corruption in the country. “Tree 2″ aims to fill these gaps and turns to the fight against international bribery in a connected world. The Government intends to adopt the law Sapin 2 by the end of five years.

• The creation of a new anti-corruption agency

national Agency for fight against corruption will be created and “will have its budget and its independence of decision.” This new entity will replace the Central Service for Prevention of Corruption created in 1993 (which had no power of investigation) and will be placed under the joint authority of the Ministers of Finance and Justice. It will monitor the implementation of corporate anti-corruption plan (more than 500 employees and whose turnover exceeds EUR 100 million), and may punish breaches and make them public.

• Criminal penalties for international bribery

Among the future obligations of companies that have operations abroad: create an internal regulation and a code of conduct whose relevance will be checked by this new agency. It will also be shown a new crime, the corruption of public officials abroad. Which will penalize, via simplified procedures, officer “of a French company, and ordinarily resident in France of foreign nationality, for acts of corruption committed abroad.” For example, a foreign public official who negotiates a kickback to obtain a public contract can be criminally convicted and not only morally.

• The “plea bargain” abandoned

The State Council issued a negative opinion last Thursday to the device of “public interest netting agreement” (CCIP) also called “plea bargain.” The measure was therefore removed from the Sapin Act 2. This highly symbolic proposal, intended to give the companies suspected of corruption -plafonnée fined 30% of their average turnover for the last three years-on the model US of “pleading guilty” instead of disappearing into heavy litigation, long and never lead to sanctions in France.

the French justice uttered no conviction for bribery of foreign public officials in the past 15 years

in fact, the French justice uttered no conviction for bribery of foreign public officials over the last fifteen years, particularly because of the slowness of procedures. At the same time, hundreds of measures were taken in the US and nearly 50 in Germany. Several French groups have had to pay fines to the US justice, like BNP Paribas (8.9 billion), Credit Agricole (700 million) Total (400 million), Alcatel-Lucent (137 million) and Alstom (772 million).

If the device of “plea bargaining” is defended by Transparency International in the name of pragmatism, it is criticized by NGOs as Anticor or Oxfam and the Union of judiciary, who fear a “lack of responsibility (…) and because of impunity” for companies. The measure could, however, be re-introduced during the discussions in the Assembly or Senate. “We’ll

see if parliamentarians want to take the subject,” slipped Michel Sapin in the JDD on Sunday.

• Better protection of launchers warning

the new agency will also be responsible for protecting whistleblowers, those citizens who, faced with an illegal act can constitute a danger to human or interest General, report it to civil society and government. Among the most famous whistleblower Julian Assange, who founded WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, who revealed top secret information to the NSA, Hervé Falciani, which shook the HSBC bank in connection with the case “swiss leaks” , and Antoine Deltour that triggered the scandal “LuxLeaks.”

JDD March 27, Michel Sapin has proposed creating a “single protection status for all whistleblowers “. He added that the new National Agency for fight against corruption will defend “whistleblowers against retaliation, de-identify (ra) and their reporting pren (dra) bear their legal costs s they must defend themselves against unjustified attacks or sanctions. ” The associations “as Anticor or Transparency International, which can have information from whistleblowers” will also apply to this organization to “file a complaint with a civil party in the case of inertia of the prosecutor “did he further stated. Note also that the Socialist MP Yann Galut filed last December a bill, presented as “the most advanced in Europe”, which includes the establishment of a national agency for the alert.

“” PORTRAIT – swiss leaks: Hervé Falciani, the whistleblower waving HSBC
“” What is the psychological profile of whistleblowers

• supervision lobbying

If the groups of influence are already obliged since 2013 to declare in a register to be able to intervene in the national Assembly or the Senate, the 2 Sapin law wants to create a national register of lobbyists, which would be placed under the supervision of the High authority for the transparency of public life (HATVP) to “improve transparency in relations between the executive and its officials a hand and on the other “interest representatives. Bercy stresses the need to be registered on the register accessible by all to “practice before the state representative role of interest”.

In addition, the “gifts” like restaurants, travel and other gifts in kind offered by a public official lobbies will now framed and even forbidden beyond a “significant value”, otherwise sanctions.

• a package of measures in the wake Macron

the Tree 2 bill also inherits a series of measures in the text on “new economic opportunities” (Noe) Emmanuel Macron, the executive has finally decided to present separately for parliamentary calendar issues.

autoentrepreneurs could benefit from a boost with the doubling of microenterprise activity threshold (ex-auto-entrepreneurs) 32,900 euros for services activities and 82,200 euros for activities commerciales- Emmanuel Macron wanted to see triple. What scolded artisans. Other measures soften access to certain professions to open young people without qualifications. Remember that this point was screaming hairdressers

-. The bill provides for the reform of the prudential framework of the supplementary pension management agencies companies to direct their funds of around 130 billion euros to the financing of innovative companies.

advertising for trading online could be prohibited while the French continue to improvise trader and leave there all their feathers, despite the warnings of . AMF

other points of law Sapin 2: the financial markets authority (AMF) would see its capacity strengthened to better track the stock market offenses; the employment center agents might request information from banks and government agencies to better detect cases of benefit fraud; measures would require manufacturers to publish their accounts -a promise made to farmers in crisis, early March.


François Hollande waive the forfeiture of nationality and Congress – The World

François Hollande March 30 at the Elysee.

Most of the info

  • the constitutional amendment has two main components: the entrenchment the state of emergency and the deprivation of nationality.
  • After the Assembly, the Senate passed a different version of the article on the deprivation of nationality, making it therefore impossible adoption in Congress.
  • Faced with this impasse, Francois Hollande had no choice but to announce on Wednesday, giving up all of the reform.

Francois Hollande gave up, Wednesday, March 30, after four months of controversy, to the extent that he called himself from his vows against the Congress in Versailles after attacks of November 13. “I decided to close the constitutional debate but I will not deviate from the commitments I made to ensure the security of the country” , said President of the Republic. It is abandoning the extension of deprivation of nationality to all binational and the entrenchment of the state of emergency.

A renunciation whose president has tried to shift the liability opposition: “part of the opposition is opposed to any constitutional amendment. I deeply deplore this attitude. “ He also wished to remind ” effectiveness “ of the state of emergency and the commitments that have been taken to increase police resources, the gendarmerie, the army, police, customs and correctional services.

Pressure parliamentarians

for twenty-four hours the different parliamentary actors have multiplied statements and gradually buried the hypothesis of a meeting of the Congress, even if the review was limited in Article 1 of the constitution for a state of emergency, one aspect of the measure that was consensus among the parliamentarians. Heated by a new attack of the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis – “The ball is in the court of the right ‘ – the party leaders Republicans (LR) were the maneuver rejecting all day Tuesday the idea of ​​a limited revision. “all this does not make sense, the state of emergency already works very well , explained in World Bruno Retailleau after the meeting of senators LR. We Francois Hollande face its responsibilities is its majority was divided, his minister who resigned, it is not our problem. “ His counterpart in the Assembly, Christian Jacob, has explained that it ” Congress minimum of no interest “.

History accentuate yet a little more pressure, Gérard Larcher, he sent a

letter to the president asking him to renounce the Congress or hire a shuttle on the two articles as rewritten by the Senate. Expectantly, Bruno Le Roux continued to defend this revision while accusing the right. “Yes, we need this constitutional revision , explained the president of the Socialist group in the Assembly on France Info before accusing the right . The reason that can block today is a part, and I mean a party, the right does not want the president can claim a constitutional revision, even on issues that are key issues for our country and key issues. “

chaotic Trail

Announced at the Congress on 16 November by the President of the Republic, Article 2 of deprivation of nationality has suffered since it was announced a challenge to a part of the socialist majority. A notion has angered in particular. In the “constitutional bill Nation protection” , presented on 23 December the Council of Ministers, the extension of deprivation of nationality concerns only dual nationals. This serious text in the marble of the Constitution two classes of French, according to opponents, including the justice minister, Christiane Taubira, who eventually resigned on January 27. The same day, under pressure, Manuel Valls is then forced to propose a new draft before the Law Committee of the Assembly. This time, deprivation can affect all French and the government extends this penalty to crimes. The National Assembly finally adopted this version by 317 votes for, 199 against and 51 abstentions, on 10 February. The rewrite has reduced some Socialist deputies in the yes side (165 for, 83 against, 36 abstentions). “I do not doubt for a moment that the Senate will demonstrate the same responsibility” , said after the vote Mr. Valls to the press.

It was not counting on the desire for independence of the Senate and its right-wing majority. A maneuver, Gérard Larcher, Senate President Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR Group, and Philippe Bas, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, had repeated in the media that the creation of stateless persons is a “red line” not to cross. In committee, senators are reintroducing the concept of dual nationality by writing that the forfeiture “can affect a person sentenced definitively to a crime constituting a serious attack on the life of the nation and having a nationality other than French nationality “. This new text is adopted, Tuesday, March 22, by 176 votes for, 161 against and 11 abstentions. Between the majority of the Assembly restive to the concept of dual nationality and that of the Senate very attached to his text it considers closest to the speech of François Hollande before Congress, the synthesis was impossible.


What is a school performance? –

Good or bad High School ? The schools have a reputation acquired by word of mouth, the charts published by the press, their success rate in the tank … Each year for 23 years, the Ministry of Education is trying to go beyond these sometimes summary rankings. Statisticians Ministry compile amount of criteria for establishing value added indicators of high schools (IVAL), which provide for each institution the rate for the baccalaureate according to the profile of students, and its ability to support young people to graduation .

These IVAL assess the proper action of each institution, eliminating external success factors in High school says Fabienne Rosenwald, Director of Directorate assessment, forecasting and performance (Depp), attached to the Ministry.

social origin

Among these external success factors include the social background of students (decisive weight particularly in France, on the outcome of education of a child), grade level at the finish in second (calculated from the marks obtained the patent, late in the third), the courses offered etc.

Other criteria, is it a High school “accompanist”, keeping a maximum number of students to the end and thus fighting against dropping out, even if it the young doubles?

IVAL 2016 passed through the mill almost all of the more than 4,000 public and private schools under contract in the country, professional, general and technological. They are published Wednesday, March 30 from 9:00 to the site

Ces indicators “are not a verdict” but tools, says director of Depp.

No recipe

And just what are they for? Rectors and principals use “as good practice” (for those who carry high value added), or as an incentive to “go and see what happens” (for those with a value

very negative), she says.

are there key factors in the success of a High school ? A report of general inspections, published in late 2015, surveyed 71 institutions to answer this question

Conclusion of the study. There is no miracle, “but a combination of factors mutually reinforcing. ” With the theme “attention to children and the cohesion of the adult team”

Some features emerge:. The existence of an educational project which is not theoretical but that the team “is appropriate,” the use of a variety of accompaniments students, regularity of work given to high school students and told how demanding the quality of school life (everything concerning the students in the school outside the classroom) …

“the steering effect”

Team spirit and “the steering effect “(which refers to the impetus given by management) are often present in the positive value-added facilities, while weakness characterizes the lower-rated schools.

More than the overall volume means, it is their use that makes the difference. Number of high value-added high schools know to make choices, such as giving high priority to the class or second limit duplication (work half-groups) to enhance the personalized support. This device is a fairly clear line between high schools with positive added value and those with negative values.

The lack of recipe is “a rather satisfactory conclusion,” the authors of the study. Because it “reminds diversity” educational projects, “developed in response to various situations and implemented by teams to the profiles and multiple skills.”

(With AFP)


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Michel Sapin: “The President shall remit forward the ideals of the left” – Release

The Finance Minister Michel Sapin, this Wednesday morning by the Cabinet its law against corruption in political and social context heckled. One year before the presidential election, overview of major issues the government.

Your law against corruption she will allow to meet the OECD in late 2014, considered that ‘on the matter the situation in France was “worrying”?

in the last twenty years, France has done much to eradicate corruption of elected officials, companies or officials. Let us remember all the way since the 1993 law, which I then had the responsibility. This has borne fruit. France is not a corrupt country and nobody considers it as such. Where we have bad grades, it is on acts of corruption committed by our companies abroad for markets. We must admit that we do not pursue them, do not condemn, unlike in the United States. The fault lies in our ineffective legal arsenal. For France, it is insulting to be shown at this point of the finger. It was time to react.

Several French companies, including BNP, Alstom and Total, were convicted in the United States, not France. A form of loss of sovereignty?

That’s my feeling. I find abnormal and damaging either the courts of other countries who condemn French companies for acts of corruption abroad. There is something shocking. One objective of this law is that in the matter, we found our sovereignty. We need to prosecute and convict companies convicted of corruption quickly enough that others do not do it for us.

How do you change that?

The first thing is prevention. The law thus transform the central department of prevention of corruption in an agency whose primary task will be to ensure that all companies with more than 500 employees and whose annual turnover exceeds EUR 100 million put in place procedures to prevent the risk of corruption, such as the training of their employees. The agency will monitor the implementation of these plans and will punish failures. The second thing is the strengthening of repression. To prevent recidivism, the judge can condemn a company to implement a compliance program in its procedures with the legislation on the prevention of corruption, under the control of the agency that can appeal to an expert … The United States are already practicing this “monitoring”.

it is also necessary that companies are doomed! What will your law does enhance the efficiency of justice?

Our real problem is the slowness. French justice can pursue and investigate but under conditions so difficult that the US authorities systematically above. When we complain, Americans say they penalize our companies because we do not fast enough! This is no longer tolerable. To facilitate procedures, the text including addresses issues of extraterritoriality by enabling justice to prosecute for bribery of foreign nationality of natural persons usually resident in France for acts of corruption committed abroad. The bill also creates an offense of a foreign public official in influence. Finally, it facilitates the prosecution of acts of corruption of foreign public officials by allowing organizations like Transparency International Anticor or to file a complaint with civil party.

However, following the negative opinion of the State Council, one of the key provisions of the plea agreement, known as the “plead guilty” has been removed …

the idea was to allow a company suspected of corruption of from prosecution in exchange for a fine and of the obligation to comply with the requirements of the agency for fight against corruption. The State Council has made to the remarks, not legal, but opportunity, which it was legitimate to take into account. Nevertheless, the idea is good, and we must continue to dig. I think we are not at the end of the story. Parliamentarians may wish to reintroduce a device that, abroad, proved its effectiveness. We will see the amendments.

Your law is also concerned with better protection for whistleblowers …

Yes. To protect his identity, a whistleblower can go find the agency that, once the facts checked herself seize justice. This can prevent an employee to suffer reprisals from his employer. However, on several points, the text is improved. Over the years, Parliament has created almost as much of whistleblower statutes that there were grounds alert! There is therefore a form of disorder which Parliament can remedy.

Edward Snowden should be protected by France …

It’s more complicated. There is a necessary protection of state secrets. The law only deals with whistleblowers in the sense

that it is usually understood, those who report tax fraud complicity of large banks, or the attitude of some pharmaceutical companies.

It is the eve of a demonstration against the El Khomri law. With this text, Hollande marks a break, it gives the impression to bypass social dialogue …

It’s unfair to say that. Nine-tenths of the proposed measures were the subject of a wide consultation. Only two or three measures redundancies or the scale of industrial tribunals allowances have been a posteriori consultation. But it occurred. The President wished and considered. The idea that one can reform through above everyone and the more you hurt, the more profound reform, is a misconception. The reform in the break, it does not exist. The dialogue is the opposite of forced passage.

With the prospect of a Brexit, the refugee crisis, the rise of populism, Europe is she in danger?

The European ideal is in great danger. But this is not the Brexit as such that puts in danger. It is we, the French, to show what changes needed to enable Europe to restore hope. It is for us to recreate this ideal.

However, in a book of interviews with Wolfgang Schäuble (1), your German counterpart, take note that the political context allows to consider a stimulus European integration …

Wolfgang Schäuble, we share the belief that monetary union is a success, must always be accompanied by a stronger economic union. So we have to move forward. But the one and the other, we do the finding, perhaps reluctantly, that the political situation in our countries does not consider in the coming months a breakthrough that would require a treaty change. So we need to go as far as possible in the integration, without any need to change the Treaties. However, I think that France and Germany should take an early initiative that traces a horizon beyond 2017, and that does not rule out eventually a change in European legislation.

Do not you think that the French first perceive the austerity of this European idea?

If we reduce the deficit, it is primarily for the French. The fact that we did better than expected in 2015, it gives us strength and credibility. The France controls its destiny because it keeps its objectives. And this is new. We set 3.3% deficit in 2016 and be below 3% next year. We will respect this trajectory. I do not see why we should go faster or slower. Our goals is both lower deficits, lower taxes and expenses, and fund new security spending, or social justice, such as the revaluation of index point servants frozen for five years.

do you give some air to local authorities who say they do not make ends meet?

There are a series of real issues with local authorities. That of RSA funding is one. That is why there are open discussions with departments. Or the financing of the 500 000 unemployed training plan with the regions. But beyond this dialogue, I see no reason to tell local authorities that there is more work to do.

A large part of the electorate of François Hollande taken aback, if not angry against his recent initiatives such as the deprivation of nationality or the law work …

France is still not out of the crisis of 2008. It is a crisis of long lived ever since 1945. And this gives French disillusioned. It is necessary that we manage to break this wall of skepticism left. Obviously, this will help us, these are the results, particularly in terms of unemployment. But the time has come for the President to put forward the ideals of the left in everything he has done since 2012. And the left has always need to confront what would be the right policy if exercised responsibilities.

do you believe in a possible re-election of François Hollande?

I was an altar boy but I’m not a believer! I think in this political context very bumpy, left and right, the story remains to be written. Hollande is clearly the best candidate for the left.

(1) “Never without Europe!”, Ed. Public Debates.

Interview by Gregory Bevel and Nathalie Raulin Photo Audoin Desforges


Strike at RATP: traffic will be disrupted on Thursday RER A and B – Le Figaro

The move follows a call from some unions against the bill to reform labor law. The traffic of buses and trams will be normal. Three metros four will run.

The traffic will be disrupted on Thursday on the lines A and B of the RER, with an average of two to train, because strike notices filed by the CGT and UNSA, said Tuesday the board, which provides 3 of 4 subways and a bus and tram traffic “near normal”. The first two unions of the RATP, dissatisfied with the salary measures for 2016, called for the strike until Friday morning to denounce a “wage restraint” in 2016 despite large profits recorded in 2015 by RATP.

The CGT, the notice starts Wednesday at 10 p.m., also scored his movement against the bill to reform labor law. According to the statement of the RATP, these traffic forecasts apply to “the entire line” A and line B, including the portion managed by SNCF. SNCF and RATP share these two lines of commuter trains pass daily where 900,000 travelers. At the SNCF, CGT, FO and Sud also called for disengage from Wednesday night to Friday morning. Interconnection with SNCF trains will remain at Nanterre-Prefecture for line A, required by the authority. However, change trains will be mandatory at Gare du Nord for users of the B line.

With regard to the outline, the traffic will be normal on the eastern axis 3 of 4 TGV are expected on Atlantic and Southeast axis, the axis North 1TGV

on 2 Ouigo 9trains on 10. for Intercity lines, 4 out of 10 trains are planned, however no traffic for lunéa indicated direction.

In terms of regional traffic TER, it will be disrupted on all regions with 1 circulation of 2 on average.

International traffic remains normal.

the CGT-RATP had already called to stop work on March 9 to influence the annual wage negotiations. During these negotiations which took place on March 11, RATP refused a general wage increase for the second consecutive year. However, she signed with the UNSA and the CFE-CGC agreement on various enhancement measures (profit sharing, low salaries and bonuses accompanying the “medal of Railways”). “Positive progress” but “will not replace a wage increase,” said UNSA, the notice begins Thursday at 4:00 ET to Friday 8:00 short.

Meanwhile, South did not this time submitted specific notice for the day Thursday but encourages officers to “join the demonstration against the law Khomri El” in Paris. RATP issued last Friday a net profit for 2015 of € 437 million (excluding special events 302 million).

(with AFP)
