Wednesday, October 19, 2016

France in favour of a european minimum wage and a “convergence to the top’ – Europe1

A parliamentary report released Wednesday, the government advocates the establishment of a minimum wage in every member country of the european Union and a convergence “from the top”, the secretary of State for european Affairs considers “a priority” for the fight against social dumping.

Reduce the disparities. No question of establishing a single minimum wage across the EU, but rather “to organise the convergence of minimum wages to the top, to reduce disparities,” said socialist mp Philip Cordery, who presented the report to the minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, and the secretary of State for european Affairs, Harlem Désir.

Fight against social dumping. “At the heart of economic and social convergence in europe, we place the establishment of a european minimum wage as a priority. This must be one of the strong points of the european foundation of social rights we want to promote,” responded the Harlem Desire. A european minimum wage “would be the best weapon to fight against social dumping, whereas there is urgency to rebuild the identity of Europe by a strong social identity,” said for his part, Myriam El Khomri.

From 184 to 1.923 euros. the report underscores the “strong heterogeneity” of minimum wages within the 28 member States, “the source of wage competition prejudicial to the proper functioning” of the EU. 22 countries have a national statutory minimum wage, the last in date is the Germany. Six countries, Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Finland don’t have one, but have for the most minimum wages are sectoral. In gross value, the levels go from 184 euros per month in Bulgaria to 1.923 euros for the Luxembourg – France is situated at the 6th place.

gradual Adjustment. The report proposes to introduce a minimum wage in every state – legal or conventional – which would take the form of a floor wage expressed as a percentage : 50 or 60% of the median wage, so the minimum wage does not fall below the poverty threshold, and corresponds to the economic wealth. This would be tantamount to raising the minimum wage, “above all in the countries of central Europe”, a detailed Philip Cordery, “but of “a gradual manner”, in order not to undermine their competitiveness. A first step would be to register a european minimum wage in the european foundation of social rights, which should see the light of day in the first quarter of 2017.


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