Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of the environmental tax: agreement between the State and Ecomouv ‘of 839 million … – TF1

End of the environmental tax: agreement between the State and Ecomouv 'of 839 million … – TF1

The state and the private company Ecomouv ‘, which was originally in charge of collecting the environmental tax finally abandoned by the government, have reached an agreement of 839 million euros compensation for breach of contract.

“The state plans to fix that in 10 years: a first payment of EUR 580-590 million by the end of February 2015 and 30 million euros yearly over 10 years” told AFP the CGT of Ecomouv Olivier Kamiri, confirming a report in the RMC radio.

The state and Ecomouv ‘had until December to agree on the penalties to avoid going to litigation on this point. However “Ecomouv always has the opportunity to go to litigation” against the state in the future, as the € 839 million are “a part of remedies” against the shortfall on the exploitation of environmental levy set in the original contract Ecomouv, which was “2.5 billion euros” in total, warned Mr Kamiri.

Ecomouv had announced on December 9 cessation of its activity and the dismissal of its 200 employees following the decision of the State on October 30 to terminate his contract with the company.

Some 150 employees Ecomouv ‘are based in Metz, where the company had installed its operational center.

“No new state”

Under the agreement reached with the state “Ecomouv ‘ will be a little less bloodless “financially, as the company should” provision more money for social, so we hope that the PSE will be correct, “added Mr. Kamiri.
” We have no new state “has instead criticized the union, while the end of November while traveling in Lorraine Francois Hollande had received unions Ecomouv ‘Metz and promised them a state support, including a guarantee a year’s wages.

According to Kamiri, the State does not have the intention to go beyond legal obligations backup plan of employment (PSE). Contacted by AFP, the Ministry of the Environment was not immediately available for comment.

Wall Street ends 2014 on a technical decline in small exchanges – Le Point

Wall Street ends 2014 on a technical decline in small exchanges – Le Point

Wall Street ended down Wednesday as weak trade encouraged volatility on the eve of a closed session for the New Year: the Dow Jones yielded 0.89% and the Nasdaq 0, 87%.

According to final results, the index Dow Jones Featured lost 160.00 points 17,823.07 points and the Nasdaq, dominated by technology, 41.39 points 4,736.05 Points .

The broader S & amp; P 500, often favored by investors, it has declined by 1.03% or 21.45 points 2,058.90 Points

. During the first half of the session, the Stock Exchange of New York has just rebounded Tuesday after a fall, but it is again oriented in the red just after noon and increased its drop just before closing.

Like yesterday, “it is primarily a technical downturn, without changing the basic elements” who encouraged a sharp rise in indices since mid-December, said Peter Cardillo of Rockwell Global Capital .

Actions are “sold at the last minute, at the end of the year,” and variations are accentuated by “the low volume of trade,” he said.

In this lively little context, the market reacted little to the last

series of US indicators of the year, a rise in weekly jobless claims in the US, a decline in economic activity the Chicago area in December and rebound as expected housing sales promises in the country last month.

The set did not change the economic strength image American, “the first two digits were a little disappointing, but home sales are frankly good,” Peter Cardillo found.

In addition, Wall Street had to digest “the ever-present pressure on prices crude oil, “noted the experts at Charles Schwab.

Oil prices have indeed completed the year with a further decline after experiencing their worst year since 2008, sealed by a global offer black gold superabundant and gloomy demand outlook.

The bond market was rising. The yield on 10-year Treasury fell to 2.170% against 2.190% Friday night, and that good for 30 years at 2.749% against 2.758% previously.

31/12/2014 22 : 29: 28 – New York, December 31, 2014 (AFP) – © 2014 AFP


End of the environmental tax: the State will pay 800 million euros to … – Le Parisien

End of the environmental tax: the State will pay 800 million euros to … – Le Parisien

December 31 2014, 7:29 p.m. | Updated: December 31 2014, 10:10 p.m.

On the same subject

The state will pay 403 million euros in compensation Ecomouv to society ‘, said a government source. To this amount, add forty million per year for ten years, which correspond to bank debt taken over by the state.

However, the Government nuance that cost, highlighting the 210 million euros a year would have touched Ecomouv ‘for the next ten years, a total of about two billion euros, taken from environmental tax revenue.

The CGT of Ecomouv Olivier Kamiri had previously indicated that the agreement was about 839 million, with a first payment of EUR 580-590 million by end of February 2015 and 30 million euros per year for 10 years.

The government had decided to terminate the partnership agreement with Ecomouv ‘in October 2011 under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, announced on 30 October to Senate Secretary of State for Transport Alain Vidal. “It’s a big mess,” had he himself acknowledged, regretting not being able to put in place an infrastructure financing system by the carriers.

Initially Ecomouv had in Load all the management of the environmental tax was to be applied to road transport. But this tax was suspended in spring 2013 following the movement of anger especially red Hats Breton and motor carrier and its

abandonment by Ségolène Royal, in early October 2014, a decision that provoked much criticism.

This is “a portion of compensation”

The state and Ecomouv ‘had until December to agree on these penalties avoid going to litigation on this point. However “Ecomouv ‘always has the option to go to litigation” against the state in the future, because the 839 million euros are “a part of compensation” facing the shortfall on the exploitation of environmental levy set in the original contract Ecomouv, which was “2.5 billion euros” in total, warned the union CGT.

Ecomouv had announced on December 9 cessation of its activity and dismissal of its approximately 200 employees, of which 150 are based in Metz (Moselle), where the company had installed its operational center.

Under the agreement reached with the State “Ecomouv ‘will be a little less bloodless” financially, as the company should “provision more money for social, so we hope that the PSE will be correct” said Olivier Kamiri. He said the state would not have intended to go beyond the legal obligations plan safeguarding employment (PSE).

On Twitter, the UMP n has not failed to react:

& gt; Stay informed! Register for free to newsletters and alerts Parisien


Wednesday, December 31: the Paris Stock Exchange ended the year up – Le Point

Wednesday, December 31: the Paris Stock Exchange ended the year up – Le Point

The Paris Bourse has gained ground Wednesday (+ 0.64%) after a shortened session and little animated this holiday season, finishing at the same time one year 2014 morose. The CAC 40 index took 27.21 points 4 272.75 points in a very small trade volume of 539 million euros. Over the whole of 2014, it lost 0.54%. The Paris market has regained color during this half-session after having fallen sharply the day before (- 1.68%). The exchanges were very limited, most investors were absent for the holiday season, especially as the Paris Stock Exchange will remain closed doors Thursday 1 January and will reopen on Friday.

“This is a day especially with very calm European markets. At the end of the year, volumes are small and light enough economic agenda,” said Alexander Baradez, an analyst at IG France. “There are some arbitrage portfolios, but it is not enough to give a real trend,” he said. The Paris market puts an end to a rather gloomy year, during which it has stood still after rising sharply in 2012 and 2013. Investors have worried turns of the crisis in Ukraine, weak growth in the euro zone, the sharp fall in oil prices and recently a renewed political uncertainty in Greece.

mixed performance for European markets

The performance is mixed across all European markets, in contrast to Wall Street that evolves over High in its history after beating record after record this year, including taking advantage of a strong new growth in the US. “The year was held in two phases, with a first relatively quiet half and a second much more volatile with oil drop and the political crisis in Greece,” observed Alexander Baradez. Overall, it was a year “full of events and uncertainties”, when in 2015 is about to begin, according to an analyst, for which investors will remain very attentive to the situation in Greece and evolution oil prices, hoping a lot of the European Central Bank (ECB).

“2015 promises to be a year full of promises … but also pitfalls. (…) The situation in Greece and the price of oil will be red son next January, “notice for their part the managers at Barclays Exchange. The markets in Europe were kept afloat largely thanks to the very generous monetary policy of the ECB and speculation that she could do more early 2015


Abandonment of environmental tax: the State will pay 839 million euros … – Le Figaro

Abandonment of environmental tax: the State will pay 839 million euros … – Le Figaro

As announced Le Figaro on December 26, the state plans to address these benefits to the company over ten years to help get the pill from the public opinion.

They had until Wednesday night to get along. The state and the private company Ecomouv ‘, initially responsible for collecting environmental tax that was eventually abandoned by the government have reached agreement on 839 million euros in compensation for breach of contract, said a union source. “The state has planned to settle this over 10 years: the first settlement 580-590 million euros by the end of February 2015, then 30 million euros a year over 10 years,” said the CGT of Ecomouv Olivier Kamiri.

Questioned by AFP, a government source said on his part that the state would pay 403 million euros of the company to benefit Ecomouv ‘and that this amount add forty million per year for ten years, which correspond to bank debt taken over by the state. However, the Government nuance that cost, highlighting the 210 million euros a year would have touched Ecomouv ‘for the next ten years, a total of about two billion euros, taken from the environmental tax revenue.

As noted from Le Figaro last week, the government had not found the scheme to reduce its rating, but to make it more acceptable to the public. A very profitable arrangement for the Minister of Ecology Segolene Royal, since it will be able to say that this break does not cost him 839 million provided but less than 600 million … without insisting on

the 30 million to pay for the next nine years.

The enclosures installed in trucks will be taken over by Ecomouv ‘, while the gantries installed on French roads belong to the state, who is studying a possible reallocation of this material. However “Ecomouv ‘always has the option to go to litigation” against the state in the future, because the 839 million euros are “a part of compensation” facing the shortfall on the exploitation of environmental levy set in the original contract Ecomouv, which was “2.5 billion euros” in total, warned Olivier Kamiri.

The private company announced on December 9, the cessation of its activity and the dismissal of its 200 employees following the decision of the State on October 30, to terminate his contract with the company. Some 150 employees Ecomouv ‘are based in Metz, where the company had installed its operational center. Through this agreement, “Ecomouv ‘will be a little less bloodless” financially, as the company should “provision more money for social, so we hope that the PSE will be correct,” said Olivier Kamiri Wednesday. But the state does not have the intention to go beyond legal obligations, he laments, stating he had “no new state”, while the end of November while traveling in Lorraine, François Hollande had received unions Ecomouv ‘Metz and promised their support, including a warranty of one year’s salary.

(With AFP)


Highways: contracts will not be terminated in 2016, the … – Boursorama

Highways: contracts will not be terminated in 2016, the … – Boursorama

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls (d) in discussion with a homeless December 31, 2014 in Montrouge, near Paris (AFP / Bertrand Guay)

The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls (d) in discussion with a homeless December 31, 2014 in Montrouge, near Paris (AFP / Bertrand Guay)

Prime Minister Manuel Valls declined to decide in haste on the future motorway concessions, renouncing termination in 2016 and a floor loading working group on two scenarios, termination or renegotiation in 2017.

This working group will be set up in January with a dual mission. The first will examine the proposals made to the government on December 22 by the motorway companies.

These proposals include “significant progress,” the prime minister said, adding that “the negotiation n ‘ is completed and the proposals need further improvement review the terms and consequences of early termination of contracts “and” compare two scenarios “

The second mission will be to.” renegotiation or termination of contracts 1 January 2017, “explains Manuel Valls.

” The working group may propose, if necessary, amendments to the bill for the growth and activity, for its first review reading in the National Assembly, “he said

The Association of French motorway companies (ASFA) could not be reached Wednesday

-.. Put the dish concessions –

December 31, 2014 was the deadline for termination of contract applicable from 1 January 2016

The government will therefore waited until the last moment to make its decision, announced by. a letter from the Prime Minister the member (PS) Jean-Paul Chanteguet, rapporteur of an information mission had called in mid-December, termination of contracts.

In addition, 152 Socialist deputies had Manuel Valls wrote to demand redemption of motorway concessions.

“The government shares your analysis regarding the need to overhaul motorway concessions, which were privatized in 2006 by the Villepin government without that ‘precautions have been taken to preserve the interests of the state in the long term, “said Manuel Valls in his letter.

The government and dealers began in the fall of negotiations after publication of reports of the Competition Authority, which denounced a situation of “annuity”, and the Court of Auditors,

which was also made of the unbalanced nature of the contracts.

Manuel Valls, who received dealerships in October, says that “the government is determined to remedy this situation and to implement the recommendations of the Court of Auditors and the Competition Authority.”

“The Bill for the growth and activity which will be considered in the month of January by the National Assembly contains provisions to this effect, “he says again

-. ‘Better regulation tolls’ –

Among the friction topics include the tolls, which should increase from 0.57% to 1 February, as part of the annual increases planned in the concession contracts

Without directly addressing this increase, Manuel Valls said that “the government’s objectives are better regulation of tolls to preserve the purchasing power of motorists, the rebalancing of profit sharing and a system involvement motorway concessions to finance the country’s transportation infrastructure. “

He added that” the pursuit of negotiations for a few weeks at most should help give every opportunity to achieve the best possible solution. “

Dealers ensure that profitability is well below 20% or more raised because it must be calculated over the entire concession period is thirty years.

But the state could set a profitability ceiling, beyond which their profits are donated to him, and could, in turn, make up some of the shortfall in the event of lower traffic.

Companies dealers operate 9,048 km of French motorways, existing 11,882. Subsidiaries for most French giant BTP Eiffage (APPR and Area) and Vinci (ASF, Cofiroute and Escota) and the Spanish Abertis (Sanef and AWS), they exploit concessions until 2027-2033.


A smartphone on two Christmas was offered an iPhone – BBC

A smartphone on two Christmas was offered an iPhone – BBC

The success of the iPhone 6, launched in September, is therefore confirmed. The American brand far exceeds its nearest competitor, Samsung which has enabled him 17.7% of phones during the holidays.

In its hood, the Santa had thousands of toys, but also a large shipment of iPhone. More than one phone on two activated the Christmas week was made by Apple, says Flurry analysis site. With 51% of smartphones purchased for the holidays, the American brand far exceeds its nearest competitor, Samsung. Korean accounts for only 17.7% of activated phones 19 to 25 December. Nokia – Mobile trademark of Microsoft – is 5.8% in the third position of a market that is then highly fragmented. Xiaomi, Huawei and HTC, three popular brands in East Asia, less than 1% of phones placed under the tree, in part because of the Christmas tradition is less strong in this region.

The success of the iPhone 6, launched in September, is confirmed by the figures. Christmas 2014 is thus a good year for phablets , these large phones including the iPhone 6 or more Samsung Galaxy Note IV. XXL smartphones, which accounted for 4% of phones and tablets

sold for Christmas 2013, increased to 13% of activations for Christmas Flurry analysis.

This news comes at a time of a balance in the battle between Apple and Google for dominance in the mobile market. And if Android, the Google operating system continues to gain market share, manufacturers that use it are struggling to make profits. Struggling on the high-end Samsung announced a drop in profits in the third quarter. The margins of the Chinese Xiaomi are still weak and Sony as Motorola have lost money with their Android phones, says the site specializes Re / code.

Google makes no direct revenues on its mobile operating system, but Android allows the company to keep users on its ecosystem. While some companies do not see the profits come in and continue to build Android phones, this could become a problem for Google’s mobile strategy. Also, remember Re / code, more and more smartphones using the open-source version of Android, which uses the code developed by Google, but not all of the brand’s services. Another weakness against the ultra-locked Apple ecosystem.


Highways: the possible termination of the concessions extended to 2017 – Les Echos

Highways: the possible termination of the concessions extended to 2017 – Les Echos

+ DOC Prime Minister announced Wednesday the creation in early January of a working group, which will be responsible for the floor on two reform scenarios, namely a renegotiation or termination 1 January 2017 contracts


Article (s) associated (s)

Prime Minister Manuel Valls announced Wednesday the creation in early January of a working group on highways, which will be responsible for the floor on two reform scenarios, namely a renegotiation or termination of January 1 2017 contract and waiving any termination in 2016.

This working group will also consider a “comprehensive proposal” of motorway managers, shed 22 December the government, Manuel Valls said in a letter to the PS deputy Jean-Paul Chanteguet, who had advocated mid-December termination of contracts.

This “first comprehensive proposal” motorway companies includes “significant progress” but still to be “improved”, said the Prime Minister, without

further details, saying seeing “the result of the balance of power established by the government and parliamentarians.” The working group will prepare proposals “before any decision of the government,” said Mr. Valls again.

Better regulation tolls

The head of government ensures that the goal is to achieve “better regulation of tolls to preserve the purchasing power of motorists, the rebalancing of profits and participation” of the motorway concession the financing of transport infrastructure.

The government has for several weeks of intense discussions with the motorway companies and had until Thursday to decide on a possible cancellation their concession contracts at January 1, 2016

VIEW Mail Manuel Valls to Jean-Paul Chanteguet:

<- sdvenc-.! ->

With AFP

Lithuania became the 19th country in the euro zone – Boursorama

Lithuania became the 19th country in the euro zone – Boursorama

An information panel on the euro in a bank in Vilnius, December 27, 2014, to five days of the passage of the country to the European single currency (AFP / Petras MALUKAS)

information panel on the euro in a bank in Vilnius, December 27, 2014, to five days of the passage of the country to the European single currency (AFP / Petras MALUKAS)

Lithuania Password Thursday the euro in the hope of strengthening its security, challenging both the fears of price increases than the evils of the single currency area.

At midnight (2200 GMT), it will become the 19th member of the euro area, while the leaders of the three Baltic countries withdraw the first European distributor bills and fireworks greet the event in the sky of Vilnius.

completing the accession of the three former Soviet republics in the single currency – Estonia had adopted in 2011 and Latvia in 2014 – Lithuania sees “a symbol of a more integrated economic and political with the West, “said President Dalia Grybauskaite.

” This symbolically marks the final stage of our integration in the European Union, and represents our security, not only economic but also policy, “she said in a statement released by his office.

Map of the eurozone and Lithuania, with key indicators in the country (AFP / S. Ramis / E. Tôn, S. Ramis / E. Ton)

Map of euro area and Lithuania, with key indicators in the country (AFP / S. Ramis / E. Tôn, S. Ramis / E. Tôn)

The event coincides with the statement the role of the younger members of the EU: the former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk chairs in recent weeks the European Council, while Latvia is January 1st the EU’s rotating presidency

. the Baltic countries, out of a half-century of Soviet occupation in the early 90s, joined the EU and NATO in 2004.

Today, they observe with concern the political Kremlin in Ukraine and the intensified activity of the Russian armed forces near their borders

-. 53% –

According to a survey published in November by the central bank on three million inhabitants, some 53% support the transition to the euro and 39% against.

The Lithuanian Finance Minister Rimantas Sadzius recently estimated in a statement to AFP that “reasons security are among the causes of popular support for the euro. “

For the lawyer of 26 years Karolis Turcinavicius, the benefits are obvious. The euro “leads to greater integration with the EU and makes travel easier,” he said.

But the retired Danute Petkeviciene remains skeptical. “The euro will not increase our pensions and our salaries, it will raise the prices,” she said outside the headquarters of the central bank as a clock displays the countdown.

” We will see prices rise in the next six months,

“provides another resident of Vilnius, in front of a bus stop decorated with a large poster:” The euro arrives in Lithuania “

A poster in a store in Vilnius with the price in litas and euros on December 27, 2014, five days before the country's transition to the single European currency (AFP / Patras MALUKAS)

A poster in a shop in Vilnius with the price in litas and euros on December 27, 2014, five days before the country’s transition to the single European currency (AFP / Patras MALUKAS)

The accession of Lithuania will impact the voting modalities in the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB), where four countries instead of three will now be forced to refrain monthly turns .

The Baltic country joined the euro area a few days after the announcement of early parliamentary Greece who fear a new start of the debt crisis.

Vilnius has pledged hundreds of millions of euros to the European rescue fund to help indebted countries south.

“These commitments are a big load and increase our debt. We should push our membership,” thinks the financial analyst Valdemaras Katkus.

The government insists on the positive experience of Estonia and Latvia.

The litas was pegged to the Euro since 2002 and Vilnius had the leap between the two currencies in 2007 but the crisis has delayed everything and imposed an austerity policy. This has led many Lithuanians to seek work abroad, especially in Britain, while contributing to revive the Lithuanian economy that is experiencing more growth than the major countries of Western Europe .

The European party Wednesday evening will be marked by video projections in major cities while the bars guests can enjoy “euro cocktails” – without alcohol.

Prudente, the central bank recommended Lithuanians to source banknotes: payment cards may not work for a few hours

In Brussels, a huge. banner was hung on the building of the European Commission, with the image of one euro coin adorned with the Lithuanian national emblem, a knight with a sword and a shield. “Welcome to Lithuania in the euro area,” she said in English, Lithuanian, French and Flemish.


Birth of a Chinese giant rail weighing 21.4 billion euros – the

Birth of a Chinese giant rail weighing 21.4 billion euros – the

A new company able to compete with Germany’s Siemens and Canada’s Bombardier. Two of the biggest Chinese train manufacturers, Crown corporations China CNR Corp. and CSR Corp., will merge, announced on 30 December the official news agency Xinhua , citing an announcement by the new entity on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The 21st Century Business Herald reported that the new entity would be called “China Railway Rolling Stock Group”.

At the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the action of China CNR Corp. climbed Wednesday, December 31, 45%, to 11.12 Hong Kong dollars (1.18 euro), while the title of CSR Corp. took more than 32% to 10.44 Hong Kong dollars (1.11 euro).

Each of the two sets of Chinese manufacturers is valued at approximately $ 13 billion (10.7 billion euros ), the capitalization of CSR being slightly higher. The details of the merger were not, however, available immediately, although this approach has been the subject of

speculation for months.

According to Xinhua , this merger will emerge a society of billions of dollars in revenue when China is seeking markets for its high-speed trains. According to official media, the merger would also help to prevent “cut-throat” competition when the two manufacturers should export their trains.

CSR was part of a consortium that won a contract 3.75 dollars miliards to build a high-speed train in Mexico in November. But that contract had to be canceled because of questions concerning the legality of the auction process. CNR has meanwhile won a contract for the construction of a subway in Boston in the US

& gt;. & Gt; Go further The new champions China export prepare

Article published on 30/12 at 18:48, updated on 31/12 at 9:50.


Stamp, gasoline, transportation … all rate changes … 1 – TF1

Stamp, gasoline, transportation … all rate changes … 1 – TF1

The patch, gas, parking, train tickets or metro tickets .. that 1 January 2015 resulting in significant tariff changes. MYTF1News you lists:

The stamp goes to 0.76 euros

  • Rates train up 2.6%

On December 26, SNCF announced a rate increase of 2.6% maximum depending on the type of ticket and train (outline, intercity, TER). This increase mainly relates tickets full leisure fare on the TGV and Intercity mandatory reservation. However, the train does not plan to increase the prices of discount cards, Prem’s tickets, reservations or student subscriptions, students and apprentices.

  • Metro Tickets and subscriptions in Ile-de-France: + 2.9 to + 4.3%

On December 10, 2014, the Transport Union of Ile-de-France (STIF) voted an average rate increase of the Paris metro 2.9%. The book of 10 tickets will go from 13.70 to 14.10 euros. The Navigo subscription for travel in zones 1 and 2 increase to its share by 4.3% to reach 70 euros monthly. And pending the single price of the subscription, scheduled for September 2015.

Taxis: + 1%

A taxi will be increased by 1% from 1 January. Taking change will involve minimal cost 7 euros.

Parking in Paris: 4 euros an hour!

The price to park in the capital this January 1st jump. In the first 11 districts of the capital, rates go to 4 euros per hour. In XII boroughs XX, they spend 2.40 euros (instead of 1.20 €). Also the parking is paying the evening until 20h (instead of 19h), Saturday and August. Finally, for the residents, the parking card is not free (45 euros or 90 euros per year for three years and 1.50 euros per day instead of 0.65 euro).

He declined slightly in 2014 but increase by 1.8% in January 2015. gas prices Natural regulated by the State are indexed, since this summer, more on the market price on the price of oil. Thus, if the government had simply apply the formula currently in force, the Energy Regulatory Commission considered that the gas price should fall by 0.6%. However, the domestic tax on the consumption of natural gas (TICGN), to be paid by households heating with gas from April 1, will increase from 1.27 euros per megawatt hour in 2014 to 2.64 in 2015. Given a little more than double. Result: + 1.8% increase in gas prices.

  • Fuels: between 2.4 and 4.4 cents per liter

If the general trend is to lower hydrocarbon prices, the price per liter at the pump will still experience a tax increase of 2.4 to 4.4 euro cents. The reason: the domestic consumption tax (TICPE) rose 2 cents to compensate for the abandonment of the eco-tax on trucks. Meanwhile, diesel consumers will be doubly pained as around 2.4 euro cents will be collected from each liter of diesel consumed what, for them, will represent a total increase of 4.4 cents per liter. A new tax directly linked to the climate-energy contribution, the famous carbon tax, introduced in late 2013.

  • Electricity: around 2.5%

For now, the rate of increase in electricity tariffs is not completely defined. Prices had already been relieved of almost 2% in November. EDF must benefit, by decision of the State Council, a new catch after freeze of 2012. Furthermore, the Contribution to the Public Electricity Service (CSPE) will increase by 3 euros per megawatt hour to reach 19, 5 euros, an increase of 18%. In the end, on average across all taxes, electricity price forecast to increase by 2.5%.
Increases in gas, electricity and fuel from 1 January 2015

  • Insurance: up to 5%

According to data compiled by the business newspaper Les Echos, the insurance rates are expected to increase in 2015 and for the fifth consecutive year. Car side, it will provide for contributions from 0% (MAAF, MAIF and Matmut has announced a freeze on prices) and 2.6% more expensive. Housing insurance side, property and casualty contracts should cost between 2 and 5% more than in 2014. In terms of health complementary, mutual, rates will increase by 2 to 3%.

Le Monde to 2.20 euros, Le Figaro to 2 euros, release 1 80 euros … Let increases of 10, 11 and 6% for the headlines of the national daily press. A rate increase implemented to try once again to offset the decline in newspaper sales in kiosks.

  • Audiovisual fee: 136 euros

It increases of 3 euros that January 1 is + 2.25% in the metropolis.

The Tylenol – 42%

As of January 2, 2015, will be sold on doliprane 1 12 euros against 1.95 euros currently. A decrease of 42%. The goal is to standardize rates paracetamols. A single price of 1.08 euros should even be set up in November. The Tylenol, marketed by Sanofi, is one of the most prescribed painkillers in France. This dramatic drop was a promise from the government. The Health Minister Marisol Touraine had announced in February at the National Assembly.

The minimum wage: + 0.8%, the RSA: + 0.9%

January 2015 does not rhyme only with rate increases. The SMIC passes 9.61 euros gross per hour or 1,457.52 euros gross per month (+ 0.8%). Income active solidarity “base” will be revalued by 0.9% from 509.30 euros to 513.88 euros, according to a decree published in the Official Gazette of 26 December. This increase corresponds to inflation in 2015.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

CNR / CSR: train manufacturers rose after confirmation … –

CNR / CSR: train manufacturers rose after confirmation … –

CNR / CSR: train manufacturers rose after confirmation of their merger

Shanghai (awp / afp) – Securities trains Chinese manufacturers CNR and CSR were up sharply Wednesday at the Hong Kong stock exchanges and Shanghai, after the confirmation of their merger to create an industry giant.

In Hong Kong, the action of China CNR Corp. rose 43% to 10.94 HKD, while the rise of CSR Corp. as exceeded 32%, reaching 10.44 HKD in trade in the morning.

In Shanghai, where the two groups are also quoted, the course of action CNR has risen to 7 , 10 CNY and the CSR to 6.38 CNY, the two firms reaching the maximum increase of 10% set by the financial market.

CNR and CSR, state-controlled, produce cars and locomotives for the Chinese rail network, and their merger aims to create a giant capable of exporting Chinese technology high-speed rail.

Their reconciliation is also supposed to prevent competition too “stiff” in the domestic market had explained the end of October the official media.

The Xinhua news agency said Tuesday that the two state companies would “merge into a new company,” citing an announcement by the . new entity on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

The 21st Century Business Herald reported that the new entity would be called “China Railway Rolling Stock Group”

The merger will

close parenthesis. CSR and CNR are from the same manufacturer of rail vehicles, which had emancipated in 2000 of the Ministry of Railways before splitting.

China has the world’s longest network of high-speed lines, the insolent growth and should reach 16,000 km in 2020.

Beijing is now seeking to expand its home technologies outside its borders.

The mastodon resulting from the merger could hope to compete abroad Germany’s Siemens and Canada’s Bombardier.

CNR had already obtained in October a contract to supply trains Boston Toll Network (USA) .

However, CSR suffered a setback with the recent cancellation of a tender for a bullet train project to 3.75 billion USD in Mexico, he won first time within a consortium

afp / jh

(AWP / 31.12.2014 6:25).

(AWP / 31.12.2014 6:25) ^ ->

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Eight flights from Toulouse are canceled today and tomorrow

                             Eight flights from Toulouse are canceled today and tomorrow

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The low cost airline easyJet has canceled 30% of its flights today in France and 26% Thursday because of a new two-day strike conducted by its hostesses and stewards French, a week . after the previous

The British group confirmed yesterday the cancellation of 70 flights of 166 to 31 December 38 from Paris, 20 flights from Lyon, Toulouse 4, six 2 Nice and Lille. 68 out of 192 scheduled flights will be canceled Thursday: 8 to 18 to Orly and Charles de Gaulle. In addition, 16 flights will not depart from Nice, Lyon 22 and 4 flights will be canceled from Toulouse.

SNPNC-FO and Unac unions are protesting against instability schedules and down 25 % of annual bonuses distributed in the form of shares to employees. Management would, she said, explained to all French employees via the intranet she would not give up the decline of the annual bonus, determined due to poor rates of “satisfaction” of customers. An argument strongly denounced by the unions, which is unfair consideration of this criterion in the calculation of bonuses.

“EasyJet is doing everything possible to minimize the impact of the strike for its passengers” ensures the company said in a statement yesterday. “Passengers whose flights are affected by the strike are being contacted” and “may be refunded in full or make a new reservation without charge to reorganize their movements,” she says.

Directorate unions have resumed talks Tuesday afternoon during a conference call, but without success.


EasyJet strike: Insights on Wednesday traffic – Europe1

EasyJet strike: Insights on Wednesday traffic – Europe1

Europe 1

Europe 1

After the strike of 25 and 26 December, unions aircrew of EasyJet ( Unac and SNPNC) decided to renew their movement on 31 December and 1 January.

ALSO SEE – EasyJet: Does the payroll depend on the feedback?

70 flights canceled Wednesday . While 166 flights will be operated by the company in France on Wednesday, 70 flights will be canceled. In detail in Ile-de-France, 14 flights will be canceled from Orly

and 24 from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle. The province is also affected with 20 flights canceled from Lyon, 4 from Toulouse, Nice and 6 2 Lille. Flights will also be reprogrammed.

68 cancellations planned Thursday. By 1 December, the company announced that it will provide 192 flights will be canceled and 68, including 8 of Orly and Charles de Gaulle 18. In addition, 16 flights will not depart from Nice, 22 from Lyon and finally, 4 flights will be canceled from Toulouse.

repaid Tickets . “EasyJet is doing everything possible to minimize the impact of the strike for its passengers,” says the company in a statement Tuesday. “Passengers whose flights are affected by the strike are being contacted” and “may be refunded in full or make a new reservation without charge to reorganize their movements,” she says.

Claims. The majority union SNPNC-FO sailors and the Unac demanding better schedule management. They also want greater participation in profits while the shareholding company (the distribution of shares to employees) within EasyJet fell 25%. Finally, they ask “creating an incentive payment to benefits worthy huge profits made by EasyJet,” said Laurent Nicolas of SNPNC-FO.


Toulouse-Blagnac Airport: Suspension Request … –

Toulouse-Blagnac Airport: Suspension Request … –

The judge of the State Council Tuesday, December 30 rejected the request for suspension of the “privatization” of the airport Toulouse -Blagnac made by opponents the project, saying that “no serious doubt” does not exempt state “the legality of the administrative decision”

Elected Midi-Pyrenees, several unions (FSU and Solidaires) and associations local residents had demanded Monday the Council of State to suspend the “privatization” of the airport, denouncing “excessive power” of the state.

According to them, the State would have missed transparency, violated certain provisions of the specifications in the tender and took the final decision harmful to the interests of the region and the aviation industry including a flagship, the Airbus Group, is headquarters in Toulouse .

A setback for the objectors

But the judge of the State Council, ” none of the arguments raised by the applicants is, in the state of education, such as to raise serious doubts “about” the legality of the procedure followed, the compliance nor an error of assessment the government. “


magistrate dismissed the application for suspension of the project without ruling on the question of whether an emergency could or could not justify it.

The government chose December 4 to assign 49.9% of the company operating the airport Toulouse , the fourth in France outside Paris, the Chinese consortium Symbiosis This should bring more than 300 million euros to the state.

But opponents to the project, denouncing a “privatization” of the airport, intend to question the choice of Bercy before administrative justice. They thus before the Council of State on the merits of the case, the examination should take several weeks and had hired an emergency procedure (in chambers) to try to stop forthwith the ongoing process.

“The decision from the court merely refuse a provisional suspension measure (…) but” this rejection has no impact on the outcome of the application for annulment of the same decision also made by the applicants , “the State Council said in a statement.

(with AFP)


EasyJet strike: 70 flights canceled for December 31 – BBC

EasyJet strike: 70 flights canceled for December 31 – BBC

Three aircrew unions called the strike on December 31 and January 1. British low-cost airline was “open to discussion and wants to find an appropriate solution.”

The new year is complicated ad for travelers who choose to fly on easyJet. While the strike of seafarers unions have had little impact on Dec. 26, with forty canceled flights, the low-cost British company has already announced the cancellation of 70 flights for the day of 31 December.

Easyjet “was informed of a strike led by the Commercial Personal Navigators (PNC), the National Union of Personnel Navigant (SNPNC) and the Union of Civil Aviation Navigators (UNAC ) of Wednesday, December 31 0:01 to 1 January 2015 11:59 p.m., “she said in a statement. The strike “will affect flights to and from France.”

The flights canceled for the day of December 31 are available on the website of the British company. 38 of them are from Paris, 20 flights from Lyon, Toulouse four, six and two Nice to Lille. Several flights were also rescheduled. “More than 1,200

flights will be operated by the company throughout the entire network” for the day, tempers easyjet that says do “everything possible to minimize the impact of the strike for passengers.” The full list on January 1 will be “broadcast in the shortest possible time,” she adds. The easyjet site still invites travelers to check the status of direct flights “before heading to the airport.”

The low-cost airline is committed “to finding a solution Proper fit with unions” and said he was “open to discussion”. The affected passengers will be “full refund or make a new reservation without charge to reorganize their trips,” added easyjet.

The company’s unions are demanding better management of schedules, greater profit sharing and the establishment of a contingency contract. To compensate for the lack of staff during the strike of 25 and 26 December, easyJet had appealed to crews from Great Britain, “on a voluntary basis.” A “how to break the strike,” Eric Cunnac, head of Unac.


France: -4.7% to put in housing construction. – L’Express

France: -4.7% to put in housing construction. – L'Express

A 81 112, housing starts in France fell by 4.7% over the three months from September to November 2014 compared to the same period in 2013, according to data released by the Ministry of Ecology .

On November alone, 26,948 housing units were started in France and throughout the last twelve months, housing starts fell 11.4% to 299 199.

From their side, building permits granted was $ 92,643 on the three

months of September to November, a decline of 11.8% yoy.

On a seasonally adjusted and smoothed, the number of housing starts last three months fell 1.2% while the number of licensed dwellings fell 4.7%.

Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved.


Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street ends hesitant, little affected by Greece –

Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street ends hesitant, little affected by Greece –

Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street ends hesitant, little affected by Greece

New York (awp / afp) – Wall Street ended little changed Monday as worries about the Greek political situation frankly not sufficient to spoil the optimism observed by investors since mid-December. The Dow Jones lost 0.08% and the Nasdaq was almost unchanged

According to final results, the Dow Jones yielded 15.48 points 18 ’038.23 points ending seven straight sessions of gains and the Nasdaq, dominated by technology, took 0.05 points to 4806.91 point

The broader S & amp.; P 500, closely followed by investors, it has progressed, gaining 0.09%, or 1.80 points, to 2090.57 points.

“The market has not had much to assimilate today and trade are limited, “said David Levy of Kenjol Capital Management. “Looks like the stock market does not concentrate on anything in particular, and instead count the days and hours before the end of the year.”

While the activity was very low at the start a shortened week that will see Wall Street remain closed on Thursday for the New Year, the news is mostly from Greece, where the parliament has definitely failed to elect a head of state.

Legislation Advance will be held on January 25, with the radical left party Syriza as a favorite. The country’s creditors were quick to express their concern, firstly the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Monday that discussions on its aid program are on hold pending clearer picture of it.

However, “it’s not that it’s not alarming, but it should not affect the general impression that the US stock market is the best destination for investors, “said Michael James of Wedbush Securities.

” For a week and a half, the market has seen a fairly dramatic increase, mainly in the idea that “the Federal Reserve does not fall within its future interest rates, close to zero, he recalled.

Now, “the week will be dominated by the evolution of oil prices,” ruled David

Levy, while prices Oil prices ended at their lowest level in five and a half years in New York and London, a barrel of New York crude falling below 54 dollars.


Among the values, Manitowoc manufacturer jumped 8.94% to 22.79 dollars, while the activist investor Carl Icahn announced to have a share of 7.7% in the crane specialist, it has split into two groups.

The chain Walgreens pharmacies, whose shareholders agreed the merger with the European Alliance Boots for $ 16 billion, gained 0.43% to 76, $ 79.

The US automaker FCA, formerly Chrysler, lost 1.01% to 11.76 dollars, after recalling more than 65,000 old car models due to a problem that caused a fatal accident.

The social network Twitter, whose services have suffered a break Sunday before being reinstated the next day, fell 3.14% to 36.42 dollars.

Also in the technology sector, Google, including Gmail service was blocked in China, sold 0.78% to 537.31 dollars.

The laboratory Gilead biotechnologies has advanced 3 70% to 97.26 dollars, continuing to return in part on his fall from the beginning of last week, but far below the level at which it peaked in mid-December to around $ 110.

The bond market was rising. The yield on 10-year Treasury fell to 2.207% against 2.250% Friday night, and that good for 30 years at 2.776% against 2.814% previously.

afp / rp

(AWP / 30/12/2014 6:21)

(AWP / 12/30/2014 6:21) ^ ->

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Attention, the price of the stamp to the Post climbs in January –

Attention, the price of the stamp to the Post climbs in January –

With the rising price of patch 7% on average scheduled for 1 January, the largest increase in its history, the Post Office is trying to compensate for the steady decline his mail activity, but also runs the risk of momentum.

Post had announced three months ago that on 1 January 2015, the priority letter to patch red pass from 0.66 to 0.76, and the green letter to patch Green from 0.61 to 0.68.

The company headed by Philippe Wahl notes still in the form of consolation prize for consumers that “the tariff advantage offered by the green letter, now mainly used by customers, will be strengthened.”

Along with the increase of 7% in mail rates, packages will register for them on Thursday an increase of 1% of their average prices, partially offset by lower tariffs for international packages.

The costs not covered Service

A historic rise accompanying unfavorable underlying trend: the group had indicated there was a year for the first time, in 2014, his mail activity would not cover costs universal postal service.

The volume of wrinkles sent each year which stood at 18.6 billion in 2004 was 14.5 billion in 2012 and 13.7 billion in 2013.

In order to sustain the delivery business, a substantial increase in the price of patch was necessary as the Post Office.

ARCEP, the regulatory authority for electronic communications and postal services, was heard by allowing a rate increase of 5.2% per year for four years, on the basis of an average inflation rate of 1.7 % over the period.

Given the difficulties of the company, ARCEP has also allowed him to use from 1 January 2015 up to 50% of the overall budget on all four years, and the Post has used approximately 40%.

46 euros annual budget

“Once again we make the user pay” laments from the AFP Hervé Tellier (CGT), a position that reflects the concern of most unions.

In return, the Post says that this record increase will only have a “low impact” less four euros, the

annual budget for postal products of French households which currently stands at an average of 46 euros.

Regis Blanchot (SUD), “although the official discourse is not the -There, management believes that the mail is dead and trying to take the money while he still has a little traffic, and too bad if the rate increase accelerates dematerialisation and this decline. “

“This is especially worrisome when we look at the sectors that are considered to be the growth drivers, they are not waiting for you,” he said.

According to his plan, “2020 Position: Winning the Future”, the group must include triple its operating result by that time, accelerating the development of its existing activities (Postal Bank and the package mainly) and building on “new territories” as domestic services and proximity.

In the first half of 2014, the decline in mail volumes exchanged continued to weigh on sales activity Services- Mail Parcels registering a 2.3% decline (5.78 billion euros), which was only partially offset by the price increase took place there a year.

Shock simplification

Driven by ARCEP, the Post Office has also conducted a simplification of its fee schedule for the range of mail and parcels, also applicable on 1 January.

Celle- must allow individuals and business customers to free the same price a document or a small goods if the shipment does not exceed 3 cm thick or 3 kg.

For those who would see a way to swallow the pill of higher patch , “these are two totally different things that simply occur at the same time,” replied Patrice Idier, individuals and professionals Director the group.

“The increase in the patch has its use in relation to our universal service obligation, the economic model and changing uses while tariff simplification corresponds to a consumer expectation and demand ARCEP greater accessibility of our offer, “he pleads.

(With AFP)
