Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Holland: an “emergency plan for farmers” Wednesday Cabinet – Challenges.fr

The mediator agricultural trade relations will from this Tuesday, July 21 evening its report on the prices paid to farmers, with 24 hours notice, announced in the early morning the Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll.

“The mediator was to report tomorrow evening he will make tonight. We’ll go from there a discussion to see what to do to meet the target” price revaluation of beef and pork set in June, explained the Minister on France 2 .

The report, requested by the Minister, is to establish the responsibilities of industrial and retail, including the prices paid to cattle farmers, who have only slightly increased in recent weeks despite the . June 17 agreement between the professionals of the sector

Stéphane Le Foll also announced a series of meetings during the day: with the Prime Minister to decide on additional measures to support farmers, then with the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade on the issue of exports.

The details of the aid measures should be announced at the cabinet meeting Wednesday, said the minister’s office.

M. Le Foll pointed out that the livestock problem should be resolved at “national” level, while the Norman breeders claim his coming to lift their blockades.

Discontent gaining ground

The Caen device, for the second consecutive day, and the main access to the town of Evreux were blocked Tuesday morning by ranchers angry, so that at the Mont-Saint-Michel, new dams were being implemented, according to the FDSEA.

Caen ring road is completely blocked, are we informed the Regional Traffic Information Centre.

Breeders which had risen in the night the dams around Mont-Saint-Michel, one of the most visited tourist sites in France were in the process of organizing new, shortly before 9:00, do we have learned from the FDSEA Channel.

The demonstrators, protesting against the low prices of their products, also raised roadblocks on several roads and highways, including the N12 (filtering dam height of Pacé in the Orne) or the A84 motorway between Caen and Rennes, according to PIRC.

The RN 13 between Cherbourg and Saint-Lô was also closed at the height of Saint-Hilaire-Petitville (Manche).

Evreux, Eure Breeders blocked Tuesday morning with tractors the main access routes to the city, preventing vehicles from entering the capital of the department, is it learned from farmers and prefecture.

“We have set up five Evreux bottlenecks with a hundred tractors,” he told AFP Amaury Lévesque, President of Young Farmers Eure (JA27).

“We have also spilled manure on platforms unloading large areas,” he added.

Evreux (51,000 inhabitants) is thus the second largest city in Normandy to be blocked by breeders after Caen (Calvados)

A delegation of farmers must be received by the prefect of the Eure, Rene Bidal. to 9:00, Mr. Lévesque has indicated, information confirmed by the prefecture.

“A meeting is planned in the framework of the constant and sustained dialogue between the prefect and the agricultural world,” t- is shown in the prefecture.

“There is no incident but the traffic starts to be very difficult,” does one added.

The blockages could be up at 10:00, says one side of farmers. “But we could keep filtants dams, said the president of JA27.

The breeders, who have stepped up activities in recent weeks, since Monday demanding the coming of Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll in Caen.

The latter offered them to receive on Thursday in Paris, when he has read the report that the prices mediator it has appointed, must give Wednesday at 17:00.

In the southwest, about thirty dairy farmers block using tractors access to Lascaux II, a replica of the original since 1983 Lascaux cave paintings and visited by 250,000 people by year.

Dairy farmers said they would be joined in the morning by ranchers and intend to continue blocking “at least all day”, they told an AFP correspondent .

In the Landes, the Young Farmers (JA) plan to invest in the day of supermarkets to inform customers on the traceability of products.

(with AFP)


The breeders of anger spreads


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