The government will allocate one billion euros between 2017 and 2020, of which € 500 million in the month of January …
( – a year after the presidential election, the Minister of Education announced the upgrading of processing all teachers at all levels, starting from 1 January 2017 and gradually until 2020 the goal is to “get the treatment of our teachers at the top of the OECD average,” said Najat Vallaud-Belkacem Tuesday on RMC and BFM TV …
Reduce the gap with other OECD countries
According to an OECD study published in 2013, primary school teachers with at least 15 years of earning around 33,152 dollars, against an average of 38 136 dollars within the organization. To reduce this gap “a trainee teacher will (now) paid 1,400 euros gross per year more. We want to enhance the commitment of teachers,” noted the minister. Currently, teachers (excluding aggregation) earn between 1,616 euros and 1,741 euros gross in year internship.
“Beyond the internship year, the beginning of their career is more favorable than other officials in category A, “the ministry said. Thus, in 2020, a certified teacher who held a full career in the normal class and
out-class win 23,000 euros more throughout his career.
What is the cost for public spending?
the general salary increase for teachers will represent a fiscal effort of one billion euros over five years, “provisioned under the protocol career paths, careers and salaries (PPCR) of the public Service , “the Ministry of Education. Of this total, nearly 500 million will be included in the finance bill for 2017.
Since the beginning of the year, the government increased the new spending (security plan employment tax cut), which is not without worry … Brussels EU Commissioner Pierre Moscovici has warned earlier this month that if all these projects materialize, they should be ” immediately offset “by savings to keep the target of a deficit below 3% by the end of next year …
The economy minister was forced to rectify his statement 2013 and 2014. The value of the remains of his wife located in Le Touquet was undervalued …
( – Forced to revalue its real estate, the economy minister, Emmanuel Macron, should be subject to the wealth tax (ISF) – which applies on heritage higher than 1.3 million euros. – according to information Mediapart
After checking his declaration of assets transferred to the High authority for the transparency of public life after his appointment had to be changed, says the website …
Revaluation of property located in Le Touquet
“after more than a year and a half of discussions with the tax authorities, which focused in particular on the value of the remains of his wife in Le Touquet, Emmanuel Macron has finally admitted he had to pay the ISF and filed an amended return for the years 2013 and 2014, “said Mediapart, which states that the catch may be less than 10,000
When asked by the website, the office of the minister assured that the tax situation of the couple Macron is “completely regular”.
Emmanuel Macron suggested the removal of the ISF
Recently, Emmanuel Macron suggested deleting the ISF. “If we have a preference for risk facing the pension, which is my case, is preferable taxation on succession to ISF type of tax”, would he have said …
Economy Minister had made crop by Manuel Valls. “Remove the wealth tax, we can always improve, would be a mistake,” argued the Prime Minister.
Minister of economy, Emmanuel Macron, will now pay tax on wealth (ISF) revealed Tuesday, May 31 Mediapart.
“After a year and a half of discussions with the tax authorities, who have focused in particular on the value of the remains of his wife in Le Touquet, Emmanuel Macron finally admitted he had to pay the ISF and filed an amended return for the years 2013 and 2014 “ says information website.
the heritage minister and his wife was revalued, making him cross the wealth tax threshold of € 1.3 million.
in April, Emmanuel Macron criticized ISF
“the scale of the ISF is low on the first tranches of assets (less than 1% up to 5 million), catching up, however, could be less than EUR 10 000, including interest or penalties” adds
Mediapart, which requested the office of Emmanuel Macron, which declined to comment, saying the “tax secret” .
“spouses Macron specify that tax secrecy applies to every french taxpayer. They add that their tax situation is quite regular that they have made any statements to which they are subject and they have been no notification of a turnaround “ says the environment minister, contacted by the World.
in April, Emmanuel Macron criticized the ISF in the journal Risks . “I think the tax on the current capital is not optimal” . “If you have a preference for risk facing the pension, which is my case, is preferable taxation on succession to ISF type taxes” , he told.
Read: Valls and Macron clash on ISF
According to his statement on the website of the High Authority for transparency in public life, when he worked at the Rothschild bank, the current economy minister had won 2.4 million euros between 2011 and May 2012, said Mediapart
Read also:. Emmanuel Macron he prefers the risk or annuity?
Guillaume Pepy had decided to get rid of, but unions are clinging to it, and the government gave them to the great displeasure of the direction of the station: the “19/6″ as it is known in the railroad home language, has become these days the symbol of the tensions around the future organization of work of the public company, tensions that have grown three unions to launch an indefinite strike from Wednesday.
This rule is enshrined in a decree of 1999 that details how the company may decline 35 hours. It stipulates that train crews can finish his service after 19 hours if the weekly holiday starts the day, and can then return to work before 6 am the next morning.
This provision makes planning timetables. Moreover, it has a corollary, says an industry expert: “If a driver ends after 19 hours, although it was not planned – when the train is late, for example, then the following day is regarded as a day off. “ In total, according to his calculations, the 19/6 would lose 4 working days per year per agent, with a population of 20,000 agents.
Gold management had a window of opportunity to relax this rule, and increase productivity. The railway reform passed in 2014 provides that the existing text will lapse on 1 July. By then, a company agreement setting new terms to be negotiated.
“More social life”
in a meeting with unions on May 13, HRD has proposed the establishment of a 19/6″ sliding “with an amplitude of ± 2 hours in passenger transport, and more or least 3 hours on freight. This new rule was valid for one week two or week three. And she would not have concerned all roller personal “ no change for the Transilien bearings” , stated the company’s document. Drivers and Ile-de-France controllers are indeed extremely attached to this provision. 40% of them are “road” in the jargon of the train, that is to say, they live outside the region (in the Hauts-de-France, the Loire Valley, Burgundy …) the 19/6 ensures their
return home the day before their day of rest. Management has prudently chosen to dodge the issue with this population.
But the unions do still would not listen. “The railway workers have rarely their their Friday or Saturday night, for example, advanced the CFDT. If their evening starts at 21 hours, not 19 hours, they will have no social life. ”
A symbol for Pepy
Meanwhile, Guillaume Pepy either him not wanted to let go, making the questioning of 19/6 symbol of the necessary adaptation of SNCF. But it was not followed, despite his resignation threats by the government, which granted the status quo at the UNSA and CFDT. “statement-making” established following the direct discussions between the executive and the two unions certainly provides that local concessions can be negotiated, but with financial compensation or in terms of required working time.
episode Review: a weak leader (although Guillaume Pepy is seeking financial compensation order from the state); the end of the last illusions about the state-strategist; the outlook for the SNCF, tomorrows difficult to compete
Minister Education presents its reform to “upgrade teachers’ careers” by 2020 and to review the methods of “evaluation”.
Ladies and gentlemen of the faculty and staff of Education, the Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem is on RMC and BFM TV that Tuesday morning, to bring the good news: the revaluation of careers 820,000 agents, promised long, will take place … As of 1 January 2017, months before the end of the five-year period therefore
” This enhancement will help restore France above the average of countries OECD and even reaching the best countries for treatment late career “, welcomed the Minister of Education during the presentation of its reform at a press conference Monday afternoon.
All levels of the teaching profession in the first as the second degree the public and the private, will be upgraded by 2020, announced the Ministry. At cruising speed, it will represent an annual fiscal effort of one billion euros
(about 60 billion that represents the annual salary of 820,000 agents). An average increase of 1,200 euros per year per teacher … The load increase will be gradual, spread over three years, from 2017 to 2020. “And if the majority changes in May 2017, he happen to this commitment? “, asks a journalist at the press conference. Response from the Minister: “Nearly half (500 million) will be included in the finance bill for 2017. For the rest, I wish a lot of courage to whoever wants to challenge this PPCR (careers , careers and salaries) “
As of 2020 certified teacher who held a full career, earn 23,000 euros more throughout his career, the ministry said. Another example is dug into the press kit: in 2019, a trainee teacher in the first year will receive 1400 euros gross more than today. (…)
Read more about Liberation. fr
Upgrading of teachers: half a billion in 2017, one billion in 2020 SNCF: indefinite strike called by three unions a billion euros a year to upgrade teachers by 2020 labor law: for strikes in transport Holland on Labour law: “the bill will not be removed”
VIDEO – Secretary of State for Transport has granted the concessions unions that the president of the company has denied. He assures that he had “never negotiated in the absence of Guillaume Pepy.”
By multiplying concessions, the government could end up turning new discontent homes. In order to curb social unrest to SNCF, the government asked the company railways, public company 100%, to be more conciliatory with the unions in negotiations to reform the organization of time group work. What the president of the company railways, Guillaume Pepy, flatly refused, arguing that it was essential for the group to overhaul its organization of work – and in particular to improve efficiency 35 hours – to make the company more competitive against its competitors
“” SNCF strike. traffic forecasts for Wednesday, June 1
It was enough to revive the rumors of departure that which directs the SNCF since February 2008. noise corridor formally denials Monday afternoon by the group … on his Twitter account. A way to communicate rare for a company of this caliber. “We want, including on sensitive issues, to move the lines of our communication to a faster mode and responds to réactivitié needs, says one within SNCF. The press release is certainly necessary but increasingly dated. “
When contacted by Le Figaro , SNCF declined to say more, merely repeat his message posted on Twitter. Tuesday morning, the Secretary of State for Transport, who has guardianship of the SNCF, has also denied. “He (Guillaume Pepy) has not threatened to resign, assured on France Inter Alain Vidal. There was a debate. SNCF is for the French. ” Why these rumors? The Secretary of State for Transport has continued this weekend, discussions with the CFDT … without Guillaume Pepy. “Fake !, meets Alain Vidal. I never negotiated in the absence of SNCF. There can be no disagreement. ” It is true that Alain Vidal was accompanied by the HRD of the company, Jean-Marc Ambrosini, but he … had no mandate to its management to negotiate anything.
“» Read also: working time, retirement …: envied the advantages of railway
“It is surprising to see the government take control of social negotiations “
after the meeting, the government and the union have agreed on
keeping the rules inherent in the organization of working time. The status of railway workers (job security, 35-hour partial free train tickets, specific health system, special pension scheme etc.) will not be called into question, as promised by the management. Like two other internal rules, particularly on the issue of rest, Guillaume Pepy that would develop and on which Alain Vidal, in keeping with the strategy to turn off related hotbeds of the labor law has clearly made concessions. According to unions, the number of 22 to Sunday rest should especially be kept private to preserve the balance work-life railway. “This agreement puts an end to two social negotiations. The situation is complex and tense, explains the Le Figaro a source close to the matter. It is surprising to see the government take control of social negotiations. Especially since it was a “weapon” at his disposal. Pedestal decree (on the system of the working time of company staff in the rail transport sector) “
If the concessions granted by the Secretary of State for Transport convinced the CFDT, the fourth representative union at SNCF but the first among drivers, to withdraw its notice of indefinite strike deposited from Tuesday evening, they had however no effect on the UNSA. The second union business, reformist addition, has in fact decided on Monday to join the “protest” of the CGT and SUD-rail. And voted, too, for the indefinite strike that began Tuesday night and that will be the eighth day strike since early March in the train.
The agreement between the government and weakens the CFDT Guillaume Pepy position that hopes up for this defeat socially with a victory on the economic and financial aspect. The recovery of part of the debt of the SNCF (€ 50 billion) by the State would be part of the discussions. Negotiations between the government and SNCF will continue to arrive by 6 June, the date of the next formal negotiation, an agreement. Proof, if needed, that government attempts to extinguish fires at ten days of the launch of the Euro 2016 football may not always be successful …
one year before the presidential election, the left is about to decide on a wide salary increase plan in the direction of an electorate traditionally acquired him teachers. The Ministry of Education opens Wednesday 1 st in June, negotiations with unions on new measures for upgrading and career development that will impact gradually in the next three years, the all teachers and education personnel.
This version of the protocol for teachers’ career paths, careers and remuneration “(PPCR) in the public service, approved in the fall of 2015, leads to the only Ministry of education a budget of one billion euros of wage increases in 2020, half in 2017.
the opposition is sure to see as many gifts distributed as part of an electoral conquest operation
it is a new page that opens chapter the upgrading of teachers, following the announcement in early May, the alignment of the premium for school teachers on the secondary (EUR 1 200 per year) and, in March, officials thawing index point . The opposition is sure to see as many gifts distributed as part of an electoral conquest operation. Still, these new measures are timely in the context of the reform of college contested. In general, teachers, rushed from the beginning of the quinquennium by a long series of reforms, have not always understood the meaning of the directions taken, nor perceived the concrete effects of the 47 000 jobs created (about 60,000 promised 2017)
Read also. “College 2016″: the government takes the risk deface the “refoundation” of the school
“Catch up to the France”
the effect of this revaluation should, however, be well and truly visible on the payslip. “These new measures will help to restore France above the OECD average, and achieve, late career, the level of the most favorable countries, welcomes the Minister of education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. In this regard, France was lagging behind; we’ll catch up. “
In the grid of pay teachers, all levels go up a notch (from 9 to 40 points) in 2020. A certified teacher will earn 23,000 euros about his entire career. The effort is particularly strong for entry into the profession: the trainees will receive 1,400 euros gross per year more than the current
“This third. grade is a little aggregation for all: it gives the opportunity to reach a level close to that of an aggregated late career earnings, or 4500 euros net per month “ Frédéric Sève , NMS-CFDT
in these gains is added a career improvement. Today it is divided into “grades”: a “normal class” in which teachers are recruited, and a “class-off”, in which they can be
promoted according to more or less vague criteria. Starting in 2017, all will enter the off-grade class. In addition, a new upper stage will be created: “outstanding class”, accessible primarily to those who have worked in primary education, or having held responsibilities (school principal, teacher, school counselor …) for at least eight years. “The third grade is a little aggregation for all: it gives the opportunity to reach a level close to remuneration from that of an associate late career or 4500 euros net per month” Frédéric greet Sève, the NMS-CFDT
Read also. “Refoundation” of the school: the government makes its show
as much consensual measures, which should not be revised during negotiations.
“The last revaluation of teachers goes back more than a quarter century, under Lionel Jospin [then minister of education] who in 1989 created the off-class. There was absolutely necessary, “ says Christian Chevalier, SE-UNSA.
Under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, a revaluation was announced in exchange for job cuts. But aside from the tax exemption of overtime and a gesture for early career, it never happened.
First union high school, the SNES-FSU recognizes “a first step actons us positively. Although a recruitment crisis context, more are needed to make our most attractive professions “ says Xavier Marand, Deputy General Secretary.
The other part of the negotiation, which the evaluation of teachers, risks creating more divisions. Today, teachers are inspected on average once every five years. Depending on the note that follows, coupled with that of the principal, they change level in three rhythms: “seniority”, “choice” and “great choice.” PPCR result, changes in the career will now be done at the same pace for all.
Three rhythms progress thus disappear, like the double notation. But the ministry does not call for much into question the principle of career development Merit:
“We offer four career appointment to assess the business value teacher after seven, thirteen, twenty years old and nearing retirement. At each of these meetings, teachers will be offered accelerated career and new perspectives. “
Read also: From Latin to bilangues classes a year of controversy on college reform
Who will evaluate teachers?
apart from these four times, “the purposes of teacher evaluation will be redirected to the support, continuing education, individual and group counseling,” the ministry said. The question is who will evaluate the teachers at these meetings, how and on what criteria. “In this scheme, the inspection will continue to be torn between two objectives: the judgment with an impact on the career and support. One remains in midstream, “ said Sebastien Sihr, the SNUipp-FSU, the main union in the primary.
A working group has floor on the subject for a copy off before end of July. The last reform of teacher evaluation, designed by the right – which was put on the head of school the assessor role instead of the inspector – had been highly contested. Published after the 2012 presidential election, she was immediately readjusted by the left, from the inauguration Hollande
Read also:. School reform: a year preparation, and still many concerns
The traffic looks very disturbed in the TGV and TER SNCF begins when an indefinite strike from 20 pm Tuesday. Le Figaro reported on disturbances that await Wednesday.
Social week looks busy. Tuesday, SNCF began an indefinite strike from 20 hours, following an appeal by three unions (CGT, Unsa, SUD Rail). Stated objective, weigh in internal negotiations on the working time of rail workers, taking place until June 6 The filed notice also covers the entire period of the Euro 2016 football (from 10 June to 10 July), the SNCF is the official carrier. Le Figaro reported on traffic disruptions.
● Nationally, six in ten TGV circulate
In detail, a second train should travel on the axis North . If you are traveling from, or to, Lille, TGV plan six out of ten, and two if your TGV train to or from Arras.
On Atlantic axis, forecasts are identical to the axis North . In detail, two out of three TGV should serve the UK and a TGV on two Loire Valley and the South West.
The SNCF provides two out of three trains on the East axis : TGV six out of ten for the Champagne TGV four out of ten for Lorraine North and South, and eight TGV ten for the Alsace.
Finally, for users traveling on the Southeast axis, plan four out of ten trains , whatever your destination.
»» read also: the envied benefits railway SNCF
● An Intercity train on three average
Only a third of Intercity trains should flow from Tuesday night, 20 hours. There will be no night traffic .
Here, all the forecasts in detail:
– Paris-Caen – Cherbourg: 1 set of 2.
– Paris-Rouen – The Havre, Paris – Nevers, Paris – Amiens – Boulogne, Paris – St Quentin – Maubeuge, Bordeaux – Marseille – Nice: 1 set of 3.
– Paris-Bourges – Montlucon, Paris – Orléans –
Tours Nantes – Bordeaux: 1 set of 4.
– Paris-Granville: 1 set of 5.
– Paris-Limoges – Toulouse, Paris – Clermont, Paris – Troyes – Belfort: 4 trains on 10.
– Paris-Evreux, Caen – Le Mans – Tours, Clermont – Nimes, Clermont – Béziers, Toulouse – Hendaye, Nantes – Tours – Lyon, Bordeaux – Clermont. No traffic
“” read also: work Act: blockages a week at high risk
● a TER two wide regional
the SNCF does not communicate the details of the traffic forecast on the TER. “Customers are invited to learn about [their] movement in their region,” the statement said.
● Île-de-France, four in ten Transilien
For users of the RER A, the train provides a regular service. On the RER B, only three out of ten trains will operate, and four out of ten on the RER C line .
On lines, D, E, H, L U, a third of RER work. For travelers of J and N lines, only half of trains will be outstanding. K-line, plan a train in four and four out of ten trains on the line P. Finally, on the R line, the traffic is to be very disturbed since only one train on ten circulate . There will be only two to / Montargis, the statement of the SNCF.
No tram will flow on Line 4 (T4).
● T Rafik normal on the Eurostar
The users of the Eurostar and Alleo (to or from Germany) will not be affected by the strike.
However, for the Lyria and Thalys trains three to four circulate.
For travelers using Ellipsos, to or from Spain, plan four out of ten trains.
Finally, the IVR system (Italy), only a third of the trains will run.
Ladies and gentlemen faculty and staff of National Education, the Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem is on RMC and BFM TV Tuesday morning to bring the good news: the revaluation of careers 820,000 agents, promised long , will take place … As of 1 January 2017, months before the end of the five-year period so.
“This enhancement will help restore France above the average of countries OECD and even reaching the best countries for treatment late career “, welcomed the Minister of Education during the presentation of its reform at a press conference Monday afternoon.
All levels of the teaching profession in the first as the second degree, the public and the private, will be upgraded by 2020, announced the Ministry. At cruising speed, it will represent an annual fiscal effort of one billion euros (about 60 billion that represents the annual salary of 820,000 agents). An average increase of 1,200 euros per year per teacher … The load increase will be gradual, spread over three years, from 2017 to 2020. “And if the majority changes in May 2017, he happen to this commitment? “, asks a journalist at the press conference. Response from the Minister: “Nearly half (500 million) will be included in the finance bill for 2017. For the rest, I wish a lot of courage to whoever wants to challenge this PPCR (careers , careers and salaries). “
As of 2020, a certified teacher who held a full career, earn 23,000 euros more throughout his career, says the Ministry. Another example is dug into the press kit: in 2019, a trainee teacher in the first year will receive 1400 euros gross more than today. What make the career more attractive? This is one of the objectives.
Reform evaluation
There’s another one. Financial careers revaluation is accompanied by a reform of teacher evaluation to make “a political tool of human resources” . And better “enhance agents taking responsibility, or those teaching in primary education.”
For now, this assessment reform is most similar to a cloze , big unknown. Only the outlines are stopped. The current system – the
inspector who moved to the back of the classroom teacher to assess – in its last months. Instead, the ministry announced “a different logic” and “four appointments throughout career to objectify the professional value” .
the first “appointment” will speak at the seventh year of exercise: 30% of the teachers ‘engaged’ can then benefit from accelerating their career a year. Rebelote after thirteen years, again with the possibility for 30% of the battalion to win a year of progress.
The third “go” around twenty year career, must allow changing grade, and access to “Senior”, previously available only to a few and now become the “classic” route. Finally, and this will be the last of the “appointment”, a third grade is created – but will be activated as of September 2017 (after the presidential therefore). Called “exceptional class”, it will be available in late career to the most deserving, starting with school principals in primary education, who will see their treatment a leap of 1,000 euros gross in September. Eventually, “the exceptional class will reach 10% of the total workforce of the body.” Based on what criteria? This is part of the questions that have no answers at this point
Other. What exactly these will include “appointment” that punctuate the career? What exactly is the role of school leaders in teacher evaluation? Are the inspectors, who already say drowning in missions, will also have the time to “accompany” the teachers in their teaching practices? Najat Vallaud-Belkacem has an appointment Wednesday with the social partners to discuss .
Union leaders of the CFDT and CGT will debate for the first time on a tray. Both men are in deep disagreement.
Philippe Martinez and Laurent Berger, the leaders of the first two unions of France, debate tonight on RTL, a first. The two men will discuss their views during a face to face for 45 minutes, 19h and 20h. The debate between those who opted for diametrically opposed strategies on labor law should be muscular. Since the CGT decided in April at its congress in Marseilles, cut ties with the CFDT, the atmosphere is freezing them.
● Tactical very different
The two men have different styles, popular for Martinez, polished to Berger. They also have distinct methods.
“Behind law, leadership of the war between Martinez and Berger
Laurent Berger advocates the negotiation
Laurent Berger decided to support the bill Myriam El Khomri since the changes obtained following the first presentation of the law. Through negotiation, the secretary general of the CFDT in particular obtained quitting scale industrial tribunal and the maintenance of law on working time. According to the union leader, “the balance that is found today is one that suits the CFDT. I hope that it is left over. ” He added that the text contains “concrete progress for the employees.” In his eyes, “remove the Labour Act would be unacceptable” and he accuses the executive of “sinning by a lack of education.”
The union has denounced “a situation hysterization political climate, social climate.” Thus, to overcome the crisis, Laurent Berger called for “some responsibility”. “Let’s calm the game and try to find solutions,” he said recently.
Philippe Martinez to a dispute lasts
Conversely, Philippe Martinez, who was confirmed as head of the CGT congress in Marseilles, is in total disagreement with the adopted law with recourse to Article 49.3 in the national Assembly. The representative of the center of Montreuil request a withdrawal of the bill.
It has been leading the protest against the El Khomri law. “As long as the government refuses to discuss, there are risks that the mobilization is increasing,” said the union leader was at the height of the protest movement. He even threatened a “strike spread everywhere, in all areas” for the government to withdraw the draft.
“Philippe Martinez, the man who wants to put France knees
● the confrontation Philippe Martinez against the outstretched hand of Laurent Berger
in April, at the Marseille conference, Philippe Martinez turned his back to the CFDT. The secretary general of the CGT spoke of “the mistake we made in recent years in promoting Perhaps our relations with the CFDT at the time of the agreement and the law on representativeness.”
“the CGT honor finger and CFDT unions gathered
Although Laurent Berger did not appreciate the criticism
unleashed against his union at the Congress, he recently spoke to Philippe Martinez: “Let the contents of this law [work], tell me which poses problem to you.” “If that’s why business negotiation Business negotiation pose you problems while including your teams are doing this business negotiation in many areas. Tell me why we should be afraid of our own activists in companies that are able to know what is good for employees, and whether to engage in agreements when necessary, “Has -he said. “I hope this debate, and I do not despair of having Philippe soon”, recently launched the general secretary of the CFDT.
● Two different visions of unionism
a discussion promises to be lively as the disagreement between the two men is total: the one and the other are two different visions of unionism that explain their respective positions
Laurent Berger, the doctrine. social heritage of the Church
Laurent Berger remains marked by the social doctrine of the Church, even though the CFDT CFTC is separated from the (Christian) since 1964. According to him, employers and trade unions can negotiate favorable compromise at all and field workers are able to find the most appropriate solutions to reality. That’s why the CFDT supports the bill work, including Article 2, which gives primacy to enterprise agreements.
In fact, the son of a child care assistant and a worker of Atlantic shipyards, Laurent Berger was secretary general of the Young Christian Workers for two years before being elected general secretary of the regional union CFDT. He was then elected deputy secretary general and secretary general of the CFDT in November 2012.
The Marxist vision of Philippe Martinez
Philippe Martinez has a different vision of unionism, that of Marxism of the “class struggle” and subordination. He opted for radicalization: he participated in all demonstrations against the Labour Law and was even made to photograph throwing a tire in an inferno
“I am from a family. activists. But I took the time to read, observe before choosing my commitment. I joined the CGT in 1984, two years after my arrival at Renault because it matched my values of solidarity, brotherhood, militancy and anti-racism “, recently said the union representative. He began his career as a technician at Renault in 1982. Former steelworker climbed the steps one after the other before arriving at the head of the CGT in February 2015 and then to take the lead in April.
“” what it really contains the controversial Article 2 of the Labour Act
“it is up to defamation and we’ll look at what we’ll do next” , continued Philippe Martinez, during a discussion with his counterpart of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, the bill work.
the president of Medef also described CGT as a union with the “drift” that “radicalized, politicized”. “For me, the CGT acronym equals unemployment ‘, has he added.
He also urged the government not to back the project” Labour Law ” otherwise the Medef could leave the negotiating table. . Virulent remarks which did not fail to react politics
Read the full interview (in subscribers edition): Pierre Gattaz “The initials CGT equals unemployment “
Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT
” I share the idea that it must get out of mass hysteria where everything is said. The remarks this afternoon are not acceptable. I think everyone knows what is unfortunately a terrorist in this country for some years now and we must not confuse things “, said the secretary general of the CFDT, in his debate with Philippe Martinez on RTL.
Myriam El Khomri, Minister of Labour, “does not share the words”
“no, I totally disagree with the words of Pierre Gattaz, I absolutely would use those words. What is important is that this reform is good so it must go to the end of the parliamentary process “, said the minister at the origin of the bill reforming the labor code.
Gattaz, a “moron” Pascal Cherki, Socialist deputy for Paris (11 th district )
“these remarks are unacceptable in social dialogue as in our republic, let alone when it was hit hard by the attacks in recent months. We demand that he immediately withdraw the indecent and apologized to the social partners and to the victims of terrorism and their families. We ask the government to strongly condemn the remarks of Mr Gattaz unspeakable. “
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, co-founder of the Left Party: Gattaz, ” social parasite “
the candidate for the 2017 presidential election reacted strongly on Twitter
Christian Paul, leader of deputies PS slingers. “unworthy of a social democracy “
Do not tell more but Enedis ERDF. The manager of the French electricity distribution network confirmed on Monday 30 May, its new name. The goal is to stand out of EDF, its parent. Indeed, ERDF was born in 2008 as a 100% subsidiary of EDF, after the opening of the electricity market to competition.
The company had already changed its logo in June 2015 in response to a requirement of the energy regulatory Commission (CRE). The authority estimated that with a logo and a too close pronunciation, ERDF and EDF maintained a confusion in the minds of consumers.
“Enedis” will fit in blue letters on white background, or white on blue vehicles and uniforms of its teams. With an exception for the second “e” Enedis, green, supposed to embody “progress, the energy transition and the digital world” , a statement from the group. The signing of the group since last year, “The electricity network” , has been preserved beneath the new name.
Chosen from hundreds of proposals, name had been filed as of 2008 by ERDF in the National intellectual property Institute (INPI), according to a spokesman for the group surveyed.
originally, the mystery of the new name was to be kept till Tuesday. It was to be unveiled by the President of the Corporate Executive Board, Philippe Monloubou, the salon of mayors and local authorities in Paris.
But the CGT Mines-Energie has
blown the favor on Monday in n revealing the new group name. The union has launched a debate on the price of the name change, saying it would cost “300 million users”.
A number ” erroneous and completely fanciful “ and ” nothing to do “ with the name change, but with the ” theoretical financial value “ of brand ERDF, the group responded. The change of name and logo will cost a total of “ between 20 and 25 million euros,” far from other companies that spend “nearly 100 million euros for Change their brand, “ added ERDF.
to meet its budget, the group plans to gradually deploy its new visual identity, about 18 to 24 months, which will help to smooth the cost. So many media, such as vehicles or clothing, “will be changed at the time of their natural renewal” , says the group, counting also use its existing partnerships, such as the Tower France cyclist.
The manager of the ERDF electricity distribution French network will now be called Enedis to stand out from its parent company EDF (AFP / File / DOMINIQUE FAGET)
the manager of the electricity distribution network ERDF french will now call Enedis to stand out from its parent company EDF (AFP / File / DOMINIQUE FAGET)
“Enedis” will fit in blue letters on white, or white on blue vehicles and uniforms of its teams. With an exception for the second “e” Enedis, green, supposed to embody “the progress, the energy transition and the digital world,” according to a statement from the group.
The signing of the group since last year, “the electricity network”, has been preserved beneath the new name.
Chosen from hundreds of proposals, the name had been filed in 2008 by the National Institute ERDF intellectual property (INPI), according to a spokesman for the group told AFP.
the mystery of the new name was to be initially retained until Tuesday, where he was to be unveiled by the President the Corporate Executive Board, Philippe Monloubou, the salon of mayors and local authorities in Paris.
But the CGT Mines-Energie has blown the favor Monday by revealing the new name of the group, which would cost according to the union “300 million users”.
A number “totally wrong and visionary,” and that “has nothing to do” with the name change, but with the “value theoretical financial “of the ERDF brand, the group responded.
the change of name and logo will cost a total of” 20 to 25 million euros “, far from other companies that devote” almost 100 million euros to change their brand, “added ERDF.
to meet its budget, the group plans to gradually deploy its new visual identity, about 18 to 24 months, which will smooth out the cost.
So many media, such as vehicles or clothing, “will be changed at the time of their natural renewal,” the group, cash otherwise use existing partnerships, such as the Tour de France
-. Official partner of the Tour de France –
This partnership will be strengthened, Enedis becoming “Official partner” of the 2016 edition to better promote its new brand identity.
ERDF was born in 2008 as a 100% subsidiary of EDF, after the opening of the electricity market to competition.
The company had already changed
logo in June 2015 to meet a requirement of the energy regulatory Commission (CRE), which estimated that with a logo and a too close pronunciation, ERDF and EDF maintained a confusion in the minds of consumers.
But the governor had estimated that the changes presented by ERDF then were inadequate to prevent possible confusion.
the group had finally announced mid-January that he would change his name to translate “the strong commitment of the company in the energy transition after the COP21″, the World climate conference held in Paris in December.
FNME-CGT the money spent to change logo and name could have been “used not to increase the bills to combat fuel poverty (11 million French people in this situation today), to invest in the industrial apparatus, to create jobs and increase wages. “
” it is not with this type of financial waste policy that the economy will be better and that unemployment will be eliminated, “says the federation.
FO Energy and Mines had already denounced in January the cost of the measure, also speaking of “EUR 300 million”, who were “up in smoke” at a time when the parent company EDF was “well bad shape. “
public network Manager power distribution of 95% of French territory, or 1.4 million km of low and medium voltage network, Enedis 39,000 employees and achieved last year a turnover of nearly 14 billion euros in 2015.
the group launched in December deployment in all French households 35 million “smart” meters Linky, a huge project that should last six years. In late May, 800,000 of these devices had been activated.
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The government has not completed the challenge to the labor law: after fuels, the transport sector is preparing for a hectic week, from Monday, May 30, with calls to strike, renewable, launched for reasons combining internal claims and opposition to the labor law, while the football Euro approach (June 10 July 10).
Fuels: the situation is improving
the situation has improved on the fuel front, with the release of almost all petroleum deposits, but disturbances persist. “There will be of the essence” Monday in the stations, assured Sunday, May 29 the government spokesman, Stéphane Le Foll.
Read also: work Act, vigilance on the fuel front after the meeting at Matignon
of the eight French refineries, four are still under arrest and two reduced rate. The strike was extended to oil terminals in Marseille and Le Havre, which feed Orly and Roissy kerosene. The government has nevertheless imposed a minimum service.
Blocking a déchats treatment plant in Paris
In the Paris region, the movement also gained on Monday 30 May, the waste treatment sector. According to the CGT, a hundred garbage collectors and sewer workers, territorial agents of the city of Paris, blocked since early morning the incineration plant of Ivry-sur-Seine – Paris 13, (Val -Marne).
Syctom, the metropolitan agency for household waste (former Syndicate of treatment of household waste), confirmed the blocking, stating that refuse trucks were “diverted to other centers to continue to provide the public service ‘.
the site of Ivry receives each day between 1500 tonnes and 2000 tonnes of waste, or 150 to 200 trucks coming from 15 towns.
Strike at SNCF on Tuesday
opponents of the text does not have to give up, the Inter opposite the El Khomri law (CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF, LDIFs, UNL) that called “to amplify the mobilization” before the national day of action on June 14 By then, the mobilization will focus in transport.
At the station, where delicate negotiations on railway work time entering their final phase, the four representative trade unions (CGT, UNSA , SUD-Rail, CFDT) filed notice of indefinite strike from Tuesday. Internal reasons, the CGT railway and SUD-Rail added opposition to labor law
Read also:. Labour Law: Government trapped in a calendar cursed
the unions hope to influence the negotiations to continue until June 6, just days before the kickoff, 10, of Euro Cup, which is the carrier SNCF official. “We will not prevent people from going to football matches but we need the government also wants to discuss. Everything between [their] hands “, launched Mr. Martinez
class=" heading "> RATP. Of disruption expected from Thursday
for Parisians, difficulties are also expected from Thursday at the RATP, with a strike call “unlimited” of the CGT. The first union of the governed demand the reopening of annual wage negotiations and withdrawal from the labor bill. SOUTH RATP, third union force, has already called for an indefinite strike from the launch of the Euro “against the labor law” and “questioning the status RATP” .
The affected air and port traffic
air traffic could also experience disruptions due to a strike at the Directorate General of civil Aviation (DGCA) held from June 3 to 5, for internal claims. Finally, in ports and docks, the CGT called for a work stoppage of twenty four o’clock on Thursday against the El Khomri law.
M . Valls refused to “give face a social movement”
on the government side, the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, promised Sunday to go ” to the end “ this text appears and build on the slowdown in the hardest social crisis of five years, which threatens the French economic recovery. “We are in a crucial moment” , has he assured the Sunday newspaper .
“This is the idea of reform is at stake. This is a clarification in unions, clarification on the left, a clarification in French society “, added the one who said he would not join ” the long list of (…) policies that have given up facing a social movement “. “If we give in to the street and to the CGT because we would be obsessed with short term [elections] 2017, there would be nothing” , fait- he argued
Read also:. Provisions of the project “Labour Act”
for the first time in two months, the Prime Minister has nevertheless called on Saturday the leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, who saw a is “a good sign” . Sunday night, he demanded the withdrawal of Article 2, “backbone” text that establishes the primacy of the company agreement on the branch agreement. “If the government says” parliamentary procedure is suspended, we discuss, we improved, “there is no problem. That’s what we said from the beginning “, he said, defending his position to influence
But the leader of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. – also contacted by Premier Saturday – asked him, the “maintenance of Article 2″ in “explaining the more” . The next parliamentary stage will take place in the Senate from June 13
For a year, members of the financial national parquet worked on the tax fraud case without an Internet connection, using only a word processor.
the french services took extreme precautions to maintain strict confidentiality about the tax evasion investigation against Google in France. For nearly a year, investigators “worked out this folder only network offline (…), with a computer, but only in word processor,” said on Sunday the director of national financial parquet (PNF) Eliane Houlette, during the Great Rendezvous Europe 1 / I-Tele / Le Monde. In order not to arouse suspicion, the set was “never to utter the name Google” and use the code name “Tulip”, associated with the operation.
Faced with Google, the France is engaged in a battle on all fronts. Legal, first. The investigation, opened June 16, 2015 following a complaint from the French tax authorities, but remained secret until Tuesday, covers the period 2007 to 2011. It aims to verify whether the company Google Ireland Ltd had while a permanent establishment in France “and if, by not declaring a part of his activity carried out on french territory, it has violated its tax obligations.” “Several terabytes of data” were recovered by investigators during the searches conducted at the headquarters of Google France in Paris on Tuesday.
The standoff is also media. Google enjoys in France as elsewhere, an excellent reputation, thanks to its affordable and efficient products, known to many. Invariably, the company states “respect French law and cooperate fully with the authorities to answer
their questions.” Search and repeated accusations of tax evasion souçons may end up giving the image of a fiercely against the US group.
Created in the aftermath of the Cahuzac affair, does not have the same sympathy capital, or in the same punching power. It’s “a little David against Goliath”, claimed Sunday its director, to present his case. The exploitation of the data entered, which could take “several months” or even “many years” could go “much faster” if investigators had at their disposal the most “successful”, Eliane Houlette regretted. The volume to be analyzed is “at least as important as Panama Papers perhaps even more,” she added. A comparison, unflattering, to mark the spirits.
The third fight is political. In an interview Sunday with Reuters and three European newspapers, the finance minister, Michel Sapin, warned that France would go “to the end” in this case Google, one of the most successful American entrepreneurial Web. “There will be no negotiations, we apply the law,” he said, ruling out any idea of agreement, such as happened with the British tax authorities, covering about 172 million euros. The amount of this adjustment had controversy in Britain. In France, the tax authorities would demand 1.6 billion to Google.
The government has not completed the challenge to the labor law: after fuels, the transport sector is preparing for a hectic week, from Monday, May 30, with strike calls, renewable, launched for reasons combining internal claims and opposition to the labor law, while the Euro football approach.
Fuels: the situation is improving
the situation has improved on the fuel front, with the release of almost all petroleum deposits, but disturbances persist. “There will be of the essence” Monday in the stations, assured Sunday, May 29 the government spokesman, Stéphane Le Foll.
Read also: work Act, vigilance on the fuel front after the meeting at Matignon
of the eight French refineries, four are still under arrest and two reduced rate. The strike was extended to oil terminals in Marseille and Le Havre, which feed Orly and Roissy kerosene. The government has nevertheless imposed a minimum service.
Strike at SNCF on Tuesday
opponents of the text does not have to give up, the Inter opposite the El Khomri law (CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF, LDIFs, UNL) that called “to amplify the mobilization “, before the national day of Action, June 14 By then, the mobilization will focus in transport.
At the station, where delicate negotiations on railway work time entering their final phase, the four representative trade unions (CGT, UNSA , SUD-Rail, CFDT) filed strike notice renewable from Tuesday night. Internal reasons, the CGT railway and SUD-Rail added opposition to labor law
Read also:. Labour Law: Government trapped in a calendar cursed
the unions hope to influence the negotiations to continue until June 6, just days before the kickoff, 10, of Euro Cup, which is the carrier SNCF official. “We will not prevent people from going to football matches but we need the government also wants to discuss. Everything between [their] hands “, launched Mr. Martinez
RATP. Of disruption expected from Thursday
for Parisians, difficulties are also expected from Thursday at the RATP, with a strike call “unlimited” of the CGT. The first union of the governed demand the reopening of annual wage negotiations and withdrawal from the labor bill. SOUTH RATP, third union force, has already called for
an indefinite strike from the launch of the Euro “against the labor law” and “questioning the status RATP” .
The affected air and port traffic
air traffic could also experience disruptions due to a strike at the Directorate General of civil Aviation (DGCA) held from June 3 to 5, for internal claims. Finally, in ports and docks, the CGT called for a work stoppage of twenty four o’clock on Thursday against the El Khomri law.
M . Valls refused to “give face a social movement”
on the government side, the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, promised Sunday to go ” to the end “ this text appears and build on the slowdown in the hardest social crisis of five years, which threatens the French economic recovery. “We are in a crucial moment” , has he assured the Sunday newspaper .
“This is the idea of reform is at stake. This is a clarification in unions, clarification on the left, a clarification in French society “, added the one who said he would not join ” the long list of (…) policies that have given up facing a social movement “. “If we give in to the street and to the CGT because we would be obsessed with short term [elections] 2017, there would be nothing” , fait- he argued
Read also:. Provisions of the project “Labour Act”
for the first time in two months, the Prime Minister has nevertheless called on Saturday the leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, who saw a is “a good sign” . Sunday night, he demanded the withdrawal of Article 2, “backbone” text that establishes the primacy of the company agreement on the branch agreement. “If the government says” parliamentary procedure is suspended, we discuss, we improved, “there is no problem. That’s what we said from the beginning “, he said, defending his position to influence
But the leader of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. – also contacted by Premier Saturday – asked him, the “maintenance of Article 2″ in “explaining the more” . The next parliamentary stage will take place in the Senate from June 13
a code name” operation Tulip “and a treaty folder ” offline “ to ensure ” absolute confidentiality “. Eliane Houlette, head of the national financial parquet (PNF), detailed, Sunday 29 May, the scenes of the tax fraud investigation Google to France
on 24 May 2016, magistrates assisted PNF police from the central Office of fight against corruption and financial and tax offenses (Oclciff) and computer experts have conducted searches at the headquarters of Google France.
in total, nearly a hundred people were able to collect a mass ” considerable “ data iT – “terabytes” – estimated the financial national prosecutor at the show “Le Grand Rendez-vous” Europe 1 – the World -. i-TV
Their exploitation will take ” several months, I hope it will not be many years, “ added Eliane Houlette, regretting that investigators do not have the ” extremely powerful software “ that would allow them to go ” many faster “
class=" text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) - sm Mt (0.8em) - sm canvas-atom " .="" data-type=" text " data-reactid=" ob1ef648z4 $ $ Col1-0-ContentCanvas-Proxy-$ Col1-0 ContentCanvas.0.4.0:.... $ 5 "> The searches were conducted in As part of a preliminary investigation opened June 16, 2015 following a complaint from the tax authorities. The survey “ aims to verify whether the company Google Ireland Ltd has a permanent establishment in France .” When a subsidiary of an Irish company is recognized as a “permanent establishment” in France, it is imposed by a regime similar to that of French companies. But Google, as almost all of the American giants whose headquarters is located in Ireland, leverages years of a specific provision of the tax treaty between Ireland and France.
” It was the biggest operation of PNF … “, Google is “even the biggest company in terms of capitalization in the world” . “A little David against Goliath …” , summed Eliane Houlette. The complaint was “treated in complete confidentiality, taking into account (…) Read more about
SNCF: traffic resumes Paris-Montparnasse station Sign up for newsletters from
A survey conducted for the JDD shows that only 13% of French people support conservation in the state of the labor law.
the Ifop poll for the Journal du Dimanche shows that the French are, if not hostile, confused about work bill led by the Minister Myriam El Khomri. It appears in fact that some 46% of respondents want the government to withdraw the bill work, and 40% want the project to be modified. They are only 13% want the bill to be kept in the state.
Among the supporters of the left, they are 51% want the withdrawal, while they are 41% Republicans and 68% in the National Front.
the French believe that the law will be changed
Despite these strong results, only 14% of respondents believe that the government will remove the project. The French seem so believe in the intransigence of Manuel Valls, whose firmness messages are multiplying. “There will be no withdrawal of the text,” he said again this Saturday when he met tankers and carriers to take stock of fuel supply in the country.
Still, in recent days, a number of “outs” policy in favor of a modification of the most controversial section of the Act, section 2, are things moving. Bruno Le Roux, president of the PS group in the National Assembly or Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance, proposed this week to reflect on this track. Despite the reframing of Manuel Valls, the French seem to believe it, since they are 57% think that the project will be kept with modifications, against 26% believe that the government will retain the law in the state.
the survey also shows that it is Article
2, which crystallizes the tensions: the question on the desired level of decision to determine the time working in companies, a majority (43%) prefer it to be by the labor code with few exceptions; 33% would like it to be determined by each company in an agreement and 22% would like a branch agreement
“SCAN THE ECO -. What it really contains the controversial Article 2 of the Labour Act
The bad opinion of Philippe Martinez
Another survey published today: to Odoxa for Le Parisien / Aujourd’hui en France Sunday. It shows that nearly seven out of ten French (67%) have a bad opinion of Philippe Martinez, the secretary general of the CGT, in the front line against the bill work, and at the initiative of the strike calls in several economic sectors. Among supporters of the left, they are 53% have a “good” opinion of the union leader, against 47% a “bad” opinion. The secretary general of the CGT is unanimously perceived as a protest (84%), politicized (75%), far from the realities of business (54%), not open to dialogue (65%) and not competent (58%).
Also in the survey, the question you personally do you support the opposition movement in the labor law, 53% of respondents answered “no”, 47% say the opposite.
“Philippe Martinez, the man who wants to put France knees
A code name “Tulip operation,” a treaty folder “offline”, all to ensure “absolute confidentiality” Eliane Houlette, Head of Financial National parquet (PNF), detailed Sunday backstage tax fraud investigation against Google France.
On May 24, magistrates PNF assisted by officers of the Central Office of fight against corruption and financial and tax offenses (Oclciff) and computer experts have conducted raids on the headquarters Google France.
In all, nearly a hundred people, who were able to collect a “considerable” mass of computer data – “terabytes” said the national financial prosecutor when issuing the “Great Rendezvous” Europe 1 / I-Tele / Le Monde .
“Fight of David against Goliath”
Their exploitation will take “several months, I hope it will not be for several years,” added Eliane Houlette, regretting that investigators do not have the “extremely powerful software” that would allow them to go “much faster”.
The searches were conducted as part of a preliminary inquiry June 16, 2015 after a complaint from the tax authorities. “It was the biggest operation of PNF …” noted the prosecutor, Google is “still the largest company in terms of capitalization in the world.” “A little David against Goliath …” said she summarized.
A confidential operation
complaint was “treated in complete confidentiality, given the activity of this company,” he told Eliane Houlette. “To ensure the complete confidentiality, we decided to give another name (in operation), ‘Tulipe’, never to utter the name Google,” she said.
In addition, with the tax authorities and investigators, “we worked out this folder only network offline (…) for almost a year, but only with a computer word processing “.
1.6 billion in back taxes
Would you like a trial? “Yes, of course … Once we commit investigations we hope that they come to an end and that people have a trial” to “make their case and we have ours,” a-t- she said.
“We respect French law and are cooperating fully with the authorities to answer their questions,” assured after recent searches a spokeswoman for Google France. The group is in the sights of Bercy for several years. A source close to the dossier had indicated in February that the tax authorities demanded 1.6 billion in back taxes to the US giant high-tech.
The Nobel of Economy acknowledges the unpopularity of the law El Khomri but calls for “making teaching” to reform the labor market.
for the Nobel Economy Jean Tirole, the AFP news agency interviewed, it is necessary that France reform its labor market by pedagogy.
In your book “Economy of the common good” (PUF), why do you say that unemployment is a societal choice?
“Our institutions not only create unemployment but also the discomfort. As the available jobs are CDD, CDI remains at the same job unless it satisfies the most (…) France is 129th in the world from the perspective of well-being at work. People are stuck in their jobs, or it is normal in life to change jobs, but it is very difficult in the absence of job creation permanent.
With technological changes, in 5-10 years, many jobs have disappeared or have changed in nature. Employers are increasingly reluctant to create jobs CDI current formula. I think tomorrow it will be even more the case. Currently, it is not in the interest of businesses to create permanent, so they abuse the CSD. But delete create massive unemployment. All governments use CSD and subsidized jobs to contain unemployment. This reduces the unemployment statistics, but it creates public debt and does not solve the problem
“” THE ECO SCAN. – In France, 70% of hires are for CSD … less than a month
What is the solution?
For me it is a whole system reform. I propose to maintain the current CDI for those who have one, but that all new contracts are under the new single contract regime (…) The idea is to create a new CDI playing on flexibility and on accountability.
We keep the judge in cases of abuse (…) but the economic decision of whether a job is justified economically returns to the company manager. The company must be empowered: it must pay compensation to the employee but also to unemployment insurance as a dismissal can be very costly to society. This is the principle of the polluter pays. Protect employees rather than protecting jobs
“SCAN THE ECO – duration, amount, ceiling …. Everything about the compensation of the unemployed in France
in this regard, the El Khomri bill he goes in the right
direction and it must be adopted by forceps?
I signed a forum in (his) favor because I thought that certain provisions were in the right direction. (…) It is true that half of our fellow citizens are still against the reform of the labor market (…) We must force himself to go beyond appearances, protect CDI is good, hand there are more, so it helps some people and left others to the door (…) is used too often patches, and finally 30 years later, it does not move. Worse, it gets worse.
Do you understand the revolt of a part of youth?
We are not very generous to young people. We let them global warming, high public debt, pensions are not funded, unemployment, expensive housing, a fairly efficient education system and involving strong inequalities: the French education system is an insider trading (. ..) It is not easy to be young today. Then “Night Stand” is a response to this malaise, the risk is that it remains in the realm of utopia, which would create new frustrations, anteroom populism.
“THE ECO SCAN – young people are 2.5 times poorer than the elderly
the government must resist it to pass its reform
we need to make? pedagogy and recall some fundamentals. Public expenditures were 35% of GDP during the 30 boom. Now they are 57%, we see the skid. Keep a quality public service, but we tend to confuse public service and number of staff. The public service is a result, it brings in terms of health, education, for example. It takes a lot of pedagogy and social consensus.
At all levels, social dialogue is terrible in France, the unionization rate is too low, it is necessary for people to be more involved. Eventually all discussions on El Khomri law are held with unions representing little French “
” SCAN THE ECO -.? 30 years of mass unemployment in France … Why “SCAN tHE ECO – Since 1975, France connects public deficits ” SCAN tHE ECO – French debt to 2.1 trillion why it’s serious