Monday, December 1, 2014

Artisans and merchants send their “demands” Francis … – The World

Artisans and merchants send their "demands" Francis … – The World

As part of a week of mobilization employers, artisans and merchants near wrote an open letter to President François Hollande, to be published Tuesday, December 2nd in the regional daily press. The text contains eleven applications for “put the country on the path of growth”:

“Mr. President, it is still time to act to give our businesses the ability to develop their business, to invest, hire, train business leaders, employees, apprentices, to help young people discover our businesses, brief to put the country on the path of growth. “


The employers’ organization that claims to 1.3 million businesses French crafts and local shops, also requires “abandon the requirement of prior information of employees in the event of sale of the company, a move that will undermine rather than

facilitate the transmission of enterprise “.

She wants the tax credit for Competitiveness and Employment (CICE) be replaced by 2016 ” through a direct and widespread decline of social charges placed on businesses “. The organization also calls for “accelerate the reduction of state spending and local government to reduce taxes on businesses, fairly, regardless of the size of the company” .

The UPA and the two other major employers’ organizations, the CGPME and MEDEF jointly launched a campaign of mobilization week. It was opened on Monday by more than 4,000 patrons who took to the streets of Paris and Toulouse to the call of the CGPME

Read:. The small businessmen in Holland “We do not say” thank you for this moment “”


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