Monday, July 27, 2015

The number of job seekers is stabilizing in June – TF1

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the July 27, 2015 at 17:51, updated the July 27, 2015 at 18:00.

 logo employment pole

<- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb003 - Tue, 28 Jul 2015 1:04:07 -> <- Word-cl é!!! MSB: jobs (id: 1923) ->

See also

Unemployment, Employment <- Time g & eacute; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI: 0726 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / Blc = 175,148.628, R, prdfriapp002 -> <- Blc = 167866! "lci / TF1NewsWidgets" ->

Situation After a sharp rise in May The number of job seekers has remained virtually stable in June (1300 people or 0.0%). Last month, France had 3,553,500 unemployed.
The unemployment has not increased last month as the number of applicants for job has barely budged (1300 people, or 0 , 0%). In June, there were 3,553,500 persons who have carried on any business activity in the metropolis. The Government interprets this as a sign stagnation of the recovery as announced. “Changes in the number of job seekers, however, must be analyzed in the long run, since 1 January 2015, its downturn is encouraging: 8800 + per month on average, twice less than in the second half 2014, “the Ministry of Labour.

However, youth unemployment is known him a significant decline (-6,200 persons or -1.1%). A figure the government is welcomed. “This reflects the success of the devices that we have implemented to support young people in difficulty to employment (jobs of the future, young Guarantee),” says the Ministry of Labour. In contrast, the number of job seekers over 50 years continues to grow (5000 people, or + 0.6%).

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