opened Polls Sunday at 8:00 in the first round of the departmental elections, but among some 43 million voters concerned, many may shun a poll that looks disastrous for government. Follow the live evening.
Bruno Le Maire 10:12 p.m. on Sunday called for “be very careful” after the first round of departmental because it “remains a challenge, that of beating the National Front” . “We must be very careful,” “a challenge remains, which is the high FN thrust in rural areas,” he said from his department of Eure. For him, the UMP has yet to convince, “especially in rural areas.”
“Collectively we have this evening a success that gives us a responsibility, which allows us to embody a hope,” said the UMP. But “we are not convincing enough and we leave the FN gain ground.”
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10:10 p.m. According to the Ministry of the Interior to 9:50 p.m., 170 elected from right, 44 elected Left 6 FN various elected and 6 were elected in the first round .
10:08 p.m. A see: analysis of Emile Leclerc Director of Studies Odoxa. “estimates that portend a blue wave in the second round”
10:06 p.m. In the North, Patrick Kanner (PS) Minister for Urban, Youth and Sports, is a tie in the canton of Lille 5 .
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10:05 p.m. Secretary of State for the Disabled and the Fight against exclusion, Ségolène Neuville (PS), appeared well placed Sunday night to win triangular in the second round . Ségolène Neuville, who sits since 2008 General Council of the Pyrénées-Orientales and was elected MP in 2012, topped the first round in the canton of Canigou, with 37.92% of the vote in tandem with Alexandre Reynal (PS .)
The UMP-UDI pair formed by Anne-Marie Canal and Claude Ferrer, won 23.62% of the vote – is only 32 more than the FN duo François De Robertie – Odile Lemaire. This duo National Front – formed by a farmer and a retired – qualified for the second round by winning 12.95% Percentage of registered
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10:03 p.m. The New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) called Sunday to beat the FN in the second round of departmental if it is opposed to the left , but refused to prefer the UMP party to Marine Le Pen. “If to play the game the Republican front which invites the Socialist Party by voting for the UMP when it is facing the FN would be a lure, a trap,” said the Trotskyist party in a statement.
22H New estimates of the CSA institute at 9:05 p.m.. The UMP would have happened in the lead with 31% of the vote before the FN (24.7%), the SP (19.9%) and the Left Front (9.6%). All candidates labeled “Miscellaneous right” and “left Others’ respectively collected 6.3% and 7.6% of the vote. The turnout was 51% for this election.
9:57 p.m. See: analysis of Emile Leclerc Director of Studies Odoxa . “The Republican front is expected to play against the FN in the second round”
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9:56 p.m. Also read = & gt; The right hopes to pocket the northern department, the FN climbs
9:54 p.m. Reviewing the intervention of Alain Juppé after the release of the first estimates to 20H:
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9:52 p.m. = & gt; Valls-Sarkozy, the game of “ramparts FN”
9:47 p.m. According to the Ministry of the Interior to 9:30 p.m., 111 elected from right, left 36 elected and 4 FN elected were elected in the first round .
9:46 p.m. Jean-Vincent Place, Senator Europe Ecology-The Greens, said that “undoubtedly there is a good result of the FN, strong presence in situation that must worry (…) It is a good result of the UMP and its allies who will win the majority of departments next week following the disastrous strategy of my environmental friends, the extreme left and the PCF. I am furious left tonight. “
9:44 p.m. The FN won Township Eurville-Bienville in Haute-Marne , according to the prefecture.
9:42 p.m. Bayrou said “The FN’s score is lower than expected and even if it is a score that weighs , there is again a question about the polls and the use that is made, all the pre-election landscape (… ) e PS in power undergoes a disaffection that is extremely strong, which of course will cause problems in the coming weeks. “
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9:40 p.m. The socialist president of the Ile-de-France on Sunday called the right to “clarify its position vis-à-vis the FN”, noting as the PS was her “unambiguous ” calling to Stop the extreme right. “We need the right to clarify its position vis-à-vis the @ FN_officiel position. Ours is unambiguous …” he wrote on Twitter calling for “abandonment in favor of the Republican Party in the best position.”
By the way, he believes that the Prime Minister Manuel Valls “did well to lead an offensive campaign “against the National Front,” he showed the way. ” And for him, the “watchword for the 2nd round of departementales2015 #: mobilization and unity of left forces”
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9:36 p.m. According to the National Tabulation seats in the 1st round Sunday at 9:32 p.m. established by the Ministry of the Interior, the FN won four cantons .
9:35 p.m. Also read = & gt; County: Trip Plan A
In 9:33 p.m. Tarn, Thierry Carcenac (PS), outgoing president of the council, is a tie in the township of Albi-4 .
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9:32 p.m. In Savoy, Hervé Gaymard (UMP), outgoing President of the General Council is a tie in the township of Albertville .
9:30 p.m. The left will be absent “in 500 cantons “in the second round, according to Jean-Marie Le Guen , Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament, to the Prime Minister, AFP reported.
“There are currently 500 districts in France where the left will not be present in the second round, including a hundred that we could have won, because of the division of left, “said Jean-Marie Le Guen on the plateau of France 3. A figure Christophe Borgel, responsale elections to the PS,” not confirmed, “said he told AFP shortly after the declaration of Mr Le Guen.
Francois Fillon 9:28 p.m. said Sunday that the first round of the departmental elections marked a “significant breakthrough” for the UMP and its allies and “defeat” for the majority . “The disappearance of the left in some departments reveals the extent of the divorce between the government and citizens. For three years, the policy of Hollande causes disillusionment and anger,” responded the former Prime Minister. “The majority is in disarray and the extreme right which I predicted she would not tonight the first party of France is a dead end,” continued the opposition charge.
9:25 p.m. Also read = & gt; County: UMP ahead, setback for the PS
9:23 p.m. According iTV, the FN would have won at least three cantons in the first round
9:17 p.m. Read = & gt; County: Results personalities
9:16 p.m. ” You must install a cordon sanitaire around the ideas of the National Front (…) I regret that the left and environmentalists have not been able to get closer, “said Claude Bartolone (PS), the President of the Assembly National .
9:10 p.m. in Charente-Maritime, Dominique Bussereau (UMP), outgoing President of the General Council is a tie in the township of Royan .
9:08 p.m. The reaction of Jean-Christophe Cambadélis after the publication of the first estimates at 20h
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9:07 p.m. in the Pas-de-Calais, the FN exceed 35% of the votes, ahead of the PS (20%) and UMP / IDU (16.5%) . In Aisne, the FN claims victory in the first round in the township of Vic-sur-Aisne, according to AFP.
9:04 p.m. In the Marne, Charles de Courson (UDI), Vice-President
9:02 p.m. Pierre Laurent (PCF) calls for meeting “face to the right or the extreme right” in the second round of departmental.
9:01 p.m. In the Landes, Emmanuelli (PS), the outgoing President of the General Council, was elected in the first round in the canton of Coteau Chalosse .
8:59 p.m. see: the analysis Emile Leclerc Director of Studies Odoxa . “ A second round which will be dominated by the UMP-FN duels ”
8:56 p.m. Reviewing the intervention of Marine Le Pen after 20H.
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8:54 p.m.
8:52 p.m. Reviewing the intervention of Nicolas Sarkozy after 20H
8:50 p.m. Candidates FN be leading in the canton of Fréjus (Var) and would be close to 40% of the votes in the Aisne department. Marine Le Pen’s party come in first in 16 of the 21 cantons.
8:45 p.m. According to Le Point, Bernard Combes – mayor of Tulle, close to Francois Hollande and advisor at the Elysee – touches the election in the first round .
8:43 p.m. Alain Juppe spoke on TV a few minutes after Nicolas Sarkozy. He described the elections as “disavowal for the majority” and found that there was “no Navy Blue Wave”
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8:41 p.m.
8:37 p.m. “The socialist voters did better than defense, it was announced their rout “, said Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, the first secretary of the PS. “Where the left can not compete, I called the Republican abandonment and ask mutual,” he continued.
8:37 p.m. In the Hauts-de-Seine The entourage Devedjian, UMP outgoing president, announced his re-election in the first round in Antony, AFP reported.
8:36 p.m.
8:34 p.m. Also read = & gt; The FN is progressing but misses his bet
8:33 p.m. Review the intervention of Manuel Valls after 20h:
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8:31 p.m.
8:29 p.m. The President of PRG, Jean-Michel Baylet was re-elected councilor Sunday Tarn-et-Garonne in the first round of the departmental elections , AFP quoted a source official. Jean-Michel Baylet, 68, president of the General Council of the Tarn-et-Garonne for thirty years, has collected 50.72% of votes cast in the canton of Valence d’Agen, where he appeared with Christiane Le Corre. In 2011 he was also elected in the first round, but more broadly with 57.91%.
The boss of media group La Depeche du Midi was facing him three pairs in her township, having realized the union of the left in his district: the FN has collected 28.78%, the UMP-UDI 13.05% and environmentalists 7.46%
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8:23 p.m. Marine Le Pen said the FN had “exceeded in a local election his score of the European “. “This massive vote constitutes a scathing dissent for the Prime Minister.” She then called for the resignation of Manuel Valls .
“It is time to trust the National Front is the meaning of my call to all voters, “said the president of the FN.
8:18 p.m. For Nicolas Sarkozy, the” first round shows the deep desire of the French to a clear change, which begins with the departments “. “ In many department tonight, the conditions for a massive switch are met.” “I want to say to all those who have made the choice to vote for the FN we hear their frustration (…) But the party will not make any response to the difficulties of the French (…) I confirm that n ‘there will be no local or national agreement with the leaders of the party , “he continued.
“ The UMP does not call to vote for the FN (…) or for left candidates we fight Policy ” said the president of the UMP.
8:11 p.m. The President of the UDI, Jean-Christophe Lagarde said the PS was eliminated in half of the cantons and that this vote was a sanction for the government.
8:08 p.m. Manuel Valls was pleased that the French voted “more than expected” and felt that “ Republican formations had held their place” . He welcomed the fact that the majority of candidates have reached a “score honorable.” “Tonight, the extreme right, even if it is too high, is not the first political party in France (…)” I welcome this because I myself am personally committed “.
” Calling all Republicans to block the far right in the second round (…) I call on everyone to adopt a clear position , to vote for the Republican candidate when faced with the extreme right , “he further added. “ I call a powerful and massive mobilization for the second round ,” he concluded.
8:05 p.m. Laurent Wauquiez, secretary general of the UMP, said Sunday evening to AFP shortly before 20H and the proclamation of the first results, these elections marked “a historic defeat for the PS” and “personal failure Manuel Valls.”
“The elections mark a historic defeat for the PS. The result of the PS is up to the exasperation of the French, and the middle classes have returned to boomerang the tax bill. The result of this evening especially sign of personal failure Manuel Valls, “he said. According to Laurent Wauquiez, “the right and the center now has the responsibility of bringing new hope.”
20H estimates that the CSA institute, the UMP-UDI is easily won the first round with 31% of the vote . The FN is second (24.5%), far ahead of PS 19.7%). Behind the Left Front has collected 9.7% of the vote. The candidates’ various right “collect 6.6%, while those classified as” other left “them amounted to 7.7%.
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Manuel Valls 7:48 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. will speak, and will be followed by Nicolas Sarkozy at 8:20 p.m. ET Marine Le Pen at 8:25 p.m. .
7:36 p.m. According to the FIFG, the rate Participation would be 47.9% at 19h, reports Europe 1 .
7:27 p.m. According to the JDD Ségolène Royal, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Jean-Marie Le Guen, Marisol Touraine, George Pau-Langevin and Thierry Mandon arrived at Matignon.
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The 19H07h polling stations in rural areas and in smaller towns respectively closed at 18h and 19h.
7:05 p.m. Where is it has the most voted to 17h? And least
– Corse-du-Sud : 57.44% 17H
– Seine-Saint-Denis 28.40% at 17h
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7:02 p.m. VIDEO “Better for departmental participation in a national issue” (Odoxa)
19H For the record, the rate reached 42.98%. 17H . This is more than in the 2011 cantonal elections (36.38%) at the same time. Participation is however down from 2008, when it was established in 22.25% to 12 pm and 54.53% at 17h in the first round
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Les Echos

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