Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Real estate: construction falters again – Diagnostic Expertise

Real estate: construction falters again – Diagnostic Expertise

As a new package of measures to boost the housing sector to be unveiled this week, construction continues on the other hand its slow but inexorable decline, still a little away from the goal of 500,000 new housing.

Construction is still stuck a little more

If you believe the government, the economic recovery is a prerequisite for recovery of housing. However, if the executive has made this objective one of its priorities, it is clear that the construction industry still fails to take the path of a possible recovery. According to statistics of the Ministry of Housing published this Tuesday, Aug. 26, only 73,468 new homes have been initiated between the months of May and July, a decrease of 13.3% compared to the same period a year earlier. If professionals have enough gray to mine, these figures however show less depressing than those published in late May (-21.4% for building ordinary homes against 16% today, up 9.7% for residential accommodation against 35% today). This is however not enough to reverse a decidedly stubborn downtrend. Indeed since August 2013 and until last July, the volume starts lagging

therefore decline -10.8%, thus standing at 305,079 units (against -8.5% between June 2013 and May 2014).

A still bleak future for housing

The hope is it found on the side of the building permit? If they are presented as indicators of starts coming professionals will still be prepared to experience hangovers. Indeed, with only 101,885 counted license between May and July, the Department notes that this statistic fell by -1.1%. Solely because of “satisfaction”, this decline could legitimately be considered a most remarkable progress against the 22.8% observed in late April and 16.1% recorded in late May.

Housing new struggle to sell

On the front of transactions, while the government is preparing to reform the tax exemption scheme Duflot to restart the acquisition of rental housing, the Department made for its part reported a decline of 12.1% in the number of new home sales in the second quarter 2014 (compared to the second quarter of 2013.)


New home. Housing starts continue to decline – The Telegram

New home. Housing starts continue to decline – The Telegram

(Photo François Destoc)

From May to July, housing starts New in France continued to deteriorate, with a decline of 13.3% year on year, to $ 73,468. This is revealed by the statistics of the Ministry of Housing published Tuesday.

In the three months from May to July, housing starts in ordinary homes emerged down 16% to 67,538 units, a slight improvement given the decline of 21.4% in late May.

However, the segment of residential accommodation (for seniors, students …), smaller, jumped 35% to 5,930 units (against a slight increase of 9.7% in the month of May).

In the 12 months between August 2013 and July 2014, the number of new housing starts also shows a significant decline of 10.8% to 305,079 units. The trend is getting worse this time: the decline was only 8.5% in May

“recovery plan” for the area

Francois Hollande, who has made the recovery of the construction of one of its priorities for the fall, promised a new “stimulus plan” for the sector, while government efforts have failed so far to halt the collapse of the construction.

A smaller decline for permits

The number of building permits issued for new housing, which provides information about future housing starts, has, meanwhile, fell 1.1% from May to July, to 101,885. But it is a significant improvement since late May, allowed the three months were down by 16.1%, and the end of April, they had fallen by 22.8%.

Permits granted to ordinary homes fell slightly (- 1.8%) to 93,392 units, which still contrasts with the 7.1% rebound posted by residential accommodation at 8.493 units

. In 2013, 331,867 new homes had been started. A figure fell by 4.2% year on year, well below the government’s target – never before achieved in France – half a million homes built annually



VAT rise ‘not on the agenda, “says Matignon – Echoes

VAT rise 'not on the agenda, "says Matignon – Echoes

<- /data/www/lesechos/import/prod/archives/fluxxml//2014/0826/flux_import/info_flux/0203724869721.xml ->

An increase in the standard rate of VAT beyond the current 20% is “not in the agenda,” said Tuesday Matignon after a release of information suggesting such a project. “By definition, the services of Bercy investigating all possible leads. This is not the agenda, “said the Prime Minister Manuel Valls French, in full formation of the new government.

According to Libération, which s relies on an inter-document, the government is considering such a solution to bridge the shortfall in state coffers, with an increase in the main rate of VAT that would glean € 15 billion in tax revenue. These 15 billion, according to the document cited by Libération, would be shared “between supporting investment and deficit reduction” budget.

According to the daily, this issue has been discussed by Francois Hollande, and Manuel Valls August 15 and August 19 in a non listed on the official agenda between the two men and their ministers Michel Sapin, Arnaud Montebourg, Christian Eckert,

Marisol Touraine and François Rebsamen meeting. The document refers to other measures, such as non-implementation of the measures of the Alur Housing Act brought by the former Minister Cécile Duflot, or the liberalization of Sunday work and “some measures on the labor market . “

According to Libération, insists Matignon in this document to” the need to do more structural reforms “and also calls for” the maximum “by orders. There is also mention of questions about the “absolutely required” of the law of multi-year public finances, while France is expected to miss its deficit targets for 2014 and 2015.

Finally, according to Liberation, an” assessment “of competitive employment tax credit (ICCC) has been requested by the president, who wants to know why only including € 4 billion was paid to date on 10bn expected. Matignon has not expressed immediately on these other measures, stressing that “the time (was) the composition of the government.”

Source AFP

South Africa avoids recession, growing 0.6% in the second … – Boursorama

South Africa avoids recession, growing 0.6% in the second … – Boursorama

 The South African economy narrowly escaped recession in the second quarter 2014: here Nkaneng slum near the mining town of Marikana August 16, 2012, remained closed for long weeks because of a strike (AFP / File / Odd Andersen)

The South African economy narrowly escaped recession in the second quarter 2014: here Nkaneng slum near the mining town of Marikana August 16, 2012, closed for weeks due to continued strike (AFP / File / Odd Andersen)

The South’s economy -africaine, the most industrialized of the continent, has narrowly escaped recession in the second quarter, growing by 0.6% after a dip in activity in the first quarter, said Tuesday the national statistics agency.

South Africa down growth for three years, was released only in late June a historic strike that crippled the world’s top three producers of platinum for five months and weighed heavily on the national activity.

The economy of a country is considered to be in recession after two consecutive quarters of slowing.

The rebound in the second quarter compared with the first was made possible by a growth in business administration-related legislation in May. The transport, storage and telecommunications have also made a positive contribution to the economy, according Statsaa.

In contrast, the arm wage unprecedented iron in the platinum mines caused a further contraction of the mining activity, affecting the way the entire manufacturing sector, detailed


“There are not as platinum, but it also had a poor performance in mines gold. Any mining in general also very bad market, “said at a press briefing Gerhardt Bouwer, a statistical responsible.

” It’s a combination of all industries ” has he said.

In annual terms, growth slowed to 1% from the second quarter of 2013, said the South African statistical agency, while the central bank and the Most economists continue to revise downward their forecasts for 2014 and 2015.

The central bank this year has more than a 1.7% growth against 2.1% previously expected ( and 2.8% at the beginning of the year).

These figures are much lower than those of the rest of the region, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) calling for an increase of 5.4% for sub-Saharan Africa, and totally insufficient to significantly reduce high unemployment and create jobs in a country in population growth.

Read also

Carried by the auto-entrepreneur regime, creations … – The Tribune.fr

Carried by the auto-entrepreneur regime, creations … – The Tribune.fr

3.5%: the rate of increase in business start-ups in July from June in seasonally adjusted according to statistics released Tuesday by INSEE data. Some 46,990 new businesses were created were in July.

The increase comes after a stagnation in June, succeeding herself down 1.4% in May

1.1 over the last twelve months

Over the last three months to end-July, raw data, the number of new businesses increased by 1.5% compared to the same period of 2013, the sectors contributing most to this increase is the support for business, education, health, welfare and accommodation and

food, said INSEE.

On last twelve months, the number of raw creations grew 1.1% over the previous twelve months.

50.9% of the creations were for self-enterprise

More a creation of two is still a demand for self-company notes INSEE. Between July 2013 and July 2014, 50.9% of creations and concerned the scheme.

In-car companies, creations have increased by 1.8% in July, amounting to 22,843, after falling 0.8% in June


Economic policy: blame Arnaud Montebourg in Europe – Expansion

Economic policy: blame Arnaud Montebourg in Europe – Expansion

This was one week Arnaud Montebourg was preparing to go “on offense” as Francetvinfo recalls. By openly criticizing the economic policy nationally on Sunday at the annual festival of the rose Frangy-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire), the former economy minister has fired the government of Manuel Valls. He also took the opportunity to lambast, as usual, the policies within the euro area.

& gt; & gt; Redesign Valls follow the latest live news

Asked Saturday by The World , Arnaud Montebourg has confirmed its position with regard to decisions taken at the European level. According to him, there are essentially “two problems: the European fiscal policy, with the accumulation of austerity plans in all countries of the Union, and, monetary policy excessively locked.”

“dogmatic deficit reduction”

In the columns of World this weekend, former singer of “de-globalization “strongly condemned the European policy of” dogmatic deficit reduction “which, he said,” is uneconomic because it aggravates unemployment, financial absurdity because it makes possible the restoration of public accounts, and as a political disaster it lays the Europeans into the arms of extremist parties who want to destroy Europe. ”

micro Europe 1 on Monday morning, Arnaud Montebourg has confirmed that “it should not take

austerity measures if there is no counterweight by growth measures” and defended a more demand-oriented policy. He suggested including “restore purchasing power to households” in the image of the decisions driven by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and down “ideological axioms of German right.”

“inflation hawks”

This same German right, led by Angela Merkel, Arnaud Montebourg has always focused in its attacks against the European Central Bank (ECB). In 2013, he had said that “the European Central Bank [was] remarkably inactive, at a time when we need activism and voluntarism”, as reported in Reuters.

In the interview with the World , Arnaud Montebourg went further by calling the ECB officials of “hawks inflation fighting inflation when it disappears forgetting to fight essentially mass unemployment. ” According to him, it is instead necessary to emulate “what all central banks around the world, including countries that were able to restore growth, namely purchase of public debt.”

Arnaud Montebourg arguments defended throughout his speech left the government on Monday afternoon, before announcing he would “return to work among French and continue to defend” what he believes to be “just for France.”


Space: a preliminary report on September 8 on the failure of … – Boursier.com

Space: a preliminary report on September 8 on the failure of … – Boursier.com

(Boursier.com) – Arianespace, the European Space Agency and the European Commission have designated yesterday a independent commission of inquiry after the major incident that marred the launch of the first two operational satellites of the Galileo system, placed on too low, elliptical orbit. This ad hoc organization will be headed by former Secretary General of ESA Peter Dubock and include seven other members. She will be responsible for getting to the bottom of the malfunction and determine the modalities for the return of the Soyuz, implicated in the operational phase in Kourou. The commission will begin its work on August 28 and submit a preliminary report on September 8.

In order to work with the authorities in charge of the Russian space program, Roscosmos has appointed Alexander Daniliuk, Chief Operating Officer of TsNIIMash, to liaise. Arianespace uses three types of rockets: the Ariane 5 heavy launcher, the best known, the average Soyuz, in collaboration with the Russian authorities and the Vega light launcher, provided by the Italian industry and recently entered service

The upper floor could be involved

last Friday, was pleased Arianespace successfully launched the first two operational Galileo satellites via Soyuz, which took off a little more Earlier Guyana. A short-lived joy. On

the night of Friday to Saturday, the European group first reported a discrepancy between the orbit and the orbit reached by the two passengers of the launcher. The upper stage “Fregat” could be involved, according to preliminary data. The control center of ESA in Darmstadt, Germany, has control of the satellites, which will not perhaps unnecessary because the work is underway to maximize the usability of the two satellites in the Galileo network. The President of CNES, Jean-Yves Le Gall, however, considered that it will complicated attempting to move satellites into their planned orbit, or to use them to their core mission given the elliptical path they have taken.

The next mission Arianespace, scheduled for September 11 will be provided by Ariane 5, and should not be shifted because of the failure of the previous mission. However, the orbiting of the two operational Galileo satellites following scheduled in December Soyuz, will not get the green light as the light has not been shed on the circumstances of the failure of last week.

  – © 2014 Boursier.com


Values ​​to follow the Paris Bourse – Boursorama

Values ​​to follow the Paris Bourse – Boursorama



PARIS (Reuters) – The values ​​to follow Tuesday at the Paris Bourse, expected to decrease to about 0.4% at the opening after its sharp rise the previous day due to the prospect of new support measures from the ECB while some investors also expect that the Paris market “pay” resignation the French government with the reopening of the London Stock Exchange, closed Monday

* GDF SUEZ -. UBS cut its advice on the value of “buy” to “neutral”, the broker holding optimistic expectations other analysts’ earnings and dividends and the unclear situation in Belgium, where several nuclear reactors are shut down.

* ACCOR Tuesday announced an increase in its target operating result 2014, following a successful summer season without risking element to influence the trend at this stage.

* EURAZEO Tuesday reported a net loss of almost € 93 million in the first half marked including the absence of significant disposals in its investment portfolio

* AGRICULTURAL CREDIT -. companies Portuguese Espirito Santo family have issued five billion euros in bonds in the first half of 2014 even that some of them were on the verge of bankruptcy, Reuters has learned from sources familiar with the matter. A good portion of these bonds ended at Banco Espirito Santo and its customers, compounding the difficulties of the bank has been recapitalised early August and that Credit Agricole is a shareholder.

* BNP PARIBAS offers prices 80.47 zlotys per share to take over the Polish bank BGZ for sale by the Dutch Rabobank Group, said Monday the Polish subsidiary of Citigroup, used for the operation.

* JCDecaux announced Monday s associate with Verizon to deploy digital terminals for recharging mobile devices in major American airports.

* Gemalto

announced Tuesday it has been selected by Japanese mobile operator NTT Docomo for its contactless payment solutions (NFC).

* The SOCIETY TOUR EIFFEL reported having considered the outcome of the bid Mutual Insurance Company Building (SMABTP) became the largest shareholder in the real estate company with 49 14% of capital and voting rights. In accordance with securities regulations, the supply of SMABTP at 58 euros per share, will re-open on 28 August to 10 September.

* ADOCIA announced Monday the launch of a study in India clinical phase III treatment of diabetic foot ulcer, a severe complication of diabetes. The results of this study, expected in the first quarter of 2016, should be used to support the registration and placing on the market of the product in India and several other developing countries.

* Genomic Vision Monday released the first results of its program to develop a test for human papillomavirus in cancer of the cervix showing that its molecular combing technology can improve screening and assist in identifying the most at risk for infections to better direct patients.

(Alexandre Boksenbaum Granier and Noelle Mennella, edited by Gwénaëlle Barzic)

Read also

Monday, August 25, 2014

Amazon acquires Twitch – Review

Amazon acquires Twitch – Review

Video Games

It is the surprise on Monday in the world of technology, the official announcement Twitch acquisition by Amazon. In recent months, the leader in live streaming video game startup was indeed intensely coveted by Google. Finally, the e-commerce giant signing the contract for $ 970 million.

In a message to the user community, the CEO of Twitch says the company “retains all its independence” and that the choice of the buyer is motivated by sharing the same visions long term.

From the top of its 55 million unique visitors per month, the platform intends to continue its explosive

growth. Amazon CEO Jeffrey P. Bezos believes. It describes the online distribution of video gamers as a “global phenomenon” for which there is an unmet public.

Twitch is one of the only broadcast platforms online video to stand up to YouTube. Although the respective traffic is not comparable, the startup is a serious player whose acquisition hangs in the balance. Amazon, which until now had not been very aggressive in the strategic battle for dominance of the video game market worldwide, marks its entry into the party along with Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple and Google.


Amazon will buy Twitch for almost a billion dollars – L’Usine Nouvelle

Amazon will buy Twitch for almost a billion dollars – L'Usine Nouvelle

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Amazon said Monday that it would acquire Twitch, a network that allows users to be playing video games for about $ 970 million ( € 732 million) in cash.

This acquisition confirms Amazon’s will no longer be content with the online business and diversify into video and Internet games.

The transaction should be completed in the second half, said Amazon

in a statement.

Twitch, which was founded in 2011 and boasts 45 million visitors a month, had also been approached by Google Has it learned from a source familiar with the matter.

(Deepa Seetharaman and Malathi Nayak, Patrick Vignal for the French service)


Amazon breath platform Twitch Google – Echoes

Amazon breath platform Twitch Google – Echoes

<- /data/www/lesechos/import/prod/archives/fluxxml//2014/0825/flux_import/info_flux/0203724062675.xml ->

A giant wins face another giant Amazon has officially announced Monday night takeover of Twitch, specializing in the delivery of video games streaming (no download stream) over the Internet, to the tune of 970 million dollars, 736 million euros and the largest ever acquisition by Amazon. The information circulating in the specialized media, but Amazon has confirmed a release. The transaction is expected to close in the second half of 2014

. <- Sdvenc ->

<- / sdvenc ->

Twitch, who claims his website “more than 55 million visitors per

month” , was coveted. Google was especially the running, we murmured. The company, launched in 2011 and based in San Francisco, advertises online games for an Xbox (Microsoft) or PlayStation 4 (Sony), and watch and comment on the performance of other players. Twitch also retransmits video game competitions.

As for the giant online retailer, initially turned to the books, he gradually diversified its activities, particularly in the digital content (eBooks, videos and music online) the devices (Kindle e-readers and tablets, smartphone FirePhone) or dematerialization services (“cloud”).


Montebourg, Filippetti and Hamon unloaded the government vessel – Release

Montebourg, Filippetti and Hamon unloaded the government vessel – Release

The Executive in the storm: Manuel Valls was maneuvering on Monday to form a new government without Arnaud Montebourg, Aurélie Filippetti nor Benoît Hamon, landed for challenging economic course set by the head of state <. / p>

After Mr. and Mrs. Filippetti Montebourg is Benoît Hamon, who announced Monday night on France 2 that he did “not participate” in Valls 2 team, released Tuesday. About ten days of the school year, Mr. Hamon, like his former colleagues presented his departure as a personal choice, just five months after his appointment rue de Grenelle.

“It would have been inconsistent while I expressed disagreement with important economic and social policy of the government that I stay in government, “said Mr. Hamon, however, assured that remain in the majority. He also pointed to the risk of a victory of the National Front in 2017 to support its application of an economic inflection.

After a weekend stirred by anti-austerity Mr. Montebourg statements in pages of the World and then from his stronghold of Frangy-en-Bresse, the ax fell on Monday morning, the Prime Minister presented to François Hollande the resignation of the entire government, after five months at Matignon


Manuel Valls, received for an hour Monday morning by the head of state and then later in the day, is now responsible for setting up, by Tuesday, “a team consistent with the guidance” Hollande ” himself set for our country. ” He spent the day receiving one to one to the Matignon ministers resigned

The future government will also be without Arnaud Montebourg. Since Bercy, he assured that he told the Prime Minister that he “resumed his freedom “- what Mr. Valls accepted – if not agreed on the need he said,” to propose alternative solutions “to the austerity policy in France. He is now left with the sole mandate of the General Counsel of Saone-et-Loire.

“The president is the only election in which I plan to represent me one day,” he confided Mr. Montebourg there is about a year

It will also be without Aurélie Filippetti. former Minister of Culture took the lead, saying he was “not a candidate for a new ministerial post” because it prefers ” loyalty to his ideals “to the” duty of government solidarity “in a letter to the Dutch duo-Valls. “Should we apologize now that to be left?” She asks.

A strange destiny, that these are the three ministers who had actively maneuvered to Mr. Valls access Matignon.

According to a government source, “Matignon also looking for names to replace Christiane Taubira” on Justice. The name of Bertrand Delanoë, the former mayor of Paris, traveling as each redesign

-. “Great anger” of Holland –

Francois Hollande said he did not a word about this critical phase of the government’s life. He spoke in the pouring rain, soaked clothes and face, Isle de Sein (Brittany)

for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the country, paying tribute to the strength of the island facing Nazi Germany .

Who made the decision a resignation? According to the Elysee, the resignation of the government has been “absolute consensus” between the two men. Anyway, Manuel Valls, it is to stand out from the time Ayrault, marked by many “hiccups”. A government adviser, Francois Hollande “pushed very angry,” the Comoros on Saturday at the time of publication of the interview with Mr. Montebourg, when he was publicly downplayed the significance of these words.

What will his government? Former Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament, Jean-Marie Le Guen, said he was “confident” the fact that the majority “will remain very large majority” in the National Assembly.

Emmanuelle Cosse, the number one in Europe Ecology-Greens but warned that the issue of participation of ecologists in government, “the conditions were even less satisfied now than in April,” when training Valls government. “We do not propose to us,” she has also said

-. “Crisis Plan” for Bayrou –

Arnaud Montebourg, Europe 1 guest Monday morning shortly before the announcement of the resignation of the government, had persisted in his criticism of the course set by François Hollande, however, ensuring that it did not place himself “in the event” of a departure.

At the helm since the spring of great economic ministerial pole, Arnaud Montebourg, 51, has multiplied during his political career the strokes of brilliance.

Sunday at Frangy-en-Bresse He had admitted having asked François Hollande a “major shift in economic policy” after Saturday in Le Monde, asked to “speak up” vis-à-vis Germany, when François Hollande on Wednesday , he said did not want to “face to face” with Berlin.

M. Montebourg represented, with Benoît Hamon, the deposit left the government. He had also gone upmarket with Valls government expanding its portfolio of Economy, besides Relief productive it has held since May 2012.

The implosion came after the government’s economic performance disastrous – including zero growth in the first half -. and shortly before the unemployment figures (released Wednesday) that continue to break records

Several politicians from all sides have considered dissolution Monday in response to the government crisis, as the president of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, but Sauvadet Francis, Vice President of IDU.

Luc Chatel, Secretary General of the UMP Acting called “serious” “political crisis arising from the resignation of the government.” The same goes for the president of the Modem, Francois Bayrou, for whom France is “not far from the crisis regime.”


Amazon buys Twitch for $ 970 million – Le Figaro

Amazon buys Twitch for $ 970 million – Le Figaro

The company that distributes video games streaming confirmed on its website it was acquired by the giant e-commerce. Amazon cut the grass under the feet of Google, who was keenly interested in Twitch.

“It’s almost unthinkable to say there is three, Twitch did not exist. “This is via a statement posted on the company website Streaming Video Game Emmett Shear, CEO of Twitch, confirmed its acquisition by giant Amazon e-commerce. “We chose Amazon because they believe in our community and they share our values ​​and vision for the long-term.”

Meanwhile, Amazon has also confirmed the transaction by the voice of CEO Jeff Bezos. “Disseminating and watch parts of video games is a global phenomenon and Twitch has created a platform that attracts tens of millions of people watching billions of minutes of games every month enthused the contractor. As Twitch, we are obsessed with our consumers and we want to think differently. We hope to learn from this company and help it grow even faster to create new services for the gaming community. “

The deal amounted to 970

million dollars (735 million of euros), according to the business website Business Wire. The acquisition is expected to close by the end of the year. Amazon cut the grass under the feet of internet giant Google, quoted in the past as a candidate for the redemption of Twitch.

The company, launched in 2011 and headquartered in San Francisco, presents itself as the most important global distribution platform video game streaming (no download stream online) with more than 55 million visitors per month on its claimed www.twitch.tv website.

It advertises online Live games for an Xbox (Microsoft) or PlayStation 4 (Sony) and watch and comment on the performance of other players. Twitch also retransmits video game competitions.

Amazon, starting with simple online bookseller, has greatly expanded its operations in recent years, particularly in the digital content (e-books but also movies and music online) the devices (tablets and eReaders Kindle, the Fire Phone smartphone) or business services paperless online (“cloud”).


New government on Tuesday without Montebourg, who gets his freedom – Romandie.com

New government on Tuesday without Montebourg, who gets his freedom – Romandie.com

France has since Monday its worst political crisis since the election in 2012 of President Francois Hollande. Criticized by his Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg who said he wanted to regain his freedom, the head of state has asked the prime minister to form a new team. His former allies environmentalists do not form part.

The socialist president, urged by the head of Manuel Valls government chose tough on sling boiling Economy Minister, Arnaud Montebourg, at the risk of weakening a little more of age.

The two men surprised, including Bercy, by their reaction. They wanted to strike hard to address such a message of seriousness and firmness to the European Union and their German partners.

Manuel Valls was asked to form a government by Tuesday “consistent with the economic guidelines “set by the head of state, according to a statement from the Elysee. In the afternoon, Mr. Montebourg said he will not be part and he had decided to “take (her) freedom”, acknowledging that they had “failed to convince.”

Germany economy and referred

                   “The policies of deficit reduction (…) is a financial absurdity because by sealing growth, they prevent

the drop in business achieve their own goals,” said Arnaud Montebourg in a brief address service. It will have no elected office at the national level.

M. Montebourg, 51, who has never denied criticizing the economic policies of the European Union, called this weekend for a change of course. He asked in particular to Mr. Holland in an interview with the daily “Le Monde” of “speak up” vis-à-vis Germany, “trapped” rigor “it imposed on the whole Europe. “

This criticism is a serious warning for the lowest Hollande in the polls and the majority seems increasingly fragile. Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) Monday reaffirmed its refusal to reinstate the government without silencing the personal ambitions

(ats / 25/08/2014 6:59 p.m.). <-

(TTY / 25/08/2014 6:59 p.m.) ^ ->

Videos that should interest you


Two satellites in the wrong place, Galileo threatened? Highlights -

Two satellites in the wrong place, Galileo threatened? Highlights -

Galileo really did not need this. Friday night, a Soyuz rocket from the Guiana Space Center portion near Kourou placed on too low orbit two satellites of the European GPS program. Advantage of the new Soyuz launch pad in French Guiana, the launcher of Russian design, the most used and most reliable in the world, operated normally during most of the flight. Only at the end of the mission that things did not go as planned, without the cause is yet known precisely.

VIDEO. Relive the first few minutes of the launch Friday:

“An anomaly may have occurred during the flight phase of the Fregat upper stage (after the separation of the lower floors, Ed), leading to an injection of satellites in orbit improper, “according to Arianespace. Tragic irony was not positioned a system of free, with an error of more than 6 000 kilometers … Some experts suggest a programming error of the guidance system, or poor orientation of the module during the second firing engine during the last phase of flight. The latter case, most likely, would explain why the engineers did not immediately notice the error: the engines are turned on at the scheduled time and for the specified time.

Avoid complete failure

Even if they have a system self-propulsion, satellites and Milena Doresa have very limited reserves of propellant, which are provided only to keep them position for their lifetime. If the satellites are stable, send data to Earth and meet the commands sent from ground stations, it is very unlikely that Arianespace and the European Space Agency (ESA) can replace them on their original orbit. And even if they succeeded, it would probably spell the end of very early death of these items EUR 40 million each, which then could not be maintained in their orbits a few short years.

VIDEO. The deployment of Galileo satellites explained by ESA (English):

The dilemma is terrible: should we put satellites at best, even if that they change very quickly in space junk, or should we find them useful in their current orbit? Brains currently heat with ESA to avoid a complete failure. The decision is all the more difficult that Galileo is in a critical situation. Worn at arms length by the European Commission despite austerity policies, this strategic program for technological independence of Europe is very expensive: € 7 billion, 100% funded by Brussels. What do cringe, especially with delays and recurring incremental …

A vital program for Europe

If c ‘ Arianespace is who is responsible for the injection of the satellite in its proper orbit, it now belongs to the ESA to decide the fate of the two satellites. Maintaining or not the next Soyuz launches, including one in December carrying two Galileo satellites from French Guiana, depend on the results of the survey, and the first report to be submitted in mid-September.

The Galileo program is to enable Europe to overcome the American military GPS system with a more modern model and therefore more accurate for military and civilians. Its satellites are higher than those of GPS, Galileo will have strong arguments to sell, because thanks to this higher tilt angle, users will be less “blinded” by the buildings in town for example. Galileo satellites are also equipped with the best atomic clocks ever used in navigation, with an accuracy of one second in three million years. The gradual implementation of Galileo, scheduled between late 2014 and 2018, there was a delay of at least six months, according to experts.


Burger King wants to swallow the Canadian giant Tim Hortons – Le Figaro

Burger King wants to swallow the Canadian giant Tim Hortons – Le Figaro

The world No. 2 burger is about to merge with Tim Hortons, a huge specialty coffee and donuts chain. With this operation, the American could be domiciled in Canada … and so pay less tax.

Burger King no longer satisfied with its only whopper. American hamburger chain confirmed Monday its proposed acquisition of Canadian Tim Hortons sign cafeterias. If the name is almost unknown in France, Tim Hortons is the market leader with more than 3,500 restaurants in Canada, over 850 in the United States and fifty in the Middle East. The brand is named after its founder, a baseball player who has embarked on coffee 50 years ago. In exchange, the prey weighs almost as heavy as the purchaser (9.15 billion dollars of capitalization for Tim Hortons against $ 9.55 billion for Burger King Worldwide.)

 Tim Hortons has 4,500 outlets. Cr & # XE9, said P. Jones / Reuters

Tim Hortons has 4,500 outlets. Credit: P. Jones / Reuters Photo credits:

After a merger being negotiated, the new entity would retain both brands and count 18,000 restaurants. However, there remains a far cry from two world leaders in fast food such as McDonald’s (35,000 restaurants and $ 28 billion in revenue) and Subway (32,700 addresses and $ 16 billion in revenue.)

Much more than afford to vary the menu, this merger would especially the advantage of paying less tax. The new entity would settle in Canada where the tax climate is more pleasant. A “tax reversal” strategy that has developed in recent times in the United States as to be strongly condemned by President Barack Obama. In June, this is how the American medical device manufacturer Medtronic, which announced the acquisition of its competitor Covidien for $ 42.9 billion, with the key to a relocation of the headquarters in Ireland and a great tax benefit.

If the operation goes ahead, the investment fund 3G Capital, based in New York but originally from Brazil, the current majority shareholder of Burger King, would retain control of the new entity. Both chains retain their own identity, but could “benefit from the sharing of their corporate services” say the two companies. Incidentally, this merger could help raise more international Tim Hortons to try to become a real competitor to Starbucks.


Mario Draghi changes the budget gives eurozone – AGEFI

Mario Draghi changes the budget gives eurozone – AGEFI

          Lawrence Chemineau



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          What are the prospects opened by Mario Draghi, since the meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, August 22?

In his speech in Jackson Hole, Mario Draghi creates conditions for a new eurozone economic policy. It starts from the analysis of unemployment in the Eurozone that he has good economic and structural causes. We must act on the business level with greater coordination of monetary and fiscal policies and act in the long-term structural reforms. It is concerned about the low level of activity seen for example through the growth figures for the second quarter, the persistently high unemployment and very low inflation (0.4% in July).
On the latter much he was sharper than at press conferences held after the monthly meetings of the ECB. He wondered about the protracted nature of very low inflation and macroeconomic consequences that cause term. This is in my opinion the reason for his change of position. Inflation is very low and inflation expectations are reduced. He is also concerned about not being able to monetary means are those of the ECB to quickly reduce the risk of deflation. It is because of this risk that advocates greater coordination of fiscal and monetary policies.
Mario Draghi he exhausted the resources of monetary policy and fiscal policy apparait- him it now as a remedy?
Taking into account the measures taken in June, the ECB has played its part. It could increase if its intervention on the ABS market could be set up quickly to facilitate corporate financing. In part that is hers and given the observed expectations on monetary policy, Mario Draghi believes this is not enough to counter the risk of inflation too low for too long. Monetary policy alone is not enough and additional resources are reduced. It is therefore necessary to give meaning to fiscal policy. It also indicates his inability to do what other central banks that can guarantee the public

debt. There again a claim that the ECB is effectively the lender of last resort as could be the Fed in the USA or the Bank of England in the UK.
Fiscal policy has been constrained and could not play its role in supporting demand as has been the case in other major economies. For this is the key point: Mario Draghi said that the demand in the euro zone is too small not to restart and sustain economic machine. This lack of tension is at the heart of the risk of deflation that threatens the eurozone.
What exactly Mario Draghi calls?

It sets out four priorities that involve the use of all possible margins in the defined framework for fiscal policy is to say the pact for stability and growth. He advocates to adapt the composition of fiscal policy in order to restore more effectively to promote growth. This is for example the choice between decreased weight of taxation and spending. He recommends taking a measure of fiscal policy in the Eurozone rather than country by country and finally implement a stimulus program of public investment to improve the conditions for growth in the medium and long term .
demand is too low and monetary policy alone can not create the conditions for more robust demand. We need a fiscal policy for the Euro area is the consideration of the ECB on the budget plan. This European fiscal policy should use all the room available to boost growth. It should also establish a public investment program to create a pulse on private investment and improve the potential growth (which was strongly affected by low investment since 2008).
Mario Draghi talking about structural unemployment rate close to 9% for the Euro zone. This is high, too high. We must therefore put in place measures which aim must be to improve the competitiveness of the euro zone and the ability to give it a more self-sustaining growth. One way to see the need for these structural reforms is the inability of the economy to leave the eurozone spontaneously forward.
Finally It seeks to facilitate the allocation of resources to support the deployment of business and employment in sectors that are progressing. In a recession, sectors that walk out are not the ones that worked well before the recession. The aim here is to promote the transfer of resources between sectors. The second point made by the President of the ECB is the training that should improve the quality of work and investment

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Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux: Montebourg is wrong period! – Le Figaro

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux: Montebourg is wrong period! – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Offensive Arnaud Montebourg is not to the liking of everyone. If the side of the MEDEF, it is estimated that the minister is “wrong”, FO, however, is much less categorical.

After Cécile Duflot, Arnaud Montebourg is now claiming a real change to the executive. The minsitre of Economy has called this weekend “to change” policy choices. “We need to bring alternative solutions,” he said in a long interview to World . A speech that frankly contrast with the words of François Hollande and Manuel Valls there just ten days … Arnaud Montebourg said this morning on Europe 1 “ignore” it will always minister tomorrow, while Manuel Valls must meet in the day.

On the side of the employers, the vice president of MEDEF Geoffroy Roux de Arnaud Montebourg Bézieux said was wrong. “To say, as we leave before we redo the deficit – that’s what Arnaud Montebourg said hollow (…) – no, it is not the right idea,” said the employers’ responsibility on Radio France Inter. Saturday, Mr. Montebourg asked in Le Monde a shift in economic policy, before being joined on Sunday by the Education Minister Benoit Hamon National. The entourage of Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Sunday that “a yellow line (had) been crossed.”

“I believe that the political course has chosen François Hollande is good, and we think we need to go faster and stronger, “said Mr. Roux Bézieux. “While Arnaud Montebourg want (…) to show a bit of re-entry

(…), well, what matters is the statement of the President of the Republic and Manuel Valls,” a-t he added.

“The government is trying to undo what was done!”

When asked about the recent book by Cécile Duflot, in which she sharply criticized Hollande, the vice president of MEDEF said that the former housing minister had made “a lot of damage in property” with the Alur Housing Act. “The government is trying to undo what has been done (…). Everyone says that this law was absurd, and the facts are there: we built more homes in France, “said he said

M.. of Bézieux also commented on the numbers of dividends, which increased 30.3% to $ 40.7 billion in the second quarter in France, which is the highest in Europe, according to a study by the asset manager Henderson Global Investors. “You have to look at what has happened in previous years. Since the crisis, listed companies decreased their dividends. A number pays more dividends, so there was an increase in 2014 to 2013, but obviously on a base that is very, very limited, “he said.

Meanwhile, General Secretary of the Workers Force, Jean-Claude Mailly, Arnaud Montebourg found was “a good minister of Industry,” while arguing that its proposals were “not very far” from the government line that resigned Monday.

(With AFP)


Burger King could become the No. 1 fast food – Challenges.fr

Burger King could become the No. 1 fast food – Challenges.fr

The hamburger chain Burger King is in talks to buy the coffee chain and Canadian Tim Hortons donuts, says the Wall Street Journal Sunday, August 24, saying that the operation would allow the American group to take up residence in Canada.

The merger, which would result in the creation of a new holding company, would constitute the largest group of fast food the newspaper said.

The two groups currently represent a market capitalization of about $ 18 billion.

In the favor of the transaction, Burger King may be domiciled in Canada and evade American taxes.

This could create a wave of criticism when many companies,

particularly in the area of ​​pharmaceutical companies have recently made the move, yet the newspaper said.

Founded in 1954 from a restaurant in Miami where he is based, Burger King became the Second World hamburger chain with 13,000 stores in a hundred countries.

Canadian leader in the distribution of coffee , Tim Hortons is based in Oakville (Ontario, Canada).

(with AFP)

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Montebourg and Hamon offensive against the economic cap – Capital.fr

Montebourg and Hamon offensive against the economic cap – Capital.fr

Arnaud Montebourg and Benedict course-News | Consensus | Company
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Hamon Sunday have increased the pressure on the executive couple, whose popularity is at its lowest, to encourage them to “influence” its economic policy and become the “alternative engine” of Europe, at a time when François Hollande is set to make a series of announcements.

Meeting in the occasion of the Feast of the Rose Frangy-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire), the two representatives of the left wing of the Socialist Party government held an aggressive advocacy of an economic shift while ensuring remain loyal to the head of state.

“The promise of restarting the economy back on the path of growth, achieve full employment, it did not work, the honesty forced to see and to say, “said Arnaud Montebourg during a speech outdoors before an audience of activists and elected officials.

“The role of the Minister of Economy, any public official, any statesman, is to face the same cruel truth without mitigation, without browning, to propose alternative solutions, “he added to applause.

Known for his dislike of the doctrine of fiscal orthodoxy, the economy minister had delivered a first charge on Saturday in the columns of Le Monde calling to overshadow deficit reduction and to “speak up” with Germany “trapped in the austéritaire policy it imposed across Europe.”

“The time has come when we must take the alternative leadership organize the reciprocating engine and promote proposals and practical alternatives to this destructive ideology, “he has said on Sunday, saying had” proposed to the President of the Republic a major shift “in French economic policy.


Speaking at his suite at the podium, the education minister, Benoît Hamon, called to draw the consequences of the European elections, marked by a rout of the PS and a victory for the National Front.

“They expressed vis-à-vis our impatience, sometimes anger, and (…) the discontent,” said he said.

“The threat of deflation, a balance of power favorable to us now at European level and the pressure that is now the far right justify economic policy at European and national level which comprehensive policy choices that have been made so far to support the competitiveness of enterprises through economic choices to support the purchasing power of families, “he added.

In the face of criticism by Arnaud Montebourg Saturday in Le Monde and the “rebellious” of the left wing of the PS, François Hollande has shown a willingness to stay the course of reforms.

The head of state should be in the next few days a series of advertisements in four-domains housing, competition and regulated professions, simplification and investment.

If the positions taken by Benoît Hamon and Arnaud Montebourg are not new, they may weaken a bit more an executive couple already battered in the polls.

According to Ifop poll published in Le Journal du Dimanche, the popularity of François Hollande down one point in August, with 17% positive. Prime Minister Manuel Valls plunges him nine points to 36%, its lowest level since arriving at Matignon.

When asked by the press upon arrival at the feast of pink, Arnaud Montebourg and Benoît Hamon denied any break with the line set by Francois Hollande.

It is “normal open debate” facing “a very serious new situation called the threat of deflation,” said the Minister of Economy.

“There was a debate today, which exists because of new facts (…) This is done by perfect loyalty,” assured for his part the Minister of Education.

(Marine Pennetier, edited by Marc Angrand)


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bangladesh: Auchan finally compensate the families of victims of … – Le Figaro

Bangladesh: Auchan finally compensate the families of victims of … – Le Figaro

Under Arnaud Montebourg and more than a year after the tragedy which had 1,138 dead pressure, the distribution group has agreed to contribute up to $ 1.5 million in funds compensation with 40 million and has not met to date, 20 million.

A new twist in the drama of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh . The collapse of the building housing garment factories had killed 1,138 textile workers and injured more than 2,000 others in April 2013, four months after denying any direct link with the site and refused to participate in the compensation fund victims, set up eight months after the tragedy, Auchan backtracked. Under pressure from Arnaud Montebourg who “asked companies in the country to mobilize to rescue these people in great difficulty”, the distribution group decided to pay $ 1.5 million, or just over 1.1 million in the fund reserved for victims’ families. And thus “show solidarity with the working men and women of this country are made a part of apparel brand”.

A pittance for the three associations that had complained last April against Auchan – who performed at 31 December 2013, 62 billion in gross sales under banners (up 4.1%) – “to the needs of the group’s activities in Bangladesh and its financial health.” By comparison, the Irish Primark brand has paid $ 12 million, eight for the fund. With the

contribution of Auchan, the compensation fund to meet today less than 20 million, according to the collective. Barely 50% of the total amount of the fund managed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and fixed at 40 million. Anyway, it’s a new French company committed to compensate the victims of the tragedy, after Cameo had accepted responsibility, two months after the disaster.

In a joint statement Collectif Ethics on the label, Peoples Solidarity and Sherpa “regret that the group waited an unacceptable time under its primary responsibility for the tragedy.” These organizations’ hope that this announcement will encourage the prosecution of Lille to strengthen the preliminary investigation he opened last May against the group “after the filing of the complaint.

The drama of Rana Plaza had highlighted the poor security conditions in the workshops, as well as wages and miserable working conditions of employees. Since then, an agreement on the safety of buildings has been signed by 150 stores and factory inspection campaign was launched under pressure from NGOs with unannounced inspections. But several companies, including Carrefour refuses to this day to pay any compensation, while many Tex labels were found in the rubble.
