Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Unemployment Insurance: employers detailing its proposals –

Reduce the duration of unemployment benefits for seniors, punishing the lack of job search, reform the method of calculation: the employers detailed his proposals for negotiations on unemployment insurance, parasitized by the ultimatum Medef on the labor law.

Before a fifth negotiating session, the Medef , CGPME, UPA transmitted Tuesday to unions their “possible developments” of the unemployment insurance scheme, whose deficit is estimated at 4.2 billion euros in 2016.

But it is always not a draft agreement, while the number of Medef Pierre Gattaz threatened last week to withdraw from talks if “nothing was happening” on the draft law work, examined in Parliament from May 3

Change of compensation depending on the unemployment rate

the document contains new proposals to “optimize” the rules, start with a structural reform of the calculation of compensation in modulating the unemployment rate INSEE.

the ratio of “1 day = 1 day paid compensation” would vary upward or downward depending the “actual situation on the labor market” 1.2 days compensated if the unemployment rate exceeds 12%, 0.8 days compensated if it drops below 9%

According to. Eric Courpotion, the CFTC, “this system is unfair because both job seekers would not be compensated in the same way by the month they enroll at employment center.” The union also underlines “the uncertainty of funding” regime with such a mechanism.

In addition to the “global situation”, employers suggests stalling calculation rules on the “specific conditions in some parts of the population, “pointing variations in the unemployment rate according to age.

the unemployment rate for 50 or more years is well below that of the rest of the population (7% against 10%) . But the “seniors” remain unemployed longer, hence the proposal to reduce the duration of their allocations by partially offsetting by training.

Currently, job seekers aged 50 and over can be compensated up to 36 months instead of 24 for other assets. Employers wishes to raise the age of entry into the “senior industry” in 59 years.

“What setbacks”

Between 50 and 55, a worker who loses his job no longer affect only 24 months maximum compensation, with “parallel” an employer contribution of 500 hours of training their account personnel (CPF). The benefit period may increase in increments of 6 months according to age groups (55-57 years, 57-59 years), only if training.

The employers also wants to strengthen control unemployed sanctioning the lack of job search by a “gradual reduction allowances”

Another proposal. revise the method of calculating salary allowances for job seekers who alternate periods and short contracts unemployment.

“the employers only offers setbacks because it assumes that it will not put a penny”, denounced Eric Aubin, CGT, regretting that the text does not address the issue of short contracts, yet crucial in the eyes of the unions.

the CFTC judge it, that business has “stepped” and that “issue a written document before the negotiation is a good sign, showing that it is not as closed as could believe Pierre Gattaz “.

social Movement intermittent

Medef requires the withdrawal from particular bill working staff of account activity (CPA), the mandatory CDD-taxation announced by Manuel Valls and union mandating, in small companies without trade unions to negotiate agreements .

“we continue to talk but it is a real and serious question,” did we commented at Medef .

Other uncertainties: the entertainment. These negotiating separate rules for their specific diet, but in a financial framework set by Unédic deemed “unacceptable” by the CGT-show and the Coordination of Intermittent and precarious (CIP), originally a movement occupancy theaters.

(with AFP)


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